Erik Mathijs | KU Leuven (original) (raw)

Papers by Erik Mathijs

Research paper thumbnail of contracting and Production Efficiency in czech Agriculture

ABSTRACT In this paper we used survey data on Czech family farms to test the relationship between... more ABSTRACT In this paper we used survey data on Czech family farms to test the relationship between contracting and farm-specific technical efficiency. Technical efficiency scores of 131 Czech family farms specialized in crop production were calculated using Data Envelopment Analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Critical constraints to rural development in Central and Eastern Europe

The economic and institutional transformation process in CEE has severely affected the rural econ... more The economic and institutional transformation process in CEE has severely affected the rural economy. While the impact on employment and activity in general and in rural areas has differed between countries, a significant decline in output and employment has followed the initial reforms. In some CEECs, such as Poland, recovery started soon after the initial economic decline and the overall economy has grown strongly since the mid-1990s, while unemployment has declined.

Research paper thumbnail of The economics of agricultural decollectivization in central and eastern Europe

ABSTRACT The break-up of large-scale agricultural production units into individually operated far... more ABSTRACT The break-up of large-scale agricultural production units into individually operated farms differs considerably across Central and Eastern European countries. Family farming is not well developed in countries where large-scale successor organizations to the former state and collective farms still dominate, such as Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. However, family farms are important in Albania and Latvia, where a massive break-up of the collective farms resulted in a domination of small-scale production units.

Research paper thumbnail of Motivations of Dutch farmers to invest in an automatic milking system or a conventional milking parlour

Abstract Besides business economics other motivations might also play an important role in the ad... more Abstract Besides business economics other motivations might also play an important role in the adoption of new technology. The objectives of this research were to gain insight in the motivation and background of the farmers who choose for an automatic milking (AM) system in comparison with those who choose for a conventional milking (CM) system. In total 120 randomly selected farmers (60 who recently invested in an AM-system and 60 who recently invested in a CM-system entered the study.

Research paper thumbnail of Lokale ecologische kennis van bodem-en waterfuncties bij boeren in Sumberjaya, Sumatra, Indonesië

“Istilahnya kalau kepala kita ini gundul, maaf kalau anak ini istilahnya [ke kepala penulis skrip... more “Istilahnya kalau kepala kita ini gundul, maaf kalau anak ini istilahnya [ke kepala penulis skripsi ini], coba sekarang air satu gelas, nggak mungkin air satu gelas ke luar langsung dari rambut, tapi kalau gundul air satu gelas ini langsung mengalir, cuman basah sebentar. Gunung juga begitu, bila mana gundul langsung aja, tapi bila ada tanam tumbuhnya, kayu-kayu yang ini, nggak.”

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring agriculture’s multifunctionality by means of integrated nation-wide accounting

Abstract A framework for Economic and Environmental Accounts for Agriculture (EEAA) is presented,... more Abstract A framework for Economic and Environmental Accounts for Agriculture (EEAA) is presented, which extends conventional economic accounts for agriculture with environmental issues, valued in monetary terms. The sector's private costs and benefits are integrated with external'social'ones, ie commodity goods and services with non-commodity ones, using existing tools for valuing non-market goods and services.

Research paper thumbnail of Farm survival and growth in transition economies: theory and empirical evidence from Hungary

Our conceptual model states that new individual farms may begin at a small, even sub-optimal, sca... more Our conceptual model states that new individual farms may begin at a small, even sub-optimal, scale of production and then those farms that are successful will survive and grow, whereas those that are not will remain small and may ultimately be forced to exit from production. The samples of individual farms analysed throughout this article are drawn from the 1998 Farm Survey in Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of Economic valuation methods of forest rehabilitation in exclosures

Besides regeneration of the vegetation cover, exclosures potentially have tremendous economic ben... more Besides regeneration of the vegetation cover, exclosures potentially have tremendous economic benefits in terms of production of wood and non wood forest products, restoration of water resources, soil protection, etc. The aim of this paper is to identify the best available methods for valuation of the goods and services of exclosures in the highlands of Ethiopia.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable value assessment of farms using frontier efficiency benchmarks

Appropriate assessment of firm sustainability facilitates actor-driven processes towards sustaina... more Appropriate assessment of firm sustainability facilitates actor-driven processes towards sustainable development. The methodology in this paper builds further on two proven methodologies for the assessment of sustainability performance: it combines the sustainable value approach with frontier efficiency benchmarks. The sustainable value methodology tries to relate firm performance to the use of different resources.

