Terézia Rončáková | Catholic University in Ruzomberok (original) (raw)
Papers by Terézia Rončáková
Studia theologica
Náboženstvo-jeho symboly, cirkevní hierarchovia, veriaci politici, ale aj veriaci ako masa-býva o... more Náboženstvo-jeho symboly, cirkevní hierarchovia, veriaci politici, ale aj veriaci ako masa-býva obľúbeným námetom kresleného humoru. V stredoeurópskom geografickom a kultúrnom prostredí sa výskum spojený s náboženstvom logicky orientuje na kresťanstvo. Zobrazovanie kresťanstva a kresťanov v médiách je osobitne aktuálne dnes, keď sa vyhrocujú kultúrno-etické zápasy a na konzervatívnej strane je citeľné opieranie sa o kresťanstvo-či už úprimné a pokorné, alebo pragmatické a v podstate rúhavé. Predkladaný text zhŕňa výsledky výskumu zobrazovania náboženstva v karikatúrach slovenských mainstreamových denníkov. V rámci kvalitatívnej obsahovej analýzy uplatňuje atribučný prístup (aké vlastnosti sa prisudzujú zobrazovanému objektu) a rámcujúci prístup (do akých zjednodušení a klišé sa daná téma vtesnáva). Na vyhodnotenie výsledkov využíva následne aj kvantitatívne štatistické metódy.
Studia theologica, Jun 1, 2011
The study offers conclusions on research aimed at the transmission of religious messages through ... more The study offers conclusions on research aimed at the transmission of religious messages through the media. The main research question, if media language is able to communicate religious messages, is analyzed by the author through the antique topoi, common ideas, fundamental convictions, on which the communicated messages are based and which guarantee their transmitting to the recipient and the effect on his or her thinking and doing. The author compares the topoi of the original religious messages in the church media and the religious messages processed in the secular media. She comes to certain findings as to their clear difference and synthesizes the derived topoi to related groups. There she indicates the main points of contradiction, the concurrence of the religious and media communicators, and offers certain starting points for thinking over the most effective forms of religious communication in the media.
Communication Today, 2014
Otázky žurnalistiky, 2020
Otázky žurnalistiky, 2012
Otázky žurnalistiky, 2009
Otázky žurnalistiky, 2008
Espaço e Cultura, Dec 16, 2018
The coexistence of mass media and the Church draws the attention of scholars due to the existence... more The coexistence of mass media and the Church draws the attention of scholars due to the existence of a sort of 'subliminal' conflict. This conflict has been widely examined and has led to many interesting and inspiring results. This paper attempts to address the causes of the current state drawing on the generally known facts and extensive experience of a common media consumer, and provides several valuable insights based on author´s previous research. Before exploring the actual causes, the author clarifies the following two starting points of her examination: the position of journalists (what annoys them about the Church and, conversely, what they welcome in her approach) and the position of the Church (what annoys her about journalists and conversely, what she welcomes in their approach). After clarifying some causes, she turns her attention to the consequences; adding, finally, a short provocative reflection.
