Tatsuhiko Kawamoto | Kyoto University (original) (raw)

Papers by Tatsuhiko Kawamoto

Research paper thumbnail of Simulating bubble number density of rhyolitic pumices from Plinian eruptions: constraints from fast decompression experiments

Bulletin of Volcanology, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Study of the Stability of a Dolomite + Coesite Assemblage in Contact With Peridotite: Implications for Sediment-Mantle Interaction and Diamond Formation During Subduction

Journal of Petrology, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulating bubble number density of rhyolitic pumices from Plinian eruptions: constraints from fast decompression experiments

Agu Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2009

Bubble number density (BND; the number of bubbles produced per unit volume of liquid) is strongly... more Bubble number density (BND; the number of bubbles produced per unit volume of liquid) is strongly controlled by decompression rate of ascending magmas (Toramaru 1995, 2006; Mourtada-Bonnefoi and Laporte, 2004). Previous decompression experiments of hydrous and crystal-free rhyolitic magmas have produced BNDs up to 1013 m-3 at the highest decompression rate (8.5 MPa/s; Mangan and Sisson, 2000), while observed BNDs in natural silicic pumices commonly exhibit much higher BNDs: up to 1016 m-3. To reproduce such huge BNDs and to characterize effects of magma ascent rate on bubble nucleation kinetics, we carried out decompression experiments of crystal-free rhyolitic liquid with 6.6 wt.% H2O at a pressure range from 250 MPa to 30-75 MPa, at decompression rates of 10 MPa/s and 90 MPa/s. A first series of experiments at 800 °C and fast decompression rates (10-90 MPa/s) produced huge BNDs (2×1014 m-3 at 10 MPa/s; 2×1015 m-3 at 90 MPa/s), comparable to those in natural silicic pumices from Plinian eruptions (1015-1016 m-3). A second series of experiments at 700 °C and 1 MPa/s produced BNDs (9×1012 m-3) close to those observed at 800 °C and 1 MPa/s (6×1012 m-3; Mourtada-Bonnefoi and Laporte, 2004). These experimental results confirm that BNDs are strongly depending on decompression rate and that temperature has an insignificant effect on BNDs at a given decompression rate. Therefore, BNDs are good markers of the decompression rate of magmas in volcanic conduits irrespective of temperature. Observed BNDs in natural silicic pumices from Plinian eruptions are as high as 1016 m-3. In addition, bubbles commonly show a bimodal size distribution with a numerically minor population of large bubbles (about 109 m-3), and a major population of smaller bubbles, typically from a few μm to a few tens of μm in diameter. Such huge number densities of bubbles may be attributed to two successive nucleation events in ascending magmas. The large bubbles are presumably related to a first nucleation event that happens relatively deep in the conduit at low decompression rate (about 0.01 MPa/s). The huge popolation of small bubbles implies that a second nucleation event occurs in the upper volcanic conduit at much faster decompression rate(≥ 1 MPa/s). Literature Toramaru A. (1995). Jour. Geophys. Res. 100: 1913-1931. Toramaru A. (2006). Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 154: 303-316. Mourtada-Bonnefoi C. C., Laporte D. (2004). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 218: 521-537. Mangan M. T., Sisson T. (2000). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 183: 441-455.

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Research paper thumbnail of Crystal chemistry of wadsleyite II and water in the Earth?s interior

Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantle wedge infiltrated with saline fluids from dehydration and decarbonation of subducting slab

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Aqueous fluids and sedimentary melts as agents for mantle wedge metasomatism, as inferred from peridotite xenoliths at Pinatubo and Iraya volcanoes, Luzon arc, Philippines

