Adam Zadroga | John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (original) (raw)
Books by Adam Zadroga
Rozdział I EKONOMIA W POSZUKIWANIU WŁASNEJ TOŻSAMOŚCI Zarys rozwoju filozofii nauki i metodologi... more Rozdział I
Zarys rozwoju filozofii nauki i metodologii ekonomii
1. Uwagi wstępne
2. Ewolucja rozumienia i poznawania prawdy o rzeczywistości: od metafizyki do scjentyzmu
3. Osiągnięcia filozofii nauki w XX wieku: główne stanowiska epistemologiczne
4. Debata wokół tożsamości ekonomii z perspektywy metodologicznej
4.1. Miejsce ekonomii wśród innych nauk
4.2. Dwa metodologiczne obozy w ekonomii
4.3. Ekonomia pozytywna versus ekonomia normatywna
4.4. Poznawcza i aplikacyjna funkcja ekonomii
5. Wnioski
Rozdział II
Identyfikacja i ocena źródeł ontologiczno-epistemologicznych oraz praktyki badawczej
1. Uwagi wstępne
2. Ontologiczne przekonania modernistów i ich ekonomiczne implikacje
2.1. Koncepcja człowieka (ludzkiej natury) i homo oeconomicus
2.2. Wizja życia społecznego i jej wpływ na rozumienie systemu gospodarczego
3. Modernistyczne założenia epistemologiczne – implikacje dla ekonomii
4. Metodologia (praktyka badawcza) ortodoksyjnej ekonomii jako rezultat myślenia scjentystyczno-pozytywistycznego
5. Wnioski − postulowane kierunki zmian
Rozdział III
Poznawczy i aplikacyjny potencjał metafizycznej ekonomii normatywnej
1. Uwagi wstępne
2. Metafizyczny „twardy rdzeń” katolickiej ekonomii normatywnej z perspektywy teologii moralnej i personalizmu ekonomicznego
2.1. Antropologiczno-teologiczny fundament katolickiej refleksji ekonomiczno-społecznej
2.1.1. Biblijno-teologiczne przesłanki koncepcji człowieka – implikacje moralne
2.1.2. Chrystologiczne źródła humanizmu integralnego i solidarnego
2.2. Personalizm katolicki i jego ekonomiczne implikacje
2.2.1. Teologiczno-filozoficzne podstawy personalizmu katolickiego
2.2.2. Ekonomiczne korelaty personalizmu katolickiego: perspektywa szkoły austriackiej
2.3. Wizja ładu społeczno-gospodarczego z perspektywy zasad nauki społecznej Kościoła i wartości podstawowych
2.3.1. Natura i znaczenie zasad katolickiej nauki społecznej oraz wartości podstawowych
2.3.2. Wizja ładu gospodarczego: katolicyzm społeczny wobec kapitalizmu
3. Epistemologiczne kwestie łączenia źródeł poznawczych: teologii, etyki i ekonomii
3.1. Podwójny porządek poznania w nauce społecznej Kościoła (rozum i wiara)
oraz specyfika poznania moralnego
3.2. Ekonomia a teologia katolicka: kompetencje Kościoła w sprawach gospodarczych
3.3. Potrzeba łączenia ekonomii i etyki: argumenty katolickiej nauki społecznej
4. Metoda katolickiej myśli ekonomiczno-społecznej i jej aplikacja do przedmiotu badań na wybranym przykładzie
4.1. Metodyczne aspekty naukowego dyskursu w katolickiej nauce społecznej
4.2. Katolicka myśl ekonomiczno-społeczna wobec współczesnego kryzysu finansowego
4.2.1. Zwięzły opis przyczyn i skutków kryzysu finansowego
4.2.2. Ocena kryzysu z moralnego i antropologicznego punktu widzenia
4.2.3. Postulowane kierunki rozwiązań globalnego kryzysu gospodarczo-finansowego
5. Wnioski
Współczesna ekonomia – „kolos na glinianych nogach”?
Wprowadzenie Rozdział I Gospodarka i moralność 1. Antropologiczny wymiar rzeczywistości gospodarc... more Wprowadzenie
Rozdział I
Gospodarka i moralność
1. Antropologiczny wymiar rzeczywistości gospodarczej
1.1. Integralna wizja człowieka jako zasadniczy element ładu społeczno-ekonomicznego
1.2. Zagrożenia ludzkiej osoby na tle współczesnego życia społeczno-gospodarczego
1.3. Drogi przezwyciężenia zagrożeń antropologicznych w gospodarce
2. Personalistyczna moralność gospodarcza
2.1. Źródła kryzysu gospodarczego z perspektywy etycznej
2.2. Etyka personalistyczna w życiu gospodarczym w świetle nauczania Benedykta XVI
2.3. Personalistyczna etyka przedsiębiorczości w ujęciu Jana Pawła II
2.4. Wnioski
3. Ekonomia społeczna a zasady nauki społecznej Kościoła
3.1. Osoba ludzka źródło i fundament wszystkich zasad społecznych
3.2. Godność ludzkiej pracy i wezwanie do przedsiębiorczości
3.3. Dobro wspólne, powszechne przeznaczenie dóbr i opcja preferencyjna na rzecz ubogich
3.4. Solidarność, pomocniczość i uczestnictwo
3.5. Wnioski
4. Moralne aspekty gospodarki i gospodarowania (w ujęciu ks. Janusza Nagórnego)
4.1. Charakterystyczne rysy podejścia Nagórnego do problematyki moralno-gospodarczej
4.2. Urząd Nauczycielski Kościoła wobec życia gospodarczego
4.3. Wartość i praktyczne implikacje myśli moralno-ekonomicznej ks. Nagórnego
4.4. Wnioski
Rozdział II
Przedsiębiorczość i biznes
1. Przedsiębiorczość i Kościół
1.1. Pojęcie i znaczenie przedsiębiorczości w rozwoju gospodarczym
1.2. Przedsiębiorczość jako kategoria antropologiczna i etyczna w ujęciu nauki społecznej Kościoła
1.3. Kościół wobec wybranych problemów związanych z przedsiębiorczością
1.4. Wnioski
2. Chrześcijanie i biznes
2.1. Zasadnicze „punkty odniesienia” dla chrześcijan w biznesie
2.2. Postawa chrześcijańskich przedsiębiorców wobec świata
2.3. Posłannictwo przedsiębiorców wobec świata
2.4. Wnioski
3. Postawy chrześcijańskich liderów biznesu w Polsce
