ibrahim alp | Karadeniz Technical University (original) (raw)


Papers by ibrahim alp

Research paper thumbnail of Yeraltı Madenciliğinde Macun Dolgu Teknolojisi-Örnek Uygulama

Istanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical behaviour of paste backfill with sulphure rich mill tailings at long term

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Research paper thumbnail of 24-Alkaline sulphide pretreatment JOM

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Surface Area, Growth Media and Inert Solids on Bioleaching of Complex Zinc/Lead Sulphides

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical behaviour of paste backfill with sulphure rich mill tailings at long term

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Research paper thumbnail of Parameters for Control and Optimization of Bioleaching of Sulfide Minerals

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Research paper thumbnail of Processing Tincal Ores using Ultrasonic Waves


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Research paper thumbnail of Atık Banyo Çözeltilerindeki Gümüşün Sementasyon ile Geri Kazanımı (Recovery of Silver from Waste Photographic Solutions by Cementation)

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Research paper thumbnail of Eddy Current Separation of Metals from E-wastes

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors Affecting Decomposition of Cyanide by Hydrogen Peroxide

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Refractory Behaviour of Kaletaş (Turkey) Gold Ore

In this study, the refractory behavior of Kaletaş ore was investigated within a diagnostic approa... more In this study, the refractory behavior of Kaletaş ore was investigated within a diagnostic approach Pretreatment of the ore via roasting and ultrafine grinding prior to cyanide leaching was also examined to enhance the gold recoveries No significant improvement in the extraction of gold by roasting of the ore at 450 600 °C was observed despite the decrease in the

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Research paper thumbnail of Laboratory Testing of Cemented Paste Backfill / Çimentolu Macun Dolgunun Laboratuvar Testi

ZET Madencilik endüstrisinde macun dolgu sistemi oldukça yeni bir teknolojidir. Aynı zamanda yera... more ZET Madencilik endüstrisinde macun dolgu sistemi oldukça yeni bir teknolojidir. Aynı zamanda yeraltı madenciliğinde tahkimat teknolojisinin önemli bir parçası olmuştur. En büyük avantajı, cevher kazanımında artış ve yeryüzünde uzaklaştırılma gerektiren atıkların hacminde bir azalma sağlamasıdır. Bu yazı, çimentolu macun dolgunun davranışındaki yeni çalışmaları, yani, dolgunun mekanik dayanımını etkileyen zamana bağlı mineralojik ve kimyasal değişiklikleri ortaya koymaktadır. Kür süresi esnasında hızla oluşabilen ve kullanılan bağlayıcı ürüne bağlı olan bu değişiklikler çimento bağlayıcıları üzerindeki sülfat ataklarını içermektedir. Uçucu kül ve yüksek fırın curufu gibi puzzolanik ürünleri içeren bağlayıcıların kullanımı sülfat ataklarına karşı dirençli olup, genellikle dayanımdaki düşüşleri azaltırlar. Bu olaylar, laboratuvar da çimentolu macun dolgu örneklerinin mekanik özellikleri üzerindeki bu değişikliklerin etkisini ortaya koyan bir çalışma ile açıklanmıştır. ABSTRACT Paste ba...

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Research paper thumbnail of Karıştırmalı değirmenler ile ince öğütmenin refrakter altın cevherlerine uygulanabilirliğinin incelenmesi

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Research paper thumbnail of Recovery of Gold from a Free-Milling Ore by Centrifugal Gravity Separator

In this study, the technical viability of the application of a Falcon Centrifugal Concentrator fo... more In this study, the technical viability of the application of a Falcon Centrifugal Concentrator for the recovery of gold from ore was reported. The results of mineralogical analysis have revealed that gold with a size of 1-300 μm particles occurs predominantly in native form in association with quartz as free particles, and with sulphide minerals as inclusions and growths located in the grain boundaries. The results of gravity tests have indicated that 81% of the gold from the ground ore (-74 μm) can be recovered into a concentrate (Con.1) with a grade of 262 g/t Au at a 7.2% yield. A clean concentrate containing 1760 g/t Au at 33.8% recovery was found to be produced by the further enrichment of Con.1 via hand panning. Final tails assaying 2.5 g/t Au obtained after three recovery stages corresponded to a gold "loss" of 8.0% and a feed mass of 73.8%. These findings demonstrate the amenability of Mastra ore to gravity recovery using a Falcon Concentrator, probably as a pretre...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Lead Nitrate on Cyanidation of Antimonial Refractory Gold and Silver Ores

This paper deals with the effect of the addition of lead nitrate and ultra-fine grinding on the c... more This paper deals with the effect of the addition of lead nitrate and ultra-fine grinding on the cyanidation of an antimonial refractory gold and silver ore. The results indicated that the recovery of gold was enhanced by 10%, but, silver extraction did not improve with adding lead nitrate or increasing its concentration. Fine grinding (e.g. down to-5µm) did not produce the desired effect on the extraction of Au and Ag.