Mantle xenoliths entrained in subduction-zone magmas often record metasomatic signature of the ma... more Mantle xenoliths entrained in subduction-zone magmas often record metasomatic signature of the mantle
wedge. Such xenoliths occur in magmas from Iraya and Pinatubo volcanoes, located at the volcanic front of the
Luzon arc in the Philippines. In this study, we present the major element compositions of the main minerals,
trace element abundances in pyroxenes and amphiboles, and Nd–Sr isotopic compositions of amphiboles in
the peridotite xenoliths from Pinatubo volcano. The data indicate enrichment in fluid-mobile elements, such as
Rb, Ba, U, Pb, and Sr, and Nd–Sr isotopic ratios relative to those of mantle. The results are considered in terms
of mixing of asthenospheric mantle and subducting oceanic crustal components. The enrichments observed in
the Pinatubo mantle xenoliths are much less pronounced than those reported for the Iraya mantle xenoliths.
This disparity suggests differences in the metasomatic agents contributing to the two suites; i.e., aqueous fluids
infiltrated the mantle wedge beneath the Pinatubo volcano, whereas aqueous fluids and sediment-derived
melts infiltrated the mantle wedge beneath the Iraya volcano.

PDF file will be sent for a request. kawamoto@bep.vgs.kyoto-u.ac.jp

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Mineralogy and Petrology

Geiger, C. A., Kawamoto, T., Experimental Mineralogy and Petrology, in: White, W.M. (Ed.), Encycl... more Geiger, C. A., Kawamoto, T., Experimental Mineralogy and Petrology, in: White, W.M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geochemistry: A Comprehensive Reference Source on the Chemistry of the Earth. Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-6. in press

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Research paper thumbnail of Slab-derived halogens and noble gases illuminate closed system processes controlling volatile element transport into the mantle wedge

Halogen and noble gas systematics are powerful tracers of volatile recycling in subduction zones.... more Halogen and noble gas systematics are powerful tracers of volatile recycling in subduction zones. We present halogen and noble gas compositions of mantle peridotites containing H 2 O-rich fluid inclusions collected at volcanic fronts from two contrasting subduction zones (the Avacha volcano of Kamchatka arc and the Pinatubo volcano of Luzon arcs) and orogenic peridotites from a peridotite massif (the Horoman massif, Hokkaido, Japan) which represents an exhumed portion of the mantle wedge. The aims are to determine how volatiles are carried into the mantle wedge and how the subducted fluids modify halogen and noble gas compositions in the mantle. The halogen and noble gas signatures in the H 2 O-rich fluids are similar to those of marine sedimentary pore fluids and forearc and seafloor serpentinites. This suggests that marine pore fluids in deep-sea sediments are carried by serpentine and supplied to the mantle wedge, preserving their original halogen and noble gas compositions. We suggest that the sedimentary pore fluid-derived water is incorporated into serpentine through hydration in a closed system along faults at the outer rise of the oceanic, preserving Cl/H 2 O and 36 Ar/H 2 O values of sedimentary pore fluids. Dehydration–hydration process within the oceanic lithospheric mantle maintains the closed system until the final stage of serpentine dehydration. The sedimentary pore fluid-like halogen and noble gas signatures in fluids released at the final stage of serpentine dehydration are preserved due to highly channelized flow, whereas the original Cl/H 2 O and 36 Ar/H 2 O ratios are fractionated by the higher incompatibility of halogens and noble gases in hydrous minerals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kagaku2013−12.pdf

In Japanese

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct observation of coexisting aqueous fluid and silicate melt using x-ray radiography


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Research paper thumbnail of Kawamoto (2016, American Mineralogist) (FeH)1-xTixO2: a new water carrier to the mantle transition zone

It is now widely accepted that Earth’s transition zone, located at depth between 410 km to 670 km... more It is now widely accepted that Earth’s transition zone, located at depth between 410 km to 670 km is most likely hydrated. However, a definite conclusion has yet to be reached regarding the nature of the hydrous phase or phases that have the capacity to efficiently transport water down to such depths. In their study, Nishihara and Matsukage ( Am Mineral, 2016, April issue) show that (FeH)1-xTixO2 can be stable in wet basalts and sediments in high pressure and high temperature conditions. These phases allow the subducting lithosphere to transport far more water to the mantle transition zone than previously thought possible.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kawamoto, T., Chemical Composition of Mantle Wedge Fluids (in Japanese with English abstract and Figure captions). Journal of Geography(Chigaku Zasshi) 124,  Preprint