3.1. Wprowadzenie
3.2. Wiara i moralność a życie zawodowe chrześcijańskich liderów biznesu w Polsce
3.3. Wnioski
Rozdział III
Praca i bogactwo
1. Teologiczny, personalistyczny i moralny wymiar ludzkiej pracy
1.1. „Ewangelia pracy” – pojęcie i istota
1.2. Personalistyczny wymiar ludzkiej pracy
1.3. Odpowiedzialność za pracę
1.4. Praca jako powinność
1.5. Wnioski
2. Prawo człowieka do pracy
2.1. Źródła prawa do pracy
2.2. Treść prawa do pracy
2.3. Problem realizacji prawa do pracy
2.4. Wnioski
3. Praca i rodzina
3.1. Związki ludzkiej pracy z życiem rodzinnym
3.2. Wychowanie do pracy w rodzinie
3.3. Wnioski
4. Człowiek i bogactwo – perspektywa biblijna
4.1. Stosunek do bogactw w Starym Testamencie
4.2. Stosunek do bogactw w Nowym Testamencie
4.3. Moralne implikacje biblijnego podejścia do dóbr materialnych
ROZDZIAŁ I CHARAKTERYSTKA POWSZECHNEJ ETYKI BIZNESU 1. Wyjaśnienie podstawowych pojęć 2. History... more ROZDZIAŁ I
1. Wyjaśnienie podstawowych pojęć
2. Historyczne źródła myśli etycznogospodarczej
2.1. Recepcja poglądów wybranych myślicieli starożytnych
2.2. Źródła myśli chrześcijańskiej
2.2.1. Biblijne inspiracje
2.2.2. Poglądy Ojców Kościoła
2.2.3. Nauka św. Tomasza z Akwinu
2.3. Wpływ okresu nowożytnego i narodzin klasycznej ekonomii
3. Powstanie współczesnej etyki biznesu
3.1. Etapy rozwoju etyki biznesu
3.2. Przyczyny powstania etyki biznesu
4. Wielość tradycji ujmowania etyki biznesu na świecie
4.1. Ujęcia ze względu na tradycje geograficzno-kulturowo-filozoficzne
4.1.1. Podejście amerykańskie
4.1.2. Podejście europejskie
4.1.3. Podejście azjatyckie
4.2. Ujęcia ze względu na tradycje religijnomoralne
4.2.1. Podejście chrześcijańskie
4.2.2. Podejście judaistyczne
4.2.3. Podejście islamskie
4.2.4. Podejście buddyjskie
1. Spór o adekwatne pojęcie dla etyki biznesu w Polsce
2. Polskie tradycje etyki biznesu
3. Wiodące metody ujmowania etyki biznesu w Polsce
3.1. Etyka biznesu jako metaetyka (etyka teoretyczna)
3.2. Etyka biznesu jako etyka normatywna
3.3. Etyka biznesu jako etyka opisowa (etologia)
4. Zasadnicze płaszczyzny problematyki w polskiej etyce biznesu
4.1. Mikroetyka biznesu – etyka pracy i etyka zawodowa
4.2. Mezoetyka biznesu – etyka na poziomie przedsiębiorstwa
4.3. Makroetyka biznesu – etyczne aspekty systemów ekonomicznych
4.4. Etyka biznesu w perspektywie globalnej
1. Spór o normę moralności z perspektywy chrześcijańskiej
1.1. Chrześcijański personalizm wobec deontologizmu i utylitaryzm.
1.2. Prawe sumienie jako odpowiedź na potrzebę odpowiedzialności
i cnotliwości
1.2.1. Zarys integralnej koncepcji człowieka
1.2.2. Godność i znaczenie sumienia
1.2.3. Formacja sumienia – wezwanie do odpowiedzialności
i nabywania cnót
2. Teologia moralna społeczna wobec ujęć problematyki etyczno-biznesowej
2.1. Chrześcijańska koncepcja pracy i życia zawodowego
2.2. Moralny wymiar funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa
2.3. Moralne aspekty systemów gospodarczych
2.3.1. Zasadnicze elementy porządku społeczno-gospodarczego
2.3.2. Niektóre zagrożenia życia społeczno-gospodarczego
2.3.3. Wskazania w zakresie przezwyciężenia zagrożeń życia społeczno-gospodarczego
2.4. Uniwersalny charakter moralności chrześcijańskiej
a poszukiwania tzw. etyki globalnej
Papers by Adam Zadroga
Monografie i Opracowania / Szkoła Główna Handlowa, 2014
ABSTRACT W ostatnich kilkunastu latach ekonomia społeczna na nowo nabiera w Polsce coraz większeg... more ABSTRACT W ostatnich kilkunastu latach ekonomia społeczna na nowo nabiera w Polsce coraz większego znaczenia. Świadczy o tym rosnąca liczba przedsiębiorstw społecznych, a także spore zainteresowanie naukowe, owocujące licznymi publikacjami o tematyce gospodarczo-społecznej. Z pewnością ma to związek z procesami przed i poakcesyjnymi, które niejako odgórnie wyzwalają potencjał tkwiący w polskim społeczeństwie obywatelskim, poprzez proponowane w ramach funduszy europejskich środki finansowe zachęcające do zakładania lub modernizowania istniejących podmiotów ekonomii społecznej. Nie należy jednak oczywiście zapominać, że tradycje przedsiębiorczości społecznej są w Polsce dużo starsze i sięgają co najmniej XIX wieku. Warto zauważyć, że jedną z zalet opisanej sytuacji jest szansa skutecznego przeciwdziałania wykluczeniu społecznemu. Różne formy przedsiębiorczości społecznej stwarzają bowiem warunki ku temu, by osoby marginalizowane społecznie mogły stać się aktywnymi uczestnikami życia gospodarczego, a nie tylko być biernymi beneficjentami pomocy społecznej. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza powiązań istniejących między potencjałem tkwiącym w ekonomii społecznej a problemami związanymi z wykluczeniem społecznym. Przeprowadzony dyskurs poparto prezentacją wybranych „dobrych praktyk” w tym zakresie. Szerszym tłem rozważań są współczesne przemiany społeczne, w niektórych aspektach prowadzące do nasilania się zjawiska marginalizacji. Opracowanie ma charakter teoretyczny i oparte jest na metodzie desk research, pozwalającej dokonać stosownych badań literatury przedmiotu.