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Research paper thumbnail of Refrakter Akoluk Au-Ag cevherinin karıştırmalı değirmen ile ince öğütülmesi

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Diagnostic Leaching Technique for Refractory Gold Ores

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Research paper thumbnail of Concentration of Gold and Silver from the Antimonial Refractory Akoluk (Turkey) Ore by Flotation

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Research paper thumbnail of İnce Öğütme Teknolojisinde Karıştırmalı Ortam Değirmenleri Ve Cevher Hazırlamadaki Uygulamaları

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Research paper thumbnail of The Application of Roasting Pretreatment for Antimonial Refractory Gold and Silver Ores

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Research paper thumbnail of Yeraltı Madenciliğinde Macun Dolgu Teknolojisi-Örnek Uygulama

Istanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical behaviour of paste backfill with sulphure rich mill tailings at long term

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Research paper thumbnail of 24-Alkaline sulphide pretreatment JOM

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Surface Area, Growth Media and Inert Solids on Bioleaching of Complex Zinc/Lead Sulphides

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical behaviour of paste backfill with sulphure rich mill tailings at long term

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Research paper thumbnail of Parameters for Control and Optimization of Bioleaching of Sulfide Minerals

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Research paper thumbnail of Processing Tincal Ores using Ultrasonic Waves


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Research paper thumbnail of Atık Banyo Çözeltilerindeki Gümüşün Sementasyon ile Geri Kazanımı (Recovery of Silver from Waste Photographic Solutions by Cementation)

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Research paper thumbnail of Eddy Current Separation of Metals from E-wastes

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors Affecting Decomposition of Cyanide by Hydrogen Peroxide

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Refractory Behaviour of Kaletaş (Turkey) Gold Ore

In this study, the refractory behavior of Kaletaş ore was investigated within a diagnostic approa... more In this study, the refractory behavior of Kaletaş ore was investigated within a diagnostic approach Pretreatment of the ore via roasting and ultrafine grinding prior to cyanide leaching was also examined to enhance the gold recoveries No significant improvement in the extraction of gold by roasting of the ore at 450 600 °C was observed despite the decrease in the

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Research paper thumbnail of Laboratory Testing of Cemented Paste Backfill / Çimentolu Macun Dolgunun Laboratuvar Testi

ZET Madencilik endüstrisinde macun dolgu sistemi oldukça yeni bir teknolojidir. Aynı zamanda yera... more ZET Madencilik endüstrisinde macun dolgu sistemi oldukça yeni bir teknolojidir. Aynı zamanda yeraltı madenciliğinde tahkimat teknolojisinin önemli bir parçası olmuştur. En büyük avantajı, cevher kazanımında artış ve yeryüzünde uzaklaştırılma gerektiren atıkların hacminde bir azalma sağlamasıdır. Bu yazı, çimentolu macun dolgunun davranışındaki yeni çalışmaları, yani, dolgunun mekanik dayanımını etkileyen zamana bağlı mineralojik ve kimyasal değişiklikleri ortaya koymaktadır. Kür süresi esnasında hızla oluşabilen ve kullanılan bağlayıcı ürüne bağlı olan bu değişiklikler çimento bağlayıcıları üzerindeki sülfat ataklarını içermektedir. Uçucu kül ve yüksek fırın curufu gibi puzzolanik ürünleri içeren bağlayıcıların kullanımı sülfat ataklarına karşı dirençli olup, genellikle dayanımdaki düşüşleri azaltırlar. Bu olaylar, laboratuvar da çimentolu macun dolgu örneklerinin mekanik özellikleri üzerindeki bu değişikliklerin etkisini ortaya koyan bir çalışma ile açıklanmıştır. ABSTRACT Paste ba...

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Research paper thumbnail of Karıştırmalı değirmenler ile ince öğütmenin refrakter altın cevherlerine uygulanabilirliğinin incelenmesi

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Research paper thumbnail of Recovery of Gold from a Free-Milling Ore by Centrifugal Gravity Separator

In this study, the technical viability of the application of a Falcon Centrifugal Concentrator fo... more In this study, the technical viability of the application of a Falcon Centrifugal Concentrator for the recovery of gold from ore was reported. The results of mineralogical analysis have revealed that gold with a size of 1-300 μm particles occurs predominantly in native form in association with quartz as free particles, and with sulphide minerals as inclusions and growths located in the grain boundaries. The results of gravity tests have indicated that 81% of the gold from the ground ore (-74 μm) can be recovered into a concentrate (Con.1) with a grade of 262 g/t Au at a 7.2% yield. A clean concentrate containing 1760 g/t Au at 33.8% recovery was found to be produced by the further enrichment of Con.1 via hand panning. Final tails assaying 2.5 g/t Au obtained after three recovery stages corresponded to a gold "loss" of 8.0% and a feed mass of 73.8%. These findings demonstrate the amenability of Mastra ore to gravity recovery using a Falcon Concentrator, probably as a pretre...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Lead Nitrate on Cyanidation of Antimonial Refractory Gold and Silver Ores

This paper deals with the effect of the addition of lead nitrate and ultra-fine grinding on the c... more This paper deals with the effect of the addition of lead nitrate and ultra-fine grinding on the cyanidation of an antimonial refractory gold and silver ore. The results indicated that the recovery of gold was enhanced by 10%, but, silver extraction did not improve with adding lead nitrate or increasing its concentration. Fine grinding (e.g. down to-5µm) did not produce the desired effect on the extraction of Au and Ag.

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Research paper thumbnail of Refrakter Akoluk Au-Ag cevherinin karıştırmalı değirmen ile ince öğütülmesi

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Diagnostic Leaching Technique for Refractory Gold Ores

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Research paper thumbnail of Concentration of Gold and Silver from the Antimonial Refractory Akoluk (Turkey) Ore by Flotation

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Research paper thumbnail of İnce Öğütme Teknolojisinde Karıştırmalı Ortam Değirmenleri Ve Cevher Hazırlamadaki Uygulamaları

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Research paper thumbnail of The Application of Roasting Pretreatment for Antimonial Refractory Gold and Silver Ores

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