Subduction-zone magmatism is triggered by the addition of H2O-rich slab-derived flux: aqueous flu... more Subduction-zone magmatism is triggered by the addition of H2O-rich slab-derived flux: aqueous fluids, hydrous partial melts or supercritical fluids from the subducting slab through reactions. Whether the slab-derived flux is an aqueous fluid, a partial melt, or a supercritical fluid remains an open question. In general, with increasing pressure, aqueous fluids dissolve more silicate components and silicate melts dissolve more H2O. Under low-pressure conditions, those aqueous fluids and hydrous silicate melts remain isolated phases due to the miscibility gap. As pressure increases, the miscibility gap disappears and the two liquid phases becomes one phase. This vanishing point is regarded as critical end point or second critical end point. X-ray radiography experiments locate the pressure of the second critical end point at 2.5 GPa( 83 km depth)and 700 °C for sediment-H2O, and at 2.8 GPa (92 km depth) and 750 °C for high-Mg andesite(HMA)-H2O. These depths correspond to the depth range of a subducted oceanic plate beneath volcanic arcs. Sediment-derived supercritical fluids, which are fed to the mantle wedge from the subducting slab, may react with the mantle peridotite to form HMA supercritical fluids due to peritectic reaction between silica-rich fluids and olivine-rich mantle peridotite. Such HMA supercritical fluids may separate into aqueous fluids and HMA melts at 92 km depth during ascent. HMA magmas can be erupted as they are, if the HMA melts segregate without reacting to the overriding peridotite. Partitioning behaviors between aqueous fluids and melts are determined with and without(Na, K)Cl using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence. The data indicate that highly saline fluids effectively transfer large-ion lithophile elements. If the slab-derived supercritical fluids contain Cl and subsequently separate into aqueous fluids and melts in the mantle wedge, then such aqueous fluids inherit much more Cl and also more or less amounts of large ion lithophile elements than the coexisting melts. In contrast, Cl-free aqueous fluids cannot effectively transfer Pb and alkali earth elements to the magma source. Enrichment of some large-ion lithophile elements in arc basalts relative to mid-oceanic ridge basalts has been attributed to mantle source fertilization by such aqueous fluids from a dehydrating oceanic plate. Such aqueous fluids are likely to contain Cl, although the amount remains to be quantified. If such silica-rich magmas survive as andesitic melts under a limited reaction with mantle minerals, they may erupt as HMA magmas having slab-derived signatures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tatsuhiko Kawamoto, Junichi Nakajima, Bruno Reynard, and Hiroaki Toh, Special issue ‘Geofluid processes in subduction zones and mantle dynamics’

Almost all physico-chemical characteristics of earthforming materials are influenced by the prese... more Almost all physico-chemical characteristics of earthforming
materials are influenced by the presence of
H2O. As N. L. Bowen stated in 1928, H2O plays the role
of Maxwell’s demon - it does just what a petrologist may
wish it to do [p. 282, The evolution of the igneous rocks
(Bowen 1928)]. In the following decades, this has been
proven to be the case not only in petrology but in every
field of solid Earth science.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kawamoto, T., Mibe, K., Bureau, H., Reguer, S., Mocuta, C., Kubsky, S., Thiaudière, D., Ono, S., Kogiso, T., Large ion lithophile elements delivered by saline fluids to the sub-arc mantle, Earth, Planets and Space, 66, 61 (2014)

Kawamoto, T., Mibe, K., Bureau, H., Reguer, S., Mocuta, C., Kubsky, S., Thiaudière, D., Ono, S., Kogiso, T., Large ion lithophile elements delivered by saline fluids to the sub-arc mantle, Earth, Planets and Space, 66, 61 (2014)