Research paper thumbnail of Bedrijfsindelingen voor beleidsanalyse. Toepassingen voor de Vlaamse land-en tuinbouw

Deze eerste publicatie in het kader van taak 4 van het Steunpunt Duurzame Landbouw “Ontwikkeling ... more Deze eerste publicatie in het kader van taak 4 van het Steunpunt Duurzame Landbouw “Ontwikkeling van geïntegreerde landbouwbedrijfsmodellen” tracht de diversiteit van het werkterrein waar de bedrijfsmodellen voor ingezet zullen worden in kaart te brengen. Wat eerst startte als een vingeroefening is uiteindelijk uitgegroeid tot een meer uitgebreide review van bedrijfsindelingen voor beleidsanalyse, steeds met de inzet ervan in de bedrijfsmodellering in het achterhoofd.

Research paper thumbnail of Framing as strategy for effective communication about Fair Trade products in Flanders

This paper investigates whether reframing an issue related to sustainable consumption can influen... more This paper investigates whether reframing an issue related to sustainable consumption can influence citizens' attitude towards that issue. Our investigation focuses on the case of Fair Trade in Flanders, Belgium. Fair Trade contributes to sustainable development by offering better conditions to marginalized producers in the South. Using an internet-based experimental setup, 1617 individuals were exposed to an NGO-based frame, a retailer-based frame, an experimental frame or no frame.

Research paper thumbnail of Economics of Spatial Coexistence of Genetically Modified and Conventional Crops: Oilseed rape in Central France

Research paper thumbnail of Jatropha integrated agroforestry systems: biodiesel pathways towards sustainable rural development

abstract The current “Jatropha hype” attracts large-scale investments in the cultivation of Jatro... more abstract The current “Jatropha hype” attracts large-scale investments in the cultivation of Jatropha curcas. This will mainly result in an expansion of large-scale monoculture plantations of the species. Ironically, the problems associated with such monocultures–problems of economic, social and environmental sustainability, along with pests, diseases and potential hydrological consequences–threaten to dim the interest in the species. Therefore, alternative cultivation systems should be explored.

Research paper thumbnail of Jatropha: From global hype to local opportunity

The global interest in biofuels does not go unnoticed. The keen interest in biofuels is mainly in... more The global interest in biofuels does not go unnoticed. The keen interest in biofuels is mainly inspired by climate change issues, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions, as well as by geopolitical issues, aiming to reduce nations' dependence on fossil fuels (Verrastro and Ladislaw, 2007).

Research paper thumbnail of Rural Poverty Dynamics and Impact of Intervention Programs upon Chronic and Transitory Poverty in Northern Ethiopia*

Abstract: Using a three-year panel data set of rural households in the Tigray region of northern ... more Abstract: Using a three-year panel data set of rural households in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia, we examine the dynamics of poverty and the impact of two intervention measures—the food for work (FFW) and the food security package (FSP) programs—upon poverty by disaggregating total poverty into its transient and chronic components. Poverty in the region is predominantly chronic.

Research paper thumbnail of Socio-economic aspects of automatic milking

Abstract This paper reports on a survey among 107 farmers who have recently invested in an automa... more Abstract This paper reports on a survey among 107 farmers who have recently invested in an automatic milking (AM) system in Belgium, Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands. A questionnaire was designed to capture the characteristics and motivations of AM farmers, farm characteristics and the implications of the introduction of an AM-system. This paper summarizes the motivation and characteristics of farmers investing in an AM-system in a first part and the implications for labour use and the farmers' quality of life in a second.