Informatologia, Dec 30, 2018
The author analyses strong and weak points of the Church media in Slovakia. Her conclusions are b... more The author analyses strong and weak points of the Church media in Slovakia. Her conclusions are based on more than ten previous researches in the field of Church and media, realized on the Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. She states, that Slovak church media are exclusively pastoral, wilfully resigning to the evangelization function. Marginal evangelization attempts (such as in Radio Lumen in the late 1990s) have failed. This means, inter alia, that they do not do journalism in its original sense. They act as public relations bodies of the bishop's conferences and as an extension of spiritual service of the church to the believers. The competent decision-makers (i.e. church hierarchy) are not willing to subsidize evangelization medium, because the currently accepted doctrine is to use 'their own' media space to spread 'their own' messages. Thus, opening complex topics, covering opinion plurality and encouraging discussion, is regarded as harmful. This function is, in the last years, substituted by the commercial project of the Conservative daily Postoj, but this is neither a church nor religious medium. As the researches show, also the request of believing audience for independent critical Church medium is disputable. The audience isdisregarding age-divided between the audience of the official church media and decent secular media. Between these two groups exists a relatively strong antagonism. Sažetak Autorica analizira jake i slabe točke crkvenih medija u Slovačkoj. Njezini zaključci temelje se na više od deset dosadašnjih istraživanja na području Crkve i medija, realiziranih na Katoličkom sveučilištu u Ruzomberoku, Slovačka. Tvrdi da su slovački crkveni mediji isključivo pastoralni, namjerno se povlačeći u funkciju evangelizacije. Marginalni pokušaji evangelizacije (kao u Radio Lumnu krajem 1990-ih) nisu uspjeli. To, između ostalog, znači da se ne bave novinarstvom u svom izvornom smislu. Oni djeluju kao tijela za odnose s javnošću biskupskih konferencija i kao produžetak duhovne službe crkve vjernicima. Nadležni donositelji odluka (tj. Crkvena hijerarhija) nisu voljni subvencionirati medij evangelizacije, jer je trenutno prihvaćena doktrina koristiti "vlastiti" medijski prostor za širenje vlastitih poruka. Stoga se otvaranje složenih tema, koje pokrivaju pluralnost mišljenja i poticanje rasprave, smatra štetnim. Ova je funkcija posljednjih godina zamijenjena komercijalnim projektom Konzervativnog dnevnika Postoj, ali to nije ni crkveni ni vjerski medij. Kao što pokazuju istraživanja, sporni su i zahtjevi vjerovanja publike za neovisni kritički medij u Crkvi. Publika je-bez obzira na dob-podijeljena između publike službenih crkvenih medija i pristojnih sekularnih medija. Između ove dvije skupine postoji relativno snažan antagonizam.
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2012
Studia Socialia Cracoviensia, Mar 31, 2021
News Values vs. Gospel Values. Religious messages in the media-case study of celebrity gossip col... more News Values vs. Gospel Values. Religious messages in the media-case study of celebrity gossip column "Virtues and Vices". By conveying religious messages through a media communication channel, researches often point to the "news non-value" of religious events. This is a conflict between "news values" (headed by conflict) and "gospel values" (which are Christian virtues). However, some religious topics are also interesting for the secular media. Among them, the most popular are the stories and fortunes of well-known people (and their private lives). The Slovak weekly, ".týždeň", has published a regular column of Virtues and Vices, since 2011, in which celebrities-including many Christians-openly talk about their strengths and weaknesses. This study offers a content analysis of the presented virtues and vices; answering the question, what (Christian) virtues and their negations are of interest to the secular media? Wartości newsa a wartości ewangelii. Przekazy religijne w mediach-studium przypadku plotkarskiej kolumny "Cnoty i wady". Analizując przekazy religijne w mediach świeckich, badacze mediów wskazują na zjawisko dysonansu pomiędzy wartościami ewangelicznymi a newsowym charakterem tych przekazów. Tematy religijne są coraz częściej przedmiotem przekazów w mediach świeckich. Wśród nich popularne są historie i losy znanych osób (oraz ich życie prywatne). Słowacki tygodnik ".týždeň" od 2011 roku regularnie publikuje kolumnę "Cnót i przywar", w której celebryci-w tym wielu chrześcijan-otwarcie mówią o swoich mocnych i słabych stronach. Niniejsze opracowanie zawiera analizę treści przedstawionych w nich cnót i wad, odpowiadając na pytanie, jakie chrześcijańskie cnoty i ich negacje interesują świeckie media.