Geochemical signatures of arc basalts can be explained by addition of aqueous fluids, melts, and/... more Geochemical signatures of arc basalts can be explained by addition of aqueous fluids, melts, and/or supercritical
fluids from the subducting slab to the sub-arc mantle. Partitioning of large-ion lithophile elements between
aqueous fluids and melts is crucial as these two liquid phases are present in the sub-arc pressure-temperature
conditions. Using a micro-focused synchrotron X-ray beam, in situ X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectra were obtained
from aqueous fluids and haplogranite or jadeite melts at 0.3 to 1.3 GPa and 730°C to 830°C under varied concentrations
of (Na, K)Cl (0 to 25 wt.%). Partition coefficients between the aqueous fluids and melts were calculated for Pb, Rb, and
Sr (D fluid/melt
Pb; Rb; Sr). There was a positive correlation between D fluid/melt
Pb; Rb; Sr values and pressure, as well as D fluid/melt
Pb; Rb; Sr values and
salinity. As compared to the saline fluids with 25 wt.% (Na, K)Cl, the Cl-free aqueous fluids can only dissolve one tenth
(Pb, Rb) to one fifth (Sr) of the amount of large-ion lithophile elements when they coexist with the melts. In the
systems with 13 to 25 wt.% (Na, K)Cl, D fluid/melt
Pb; Rb values were greater than unity, which is indicative of the capacity of
such highly saline fluids to effectively transfer Pb and Rb. Enrichment of large-ion lithophile elements such as Pb and
Rb in arc basalts relative to mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) has been attributed to mantle source fertilization by
aqueous fluids from dehydrating oceanic plates. Such aqueous fluids are likely to contain Cl, although the amount
remains to be quantified.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kumagai, Y., Kawamoto, T., Yamamoto, J., Evolution of carbon dioxide bearing saline fluids in the mantle wedge beneath the northeast Japan arc, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 168, 1056 (2014)

Lherzolite xenoliths containing fluid inclusions from the Ichinomegata volcano, located on the r... more Lherzolite xenoliths containing fluid inclusions
from the Ichinomegata volcano, located on the rear-arc side
of the Northeast Japan arc, may be considered as samples
of the uppermost mantle above the melting region in the
mantle wedge. Thus, these fluid inclusions provide valuable
information on the nature of fluids present in the subarc
mantle. The inclusions in the Ichinomegata amphibolebearing
spinel–plagioclase lherzolite xenoliths were found
to be composed mainly of CO2–H2O–Cl–S fluids. At equilibrium
temperature of 920 °C, the fluid inclusions preserve
pressures of 0.66–0.78 GPa, which correspond to depths
of 23–28 km. The molar fraction of H2O and the salinity
of fluid inclusions are 0.18–0.35 and 3.71 ± 0.78 wt%
NaCl equivalent, respectively. These fluid inclusions are
not believed to be fluids derived directly from the subducting
slab, but rather fluids exsolved from sub-arc basaltic magmas that are formed through partial melting of mantle
wedge triggered by slab-derived fluids.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantle wedge infiltrated with saline fluids from dehydration and decarbonation of subducting slab. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U. S. A. 110, 9663-9668 (2013)

Kawamoto, T., Yoshikawa, M., Kumagai, Y., Mirabueno, M. H. T., Okuno, M., Kobayashi, T.

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Research paper thumbnail of Separation of supercritical slab-fluids to form aqueous fluid and melt components in subduction zone magmatism     Proc Natl Acad Sci USA

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Research paper thumbnail of Wadsleyite .2. A new high pressure hydrous phase in the peridotite-H2O system

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Research paper thumbnail of Infrared spectromicroscopy and magneto-optical imaging stations at SPring-8

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Research paper thumbnail of The compressibility of a natural apatite

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulating bubble number density of rhyolitic pumices from Plinian eruptions: constraints from fast decompression experiments

Bulletin of Volcanology, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Study of the Stability of a Dolomite + Coesite Assemblage in Contact With Peridotite: Implications for Sediment-Mantle Interaction and Diamond Formation During Subduction

Journal of Petrology, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulating bubble number density of rhyolitic pumices from Plinian eruptions: constraints from fast decompression experiments

