Finn Surlyk | University of Copenhagen (original) (raw)

Papers by Finn Surlyk

Research paper thumbnail of Depositional environments along a carbonate ramp to slope transition in the Silurian of Washington Land, North Greenland

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1983

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Research paper thumbnail of The upper Campanian–Maastrichtian chalk of the Rørdal-1 borehole, Denmark: Combined 87Sr/86Sr, d13C and d18O study of nannofossil chalk and brachiopods

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Research paper thumbnail of Deep-time evidence of a link between elevated CO2 concentrations and perturbations in the hydrological cycle via drop in plant transpiration

Geology, Jan 1, 2012

The physiological effects of high CO2 concentrations, i.e., [CO2], on plant stomatal responses m... more The physiological effects of high CO2 concentrations, i.e., [CO2], on plant stomatal responses
may be of major importance in understanding the consequences of climate change, by caus- ing increases in runoff through suppression of plant transpiration. Radiative forcing by high [CO2] has been the main consideration in models of global change to the exclusion of plant physiological forcing, but this potentially underestimates the effects on the hydrological cycle, and the consequences for ecosystems. We tested the physiological responses of fossil plants from the Triassic–Jurassic boundary transition (Tr–J) succession of East Greenland. This interval marks a major high CO2-driven environmental upheaval, with faunal mass extinc- tions and significant floral turnover. Our results show that both stomatal size (expressed in fossil material as SL, the length of the stomatal complex opening) and stomatal density (SD, the number of stomata per mm2) decreased significantly during the Tr–J. We estimate, using a leaf gas-exchange model, that the decreases in SD and SL resulted in a 50%–60% drop in stomatal and canopy transpiration at the Tr–J. We also present new field evidence indicating simultaneous increases in runoff and erosion rates. We propose that the consequences of sto- matal responses to elevated [CO2] may lead to locally increased runoff and erosion, and may link terrestrial and marine biodiversity loss via the hydrological cycle.

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Research paper thumbnail of The middle Danian Faxe Formation – new lithostratigraphic unit and a rare taphonomic window into the Danian of Denmark

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark

The new middle Danian Faxe Formation is defined on the basis of the succession exposed in the lar... more The new middle Danian Faxe Formation is defined on the basis of the succession exposed in the large Faxe quarry in eastern Denmark. The formation is defined as a distinct mappable lithostratigraphic unit of interfingering coral and bryozoan limestone passing laterally into bryozoan limestones of the Stevns Klint Formation. The Baunekule facies is recognized in the upper part of the coral mound complex of the Faxe Formation, where it forms isolated lensoidal bodies in the flanks of some of the coral mounds. It is characterised by a high diversity invertebrate fauna with both calcite and originally aragonite-shelled benthic invertebrates set in weakly consolidated coral-dominated floatstone to rudstone. The diagenesis of the Baunekule facies is of special significance because a high proportion of the originally aragonite-shelled fauna is preserved by recrystallization to calcite during early burial diagenesis. More than 80% of the species from the Baunekule facies are unknown from oth...

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Research paper thumbnail of The ammonites of the Middle Jurassic Cranocephalites-beds of East Greenland

Thick successions of marine Middle Jurassic deposits rich in ammonites occur in the Jameson Land ... more Thick successions of marine Middle Jurassic deposits rich in ammonites occur in the Jameson Land Basin in central East Greenland. The so-called Cranocephalites beds of this basin, comprising the Indistinctus–Pompeckji Zones were until now largely represented by a single collection. This was made by T. Harris during a 1927 excursion up the valley of Ugleelv to Katedralen, the type area of Cranocephalites pompeckji, which is the oldest named species of this genus. Revisits to this area in 1994 and 1996 by JHC resulted in a large bed-by-bed collection of Cranocephalites. The number of faunal horizons that could be distinguished grew from the nine previously recognized to 34 today. The zonal stratigraphy of the Cranocephalites beds encompasses, the Borealis, Indistinctus and Pompeckji Zones. The Pompeckji Zone is subdivided into four new subzones, reflecting four successive basic morphologies of Cranocephalites that should be recognizable more widely and are thus useful for subzonal correlations. The detailed zonation, that serves as the secondary standard zonation for the Boreal Province in the Middle Jurassic is thus highly improved. The biostratigraphic resolution obtained here is near the achievable limits. It allows a high-resolution study of the evolution of the ammonites which on this time-scale appears to be continuous. New species are described: Cranocephalites carolae sp. nov., Cranocephalites intermissus sp. nov., Cranocephalites episcopalis sp. nov.