Research paper thumbnail of Underutilized agroforestry food products in Amazonas (Venezuela): a market chain analysis

Abstract The worlds' current food production system is focused on a limited number of crops. Howe... more Abstract The worlds' current food production system is focused on a limited number of crops. However, international food demand is increasingly looking for more diversified supplies. In the Venezuelan State Amazonas, the Piaroa indigenous people collect and cultivate several indigenous species with local, regional, national and even international potential.

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing food quality: the role of labels and short chains

Abstract Many farmers face high costs and hence are not competitive without substantial governmen... more Abstract Many farmers face high costs and hence are not competitive without substantial government support. Focusing on a low-cost strategy is no longer an issue. New strategies have to focus on producing added value by targeting specific markets. This paper discusses how products can be differentiated to serve different market segments and focuses on the importance of transaction costs in marketing channels as the key driving force of how food supply chains are organised.

Research paper thumbnail of Rural livestock asset portfolio in northern Ethiopia: a microeconomic analysis of choice and accumulation

Abstract Livestock fulfill different functions. Depending on their livelihood strategies, househo... more Abstract Livestock fulfill different functions. Depending on their livelihood strategies, households differ in their choice of what type of animal to keep and on accumulation of the chosen animal overtime. Using a panel data of 385 rural households in a mixed farming system in northern Ethiopia, this paper investigates the dynamic behavior of rural households' livestock holding to identify determinants of choice and accumulation of livestock overtime.

Research paper thumbnail of Retraction and expansion of flock mobility in Central Asia: costs and consequences

Seasonal and spatial fluctuations in forage quality, accessibility and output provide strong ince... more Seasonal and spatial fluctuations in forage quality, accessibility and output provide strong incentives for migratory stock keeping in Central Asia. Over the past century, mobile livestock husbandry has either been suppressed or collapsed and a fragmented pattern of rangeland use has ensued. Policy shifts underlying these processes in Kazakstan are traced. New patterns are evident whereby some flocks are again being moved by season to different pastures.

Research paper thumbnail of contracting and Production Efficiency in czech Agriculture

ABSTRACT In this paper we used survey data on Czech family farms to test the relationship between... more ABSTRACT In this paper we used survey data on Czech family farms to test the relationship between contracting and farm-specific technical efficiency. Technical efficiency scores of 131 Czech family farms specialized in crop production were calculated using Data Envelopment Analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Critical constraints to rural development in Central and Eastern Europe

The economic and institutional transformation process in CEE has severely affected the rural econ... more The economic and institutional transformation process in CEE has severely affected the rural economy. While the impact on employment and activity in general and in rural areas has differed between countries, a significant decline in output and employment has followed the initial reforms. In some CEECs, such as Poland, recovery started soon after the initial economic decline and the overall economy has grown strongly since the mid-1990s, while unemployment has declined.

Research paper thumbnail of The economics of agricultural decollectivization in central and eastern Europe

ABSTRACT The break-up of large-scale agricultural production units into individually operated far... more ABSTRACT The break-up of large-scale agricultural production units into individually operated farms differs considerably across Central and Eastern European countries. Family farming is not well developed in countries where large-scale successor organizations to the former state and collective farms still dominate, such as Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. However, family farms are important in Albania and Latvia, where a massive break-up of the collective farms resulted in a domination of small-scale production units.

Research paper thumbnail of Motivations of Dutch farmers to invest in an automatic milking system or a conventional milking parlour

Abstract Besides business economics other motivations might also play an important role in the ad... more Abstract Besides business economics other motivations might also play an important role in the adoption of new technology. The objectives of this research were to gain insight in the motivation and background of the farmers who choose for an automatic milking (AM) system in comparison with those who choose for a conventional milking (CM) system. In total 120 randomly selected farmers (60 who recently invested in an AM-system and 60 who recently invested in a CM-system entered the study.

