Adnan BAKİ | Karadeniz Technical University (original) (raw)

Papers by Adnan BAKİ

Research paper thumbnail of Dinamik Matematik Yazılımının Öteleme ve Dönme Dönüşümlerinin Öğretiminde Kullanılmasının Bağlamsal Öğrenme Boyutundan İncelenmesi

cikmistir. Bu tur kavramlar, ogrencinin surecin icerisine dogrudan katildigi, anlam olusturma cab... more cikmistir. Bu tur kavramlar, ogrencinin surecin icerisine dogrudan katildigi, anlam olusturma cabasi icerisine girdigi, bir diger ifade ile kavramin bir baglamin icerisinde yapilandirildigi ortamlarda daha kalici olarak ogrenilebilmektedir. Bu nedenle arastirmada, ogretmen adaylarinin oteleme ve donme donusumlerini ogrenebilecekleri zengin ogrenme ortamlari olusturulmaya calisilmistir. Oteleme ve donme donusumlerinin ogrenilmesinde ogretmen adaylarinin yasamis olduklari sikintilar ve bu konuda dinamik yazilimlarin sunmus oldugu firsatlar goz onune alindiginda bu tur konularin ogretiminde bir baglamin gerekliligi ortaya cikmaktadir. Bu nedenle yapilan bu calismada oteleme ve donme donusumlerinin ogretiminde GeoGebra yaziliminin kullanildigi bir ogrenme tasarimi gelistirilerek yapilan bu tasarimin baglam olusturup olusturmadiginin ortaya cikarilmasi amaclanmistir. Arastirmada aksiyon arastirmasi kullanilmistir. Arastirma ilkogretim matematik ogretmenligi programinda, ucuncu sinifa kay...

Research paper thumbnail of Matematik Öğrenmede Öğrencinin Rolü: Öğretmen Görüşleri

International Journal of Research, 2012

Matematik ogretmenlerinin matematik ogrenmede ogrencinin rolu hakkindaki gorus ve dusuncelerini b... more Matematik ogretmenlerinin matematik ogrenmede ogrencinin rolu hakkindaki gorus ve dusuncelerini belirlemek amaciyla yurutulen bu calismada, ornek olay yontemi kullanilmistir. Calisma, 2007-2008 egitim-ogretim yili guz doneminde Trabzon ilindeki ortaogretim kurumlarinda calisan dort matematik ogretmeni ile yurutulmustur. Veri toplama araci olarak, acik uclu ve senaryo tipi sorulardan olusan yari-yapilandirilmis mulakat formu ile bir olcek kullanilmistir. Ogretmenlerin her biriyle ortalama 60 dakika suren iki gorusme yapilmistir. Mulakatlar once dijital ses kaydedici ile kaydedilmis ve sonra yaziya dokulmustur. Mulakatlardan elde edilen veriler, icerik analizi ile cozumlenmis ve Magolda’nin Epistemolojik Yansitma Modeli esas alinarak siniflandirilmistir. Olcekten elde edilen veriler ise once Perry’nin gelisim modeline gore siniflandirilmis ve sonra da Magolda’nin duzeyleriyle iliskilendirilerek degerlendirilmistir. Arastirmanin sonunda, ogretmenlerin gorusleri arasinda birtakim farkli...

Research paper thumbnail of Geometri Dersi Öğretim Programı Neden Uygulanamadı? Program Geliştirme Çalışmasına Katılan Akademisyenler Gözünden