Biuletyn Edukacji Medialnej, 2012
tekst i dyskurs - text und diskurs
Rozmowa z prof. Teresą Dobrzyńską (Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa), prof. Ewą Malinowsk... more Rozmowa z prof. Teresą Dobrzyńską (Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa), prof. Ewą Malinowską (Uniwersytet Opolski), prof. Bożeną Witosz (Uniwersytet Śląski), prof. Janem Mazurem (Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej), prof. Terézią Rončákovą (Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku) oraz z prof. Danutą Kępą-Figurą (Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej) na temat wkład prof. Marii Wojtak w rozwój badań dotyczących stylistyki, genologii lingwistycznej, języka religii.
Contemporary social cultural and ethical discourse both in Slovakia and around the world is marke... more Contemporary social cultural and ethical discourse both in Slovakia and around the world is marked by the depth of the antagonism between conservatives and progressive liberals, with disputes characterized by mutual accusations of bigotry and prejudice, even extending to hatred. In such a climate, it would therefore be interesting to examine how the two sides of the ideological divide perceive the other and to identify the common internal reasons for the patterns of thought and behavior which they attribute to each other. This study investigates the issue using the classical attributive method on a sample of 543 newspaper opinion pieces (either editorials and columns) from conservative and liberal media sources in Slovakia. The texts are identified, quantified and compared based on “inputs” (the cultural-ethical themes of the articles), “outputs” (the attitudes of the authors) but especially the “attributes” themselves (the character traits attributed to the opposition). At the same...
Otázky žurnalistiky, 2008
Ostium, 2016
The paper is grounded in a wide research of new journalistic genres in current weeklies. Examinin... more The paper is grounded in a wide research of new journalistic genres in current weeklies. Examining a sample of 102 copies of four Slovak weeklies (Týždeň, Plus 7 dní, Život, Slovenka) the author defined some new genres and new findings about some traditional ones. Here she presents the current editorial in detail: working with five genre criterions (topic, function, form, composition, language) and presenting its characteristics (subjectivity, persuasiveness, personal addressing, appeal to competent authorities, pathos, capturing the substance of things, specifics of life-style editorials).
Central European journal of communication, 2013
Espaço e Cultura, 2018
The coexistence of mass media and the Church draws the attention of scholars due to the existence... more The coexistence of mass media and the Church draws the attention of scholars due to the existence of a sort of 'subliminal' conflict. This conflict has been widely examined and has led to many interesting and inspiring results. This paper attempts to address the causes of the current state drawing on the generally known facts and extensive experience of a common media consumer, and provides several valuable insights based on author´s previous research. Before exploring the actual causes, the author clarifies the following two starting points of her examination: the position of journalists (what annoys them about the Church and, conversely, what they welcome in her approach) and the position of the Church (what annoys her about journalists and conversely, what she welcomes in their approach). After clarifying some causes, she turns her attention to the consequences; adding, finally, a short provocative reflection.
The paper is grounded in a wide research of new journalistic genres in current weeklies. Examinin... more The paper is grounded in a wide research of new journalistic genres in current weeklies. Examining a sample of 102 copies of four Slovak weeklies (Týždeň, Plus 7 dní, Život, Slovenka) the author defined some new genres and new findings about some traditional ones. Here she presents the current editorial in detail: working with five genre criterions (topic, function, form, composition, language) and presenting its characteristics (subjectivity, persuasiveness, personal addressing, appeal to competent authorities, pathos, capturing the substance of things, specifics of life-style editorials).
Studia theologica
Náboženstvo-jeho symboly, cirkevní hierarchovia, veriaci politici, ale aj veriaci ako masa-býva o... more Náboženstvo-jeho symboly, cirkevní hierarchovia, veriaci politici, ale aj veriaci ako masa-býva obľúbeným námetom kresleného humoru. V stredoeurópskom geografickom a kultúrnom prostredí sa výskum spojený s náboženstvom logicky orientuje na kresťanstvo. Zobrazovanie kresťanstva a kresťanov v médiách je osobitne aktuálne dnes, keď sa vyhrocujú kultúrno-etické zápasy a na konzervatívnej strane je citeľné opieranie sa o kresťanstvo-či už úprimné a pokorné, alebo pragmatické a v podstate rúhavé. Predkladaný text zhŕňa výsledky výskumu zobrazovania náboženstva v karikatúrach slovenských mainstreamových denníkov. V rámci kvalitatívnej obsahovej analýzy uplatňuje atribučný prístup (aké vlastnosti sa prisudzujú zobrazovanému objektu) a rámcujúci prístup (do akých zjednodušení a klišé sa daná téma vtesnáva). Na vyhodnotenie výsledkov využíva následne aj kvantitatívne štatistické metódy.