Agu Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2009

Bubble number density (BND; the number of bubbles produced per unit volume of liquid) is strongly... more Bubble number density (BND; the number of bubbles produced per unit volume of liquid) is strongly controlled by decompression rate of ascending magmas (Toramaru 1995, 2006; Mourtada-Bonnefoi and Laporte, 2004). Previous decompression experiments of hydrous and crystal-free rhyolitic magmas have produced BNDs up to 1013 m-3 at the highest decompression rate (8.5 MPa/s; Mangan and Sisson, 2000), while observed BNDs in natural silicic pumices commonly exhibit much higher BNDs: up to 1016 m-3. To reproduce such huge BNDs and to characterize effects of magma ascent rate on bubble nucleation kinetics, we carried out decompression experiments of crystal-free rhyolitic liquid with 6.6 wt.% H2O at a pressure range from 250 MPa to 30-75 MPa, at decompression rates of 10 MPa/s and 90 MPa/s. A first series of experiments at 800 °C and fast decompression rates (10-90 MPa/s) produced huge BNDs (2×1014 m-3 at 10 MPa/s; 2×1015 m-3 at 90 MPa/s), comparable to those in natural silicic pumices from Plinian eruptions (1015-1016 m-3). A second series of experiments at 700 °C and 1 MPa/s produced BNDs (9×1012 m-3) close to those observed at 800 °C and 1 MPa/s (6×1012 m-3; Mourtada-Bonnefoi and Laporte, 2004). These experimental results confirm that BNDs are strongly depending on decompression rate and that temperature has an insignificant effect on BNDs at a given decompression rate. Therefore, BNDs are good markers of the decompression rate of magmas in volcanic conduits irrespective of temperature. Observed BNDs in natural silicic pumices from Plinian eruptions are as high as 1016 m-3. In addition, bubbles commonly show a bimodal size distribution with a numerically minor population of large bubbles (about 109 m-3), and a major population of smaller bubbles, typically from a few μm to a few tens of μm in diameter. Such huge number densities of bubbles may be attributed to two successive nucleation events in ascending magmas. The large bubbles are presumably related to a first nucleation event that happens relatively deep in the conduit at low decompression rate (about 0.01 MPa/s). The huge popolation of small bubbles implies that a second nucleation event occurs in the upper volcanic conduit at much faster decompression rate(≥ 1 MPa/s). Literature Toramaru A. (1995). Jour. Geophys. Res. 100: 1913-1931. Toramaru A. (2006). Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 154: 303-316. Mourtada-Bonnefoi C. C., Laporte D. (2004). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 218: 521-537. Mangan M. T., Sisson T. (2000). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 183: 441-455.

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Research paper thumbnail of Crystal chemistry of wadsleyite II and water in the Earth?s interior

Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantle wedge infiltrated with saline fluids from dehydration and decarbonation of subducting slab

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Aqueous fluids and sedimentary melts as agents for mantle wedge metasomatism, as inferred from peridotite xenoliths at Pinatubo and Iraya volcanoes, Luzon arc, Philippines

Mantle xenoliths entrained in subduction-zone magmas often record metasomatic signature of the ma... more Mantle xenoliths entrained in subduction-zone magmas often record metasomatic signature of the mantle
wedge. Such xenoliths occur in magmas from Iraya and Pinatubo volcanoes, located at the volcanic front of the
Luzon arc in the Philippines. In this study, we present the major element compositions of the main minerals,
trace element abundances in pyroxenes and amphiboles, and Nd–Sr isotopic compositions of amphiboles in
the peridotite xenoliths from Pinatubo volcano. The data indicate enrichment in fluid-mobile elements, such as
Rb, Ba, U, Pb, and Sr, and Nd–Sr isotopic ratios relative to those of mantle. The results are considered in terms
of mixing of asthenospheric mantle and subducting oceanic crustal components. The enrichments observed in
the Pinatubo mantle xenoliths are much less pronounced than those reported for the Iraya mantle xenoliths.
This disparity suggests differences in the metasomatic agents contributing to the two suites; i.e., aqueous fluids
infiltrated the mantle wedge beneath the Pinatubo volcano, whereas aqueous fluids and sediment-derived
melts infiltrated the mantle wedge beneath the Iraya volcano.