Yuzunci Yil Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi

Öz: 2010 yılında uygulanmaya başlanan geometri dersi öğretim programı konular, öğrenme-öğretme ya... more Öz: 2010 yılında uygulanmaya başlanan geometri dersi öğretim programı konular, öğrenme-öğretme yaklaşımları açısından alışılagelmişin dışında ve oldukça dikkat çekici bir öğretim programıydı. Fakat geometri öğretim programı 9.sınıfta uygulanmaya başlanmasına rağmen, uygulanmasına kademeli olarak devam ederken 12. sınıfta uygulanmasının sonuçları beklenmeden kaldırılarak geometri ve matematik dersleri birleştirerek yeniden bir öğretim programı oluşturulmuştur. Bu çalışmada geometri dersi öğretim programı geliştirme çalışmasına katılan akademisyenler gözüyle, program değerlendirilmiş, öğretmenlerin neden bu programının yansıttığı değişimi kabul etmeleri gerektiğini ve buna karşın öğretmenlerin neden bu değişimi kabul etmedikleri, direndikleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca geometri dersi öğretim programının uygulanmasına son verilerek oluşturulan yeni matematik dersi öğretim programı geliştirme çalışmalarına katılan akademisyenlere göre, geometri dersi öğretim programının neden uzun ömürlü olmadığının ortaya koyulması amaçlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak geometri dersi öğretim programı geliştirenlere göre öğretmenlerin değişime direnme nedenleri en çok politik nedenlere dayanırken, yapısal kaynaklı nedenler ise yeni matematik dersi öğretim programı geliştirme çalışmalarında bulunan akademisyenlere göre öğretmenlerin değişimi kabul etmeme nedenleri arasındadır.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Using Dynamic Mathematics Software on Students’ Understanding of the Geometric Meaning of the Derivative Concept

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Oct 17, 2018

Bu çalışma birinci yazar tarafından ikinci yazarın danışmanlığında tamamlanan doktora tezinden ür... more Bu çalışma birinci yazar tarafından ikinci yazarın danışmanlığında tamamlanan doktora tezinden üretilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Using Learning Objects in Two Different Settings

Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2012

The study compared the effects of Learning Objects (LOs) within different applications; in classr... more The study compared the effects of Learning Objects (LOs) within different applications; in classroom and in extracurricular activities. So in this study, firstly a Learning Object Repository (LOR) has been designed in parallel with 9th grade school mathematics curriculum. One of the two treatment groups was named as "classroom group" (n=24) used LOs with the guidance of the teacher during lessons in a computer lab, another group named as "project group" (n=26) used LOs at home with the aim of preparing projects and assignments. Students in both groups used LOs during 11 weeks. A pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental design was used. Test results are compared in different learning domains (sets, numbers, relations and functions). In addition the interviews with the teacher and the observations inside the class were taken into account for revealing the reasons about the change on academic achievements. The results of the study about students' academic achievements showed that; LOs use in classroom activities were more effective than LOs use in extracurricular activities if sets, numbers, relations, functions and operations domains are considered together. Nevertheless this study supported the idea of "LOs can be used in both in classroom activities and in extracurricular activities".

Research paper thumbnail of Primary school teachers’ views on 4th grade mathematics curriculum

Eğitim ve Bilim, 2012

In this study, the opinions of elementary school teachers about the new mathematics curriculum an... more In this study, the opinions of elementary school teachers about the new mathematics curriculum and the learning environment that those teachers form are investigated. For this aim, qualitative data was collected via observations and interviews. The data gathered from classroom observations and 3 interviews with each of the 9 teachers working in the center and periphery of Trabzon in Turkey were analyzed and interpreted. It is shown that the teachers have positive ideas about the new curriculum. However, they have some problems in term of implementing new curriculum in their classrooms. Additionally, in spite of the fact that they are in favor of the new curriculum, it was observed that they could not create environment suitable for such student-centered approaches.