Studia theologica, Jun 1, 2011
The study offers conclusions on research aimed at the transmission of religious messages through ... more The study offers conclusions on research aimed at the transmission of religious messages through the media. The main research question, if media language is able to communicate religious messages, is analyzed by the author through the antique topoi, common ideas, fundamental convictions, on which the communicated messages are based and which guarantee their transmitting to the recipient and the effect on his or her thinking and doing. The author compares the topoi of the original religious messages in the church media and the religious messages processed in the secular media. She comes to certain findings as to their clear difference and synthesizes the derived topoi to related groups. There she indicates the main points of contradiction, the concurrence of the religious and media communicators, and offers certain starting points for thinking over the most effective forms of religious communication in the media.
Communication Today, 2014
Otázky žurnalistiky, 2020
Otázky žurnalistiky, 2012
Otázky žurnalistiky, 2009
Otázky žurnalistiky, 2008
Espaço e Cultura, Dec 16, 2018
The coexistence of mass media and the Church draws the attention of scholars due to the existence... more The coexistence of mass media and the Church draws the attention of scholars due to the existence of a sort of 'subliminal' conflict. This conflict has been widely examined and has led to many interesting and inspiring results. This paper attempts to address the causes of the current state drawing on the generally known facts and extensive experience of a common media consumer, and provides several valuable insights based on author´s previous research. Before exploring the actual causes, the author clarifies the following two starting points of her examination: the position of journalists (what annoys them about the Church and, conversely, what they welcome in her approach) and the position of the Church (what annoys her about journalists and conversely, what she welcomes in their approach). After clarifying some causes, she turns her attention to the consequences; adding, finally, a short provocative reflection.
Informatologia, Dec 30, 2018
The author analyses strong and weak points of the Church media in Slovakia. Her conclusions are b... more The author analyses strong and weak points of the Church media in Slovakia. Her conclusions are based on more than ten previous researches in the field of Church and media, realized on the Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. She states, that Slovak church media are exclusively pastoral, wilfully resigning to the evangelization function. Marginal evangelization attempts (such as in Radio Lumen in the late 1990s) have failed. This means, inter alia, that they do not do journalism in its original sense. They act as public relations bodies of the bishop's conferences and as an extension of spiritual service of the church to the believers. The competent decision-makers (i.e. church hierarchy) are not willing to subsidize evangelization medium, because the currently accepted doctrine is to use 'their own' media space to spread 'their own' messages. Thus, opening complex topics, covering opinion plurality and encouraging discussion, is regarded as harmful. This function is, in the last years, substituted by the commercial project of the Conservative daily Postoj, but this is neither a church nor religious medium. As the researches show, also the request of believing audience for independent critical Church medium is disputable. The audience isdisregarding age-divided between the audience of the official church media and decent secular media. Between these two groups exists a relatively strong antagonism. Sažetak Autorica analizira jake i slabe točke crkvenih medija u Slovačkoj. Njezini zaključci temelje se na više od deset dosadašnjih istraživanja na području Crkve i medija, realiziranih na Katoličkom sveučilištu u Ruzomberoku, Slovačka. Tvrdi da su slovački crkveni mediji isključivo pastoralni, namjerno se povlačeći u funkciju evangelizacije. Marginalni pokušaji evangelizacije (kao u Radio Lumnu krajem 1990-ih) nisu uspjeli. To, između ostalog, znači da se ne bave novinarstvom u svom izvornom smislu. Oni djeluju kao tijela za odnose s javnošću biskupskih konferencija i kao produžetak duhovne službe crkve vjernicima. Nadležni donositelji odluka (tj. Crkvena hijerarhija) nisu voljni subvencionirati medij evangelizacije, jer je trenutno prihvaćena doktrina koristiti "vlastiti" medijski prostor za širenje vlastitih poruka. Stoga se otvaranje složenih tema, koje pokrivaju pluralnost mišljenja i poticanje rasprave, smatra štetnim. Ova je funkcija posljednjih godina zamijenjena komercijalnim projektom Konzervativnog dnevnika Postoj, ali to nije ni crkveni ni vjerski medij. Kao što pokazuju istraživanja, sporni su i zahtjevi vjerovanja publike za neovisni kritički medij u Crkvi. Publika je-bez obzira na dob-podijeljena između publike službenih crkvenih medija i pristojnih sekularnih medija. Između ove dvije skupine postoji relativno snažan antagonizam.