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Research paper thumbnail of The lower Maastrichtian Hvidskud succession, Møns Klint, Denmark: calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, carbon isotope stratigraphy, and bulk and brachiopod oxygen isotopes

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Research paper thumbnail of Stevns Klint, Denmark: Uppermost Maastrichtian chalk, Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, and lower Danian bryozoan mound complex

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark

... 15). Methods Multi-model photogrammetry allows production of high quality lateral profiles fr... more ... 15). Methods Multi-model photogrammetry allows production of high quality lateral profiles from series of photo-graphs taken with small-frame hand held cameras (Dueholm 1992). ... Further details are presented in Dueholm (1992) and Dueholm et al. (1993). ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Upper Cretaceous chalk facies and depositional history recorded in the Mona-1 core, Mona Ridge, Danish North Sea

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

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Research paper thumbnail of The Skælskør structure in eastern Denmark-wrench-related anticline or primary Late Cretaceous sea-floor topography?

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark

... 58 ° 57 ° 56 Stenlille Slagelse Næstved Skælskør Nyborg Ringe Faxe Egesborg Feddet Stevns Kli... more ... 58 ° 57 ° 56 Stenlille Slagelse Næstved Skælskør Nyborg Ringe Faxe Egesborg Feddet Stevns Klint Limhamn Præstø ... The upper part of the Chalk group shows the de-velopment of a marked seafloor relief at the end of the Cretaceous, particularly in the late maastrich-tian. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The fluviatile Bristol Elv Formation, a new Middle Jurassic lithostratigraphic unit from Traill Ø, North-East Greenland

A new lithostratigraphic unit, the Bristol Elv Formation, is erected in this paper. It is only kn... more A new lithostratigraphic unit, the Bristol Elv Formation, is erected in this paper. It is only known from Traill Ø, East Greenland, where it unconformably overlies Triassic redbeds of the Fleming Fjord Formation and is overlain by lithologically similar shallow marine Upper Bajocian sand- stones of the Pelion Formation. The age of the formation is not well constrained but is

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Research paper thumbnail of Borings produced by brachiopod pedicles, fossil and Recent

Lethaia, 1973

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Research paper thumbnail of Life habit, feeding mechanism and population structure of the Cretaceous brachiopod genus Aemula

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 1974

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Research paper thumbnail of Dish structures in Eocene volcanic ash layers, Denmark

Sedimentology, 1977


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Research paper thumbnail of A Jurassic sea-level curve for East Greenland

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 1990

... Fensome, RA, 1979. Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Middle and Upper Jurassic ofJ... more ... Fensome, RA, 1979. Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Middle and Upper Jurassic ofJameson Land, East Greenland. Bull. Gronl. ... S.tratigraphie der Jurabildungen OstgrSn-lands zwischen Hochstetterbugten (75 N.) und dem Kejser Franz Joseph Fjord (73 N.). Medd. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mesozoic geology and palaeogeography of Hochstetter Forland, East Greenland

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 1978

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Research paper thumbnail of Jurassic basin evolution of East Greenland

Nature, 1978

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Research paper thumbnail of The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary event

Nature, 1980

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Research paper thumbnail of A revised ammonite zonation of the Boreal Oxfordian and its application in northeast Greenland

Lethaia, 1976

... conglomerates, turbidites and mudstones of the Lindemans Bugt and Palna-tokes Bjerg Formation... more ... conglomerates, turbidites and mudstones of the Lindemans Bugt and Palna-tokes Bjerg Formations (Middle Volgian-Valanginian; Surlyk 1975a, b; Surlyk & Clem-mensen 1975a, b). The pre-tectonic Jurassic sediments are all included in the Jameson Land Group (Surlyk ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comment and Reply on "Maastrichtian molluscan biostratigraphy and extinction patterns in a Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary section exposed at Zumaya, Spain

Geology, 1988

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Research paper thumbnail of Forced regressions in a large wave- and storm-dominated anoxic lake, Rhaetian-Sinemurian Kap Stewart Formation, East Greenland

Geology, 1992

... REFERENCES CITED Dam, G., 1991, Wave-and storm-dominated lacustrine deltas; Kap Stewart Forma... more ... REFERENCES CITED Dam, G., 1991, Wave-and storm-dominated lacustrine deltas; Kap Stewart Forma-tion (Rhaetian-Sinemurian), Jameson Land, East Greenland [Ph.D. thesis]: Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, pt. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Depositional environments along a carbonate ramp to slope transition in the Silurian of Washington Land, North Greenland