Verbum Vitae, Jun 30, 2021
The aim of the article is to indicate and describe the normative assumptions of the professional ... more The aim of the article is to indicate and describe the normative assumptions of the professional ethics of social entrepreneurs. The innovative nature of the proposed concept consists in taking into consideration the perspective of Christian personalist ethics. It is a theory of morality which includes considerations for the biblical and theological view of man, emphasizing above all their personal dignity. Referring to the principal axioms of this ethical doctrine allows for a presentation of a proposal of ethical principles and moral virtues – adequate to the mission, tasks, and vocation of social entrepreneurs. The article discusses the following issues: the essence of Christian personalist ethics, the mission and tasks of social entrepreneurs, the motivation and vocation of social entrepreneurs, ethical aspects of leadership in social enterprises, as well as the ethical principles and moral virtues of social entrepreneurs. A methodology characteristic of normative philosophical ethics and moral theology was applied. The results of the analysis of the methodically selected literature on the subject were processed by means of conceptual work, which allowed us to describe the professional ethics of social entrepreneurs from the point of view of Christian personalist ethics. Christian personalist ethics makes a valuable and original contribution to the description of the normative determinants of social entrepreneurship. The analysis of the mission and tasks of social entrepreneurs shows that they create social structures and processes that affirm the dignity of marginalized people and restore their capacity to participate in social and economic life.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II, Jul 14, 2023
The role of Catholic social teaching has been attributed to the promotion of moral values and pri... more The role of Catholic social teaching has been attributed to the promotion of moral values and principles that should be considered when establishing or evaluating a given social, economic, or political system. This also applies to smaller structures, specific institutions, concepts, and practical social solutions, which may include social entrepreneurship. The article aims to confirm the hypothesis that, taking into account the principles of Catholic social teaching in the process of discovering the axionormative determinants of social entrepreneurship allows its deeper understanding and more effective implementation of its praxeological goals. At the beginning of the paper, the author emphasises the common source of all general and specific axionormative criteria of the two analysed disciplines-the dignity of a human person. Further deliberations revolve around other values and principles, such as the value of human work and entrepreneurship, the common good, the universal destination of goods, the preferential option for the poor, solidarity, subsidiarity, and participation.
Social economy and the Church's social teaching are joined not only by a similar object of in... more Social economy and the Church's social teaching are joined not only by a similar object of interest, i. e. a common axiological foundation in the form of certain values and principles. It seems that the existence of such connections on the axiological level is not very well known, which can be proven, among others, by the fact that it is hard to find any studies or even mentions connected with it in the literature on the subject. Hence an attempt seems justified to look closely and to analyze this connection in order to indicate the details of mutual implications, and so to show the possibilities of mutual enriching these two domains of human reflection on social life. The article analyzes particular principles of social life that are preached by the Church as part of its social teaching, with respect to their presence or the necessity of considering them in social economy. First it points to (1) the source and foundation of all the social principles, which is the human person, and then it shows (2) the dignity of work and the call to be enterprising. Next, the following principles are analyzed: (3) the common good, the general allotment of goods and preferential option for the poor, and finally (4) solidarity, subsidiariness and participation.
Roczniki Teologiczne, 2015
The subject of the article are the moral attitudes assumed by Christian business leaders in Polan... more The subject of the article are the moral attitudes assumed by Christian business leaders in Poland. The study is focused on one of the key components of the attitude, that is the various motivation processes. The following research question was asked: What are the religious and moral motives for the attitudes assumed by business leaders towards professional challenges? The central thesis of the work is contained in the statement that in Poland there are enterprising Christians who, despite the unusually difficult professional challenge, which is reconciling business and religious-moral aims, want to behave in a harmonious way and with their lives they bear witness that it is possible-thanks to God's grace-to overcome the temptation of living "a divided life". The answer to the study question was obtained by reviewing and analyzing the contents of selected responses given by Christian business leaders in Poland that were contained in testimonies published as part of minutes of conferences organized by the John Paul II Pontifical University of Krakow and the "Talent" Pastorate for Entrepreneurs and Employers. The other source was the report containing responses to the Internet questionnaire drawn up by the "Talent" Pastorate, that were given on 9-20 September 2011 (64 respondents answered the questions). In his analyses the author focused on the contents of the statements given by those business leaders in Poland who unambiguously referred to the Christian faith they profess, showing its positive influence on their personal and professional life. Hence the article should only be treated as a contribution to further deepened and broadened studies of this professional group. The study that has been made allows drawing the conclusion that in the Polish world of business there are people for whom besides economic efficiency (which is undoubtedly the aim of business) also spiritual aims are important, that is, eternal salvation, fulfilling God's will,
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Dec 30, 2019
The aim of the article is to show the interdependencies that occur between the family and the eco... more The aim of the article is to show the interdependencies that occur between the family and the economic function it undertakes. The author points out and describes the mutual relations between the marriage and family bond, and economic conditions. The healthy state of the conjugal and family bond is generally reflected in the economic well-being of that particular community of people, and in a macro dimension, it provides a strong foundation for the whole society and its economy. On the other hand, economic processes and factors that create an economic and social environment of the family determine the way it functions as a household and also affect (at least indirectly) its inner harmony. The article shows not just the scale and depth of the connections between the family and the economic function it performs, but also how important these connections are in a moral and social sphere. Keywords: family, economy, economic function of the family, marriage and family bond, human capital
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, May 15, 2013
Roczniki Teologiczne, 2016
ATTEMPT TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF DEFINITION A b s t r a c t. In the last 30-40 years there has ... more ATTEMPT TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF DEFINITION A b s t r a c t. In the last 30-40 years there has been increased interest in research on socioeconomic changes. Thus, there has been a shift away from measuring only the material dimension of development. Researchers started use categories such as: consumption, standard of living, level of living, economic welfare, wealth, living conditions, quality of life, a way of life, lifestyle, etc. The problem that we faced in a quite extensive literature is the lack of application of a uniform terminology. Attempts to define these categories should be regarded as not fully satisfactory because they do not allow the adoption of clear solutions. We can only point out some proposals that include many significant features conducive to study the social dimension of economic transition. This article attempts to resolve problems of definition of three basic categories related to the study of socioeconomic changes, which are: conditions of life, standard of living and quality of life.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
The Catholic Church’s Social Teaching dealing with mankind is interested in the person and their ... more The Catholic Church’s Social Teaching dealing with mankind is interested in the person and their way of progressing in the world. As John Paul II stated, Catholic Social Teaching “belongs [...] to the field [...] of theology, particularly moral theology” (SRS 41; CA 55). Polish moralists in the area of social moral theological studies undertake the issue of economic-social life, and in particular its anthropological dimension. Moral reflections from the theological point of view allow for an integral grasping of the involvement of the person in the life of society. The goal of the presented report is to show an integral concept of the person as the fundamental dimension of social-economic life. The principle source of this work is comprised of views presented on the given topic by the nation’s moralists during over a dozen lately held yearly meetings of the Section of Polish Moral Theologians. The contents of the report are divided into three parts: (1) the integrated vision of the ...