Research paper thumbnail of E-Book Usage Of Graduate Students Studying Educational Sciences In Turkiye

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 1, 2010

Today, we can say that almost everything is having-electronic‖ prefix and the way to access to in... more Today, we can say that almost everything is having-electronic‖ prefix and the way to access to information has changed substantially because of the many factors like fast advancements in computer technology and internet which is getting more and more widespread everyday. Although some people stick to printed resources, the fact that electronic resources offer innovation and irresistible options in terms of cost and time is obvious. The aim of this survey study is to detect some data that can be generalized about the graduate students' state of using printed and electronic resources. A questionnaire, developed by Ebrary, one of the largest e-book suppliers of the world, was used as the data gathering tool. After the studies for improving the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, a questionnaire form with 16 items was obtained. 634 questionnaires were sent to graduate students via e-mail, 130 of them were sent back and 125 questionnaires were evaluated for the study. Concerning all the data, it was concluded that majority of the graduate students are aware of the comfort of the e-resources and prefer to use these resources academically.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of the Cognitive Conflict Approach on the Elimination of the Misconception in Square Root Numbers

This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role Of The Student In Learning Mathematics: The Teacher Views

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 1, 2012

This study was conducted with the aim of determining the views of mathematics teachers on the rol... more This study was conducted with the aim of determining the views of mathematics teachers on the role of the student in learning mathematics. The case study method was used in the study. The study was conducted during the fall term of 2007-2008 academic year, with four mathematics teachers working in the public secondary and primary schools in Trabzon. A semi-structured interview form composed open-ended and scenario type questions, and a scale were used as the data collection tools. In the study, two interviews were carried out with each teacher which of each took average 60 minutes. In the analysis of the interviews, firstly the audiotaped interviews were transcribed. The data obtained from interviews processed with content analysis and classified by using Magolda's Epistemological Reflection Model. By using Perry's Model, the results of scale was categorized and correlated with Magolda's levels. At the end of the study, it was found that all the participants were at the independent knowing level with respect to student role while they have some different opinions about the subject. It was also determined that altough the participants were informed about discovery learning, they did not have sufficient experience in that issue. In this context, it is believed that future comprehensive studies with the aim of removing teachers' deficiencies regarding alternative teaching methods would help teachers in planning discovery learning environment and more likely to ensure higher expectations from students to be successful.

Research paper thumbnail of Bilgisayar Destekli Matematik Öğretiminin Matematik Dersindeki Akademik Başarıya Etkisi: Bir Meta-Analiz Çalışması

Research paper thumbnail of An Ethnographic Study on the Adaptation Process of Mathematics Teachers to Distance Education

Research paper thumbnail of Statistics Instructors' Perceptions of Statistics Literacy in Different Undergraduate Programs

International Journal of Research in Education and Science, Jul 24, 2021

The present study aimed to investigate the statistical literacy perceptions of instructors who te... more The present study aimed to investigate the statistical literacy perceptions of instructors who teach undergraduate statistics courses in different disciplines. Participants of the study were consisted of nine instructors of the introductory statistics course from nine different undergraduate programs. Data were collected by the help of the interviews. Instructors were asked to answer the questions about statistical literacy definitions, organization of the course content, issues emphasized or avoided by instructors in teaching statistics, and instructors" post-course expectations from their students. Qualitative data was categorized under five main themes based on the interview questions and data was analyzed through statistical literacy components and their aspects. The instructors' ultimate expectations from the students and the issues they emphasized during the courses are mostly stated in relation with statistical literacy. They provided less information related statistical literacy about two themes: course content and the issues they avoid. Recommendations from this study include reviewing and revising statistics course content and methods to reveal the components of statistical literacy.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Selected Resources for Using History of Mathematics in the Classroom

Using history of mathematics in mathematics lessons is advised in many studies and in renewed ele... more Using history of mathematics in mathematics lessons is advised in many studies and in renewed elementary mathematics instructional program. But most of the teachers seem to be hesitated about using history of mathematics on the lessons. One of the reasons of this hesitation is that teachers have no information or they don't have enough information about history of mathematics and usage of it on the lessons. Also teachers seem to have difficulties in finding resources of knowledge they need to learn about history of mathematics. Because of these reasons introducing some selected resources about history of mathematics is aimed in this research. Document analysis method is used in the study. Turkish web sites, projects, thesis, books, and journals about history of mathematics are introduced by this study. Also some researches done in our country about using teaching applications enriched by history of mathematics in classroom environments are given place in the study.