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1983

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Research paper thumbnail of The upper Campanian–Maastrichtian chalk of the Rørdal-1 borehole, Denmark: Combined 87Sr/86Sr, d13C and d18O study of nannofossil chalk and brachiopods

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Research paper thumbnail of Deep-time evidence of a link between elevated CO2 concentrations and perturbations in the hydrological cycle via drop in plant transpiration

Geology, Jan 1, 2012

The physiological effects of high CO2 concentrations, i.e., [CO2], on plant stomatal responses m... more The physiological effects of high CO2 concentrations, i.e., [CO2], on plant stomatal responses
may be of major importance in understanding the consequences of climate change, by caus- ing increases in runoff through suppression of plant transpiration. Radiative forcing by high [CO2] has been the main consideration in models of global change to the exclusion of plant physiological forcing, but this potentially underestimates the effects on the hydrological cycle, and the consequences for ecosystems. We tested the physiological responses of fossil plants from the Triassic–Jurassic boundary transition (Tr–J) succession of East Greenland. This interval marks a major high CO2-driven environmental upheaval, with faunal mass extinc- tions and significant floral turnover. Our results show that both stomatal size (expressed in fossil material as SL, the length of the stomatal complex opening) and stomatal density (SD, the number of stomata per mm2) decreased significantly during the Tr–J. We estimate, using a leaf gas-exchange model, that the decreases in SD and SL resulted in a 50%–60% drop in stomatal and canopy transpiration at the Tr–J. We also present new field evidence indicating simultaneous increases in runoff and erosion rates. We propose that the consequences of sto- matal responses to elevated [CO2] may lead to locally increased runoff and erosion, and may link terrestrial and marine biodiversity loss via the hydrological cycle.

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Research paper thumbnail of The middle Danian Faxe Formation – new lithostratigraphic unit and a rare taphonomic window into the Danian of Denmark

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark

The new middle Danian Faxe Formation is defined on the basis of the succession exposed in the lar... more The new middle Danian Faxe Formation is defined on the basis of the succession exposed in the large Faxe quarry in eastern Denmark. The formation is defined as a distinct mappable lithostratigraphic unit of interfingering coral and bryozoan limestone passing laterally into bryozoan limestones of the Stevns Klint Formation. The Baunekule facies is recognized in the upper part of the coral mound complex of the Faxe Formation, where it forms isolated lensoidal bodies in the flanks of some of the coral mounds. It is characterised by a high diversity invertebrate fauna with both calcite and originally aragonite-shelled benthic invertebrates set in weakly consolidated coral-dominated floatstone to rudstone. The diagenesis of the Baunekule facies is of special significance because a high proportion of the originally aragonite-shelled fauna is preserved by recrystallization to calcite during early burial diagenesis. More than 80% of the species from the Baunekule facies are unknown from oth...

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Research paper thumbnail of The ammonites of the Middle Jurassic Cranocephalites-beds of East Greenland

Thick successions of marine Middle Jurassic deposits rich in ammonites occur in the Jameson Land ... more Thick successions of marine Middle Jurassic deposits rich in ammonites occur in the Jameson Land Basin in central East Greenland. The so-called Cranocephalites beds of this basin, comprising the Indistinctus–Pompeckji Zones were until now largely represented by a single collection. This was made by T. Harris during a 1927 excursion up the valley of Ugleelv to Katedralen, the type area of Cranocephalites pompeckji, which is the oldest named species of this genus. Revisits to this area in 1994 and 1996 by JHC resulted in a large bed-by-bed collection of Cranocephalites. The number of faunal horizons that could be distinguished grew from the nine previously recognized to 34 today. The zonal stratigraphy of the Cranocephalites beds encompasses, the Borealis, Indistinctus and Pompeckji Zones. The Pompeckji Zone is subdivided into four new subzones, reflecting four successive basic morphologies of Cranocephalites that should be recognizable more widely and are thus useful for subzonal correlations. The detailed zonation, that serves as the secondary standard zonation for the Boreal Province in the Middle Jurassic is thus highly improved. The biostratigraphic resolution obtained here is near the achievable limits. It allows a high-resolution study of the evolution of the ammonites which on this time-scale appears to be continuous. New species are described: Cranocephalites carolae sp. nov., Cranocephalites intermissus sp. nov., Cranocephalites episcopalis sp. nov.