Research paper thumbnail of Lokale ecologische kennis van bodem-en waterfuncties bij boeren in Sumberjaya, Sumatra, Indonesië

“Istilahnya kalau kepala kita ini gundul, maaf kalau anak ini istilahnya [ke kepala penulis skrip... more “Istilahnya kalau kepala kita ini gundul, maaf kalau anak ini istilahnya [ke kepala penulis skripsi ini], coba sekarang air satu gelas, nggak mungkin air satu gelas ke luar langsung dari rambut, tapi kalau gundul air satu gelas ini langsung mengalir, cuman basah sebentar. Gunung juga begitu, bila mana gundul langsung aja, tapi bila ada tanam tumbuhnya, kayu-kayu yang ini, nggak.”

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring agriculture’s multifunctionality by means of integrated nation-wide accounting

Abstract A framework for Economic and Environmental Accounts for Agriculture (EEAA) is presented,... more Abstract A framework for Economic and Environmental Accounts for Agriculture (EEAA) is presented, which extends conventional economic accounts for agriculture with environmental issues, valued in monetary terms. The sector's private costs and benefits are integrated with external'social'ones, ie commodity goods and services with non-commodity ones, using existing tools for valuing non-market goods and services.

Research paper thumbnail of Farm survival and growth in transition economies: theory and empirical evidence from Hungary

Our conceptual model states that new individual farms may begin at a small, even sub-optimal, sca... more Our conceptual model states that new individual farms may begin at a small, even sub-optimal, scale of production and then those farms that are successful will survive and grow, whereas those that are not will remain small and may ultimately be forced to exit from production. The samples of individual farms analysed throughout this article are drawn from the 1998 Farm Survey in Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of Economic valuation methods of forest rehabilitation in exclosures

Besides regeneration of the vegetation cover, exclosures potentially have tremendous economic ben... more Besides regeneration of the vegetation cover, exclosures potentially have tremendous economic benefits in terms of production of wood and non wood forest products, restoration of water resources, soil protection, etc. The aim of this paper is to identify the best available methods for valuation of the goods and services of exclosures in the highlands of Ethiopia.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable value assessment of farms using frontier efficiency benchmarks

Appropriate assessment of firm sustainability facilitates actor-driven processes towards sustaina... more Appropriate assessment of firm sustainability facilitates actor-driven processes towards sustainable development. The methodology in this paper builds further on two proven methodologies for the assessment of sustainability performance: it combines the sustainable value approach with frontier efficiency benchmarks. The sustainable value methodology tries to relate firm performance to the use of different resources.

Research paper thumbnail of Bedrijfsindelingen voor beleidsanalyse. Toepassingen voor de Vlaamse land-en tuinbouw

Deze eerste publicatie in het kader van taak 4 van het Steunpunt Duurzame Landbouw “Ontwikkeling ... more Deze eerste publicatie in het kader van taak 4 van het Steunpunt Duurzame Landbouw “Ontwikkeling van geïntegreerde landbouwbedrijfsmodellen” tracht de diversiteit van het werkterrein waar de bedrijfsmodellen voor ingezet zullen worden in kaart te brengen. Wat eerst startte als een vingeroefening is uiteindelijk uitgegroeid tot een meer uitgebreide review van bedrijfsindelingen voor beleidsanalyse, steeds met de inzet ervan in de bedrijfsmodellering in het achterhoofd.

Research paper thumbnail of Framing as strategy for effective communication about Fair Trade products in Flanders

This paper investigates whether reframing an issue related to sustainable consumption can influen... more This paper investigates whether reframing an issue related to sustainable consumption can influence citizens' attitude towards that issue. Our investigation focuses on the case of Fair Trade in Flanders, Belgium. Fair Trade contributes to sustainable development by offering better conditions to marginalized producers in the South. Using an internet-based experimental setup, 1617 individuals were exposed to an NGO-based frame, a retailer-based frame, an experimental frame or no frame.