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections from Senior Mathematics Student Teachers’ Views of ‘Feedback’ Concept

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Misconceptions of Nine Grade Students on Repeating Decimals

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Aug 21, 2014

Bu calismanin amaci, dokuzuncu sinif ogrencilerinin devirli ondalik gosterimle ilgili kavram yani... more Bu calismanin amaci, dokuzuncu sinif ogrencilerinin devirli ondalik gosterimle ilgili kavram yanilgilarini belirlemektir. Calismanin amaci dogrultusunda kavram yanilgisi turleri goz onune alinarak devirli ondalik gosterim ilgili olasi kavram yanilgilarina yonelik acik uclu sorular iceren “ Devirli Ondalik Gosterim Tani Testi ” hazirlanmis ve dokuzuncu sinifta okuyan kirk ogrenciye uygulanmistir. Ogrencilerden alinan yanitlar detayli olarak incelenerek ogrencilerin kavram yanilgilari asiri genelleme, asiri ozelleme, yanlis tercume ve kisitli algilama kategorilerine gore irdelenmistir. Ogrenciler rasyonel sayilar alt ogrenme alaninin bir parcasi olan "devirli ondalik gosterim" ile ilgili 6, 7, 8 ve 9. siniflarda deneyim yasamaktadirlar. Buna ragmen, bu calismanin bulgulari ogrencilerin dokuzuncu sinifta bile bu konu hakkinda yaygin kavram yanilgilarina sahip olduklarini gostermektedir. Sonuclar, dokuzuncu sinif ogrencilerinin devirli ondalik sayilarla ilgili asiri genelleme, yanlis tecrube ve kisitli algilama turlerinde kavram yanilgilarina sahip olduklarini gostermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ondalik sayilar, devirli ondalik gosterim, kavram yanilgisi

Research paper thumbnail of Integration of Technology into Mathematics Teaching: Past, Present and Future

Springer eBooks, 2015

This presentation deals with my endeavor as a researcher and lecturer within the world of educati... more This presentation deals with my endeavor as a researcher and lecturer within the world of educational computing to integrate technology into mathematics teaching. I started with the book titled "New Horizons in Educational Computing". In this book Saymor Papert enthusiastically says that computers as powerful learning tools will change tomorrow's classrooms. I is difficult to use this potential of computers for changing teacher's role and practice within an educational setting based on telling and showing. It is not easy to shift from traditional notions of teacher to constructivist teacher using Logo, Cabri and Geogebra as primary tools for doing and exploring mathematics in classrooms.


Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the learning environment designed to develop student mathematics teachers’ mathematical modelling competencies

Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications, Mar 26, 2018

The purpose of this study was to examine the mathematical modelling competencies of student mathe... more The purpose of this study was to examine the mathematical modelling competencies of student mathematics teachers within a learning environment that was based on a holistic approach to instruction. The participants were student mathematics teachers enrolled in undergraduate programmes at two different universities. In one of the university programmes, the participants took a mathematical modelling course that was taught according to a holistic approach, while the participants at the other university followed the standardized undergraduate programme that did not include a mathematical modelling course. The sub-competencies of mathematical modelling of the student mathematics teachers who participated in the mathematical modelling course were examined using an analytic rubric that was designed according to the holistic approach applied within the context of the study. In order to determine whether the observed changes were related to the experiences of mathematical modelling, these results were compared to the sub-competencies of mathematical modelling of the control group. The findings showed that experience within a learning environment based on mathematical modelling, as well as affective factors, supported the development of modelling competencies. On the other hand, it was observed that certain sub-competencies were difficult to develop; while many sub-competencies were enhanced by the modelling experiences, others were adversely affected. Furthermore, a certain group of sub-competencies was found not to be directly linked to modelling experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Using Dynamic Mathematics Software to Develop Problem Solving Skills

Research paper thumbnail of Bağlamsal Öğrenme Ortamı Oluşturmada GeoGebra Yazılımının Rolü: Elips Örneği