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Research paper thumbnail of The lower Maastrichtian Hvidskud succession, Møns Klint, Denmark: calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, carbon isotope stratigraphy, and bulk and brachiopod oxygen isotopes

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Research paper thumbnail of Stevns Klint, Denmark: Uppermost Maastrichtian chalk, Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, and lower Danian bryozoan mound complex

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark

... 15). Methods Multi-model photogrammetry allows production of high quality lateral profiles fr... more ... 15). Methods Multi-model photogrammetry allows production of high quality lateral profiles from series of photo-graphs taken with small-frame hand held cameras (Dueholm 1992). ... Further details are presented in Dueholm (1992) and Dueholm et al. (1993). ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Upper Cretaceous chalk facies and depositional history recorded in the Mona-1 core, Mona Ridge, Danish North Sea

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

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Research paper thumbnail of The Skælskør structure in eastern Denmark-wrench-related anticline or primary Late Cretaceous sea-floor topography?

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark

... 58 ° 57 ° 56 Stenlille Slagelse Næstved Skælskør Nyborg Ringe Faxe Egesborg Feddet Stevns Kli... more ... 58 ° 57 ° 56 Stenlille Slagelse Næstved Skælskør Nyborg Ringe Faxe Egesborg Feddet Stevns Klint Limhamn Præstø ... The upper part of the Chalk group shows the de-velopment of a marked seafloor relief at the end of the Cretaceous, particularly in the late maastrich-tian. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The fluviatile Bristol Elv Formation, a new Middle Jurassic lithostratigraphic unit from Traill Ø, North-East Greenland

A new lithostratigraphic unit, the Bristol Elv Formation, is erected in this paper. It is only kn... more A new lithostratigraphic unit, the Bristol Elv Formation, is erected in this paper. It is only known from Traill Ø, East Greenland, where it unconformably overlies Triassic redbeds of the Fleming Fjord Formation and is overlain by lithologically similar shallow marine Upper Bajocian sand- stones of the Pelion Formation. The age of the formation is not well constrained but is

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Research paper thumbnail of Borings produced by brachiopod pedicles, fossil and Recent

Lethaia, 1973

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Research paper thumbnail of Life habit, feeding mechanism and population structure of the Cretaceous brachiopod genus Aemula

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 1974

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Research paper thumbnail of Dish structures in Eocene volcanic ash layers, Denmark

Sedimentology, 1977


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Research paper thumbnail of A Jurassic sea-level curve for East Greenland

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 1990

... Fensome, RA, 1979. Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Middle and Upper Jurassic ofJ... more ... Fensome, RA, 1979. Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Middle and Upper Jurassic ofJameson Land, East Greenland. Bull. Gronl. ... S.tratigraphie der Jurabildungen OstgrSn-lands zwischen Hochstetterbugten (75 N.) und dem Kejser Franz Joseph Fjord (73 N.). Medd. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mesozoic geology and palaeogeography of Hochstetter Forland, East Greenland

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 1978

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Research paper thumbnail of Jurassic basin evolution of East Greenland

Nature, 1978

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Research paper thumbnail of The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary event

Nature, 1980

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Research paper thumbnail of A revised ammonite zonation of the Boreal Oxfordian and its application in northeast Greenland

Lethaia, 1976

... conglomerates, turbidites and mudstones of the Lindemans Bugt and Palna-tokes Bjerg Formation... more ... conglomerates, turbidites and mudstones of the Lindemans Bugt and Palna-tokes Bjerg Formations (Middle Volgian-Valanginian; Surlyk 1975a, b; Surlyk & Clem-mensen 1975a, b). The pre-tectonic Jurassic sediments are all included in the Jameson Land Group (Surlyk ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comment and Reply on "Maastrichtian molluscan biostratigraphy and extinction patterns in a Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary section exposed at Zumaya, Spain

Geology, 1988

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Research paper thumbnail of Forced regressions in a large wave- and storm-dominated anoxic lake, Rhaetian-Sinemurian Kap Stewart Formation, East Greenland

Geology, 1992

... REFERENCES CITED Dam, G., 1991, Wave-and storm-dominated lacustrine deltas; Kap Stewart Forma... more ... REFERENCES CITED Dam, G., 1991, Wave-and storm-dominated lacustrine deltas; Kap Stewart Forma-tion (Rhaetian-Sinemurian), Jameson Land, East Greenland [Ph.D. thesis]: Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, pt. ...

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