A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (original) (raw)
February 2nd, 2015, 07:52 am
My Resource Post1
So here is where I get my images,bases,and screen Caps that I use to make my icons,avatars,signatures,moods,or whatever graphic I make.The links with ♦ are deviantArt links.The ones with the ♥ are other non lj links.I will try and update this later
( I have some great Stuff hereCollapse )
February 1st, 2015, 12:23 pm
My Resource Post 2
So here is where I get my images,bases,and screen Caps that I use to make my icons,avatars,signatures,moods,or whatever graphic I make.The links with ♦ are deviantArt links.The ones with the ♥ are other non lj links.I will try and update this later
( Some more great stuffCollapse )
October 12th, 2011, 08:12 am
So I am taking a human relations class and I am learning some new things.The reason I have a negative self image is because of how I was raised.I feel like I was raised with doubt.I just remember getting asked "are you sure you can do this" or " I don't know a lot" in my life.It just feels like doubt all my life except from a very few people.Its just how I was raised.Its like me taking classes "oh its a lot of hard work."or "I don't want you to feel like I am saying you can't do it,its work" I know how to read between the lines they are saying you can't do it.I don't know if NY is the best place for me there is a reason why I left it in the first place.
So here is what I am doing I am trying to develop a healthier self worth now which is hard when you keep hearing the negative talk of get the negative stares.That is my goal.
September 17th, 2011, 02:49 pm
Just to write something down...I am happy I have changed I have lost 50lbs.I have lost a very hurtful (95% of the time)husband.I have lost an apartment.I have lost a dog.I have moved away from friends.I have gained a job.I have gained an education.I have gained a fantastic man who loves me and makes me so happy.He pushes me to be better.I have become strong.I have lost a lot but I am happier without most of it and I will work myself up to the other stuff.
I would like to get married again have at least two more kids and not marry just because I am with child.I would love to have a big wedding andjust have someone who loves me to come home to.I haven't givem up on marriage but I have to admit sometimes I give up on myself.
July 21st, 2011, 07:09 pm
Been Awhile
I have been busy working and dealing with a lot of different things.I went through a divorce and I found a new guy at least with the new guy I don't have to hear get the fuck out all the time.I am very happy can't complain.
November 14th, 2010, 10:45 am
Some Icons
So I haven't really had time to do much I have been playing my Sims game and trying to stay busy with other things.Also there is a few Halloween Stamps.I know its a little late for them but oh well.Enjoy!
Total Icon Count: 39
October 9th, 2010, 04:48 pm
Icons Yeah!
So I have icons yeah!!!Some Halloween ones some mask ones some paramore some new moon and a few others.See resource posts for credit and all that lovely stuff.I really don't have much else to say so I am off.
Total Icon Count: 54
September 19th, 2010, 11:12 am
Ok so only 16 icons,because I have been playing my Sims 3 game a lot lately.I deleted my other lj today sorry just haven't written in awhile so no point keeping it anymore.Today is a pretty much bum around the house day for me.So I figured I would post these icons since I am not doing anything else.Oh well one of those days.Ok here are the icons enjoy!
Total Icon Count: 16
August 25th, 2010, 10:14 am
More Icons
I made some more icons,though not as much as I usually make.I have been busy with my son and with the gym,and with my sims stuff lately.I am hoping to get a jump on some Halloween icons and stuff in this next week coming up.
Total Icon Count: 37
July 11th, 2010, 03:27 pm
oldish newish icons
Some Icons that have been laying in my folder since my computer crashed back in Feb.I did install photoshop and paintshop pro so now I can make some more.That means taking request.Check out my resource list for credits.
Total Icon Count: 32