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2012
Studia Socialia Cracoviensia, Mar 31, 2021
News Values vs. Gospel Values. Religious messages in the media-case study of celebrity gossip col... more News Values vs. Gospel Values. Religious messages in the media-case study of celebrity gossip column "Virtues and Vices". By conveying religious messages through a media communication channel, researches often point to the "news non-value" of religious events. This is a conflict between "news values" (headed by conflict) and "gospel values" (which are Christian virtues). However, some religious topics are also interesting for the secular media. Among them, the most popular are the stories and fortunes of well-known people (and their private lives). The Slovak weekly, ".týždeň", has published a regular column of Virtues and Vices, since 2011, in which celebrities-including many Christians-openly talk about their strengths and weaknesses. This study offers a content analysis of the presented virtues and vices; answering the question, what (Christian) virtues and their negations are of interest to the secular media? Wartości newsa a wartości ewangelii. Przekazy religijne w mediach-studium przypadku plotkarskiej kolumny "Cnoty i wady". Analizując przekazy religijne w mediach świeckich, badacze mediów wskazują na zjawisko dysonansu pomiędzy wartościami ewangelicznymi a newsowym charakterem tych przekazów. Tematy religijne są coraz częściej przedmiotem przekazów w mediach świeckich. Wśród nich popularne są historie i losy znanych osób (oraz ich życie prywatne). Słowacki tygodnik ".týždeň" od 2011 roku regularnie publikuje kolumnę "Cnót i przywar", w której celebryci-w tym wielu chrześcijan-otwarcie mówią o swoich mocnych i słabych stronach. Niniejsze opracowanie zawiera analizę treści przedstawionych w nich cnót i wad, odpowiadając na pytanie, jakie chrześcijańskie cnoty i ich negacje interesują świeckie media.
Biuletyn Edukacji Medialnej, 2012
tekst i dyskurs - text und diskurs
Rozmowa z prof. Teresą Dobrzyńską (Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa), prof. Ewą Malinowsk... more Rozmowa z prof. Teresą Dobrzyńską (Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa), prof. Ewą Malinowską (Uniwersytet Opolski), prof. Bożeną Witosz (Uniwersytet Śląski), prof. Janem Mazurem (Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej), prof. Terézią Rončákovą (Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku) oraz z prof. Danutą Kępą-Figurą (Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej) na temat wkład prof. Marii Wojtak w rozwój badań dotyczących stylistyki, genologii lingwistycznej, języka religii.