Verbum Vitae, Dec 18, 2023
This publication aims to identify similarities and differences in the ways of implementing the pr... more This publication aims to identify similarities and differences in the ways of implementing the principle of the common good in classical (commercial) and social enterprises. Given the differences between social and classical enterprises in terms of their objectives and modes of action, it has to be stressed that the nature of the contribution they make to the common good differs in terms of subject and object. The research is embedded in Catholic social teaching (CST) because this approach presents one of the theoretically and practically richest theories of the common good, and secondly, it allows to discover modern ways of building the common good while respecting centuries of tradition and referring to philosophical classics. The common good principle in the light of CST lets us focus not only on the material but also the transcendental aims of human work and life which lead to more sustainable management. Commercial enterprises strengthen intellectual capital and expand technological and business knowledge. The profit earned by these companies essentially contributes to the good of society (taxes, investment, charity), including employees (bonuses, training). Social enterprises, on the other hand, have the advantage of investing in social capital and thus building a civil society based on mutual trust and support, especially at a local and institutional level. The profit generated by these organisations is a means to achieve social goals and not an end in itself. The results of our research show that both commercial and social enterprises contribute to common good on their own ways but the best results can be achieved when they cooperate and use all of their strengths for building the better future.
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, May 15, 2009
Verbum Vitae, Nov 21, 2022
Social enterprises perceive social and environmental issues as primary objectives of their hybrid... more Social enterprises perceive social and environmental issues as primary objectives of their hybrid socioeconomic activities. They believe that financial stability is a prerequisite, not a goal. This approach is similar to Catholic social teaching (CST). The detailed content of the social encyclicals is a valuable means of deeper exploration and enrichment of the moral dimension of social enterprise management. The following article analyses social entrepreneurship from the point of view of the fundamental principles of CST and theological premises. The reference to the management of a social enterprise of the supreme personalistic standard and principles such as the common good, subsidiarity, and solidarity allows the moral dimension of this process to be understood more deeply. The paper was created based on a method appropriate to research focused on moral theology and CST. First, the content of selected literature on the subject (social entrepreneurship) and carefully selected theological-moral sources (especially papal documents and publications by CST researchers) were analysed. Subsequently, the results of the analysis were subjected to inference and conceptual work in relation to the adopted general research objective and specific research tasks: the phenomenon of social enterprises was described; the specific features and limitations of the social enterprise management process were identified; the fundamental principles of Catholic social teaching as normative criteria for social enterprise management were reviewed; the possibility of applying the aforementioned CST principles to social enterprise practice was discussed and presented, and the final conclusions were formulated.
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, Mar 1, 2017
From the beginning of the 1990s, a considerable interest in business ethics has been observed in ... more From the beginning of the 1990s, a considerable interest in business ethics has been observed in Poland. It seems that the legacy of Polish researchers concerned with this academic discipline is already rich enough, and at the same time so diverse, that it is worth making an attempt to systematise it, exploring and appropriately naming the basic approaches to deal with business ethics in Poland. The carried-out analyses allowed to determine the following leading methods in the formal aspect: firstly, metaethics of business ethics; secondly, business ethics practised in the framework of various modifications of normative ethics (mostly deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics and ethics of responsibility; on the other hand, it has been observed that there is a complete lack of clear references to personalistic ethics); thirdly, business ethics practised as descriptive ethics in economic life.
Roczniki Teologiczne, 2016
The aim of the article is to indicate the general characteristics of the key elements of the soci... more The aim of the article is to indicate the general characteristics of the key elements of the social counseling process. To accomplish this task the authors used professional literature and one of the co-authors' professional experience in his field of study. František Drozd has been practicing social counseling in Slovakia for several years. His experience has allowed him to competently determine the key factors in the counseling process. These are: (1) ambient conditions and taking into account the time factor; (2) properly conducted interview; (3) the relevant contract with the client and skillful completion of the counseling process, and (4) ethical principles in the counseling relation.
Verbum Vitae, Nov 21, 2022
Social enterprises perceive social and environmental issues as primary objectives of their hybrid... more Social enterprises perceive social and environmental issues as primary objectives of their hybrid socioeconomic activities. They believe that financial stability is a prerequisite, not a goal. This approach is similar to Catholic social teaching (CST). The detailed content of the social encyclicals is a valuable means of deeper exploration and enrichment of the moral dimension of social enterprise management. The following article analyses social entrepreneurship from the point of view of the fundamental principles of CST and theological premises. The reference to the management of a social enterprise of the supreme personalistic standard and principles such as the common good, subsidiarity, and solidarity allows the moral dimension of this process to be understood more deeply. The paper was created based on a method appropriate to research focused on moral theology and CST. First, the content of selected literature on the subject (social entrepreneurship) and carefully selected theological-moral sources (especially papal documents and publications by CST researchers) were analysed. Subsequently, the results of the analysis were subjected to inference and conceptual work in relation to the adopted general research objective and specific research tasks: the phenomenon of social enterprises was described; the specific features and limitations of the social enterprise management process were identified; the fundamental principles of Catholic social teaching as normative criteria for social enterprise management were reviewed; the possibility of applying the aforementioned CST principles to social enterprise practice was discussed and presented, and the final conclusions were formulated.