PDF file will be sent for a request. kawamoto@bep.vgs.kyoto-u.ac.jp

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Mineralogy and Petrology

Geiger, C. A., Kawamoto, T., Experimental Mineralogy and Petrology, in: White, W.M. (Ed.), Encycl... more Geiger, C. A., Kawamoto, T., Experimental Mineralogy and Petrology, in: White, W.M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geochemistry: A Comprehensive Reference Source on the Chemistry of the Earth. Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-6. in press

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Research paper thumbnail of Slab-derived halogens and noble gases illuminate closed system processes controlling volatile element transport into the mantle wedge

Halogen and noble gas systematics are powerful tracers of volatile recycling in subduction zones.... more Halogen and noble gas systematics are powerful tracers of volatile recycling in subduction zones. We present halogen and noble gas compositions of mantle peridotites containing H 2 O-rich fluid inclusions collected at volcanic fronts from two contrasting subduction zones (the Avacha volcano of Kamchatka arc and the Pinatubo volcano of Luzon arcs) and orogenic peridotites from a peridotite massif (the Horoman massif, Hokkaido, Japan) which represents an exhumed portion of the mantle wedge. The aims are to determine how volatiles are carried into the mantle wedge and how the subducted fluids modify halogen and noble gas compositions in the mantle. The halogen and noble gas signatures in the H 2 O-rich fluids are similar to those of marine sedimentary pore fluids and forearc and seafloor serpentinites. This suggests that marine pore fluids in deep-sea sediments are carried by serpentine and supplied to the mantle wedge, preserving their original halogen and noble gas compositions. We suggest that the sedimentary pore fluid-derived water is incorporated into serpentine through hydration in a closed system along faults at the outer rise of the oceanic, preserving Cl/H 2 O and 36 Ar/H 2 O values of sedimentary pore fluids. Dehydration–hydration process within the oceanic lithospheric mantle maintains the closed system until the final stage of serpentine dehydration. The sedimentary pore fluid-like halogen and noble gas signatures in fluids released at the final stage of serpentine dehydration are preserved due to highly channelized flow, whereas the original Cl/H 2 O and 36 Ar/H 2 O ratios are fractionated by the higher incompatibility of halogens and noble gases in hydrous minerals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kagaku2013−12.pdf

In Japanese

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct observation of coexisting aqueous fluid and silicate melt using x-ray radiography


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Research paper thumbnail of Kawamoto (2016, American Mineralogist) (FeH)1-xTixO2: a new water carrier to the mantle transition zone

It is now widely accepted that Earth’s transition zone, located at depth between 410 km to 670 km... more It is now widely accepted that Earth’s transition zone, located at depth between 410 km to 670 km is most likely hydrated. However, a definite conclusion has yet to be reached regarding the nature of the hydrous phase or phases that have the capacity to efficiently transport water down to such depths. In their study, Nishihara and Matsukage ( Am Mineral, 2016, April issue) show that (FeH)1-xTixO2 can be stable in wet basalts and sediments in high pressure and high temperature conditions. These phases allow the subducting lithosphere to transport far more water to the mantle transition zone than previously thought possible.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kawamoto, T., Chemical Composition of Mantle Wedge Fluids (in Japanese with English abstract and Figure captions). Journal of Geography(Chigaku Zasshi) 124,  Preprint