Research paper thumbnail of Economics of Spatial Coexistence of Genetically Modified and Conventional Crops: Oilseed rape in Central France

Research paper thumbnail of Jatropha integrated agroforestry systems: biodiesel pathways towards sustainable rural development

abstract The current “Jatropha hype” attracts large-scale investments in the cultivation of Jatro... more abstract The current “Jatropha hype” attracts large-scale investments in the cultivation of Jatropha curcas. This will mainly result in an expansion of large-scale monoculture plantations of the species. Ironically, the problems associated with such monocultures–problems of economic, social and environmental sustainability, along with pests, diseases and potential hydrological consequences–threaten to dim the interest in the species. Therefore, alternative cultivation systems should be explored.

Research paper thumbnail of Jatropha: From global hype to local opportunity

The global interest in biofuels does not go unnoticed. The keen interest in biofuels is mainly in... more The global interest in biofuels does not go unnoticed. The keen interest in biofuels is mainly inspired by climate change issues, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions, as well as by geopolitical issues, aiming to reduce nations' dependence on fossil fuels (Verrastro and Ladislaw, 2007).

Research paper thumbnail of Rural Poverty Dynamics and Impact of Intervention Programs upon Chronic and Transitory Poverty in Northern Ethiopia*

Abstract: Using a three-year panel data set of rural households in the Tigray region of northern ... more Abstract: Using a three-year panel data set of rural households in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia, we examine the dynamics of poverty and the impact of two intervention measures—the food for work (FFW) and the food security package (FSP) programs—upon poverty by disaggregating total poverty into its transient and chronic components. Poverty in the region is predominantly chronic.

Research paper thumbnail of Socio-economic aspects of automatic milking

Abstract This paper reports on a survey among 107 farmers who have recently invested in an automa... more Abstract This paper reports on a survey among 107 farmers who have recently invested in an automatic milking (AM) system in Belgium, Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands. A questionnaire was designed to capture the characteristics and motivations of AM farmers, farm characteristics and the implications of the introduction of an AM-system. This paper summarizes the motivation and characteristics of farmers investing in an AM-system in a first part and the implications for labour use and the farmers' quality of life in a second.

Research paper thumbnail of Underutilized agroforestry food products in Amazonas (Venezuela): a market chain analysis

Abstract The worlds' current food production system is focused on a limited number of crops. Howe... more Abstract The worlds' current food production system is focused on a limited number of crops. However, international food demand is increasingly looking for more diversified supplies. In the Venezuelan State Amazonas, the Piaroa indigenous people collect and cultivate several indigenous species with local, regional, national and even international potential.

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing food quality: the role of labels and short chains

Abstract Many farmers face high costs and hence are not competitive without substantial governmen... more Abstract Many farmers face high costs and hence are not competitive without substantial government support. Focusing on a low-cost strategy is no longer an issue. New strategies have to focus on producing added value by targeting specific markets. This paper discusses how products can be differentiated to serve different market segments and focuses on the importance of transaction costs in marketing channels as the key driving force of how food supply chains are organised.

Research paper thumbnail of Rural livestock asset portfolio in northern Ethiopia: a microeconomic analysis of choice and accumulation

Abstract Livestock fulfill different functions. Depending on their livelihood strategies, househo... more Abstract Livestock fulfill different functions. Depending on their livelihood strategies, households differ in their choice of what type of animal to keep and on accumulation of the chosen animal overtime. Using a panel data of 385 rural households in a mixed farming system in northern Ethiopia, this paper investigates the dynamic behavior of rural households' livestock holding to identify determinants of choice and accumulation of livestock overtime.

Research paper thumbnail of Retraction and expansion of flock mobility in Central Asia: costs and consequences

Seasonal and spatial fluctuations in forage quality, accessibility and output provide strong ince... more Seasonal and spatial fluctuations in forage quality, accessibility and output provide strong incentives for migratory stock keeping in Central Asia. Over the past century, mobile livestock husbandry has either been suppressed or collapsed and a fragmented pattern of rangeland use has ensued. Policy shifts underlying these processes in Kazakstan are traced. New patterns are evident whereby some flocks are again being moved by season to different pastures.