Rozdział I EKONOMIA W POSZUKIWANIU WŁASNEJ TOŻSAMOŚCI Zarys rozwoju filozofii nauki i metodologi... more Rozdział I
Zarys rozwoju filozofii nauki i metodologii ekonomii
1. Uwagi wstępne
2. Ewolucja rozumienia i poznawania prawdy o rzeczywistości: od metafizyki do scjentyzmu
3. Osiągnięcia filozofii nauki w XX wieku: główne stanowiska epistemologiczne
4. Debata wokół tożsamości ekonomii z perspektywy metodologicznej
4.1. Miejsce ekonomii wśród innych nauk
4.2. Dwa metodologiczne obozy w ekonomii
4.3. Ekonomia pozytywna versus ekonomia normatywna
4.4. Poznawcza i aplikacyjna funkcja ekonomii
5. Wnioski
Rozdział II
Identyfikacja i ocena źródeł ontologiczno-epistemologicznych oraz praktyki badawczej
1. Uwagi wstępne
2. Ontologiczne przekonania modernistów i ich ekonomiczne implikacje
2.1. Koncepcja człowieka (ludzkiej natury) i homo oeconomicus
2.2. Wizja życia społecznego i jej wpływ na rozumienie systemu gospodarczego
3. Modernistyczne założenia epistemologiczne – implikacje dla ekonomii
4. Metodologia (praktyka badawcza) ortodoksyjnej ekonomii jako rezultat myślenia scjentystyczno-pozytywistycznego
5. Wnioski − postulowane kierunki zmian
Rozdział III
Poznawczy i aplikacyjny potencjał metafizycznej ekonomii normatywnej
1. Uwagi wstępne
2. Metafizyczny „twardy rdzeń” katolickiej ekonomii normatywnej z perspektywy teologii moralnej i personalizmu ekonomicznego
2.1. Antropologiczno-teologiczny fundament katolickiej refleksji ekonomiczno-społecznej
2.1.1. Biblijno-teologiczne przesłanki koncepcji człowieka – implikacje moralne
2.1.2. Chrystologiczne źródła humanizmu integralnego i solidarnego
2.2. Personalizm katolicki i jego ekonomiczne implikacje
2.2.1. Teologiczno-filozoficzne podstawy personalizmu katolickiego
2.2.2. Ekonomiczne korelaty personalizmu katolickiego: perspektywa szkoły austriackiej
2.3. Wizja ładu społeczno-gospodarczego z perspektywy zasad nauki społecznej Kościoła i wartości podstawowych
2.3.1. Natura i znaczenie zasad katolickiej nauki społecznej oraz wartości podstawowych
2.3.2. Wizja ładu gospodarczego: katolicyzm społeczny wobec kapitalizmu
3. Epistemologiczne kwestie łączenia źródeł poznawczych: teologii, etyki i ekonomii
3.1. Podwójny porządek poznania w nauce społecznej Kościoła (rozum i wiara)
oraz specyfika poznania moralnego
3.2. Ekonomia a teologia katolicka: kompetencje Kościoła w sprawach gospodarczych
3.3. Potrzeba łączenia ekonomii i etyki: argumenty katolickiej nauki społecznej
4. Metoda katolickiej myśli ekonomiczno-społecznej i jej aplikacja do przedmiotu badań na wybranym przykładzie
4.1. Metodyczne aspekty naukowego dyskursu w katolickiej nauce społecznej
4.2. Katolicka myśl ekonomiczno-społeczna wobec współczesnego kryzysu finansowego
4.2.1. Zwięzły opis przyczyn i skutków kryzysu finansowego
4.2.2. Ocena kryzysu z moralnego i antropologicznego punktu widzenia
4.2.3. Postulowane kierunki rozwiązań globalnego kryzysu gospodarczo-finansowego
5. Wnioski
Współczesna ekonomia – „kolos na glinianych nogach”?
Wprowadzenie Rozdział I Gospodarka i moralność 1. Antropologiczny wymiar rzeczywistości gospodarc... more Wprowadzenie
Rozdział I
Gospodarka i moralność
1. Antropologiczny wymiar rzeczywistości gospodarczej
1.1. Integralna wizja człowieka jako zasadniczy element ładu społeczno-ekonomicznego
1.2. Zagrożenia ludzkiej osoby na tle współczesnego życia społeczno-gospodarczego
1.3. Drogi przezwyciężenia zagrożeń antropologicznych w gospodarce
2. Personalistyczna moralność gospodarcza
2.1. Źródła kryzysu gospodarczego z perspektywy etycznej
2.2. Etyka personalistyczna w życiu gospodarczym w świetle nauczania Benedykta XVI
2.3. Personalistyczna etyka przedsiębiorczości w ujęciu Jana Pawła II
2.4. Wnioski
3. Ekonomia społeczna a zasady nauki społecznej Kościoła
3.1. Osoba ludzka źródło i fundament wszystkich zasad społecznych
3.2. Godność ludzkiej pracy i wezwanie do przedsiębiorczości
3.3. Dobro wspólne, powszechne przeznaczenie dóbr i opcja preferencyjna na rzecz ubogich
3.4. Solidarność, pomocniczość i uczestnictwo
3.5. Wnioski
4. Moralne aspekty gospodarki i gospodarowania (w ujęciu ks. Janusza Nagórnego)
4.1. Charakterystyczne rysy podejścia Nagórnego do problematyki moralno-gospodarczej
4.2. Urząd Nauczycielski Kościoła wobec życia gospodarczego
4.3. Wartość i praktyczne implikacje myśli moralno-ekonomicznej ks. Nagórnego
4.4. Wnioski
Rozdział II
Przedsiębiorczość i biznes
1. Przedsiębiorczość i Kościół
1.1. Pojęcie i znaczenie przedsiębiorczości w rozwoju gospodarczym
1.2. Przedsiębiorczość jako kategoria antropologiczna i etyczna w ujęciu nauki społecznej Kościoła
1.3. Kościół wobec wybranych problemów związanych z przedsiębiorczością
1.4. Wnioski
2. Chrześcijanie i biznes
2.1. Zasadnicze „punkty odniesienia” dla chrześcijan w biznesie
2.2. Postawa chrześcijańskich przedsiębiorców wobec świata
2.3. Posłannictwo przedsiębiorców wobec świata
2.4. Wnioski
3. Postawy chrześcijańskich liderów biznesu w Polsce
3.1. Wprowadzenie
3.2. Wiara i moralność a życie zawodowe chrześcijańskich liderów biznesu w Polsce
3.3. Wnioski
Rozdział III
Praca i bogactwo
1. Teologiczny, personalistyczny i moralny wymiar ludzkiej pracy
1.1. „Ewangelia pracy” – pojęcie i istota
1.2. Personalistyczny wymiar ludzkiej pracy
1.3. Odpowiedzialność za pracę
1.4. Praca jako powinność
1.5. Wnioski
2. Prawo człowieka do pracy
2.1. Źródła prawa do pracy
2.2. Treść prawa do pracy
2.3. Problem realizacji prawa do pracy
2.4. Wnioski
3. Praca i rodzina
3.1. Związki ludzkiej pracy z życiem rodzinnym
3.2. Wychowanie do pracy w rodzinie
3.3. Wnioski
4. Człowiek i bogactwo – perspektywa biblijna
4.1. Stosunek do bogactw w Starym Testamencie
4.2. Stosunek do bogactw w Nowym Testamencie
4.3. Moralne implikacje biblijnego podejścia do dóbr materialnych
ROZDZIAŁ I CHARAKTERYSTKA POWSZECHNEJ ETYKI BIZNESU 1. Wyjaśnienie podstawowych pojęć 2. History... more ROZDZIAŁ I
1. Wyjaśnienie podstawowych pojęć
2. Historyczne źródła myśli etycznogospodarczej
2.1. Recepcja poglądów wybranych myślicieli starożytnych
2.2. Źródła myśli chrześcijańskiej
2.2.1. Biblijne inspiracje
2.2.2. Poglądy Ojców Kościoła
2.2.3. Nauka św. Tomasza z Akwinu
2.3. Wpływ okresu nowożytnego i narodzin klasycznej ekonomii
3. Powstanie współczesnej etyki biznesu
3.1. Etapy rozwoju etyki biznesu
3.2. Przyczyny powstania etyki biznesu
4. Wielość tradycji ujmowania etyki biznesu na świecie
4.1. Ujęcia ze względu na tradycje geograficzno-kulturowo-filozoficzne
4.1.1. Podejście amerykańskie
4.1.2. Podejście europejskie
4.1.3. Podejście azjatyckie