Contemporary social cultural and ethical discourse both in Slovakia and around the world is marke... more Contemporary social cultural and ethical discourse both in Slovakia and around the world is marked by the depth of the antagonism between conservatives and progressive liberals, with disputes characterized by mutual accusations of bigotry and prejudice, even extending to hatred. In such a climate, it would therefore be interesting to examine how the two sides of the ideological divide perceive the other and to identify the common internal reasons for the patterns of thought and behavior which they attribute to each other. This study investigates the issue using the classical attributive method on a sample of 543 newspaper opinion pieces (either editorials and columns) from conservative and liberal media sources in Slovakia. The texts are identified, quantified and compared based on “inputs” (the cultural-ethical themes of the articles), “outputs” (the attitudes of the authors) but especially the “attributes” themselves (the character traits attributed to the opposition). At the same...
Otázky žurnalistiky, 2008
Ostium, 2016
The paper is grounded in a wide research of new journalistic genres in current weeklies. Examinin... more The paper is grounded in a wide research of new journalistic genres in current weeklies. Examining a sample of 102 copies of four Slovak weeklies (Týždeň, Plus 7 dní, Život, Slovenka) the author defined some new genres and new findings about some traditional ones. Here she presents the current editorial in detail: working with five genre criterions (topic, function, form, composition, language) and presenting its characteristics (subjectivity, persuasiveness, personal addressing, appeal to competent authorities, pathos, capturing the substance of things, specifics of life-style editorials).
Central European journal of communication, 2013
Espaço e Cultura, 2018
The coexistence of mass media and the Church draws the attention of scholars due to the existence... more The coexistence of mass media and the Church draws the attention of scholars due to the existence of a sort of 'subliminal' conflict. This conflict has been widely examined and has led to many interesting and inspiring results. This paper attempts to address the causes of the current state drawing on the generally known facts and extensive experience of a common media consumer, and provides several valuable insights based on author´s previous research. Before exploring the actual causes, the author clarifies the following two starting points of her examination: the position of journalists (what annoys them about the Church and, conversely, what they welcome in her approach) and the position of the Church (what annoys her about journalists and conversely, what she welcomes in their approach). After clarifying some causes, she turns her attention to the consequences; adding, finally, a short provocative reflection.
The paper is grounded in a wide research of new journalistic genres in current weeklies. Examinin... more The paper is grounded in a wide research of new journalistic genres in current weeklies. Examining a sample of 102 copies of four Slovak weeklies (Týždeň, Plus 7 dní, Život, Slovenka) the author defined some new genres and new findings about some traditional ones. Here she presents the current editorial in detail: working with five genre criterions (topic, function, form, composition, language) and presenting its characteristics (subjectivity, persuasiveness, personal addressing, appeal to competent authorities, pathos, capturing the substance of things, specifics of life-style editorials).
Medzi témy rozvirujúce hladinu spoločenského diskurzu v krajinách západnej civilizácie bezpochyby... more Medzi témy rozvirujúce hladinu spoločenského diskurzu v krajinách západnej civilizácie bezpochyby patria tie kultúrno-etické. Tento verejný diskurz už dostal nálepku " kultúrna vojna ". Diskutujúce strany pôsobia nezmieriteľne a objavujú sa obavy, či je dialóg vôbec možný a užitočný. V predloženej štúdii autorka skúma tento problém na príklade náboženského posolstva o manželstve, rodine a homosexualite. Nadväzuje na svoju predchádzajúcu analýzu mediálneho diskurzu pred slovenským referendom o rodine a kľúčové argumentačné línie (o prirodzenosti a manipulácii) podrobne rozoberá metódou hĺbkových rozhovorov s mienkotvornými novinármi. Pýta sa, ako náboženské posolstvá vo verejnom diskurze zastávať čo najefektívnejšie. Predkladá zistenia o príčinách vzájomného neporozumenia a o možných riešeniach tohto konfliktu. Tvrdí, že dialóg môže spríjemniť formu diskusie, ale nevedie ku skutočnému riešeniu. Navrhuje rozlišovať politickú a nepolitickú rovinu presadzovania ideí, pretože prvá si vyžaduje tvrdšie formy a druhá mäkšie, pričom v nesprávnom kontexte môžu pôsobiť kontraproduktívne.