Ahi evran üniversitesi kırşehir eğitim fakültesi dergisi, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Dinamik Matematik Yazılımının Öteleme ve Dönme Dönüşümlerinin Öğretiminde Kullanılmasının Bağlamsal Öğrenme Boyutundan İncelenmesi

cikmistir. Bu tur kavramlar, ogrencinin surecin icerisine dogrudan katildigi, anlam olusturma cab... more cikmistir. Bu tur kavramlar, ogrencinin surecin icerisine dogrudan katildigi, anlam olusturma cabasi icerisine girdigi, bir diger ifade ile kavramin bir baglamin icerisinde yapilandirildigi ortamlarda daha kalici olarak ogrenilebilmektedir. Bu nedenle arastirmada, ogretmen adaylarinin oteleme ve donme donusumlerini ogrenebilecekleri zengin ogrenme ortamlari olusturulmaya calisilmistir. Oteleme ve donme donusumlerinin ogrenilmesinde ogretmen adaylarinin yasamis olduklari sikintilar ve bu konuda dinamik yazilimlarin sunmus oldugu firsatlar goz onune alindiginda bu tur konularin ogretiminde bir baglamin gerekliligi ortaya cikmaktadir. Bu nedenle yapilan bu calismada oteleme ve donme donusumlerinin ogretiminde GeoGebra yaziliminin kullanildigi bir ogrenme tasarimi gelistirilerek yapilan bu tasarimin baglam olusturup olusturmadiginin ortaya cikarilmasi amaclanmistir. Arastirmada aksiyon arastirmasi kullanilmistir. Arastirma ilkogretim matematik ogretmenligi programinda, ucuncu sinifa kay...

Research paper thumbnail of Matematik Öğrenmede Öğrencinin Rolü: Öğretmen Görüşleri

International Journal of Research, 2012

Matematik ogretmenlerinin matematik ogrenmede ogrencinin rolu hakkindaki gorus ve dusuncelerini b... more Matematik ogretmenlerinin matematik ogrenmede ogrencinin rolu hakkindaki gorus ve dusuncelerini belirlemek amaciyla yurutulen bu calismada, ornek olay yontemi kullanilmistir. Calisma, 2007-2008 egitim-ogretim yili guz doneminde Trabzon ilindeki ortaogretim kurumlarinda calisan dort matematik ogretmeni ile yurutulmustur. Veri toplama araci olarak, acik uclu ve senaryo tipi sorulardan olusan yari-yapilandirilmis mulakat formu ile bir olcek kullanilmistir. Ogretmenlerin her biriyle ortalama 60 dakika suren iki gorusme yapilmistir. Mulakatlar once dijital ses kaydedici ile kaydedilmis ve sonra yaziya dokulmustur. Mulakatlardan elde edilen veriler, icerik analizi ile cozumlenmis ve Magolda’nin Epistemolojik Yansitma Modeli esas alinarak siniflandirilmistir. Olcekten elde edilen veriler ise once Perry’nin gelisim modeline gore siniflandirilmis ve sonra da Magolda’nin duzeyleriyle iliskilendirilerek degerlendirilmistir. Arastirmanin sonunda, ogretmenlerin gorusleri arasinda birtakim farkli...

Research paper thumbnail of Geometri Dersi Öğretim Programı Neden Uygulanamadı? Program Geliştirme Çalışmasına Katılan Akademisyenler Gözünden