4.2. Ujęcia ze względu na tradycje religijnomoralne
4.2.1. Podejście chrześcijańskie
4.2.2. Podejście judaistyczne
4.2.3. Podejście islamskie
4.2.4. Podejście buddyjskie
1. Spór o adekwatne pojęcie dla etyki biznesu w Polsce
2. Polskie tradycje etyki biznesu
3. Wiodące metody ujmowania etyki biznesu w Polsce
3.1. Etyka biznesu jako metaetyka (etyka teoretyczna)
3.2. Etyka biznesu jako etyka normatywna
3.3. Etyka biznesu jako etyka opisowa (etologia)
4. Zasadnicze płaszczyzny problematyki w polskiej etyce biznesu
4.1. Mikroetyka biznesu – etyka pracy i etyka zawodowa
4.2. Mezoetyka biznesu – etyka na poziomie przedsiębiorstwa
4.3. Makroetyka biznesu – etyczne aspekty systemów ekonomicznych
4.4. Etyka biznesu w perspektywie globalnej
1. Spór o normę moralności z perspektywy chrześcijańskiej
1.1. Chrześcijański personalizm wobec deontologizmu i utylitaryzm.
1.2. Prawe sumienie jako odpowiedź na potrzebę odpowiedzialności
i cnotliwości
1.2.1. Zarys integralnej koncepcji człowieka
1.2.2. Godność i znaczenie sumienia
1.2.3. Formacja sumienia – wezwanie do odpowiedzialności
i nabywania cnót
2. Teologia moralna społeczna wobec ujęć problematyki etyczno-biznesowej
2.1. Chrześcijańska koncepcja pracy i życia zawodowego
2.2. Moralny wymiar funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa
2.3. Moralne aspekty systemów gospodarczych
2.3.1. Zasadnicze elementy porządku społeczno-gospodarczego
2.3.2. Niektóre zagrożenia życia społeczno-gospodarczego
2.3.3. Wskazania w zakresie przezwyciężenia zagrożeń życia społeczno-gospodarczego
2.4. Uniwersalny charakter moralności chrześcijańskiej
a poszukiwania tzw. etyki globalnej
Monografie i Opracowania / Szkoła Główna Handlowa, 2014
ABSTRACT W ostatnich kilkunastu latach ekonomia społeczna na nowo nabiera w Polsce coraz większeg... more ABSTRACT W ostatnich kilkunastu latach ekonomia społeczna na nowo nabiera w Polsce coraz większego znaczenia. Świadczy o tym rosnąca liczba przedsiębiorstw społecznych, a także spore zainteresowanie naukowe, owocujące licznymi publikacjami o tematyce gospodarczo-społecznej. Z pewnością ma to związek z procesami przed i poakcesyjnymi, które niejako odgórnie wyzwalają potencjał tkwiący w polskim społeczeństwie obywatelskim, poprzez proponowane w ramach funduszy europejskich środki finansowe zachęcające do zakładania lub modernizowania istniejących podmiotów ekonomii społecznej. Nie należy jednak oczywiście zapominać, że tradycje przedsiębiorczości społecznej są w Polsce dużo starsze i sięgają co najmniej XIX wieku. Warto zauważyć, że jedną z zalet opisanej sytuacji jest szansa skutecznego przeciwdziałania wykluczeniu społecznemu. Różne formy przedsiębiorczości społecznej stwarzają bowiem warunki ku temu, by osoby marginalizowane społecznie mogły stać się aktywnymi uczestnikami życia gospodarczego, a nie tylko być biernymi beneficjentami pomocy społecznej. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza powiązań istniejących między potencjałem tkwiącym w ekonomii społecznej a problemami związanymi z wykluczeniem społecznym. Przeprowadzony dyskurs poparto prezentacją wybranych „dobrych praktyk” w tym zakresie. Szerszym tłem rozważań są współczesne przemiany społeczne, w niektórych aspektach prowadzące do nasilania się zjawiska marginalizacji. Opracowanie ma charakter teoretyczny i oparte jest na metodzie desk research, pozwalającej dokonać stosownych badań literatury przedmiotu.
Verbum Vitae, Jun 30, 2021
The aim of the article is to indicate and describe the normative assumptions of the professional ... more The aim of the article is to indicate and describe the normative assumptions of the professional ethics of social entrepreneurs. The innovative nature of the proposed concept consists in taking into consideration the perspective of Christian personalist ethics. It is a theory of morality which includes considerations for the biblical and theological view of man, emphasizing above all their personal dignity. Referring to the principal axioms of this ethical doctrine allows for a presentation of a proposal of ethical principles and moral virtues – adequate to the mission, tasks, and vocation of social entrepreneurs. The article discusses the following issues: the essence of Christian personalist ethics, the mission and tasks of social entrepreneurs, the motivation and vocation of social entrepreneurs, ethical aspects of leadership in social enterprises, as well as the ethical principles and moral virtues of social entrepreneurs. A methodology characteristic of normative philosophical ethics and moral theology was applied. The results of the analysis of the methodically selected literature on the subject were processed by means of conceptual work, which allowed us to describe the professional ethics of social entrepreneurs from the point of view of Christian personalist ethics. Christian personalist ethics makes a valuable and original contribution to the description of the normative determinants of social entrepreneurship. The analysis of the mission and tasks of social entrepreneurs shows that they create social structures and processes that affirm the dignity of marginalized people and restore their capacity to participate in social and economic life.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II, Jul 14, 2023
The role of Catholic social teaching has been attributed to the promotion of moral values and pri... more The role of Catholic social teaching has been attributed to the promotion of moral values and principles that should be considered when establishing or evaluating a given social, economic, or political system. This also applies to smaller structures, specific institutions, concepts, and practical social solutions, which may include social entrepreneurship. The article aims to confirm the hypothesis that, taking into account the principles of Catholic social teaching in the process of discovering the axionormative determinants of social entrepreneurship allows its deeper understanding and more effective implementation of its praxeological goals. At the beginning of the paper, the author emphasises the common source of all general and specific axionormative criteria of the two analysed disciplines-the dignity of a human person. Further deliberations revolve around other values and principles, such as the value of human work and entrepreneurship, the common good, the universal destination of goods, the preferential option for the poor, solidarity, subsidiarity, and participation.
Social economy and the Church's social teaching are joined not only by a similar object of in... more Social economy and the Church's social teaching are joined not only by a similar object of interest, i. e. a common axiological foundation in the form of certain values and principles. It seems that the existence of such connections on the axiological level is not very well known, which can be proven, among others, by the fact that it is hard to find any studies or even mentions connected with it in the literature on the subject. Hence an attempt seems justified to look closely and to analyze this connection in order to indicate the details of mutual implications, and so to show the possibilities of mutual enriching these two domains of human reflection on social life. The article analyzes particular principles of social life that are preached by the Church as part of its social teaching, with respect to their presence or the necessity of considering them in social economy. First it points to (1) the source and foundation of all the social principles, which is the human person, and then it shows (2) the dignity of work and the call to be enterprising. Next, the following principles are analyzed: (3) the common good, the general allotment of goods and preferential option for the poor, and finally (4) solidarity, subsidiariness and participation.
Roczniki Teologiczne, 2015
The subject of the article are the moral attitudes assumed by Christian business leaders in Polan... more The subject of the article are the moral attitudes assumed by Christian business leaders in Poland. The study is focused on one of the key components of the attitude, that is the various motivation processes. The following research question was asked: What are the religious and moral motives for the attitudes assumed by business leaders towards professional challenges? The central thesis of the work is contained in the statement that in Poland there are enterprising Christians who, despite the unusually difficult professional challenge, which is reconciling business and religious-moral aims, want to behave in a harmonious way and with their lives they bear witness that it is possible-thanks to God's grace-to overcome the temptation of living "a divided life". The answer to the study question was obtained by reviewing and analyzing the contents of selected responses given by Christian business leaders in Poland that were contained in testimonies published as part of minutes of conferences organized by the John Paul II Pontifical University of Krakow and the "Talent" Pastorate for Entrepreneurs and Employers. The other source was the report containing responses to the Internet questionnaire drawn up by the "Talent" Pastorate, that were given on 9-20 September 2011 (64 respondents answered the questions). In his analyses the author focused on the contents of the statements given by those business leaders in Poland who unambiguously referred to the Christian faith they profess, showing its positive influence on their personal and professional life. Hence the article should only be treated as a contribution to further deepened and broadened studies of this professional group. The study that has been made allows drawing the conclusion that in the Polish world of business there are people for whom besides economic efficiency (which is undoubtedly the aim of business) also spiritual aims are important, that is, eternal salvation, fulfilling God's will,
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Dec 30, 2019
The aim of the article is to show the interdependencies that occur between the family and the eco... more The aim of the article is to show the interdependencies that occur between the family and the economic function it undertakes. The author points out and describes the mutual relations between the marriage and family bond, and economic conditions. The healthy state of the conjugal and family bond is generally reflected in the economic well-being of that particular community of people, and in a macro dimension, it provides a strong foundation for the whole society and its economy. On the other hand, economic processes and factors that create an economic and social environment of the family determine the way it functions as a household and also affect (at least indirectly) its inner harmony. The article shows not just the scale and depth of the connections between the family and the economic function it performs, but also how important these connections are in a moral and social sphere. Keywords: family, economy, economic function of the family, marriage and family bond, human capital
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, May 15, 2013
Roczniki Teologiczne, 2016
ATTEMPT TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF DEFINITION A b s t r a c t. In the last 30-40 years there has ... more ATTEMPT TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF DEFINITION A b s t r a c t. In the last 30-40 years there has been increased interest in research on socioeconomic changes. Thus, there has been a shift away from measuring only the material dimension of development. Researchers started use categories such as: consumption, standard of living, level of living, economic welfare, wealth, living conditions, quality of life, a way of life, lifestyle, etc. The problem that we faced in a quite extensive literature is the lack of application of a uniform terminology. Attempts to define these categories should be regarded as not fully satisfactory because they do not allow the adoption of clear solutions. We can only point out some proposals that include many significant features conducive to study the social dimension of economic transition. This article attempts to resolve problems of definition of three basic categories related to the study of socioeconomic changes, which are: conditions of life, standard of living and quality of life.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
The Catholic Church’s Social Teaching dealing with mankind is interested in the person and their ... more The Catholic Church’s Social Teaching dealing with mankind is interested in the person and their way of progressing in the world. As John Paul II stated, Catholic Social Teaching “belongs [...] to the field [...] of theology, particularly moral theology” (SRS 41; CA 55). Polish moralists in the area of social moral theological studies undertake the issue of economic-social life, and in particular its anthropological dimension. Moral reflections from the theological point of view allow for an integral grasping of the involvement of the person in the life of society. The goal of the presented report is to show an integral concept of the person as the fundamental dimension of social-economic life. The principle source of this work is comprised of views presented on the given topic by the nation’s moralists during over a dozen lately held yearly meetings of the Section of Polish Moral Theologians. The contents of the report are divided into three parts: (1) the integrated vision of the ...