Yuzunci Yil Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi

Öz: 2010 yılında uygulanmaya başlanan geometri dersi öğretim programı konular, öğrenme-öğretme ya... more Öz: 2010 yılında uygulanmaya başlanan geometri dersi öğretim programı konular, öğrenme-öğretme yaklaşımları açısından alışılagelmişin dışında ve oldukça dikkat çekici bir öğretim programıydı. Fakat geometri öğretim programı 9.sınıfta uygulanmaya başlanmasına rağmen, uygulanmasına kademeli olarak devam ederken 12. sınıfta uygulanmasının sonuçları beklenmeden kaldırılarak geometri ve matematik dersleri birleştirerek yeniden bir öğretim programı oluşturulmuştur. Bu çalışmada geometri dersi öğretim programı geliştirme çalışmasına katılan akademisyenler gözüyle, program değerlendirilmiş, öğretmenlerin neden bu programının yansıttığı değişimi kabul etmeleri gerektiğini ve buna karşın öğretmenlerin neden bu değişimi kabul etmedikleri, direndikleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca geometri dersi öğretim programının uygulanmasına son verilerek oluşturulan yeni matematik dersi öğretim programı geliştirme çalışmalarına katılan akademisyenlere göre, geometri dersi öğretim programının neden uzun ömürlü olmadığının ortaya koyulması amaçlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak geometri dersi öğretim programı geliştirenlere göre öğretmenlerin değişime direnme nedenleri en çok politik nedenlere dayanırken, yapısal kaynaklı nedenler ise yeni matematik dersi öğretim programı geliştirme çalışmalarında bulunan akademisyenlere göre öğretmenlerin değişimi kabul etmeme nedenleri arasındadır.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Using Dynamic Mathematics Software on Students’ Understanding of the Geometric Meaning of the Derivative Concept

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Oct 17, 2018

Bu çalışma birinci yazar tarafından ikinci yazarın danışmanlığında tamamlanan doktora tezinden ür... more Bu çalışma birinci yazar tarafından ikinci yazarın danışmanlığında tamamlanan doktora tezinden üretilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Using Learning Objects in Two Different Settings

Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2012

The study compared the effects of Learning Objects (LOs) within different applications; in classr... more The study compared the effects of Learning Objects (LOs) within different applications; in classroom and in extracurricular activities. So in this study, firstly a Learning Object Repository (LOR) has been designed in parallel with 9th grade school mathematics curriculum. One of the two treatment groups was named as "classroom group" (n=24) used LOs with the guidance of the teacher during lessons in a computer lab, another group named as "project group" (n=26) used LOs at home with the aim of preparing projects and assignments. Students in both groups used LOs during 11 weeks. A pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental design was used. Test results are compared in different learning domains (sets, numbers, relations and functions). In addition the interviews with the teacher and the observations inside the class were taken into account for revealing the reasons about the change on academic achievements. The results of the study about students' academic achievements showed that; LOs use in classroom activities were more effective than LOs use in extracurricular activities if sets, numbers, relations, functions and operations domains are considered together. Nevertheless this study supported the idea of "LOs can be used in both in classroom activities and in extracurricular activities".

Research paper thumbnail of Primary school teachers’ views on 4th grade mathematics curriculum

Eğitim ve Bilim, 2012

In this study, the opinions of elementary school teachers about the new mathematics curriculum an... more In this study, the opinions of elementary school teachers about the new mathematics curriculum and the learning environment that those teachers form are investigated. For this aim, qualitative data was collected via observations and interviews. The data gathered from classroom observations and 3 interviews with each of the 9 teachers working in the center and periphery of Trabzon in Turkey were analyzed and interpreted. It is shown that the teachers have positive ideas about the new curriculum. However, they have some problems in term of implementing new curriculum in their classrooms. Additionally, in spite of the fact that they are in favor of the new curriculum, it was observed that they could not create environment suitable for such student-centered approaches.

Research paper thumbnail of E-Book Usage Of Graduate Students Studying Educational Sciences In Turkiye

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 1, 2010

Today, we can say that almost everything is having-electronic‖ prefix and the way to access to in... more Today, we can say that almost everything is having-electronic‖ prefix and the way to access to information has changed substantially because of the many factors like fast advancements in computer technology and internet which is getting more and more widespread everyday. Although some people stick to printed resources, the fact that electronic resources offer innovation and irresistible options in terms of cost and time is obvious. The aim of this survey study is to detect some data that can be generalized about the graduate students' state of using printed and electronic resources. A questionnaire, developed by Ebrary, one of the largest e-book suppliers of the world, was used as the data gathering tool. After the studies for improving the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, a questionnaire form with 16 items was obtained. 634 questionnaires were sent to graduate students via e-mail, 130 of them were sent back and 125 questionnaires were evaluated for the study. Concerning all the data, it was concluded that majority of the graduate students are aware of the comfort of the e-resources and prefer to use these resources academically.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of the Cognitive Conflict Approach on the Elimination of the Misconception in Square Root Numbers

This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role Of The Student In Learning Mathematics: The Teacher Views

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 1, 2012

This study was conducted with the aim of determining the views of mathematics teachers on the rol... more This study was conducted with the aim of determining the views of mathematics teachers on the role of the student in learning mathematics. The case study method was used in the study. The study was conducted during the fall term of 2007-2008 academic year, with four mathematics teachers working in the public secondary and primary schools in Trabzon. A semi-structured interview form composed open-ended and scenario type questions, and a scale were used as the data collection tools. In the study, two interviews were carried out with each teacher which of each took average 60 minutes. In the analysis of the interviews, firstly the audiotaped interviews were transcribed. The data obtained from interviews processed with content analysis and classified by using Magolda's Epistemological Reflection Model. By using Perry's Model, the results of scale was categorized and correlated with Magolda's levels. At the end of the study, it was found that all the participants were at the independent knowing level with respect to student role while they have some different opinions about the subject. It was also determined that altough the participants were informed about discovery learning, they did not have sufficient experience in that issue. In this context, it is believed that future comprehensive studies with the aim of removing teachers' deficiencies regarding alternative teaching methods would help teachers in planning discovery learning environment and more likely to ensure higher expectations from students to be successful.

Research paper thumbnail of Bilgisayar Destekli Matematik Öğretiminin Matematik Dersindeki Akademik Başarıya Etkisi: Bir Meta-Analiz Çalışması

Research paper thumbnail of An Ethnographic Study on the Adaptation Process of Mathematics Teachers to Distance Education

Research paper thumbnail of Statistics Instructors' Perceptions of Statistics Literacy in Different Undergraduate Programs

International Journal of Research in Education and Science, Jul 24, 2021

The present study aimed to investigate the statistical literacy perceptions of instructors who te... more The present study aimed to investigate the statistical literacy perceptions of instructors who teach undergraduate statistics courses in different disciplines. Participants of the study were consisted of nine instructors of the introductory statistics course from nine different undergraduate programs. Data were collected by the help of the interviews. Instructors were asked to answer the questions about statistical literacy definitions, organization of the course content, issues emphasized or avoided by instructors in teaching statistics, and instructors" post-course expectations from their students. Qualitative data was categorized under five main themes based on the interview questions and data was analyzed through statistical literacy components and their aspects. The instructors' ultimate expectations from the students and the issues they emphasized during the courses are mostly stated in relation with statistical literacy. They provided less information related statistical literacy about two themes: course content and the issues they avoid. Recommendations from this study include reviewing and revising statistics course content and methods to reveal the components of statistical literacy.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Selected Resources for Using History of Mathematics in the Classroom

Using history of mathematics in mathematics lessons is advised in many studies and in renewed ele... more Using history of mathematics in mathematics lessons is advised in many studies and in renewed elementary mathematics instructional program. But most of the teachers seem to be hesitated about using history of mathematics on the lessons. One of the reasons of this hesitation is that teachers have no information or they don't have enough information about history of mathematics and usage of it on the lessons. Also teachers seem to have difficulties in finding resources of knowledge they need to learn about history of mathematics. Because of these reasons introducing some selected resources about history of mathematics is aimed in this research. Document analysis method is used in the study. Turkish web sites, projects, thesis, books, and journals about history of mathematics are introduced by this study. Also some researches done in our country about using teaching applications enriched by history of mathematics in classroom environments are given place in the study.