Verbum Vitae, Dec 18, 2023
This publication aims to identify similarities and differences in the ways of implementing the pr... more This publication aims to identify similarities and differences in the ways of implementing the principle of the common good in classical (commercial) and social enterprises. Given the differences between social and classical enterprises in terms of their objectives and modes of action, it has to be stressed that the nature of the contribution they make to the common good differs in terms of subject and object. The research is embedded in Catholic social teaching (CST) because this approach presents one of the theoretically and practically richest theories of the common good, and secondly, it allows to discover modern ways of building the common good while respecting centuries of tradition and referring to philosophical classics. The common good principle in the light of CST lets us focus not only on the material but also the transcendental aims of human work and life which lead to more sustainable management. Commercial enterprises strengthen intellectual capital and expand technological and business knowledge. The profit earned by these companies essentially contributes to the good of society (taxes, investment, charity), including employees (bonuses, training). Social enterprises, on the other hand, have the advantage of investing in social capital and thus building a civil society based on mutual trust and support, especially at a local and institutional level. The profit generated by these organisations is a means to achieve social goals and not an end in itself. The results of our research show that both commercial and social enterprises contribute to common good on their own ways but the best results can be achieved when they cooperate and use all of their strengths for building the better future.
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, May 15, 2009
Verbum Vitae, Nov 21, 2022
Social enterprises perceive social and environmental issues as primary objectives of their hybrid... more Social enterprises perceive social and environmental issues as primary objectives of their hybrid socioeconomic activities. They believe that financial stability is a prerequisite, not a goal. This approach is similar to Catholic social teaching (CST). The detailed content of the social encyclicals is a valuable means of deeper exploration and enrichment of the moral dimension of social enterprise management. The following article analyses social entrepreneurship from the point of view of the fundamental principles of CST and theological premises. The reference to the management of a social enterprise of the supreme personalistic standard and principles such as the common good, subsidiarity, and solidarity allows the moral dimension of this process to be understood more deeply. The paper was created based on a method appropriate to research focused on moral theology and CST. First, the content of selected literature on the subject (social entrepreneurship) and carefully selected theological-moral sources (especially papal documents and publications by CST researchers) were analysed. Subsequently, the results of the analysis were subjected to inference and conceptual work in relation to the adopted general research objective and specific research tasks: the phenomenon of social enterprises was described; the specific features and limitations of the social enterprise management process were identified; the fundamental principles of Catholic social teaching as normative criteria for social enterprise management were reviewed; the possibility of applying the aforementioned CST principles to social enterprise practice was discussed and presented, and the final conclusions were formulated.
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, Mar 1, 2017
From the beginning of the 1990s, a considerable interest in business ethics has been observed in ... more From the beginning of the 1990s, a considerable interest in business ethics has been observed in Poland. It seems that the legacy of Polish researchers concerned with this academic discipline is already rich enough, and at the same time so diverse, that it is worth making an attempt to systematise it, exploring and appropriately naming the basic approaches to deal with business ethics in Poland. The carried-out analyses allowed to determine the following leading methods in the formal aspect: firstly, metaethics of business ethics; secondly, business ethics practised in the framework of various modifications of normative ethics (mostly deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics and ethics of responsibility; on the other hand, it has been observed that there is a complete lack of clear references to personalistic ethics); thirdly, business ethics practised as descriptive ethics in economic life.
Roczniki Teologiczne, 2016
The aim of the article is to indicate the general characteristics of the key elements of the soci... more The aim of the article is to indicate the general characteristics of the key elements of the social counseling process. To accomplish this task the authors used professional literature and one of the co-authors' professional experience in his field of study. František Drozd has been practicing social counseling in Slovakia for several years. His experience has allowed him to competently determine the key factors in the counseling process. These are: (1) ambient conditions and taking into account the time factor; (2) properly conducted interview; (3) the relevant contract with the client and skillful completion of the counseling process, and (4) ethical principles in the counseling relation.
Verbum Vitae, Nov 21, 2022
Social enterprises perceive social and environmental issues as primary objectives of their hybrid... more Social enterprises perceive social and environmental issues as primary objectives of their hybrid socioeconomic activities. They believe that financial stability is a prerequisite, not a goal. This approach is similar to Catholic social teaching (CST). The detailed content of the social encyclicals is a valuable means of deeper exploration and enrichment of the moral dimension of social enterprise management. The following article analyses social entrepreneurship from the point of view of the fundamental principles of CST and theological premises. The reference to the management of a social enterprise of the supreme personalistic standard and principles such as the common good, subsidiarity, and solidarity allows the moral dimension of this process to be understood more deeply. The paper was created based on a method appropriate to research focused on moral theology and CST. First, the content of selected literature on the subject (social entrepreneurship) and carefully selected theological-moral sources (especially papal documents and publications by CST researchers) were analysed. Subsequently, the results of the analysis were subjected to inference and conceptual work in relation to the adopted general research objective and specific research tasks: the phenomenon of social enterprises was described; the specific features and limitations of the social enterprise management process were identified; the fundamental principles of Catholic social teaching as normative criteria for social enterprise management were reviewed; the possibility of applying the aforementioned CST principles to social enterprise practice was discussed and presented, and the final conclusions were formulated.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2017
The article focuses on the possibility of using the principles of personalism and utilitarianism ... more The article focuses on the possibility of using the principles of personalism and utilitarianism in business ethics and marketing ethics. The author answers the question: Why should we first choose personalism, and not utilitarianism? The main thesis of this article is that for business ethics and marketing ethics the personalistic norm of morality is more appropriate than the utilitarian standard of morality. The article aims: (1) at assessing the utilitarian standard of morality used in business and marketing ethics; (2) at introducing the concept of business ethics and marketing ethics based on the assumptions of personalism
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
The article focuses on the possibility of using the principles of personalism and utilitarianism ... more The article focuses on the possibility of using the principles of personalism and utilitarianism in business ethics and marketing ethics. The author answers the question: Why should we first choose personalism, and not utilitarianism? The main thesis of this article is that for business ethics and marketing ethics the personalistic norm of morality is more appropriate than the utilitarian standard of morality. The article aims: (1) at assessing the utilitarian standard of morality used in business and marketing ethics; (2) at introducing the concept of business ethics and marketing ethics based on the assumptions of personalism.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
The role of Catholic social teaching has been attributed to the promotion of moral values and pri... more The role of Catholic social teaching has been attributed to the promotion of moral values and principles that should be considered when establishing or evaluating a given social, economic, or political system. This also applies to smaller structures, specific institutions, concepts, and practical social solutions, which may include social entrepreneurship. The article aims to confirm the hypothesis that, taking into account the principles of Catholic social teaching in the process of discovering the axionormative determinants of social entrepreneurship allows its deeper understanding and more effective implementation of its praxeological goals. At the beginning of the paper, the author emphasises the common source of all general and specific axionormative criteria of the two analysed disciplines – the dignity of a human person. Further deliberations revolve around other values and principles, such as the value of human work and entrepreneurship, the common good, the universal destin...