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections from Senior Mathematics Student Teachers’ Views of ‘Feedback’ Concept

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Misconceptions of Nine Grade Students on Repeating Decimals

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Aug 21, 2014

Bu calismanin amaci, dokuzuncu sinif ogrencilerinin devirli ondalik gosterimle ilgili kavram yani... more Bu calismanin amaci, dokuzuncu sinif ogrencilerinin devirli ondalik gosterimle ilgili kavram yanilgilarini belirlemektir. Calismanin amaci dogrultusunda kavram yanilgisi turleri goz onune alinarak devirli ondalik gosterim ilgili olasi kavram yanilgilarina yonelik acik uclu sorular iceren “ Devirli Ondalik Gosterim Tani Testi ” hazirlanmis ve dokuzuncu sinifta okuyan kirk ogrenciye uygulanmistir. Ogrencilerden alinan yanitlar detayli olarak incelenerek ogrencilerin kavram yanilgilari asiri genelleme, asiri ozelleme, yanlis tercume ve kisitli algilama kategorilerine gore irdelenmistir. Ogrenciler rasyonel sayilar alt ogrenme alaninin bir parcasi olan "devirli ondalik gosterim" ile ilgili 6, 7, 8 ve 9. siniflarda deneyim yasamaktadirlar. Buna ragmen, bu calismanin bulgulari ogrencilerin dokuzuncu sinifta bile bu konu hakkinda yaygin kavram yanilgilarina sahip olduklarini gostermektedir. Sonuclar, dokuzuncu sinif ogrencilerinin devirli ondalik sayilarla ilgili asiri genelleme, yanlis tecrube ve kisitli algilama turlerinde kavram yanilgilarina sahip olduklarini gostermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ondalik sayilar, devirli ondalik gosterim, kavram yanilgisi

Research paper thumbnail of Integration of Technology into Mathematics Teaching: Past, Present and Future

Springer eBooks, 2015

This presentation deals with my endeavor as a researcher and lecturer within the world of educati... more This presentation deals with my endeavor as a researcher and lecturer within the world of educational computing to integrate technology into mathematics teaching. I started with the book titled "New Horizons in Educational Computing". In this book Saymor Papert enthusiastically says that computers as powerful learning tools will change tomorrow's classrooms. I is difficult to use this potential of computers for changing teacher's role and practice within an educational setting based on telling and showing. It is not easy to shift from traditional notions of teacher to constructivist teacher using Logo, Cabri and Geogebra as primary tools for doing and exploring mathematics in classrooms.


Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the learning environment designed to develop student mathematics teachers’ mathematical modelling competencies

Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications, Mar 26, 2018

The purpose of this study was to examine the mathematical modelling competencies of student mathe... more The purpose of this study was to examine the mathematical modelling competencies of student mathematics teachers within a learning environment that was based on a holistic approach to instruction. The participants were student mathematics teachers enrolled in undergraduate programmes at two different universities. In one of the university programmes, the participants took a mathematical modelling course that was taught according to a holistic approach, while the participants at the other university followed the standardized undergraduate programme that did not include a mathematical modelling course. The sub-competencies of mathematical modelling of the student mathematics teachers who participated in the mathematical modelling course were examined using an analytic rubric that was designed according to the holistic approach applied within the context of the study. In order to determine whether the observed changes were related to the experiences of mathematical modelling, these results were compared to the sub-competencies of mathematical modelling of the control group. The findings showed that experience within a learning environment based on mathematical modelling, as well as affective factors, supported the development of modelling competencies. On the other hand, it was observed that certain sub-competencies were difficult to develop; while many sub-competencies were enhanced by the modelling experiences, others were adversely affected. Furthermore, a certain group of sub-competencies was found not to be directly linked to modelling experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Using Dynamic Mathematics Software to Develop Problem Solving Skills

Research paper thumbnail of Bağlamsal Öğrenme Ortamı Oluşturmada GeoGebra Yazılımının Rolü: Elips Örneği

Ahi evran üniversitesi kırşehir eğitim fakültesi dergisi, 2017