Subduction-zone magmatism is triggered by the addition of H2O-rich slab-derived flux: aqueous flu... more Subduction-zone magmatism is triggered by the addition of H2O-rich slab-derived flux: aqueous fluids, hydrous partial melts or supercritical fluids from the subducting slab through reactions. Whether the slab-derived flux is an aqueous fluid, a partial melt, or a supercritical fluid remains an open question. In general, with increasing pressure, aqueous fluids dissolve more silicate components and silicate melts dissolve more H2O. Under low-pressure conditions, those aqueous fluids and hydrous silicate melts remain isolated phases due to the miscibility gap. As pressure increases, the miscibility gap disappears and the two liquid phases becomes one phase. This vanishing point is regarded as critical end point or second critical end point. X-ray radiography experiments locate the pressure of the second critical end point at 2.5 GPa( 83 km depth)and 700 °C for sediment-H2O, and at 2.8 GPa (92 km depth) and 750 °C for high-Mg andesite(HMA)-H2O. These depths correspond to the depth range of a subducted oceanic plate beneath volcanic arcs. Sediment-derived supercritical fluids, which are fed to the mantle wedge from the subducting slab, may react with the mantle peridotite to form HMA supercritical fluids due to peritectic reaction between silica-rich fluids and olivine-rich mantle peridotite. Such HMA supercritical fluids may separate into aqueous fluids and HMA melts at 92 km depth during ascent. HMA magmas can be erupted as they are, if the HMA melts segregate without reacting to the overriding peridotite. Partitioning behaviors between aqueous fluids and melts are determined with and without(Na, K)Cl using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence. The data indicate that highly saline fluids effectively transfer large-ion lithophile elements. If the slab-derived supercritical fluids contain Cl and subsequently separate into aqueous fluids and melts in the mantle wedge, then such aqueous fluids inherit much more Cl and also more or less amounts of large ion lithophile elements than the coexisting melts. In contrast, Cl-free aqueous fluids cannot effectively transfer Pb and alkali earth elements to the magma source. Enrichment of some large-ion lithophile elements in arc basalts relative to mid-oceanic ridge basalts has been attributed to mantle source fertilization by such aqueous fluids from a dehydrating oceanic plate. Such aqueous fluids are likely to contain Cl, although the amount remains to be quantified. If such silica-rich magmas survive as andesitic melts under a limited reaction with mantle minerals, they may erupt as HMA magmas having slab-derived signatures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tatsuhiko Kawamoto, Junichi Nakajima, Bruno Reynard, and Hiroaki Toh, Special issue ‘Geofluid processes in subduction zones and mantle dynamics’

Almost all physico-chemical characteristics of earthforming materials are influenced by the prese... more Almost all physico-chemical characteristics of earthforming
materials are influenced by the presence of
H2O. As N. L. Bowen stated in 1928, H2O plays the role
of Maxwell’s demon - it does just what a petrologist may
wish it to do [p. 282, The evolution of the igneous rocks
(Bowen 1928)]. In the following decades, this has been
proven to be the case not only in petrology but in every
field of solid Earth science.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kawamoto, T., Mibe, K., Bureau, H., Reguer, S., Mocuta, C., Kubsky, S., Thiaudière, D., Ono, S., Kogiso, T., Large ion lithophile elements delivered by saline fluids to the sub-arc mantle, Earth, Planets and Space, 66, 61 (2014)

Kawamoto, T., Mibe, K., Bureau, H., Reguer, S., Mocuta, C., Kubsky, S., Thiaudière, D., Ono, S., Kogiso, T., Large ion lithophile elements delivered by saline fluids to the sub-arc mantle, Earth, Planets and Space, 66, 61 (2014)

Geochemical signatures of arc basalts can be explained by addition of aqueous fluids, melts, and/... more Geochemical signatures of arc basalts can be explained by addition of aqueous fluids, melts, and/or supercritical
fluids from the subducting slab to the sub-arc mantle. Partitioning of large-ion lithophile elements between
aqueous fluids and melts is crucial as these two liquid phases are present in the sub-arc pressure-temperature
conditions. Using a micro-focused synchrotron X-ray beam, in situ X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectra were obtained
from aqueous fluids and haplogranite or jadeite melts at 0.3 to 1.3 GPa and 730°C to 830°C under varied concentrations
of (Na, K)Cl (0 to 25 wt.%). Partition coefficients between the aqueous fluids and melts were calculated for Pb, Rb, and
Sr (D fluid/melt
Pb; Rb; Sr). There was a positive correlation between D fluid/melt
Pb; Rb; Sr values and pressure, as well as D fluid/melt
Pb; Rb; Sr values and
salinity. As compared to the saline fluids with 25 wt.% (Na, K)Cl, the Cl-free aqueous fluids can only dissolve one tenth
(Pb, Rb) to one fifth (Sr) of the amount of large-ion lithophile elements when they coexist with the melts. In the
systems with 13 to 25 wt.% (Na, K)Cl, D fluid/melt
Pb; Rb values were greater than unity, which is indicative of the capacity of
such highly saline fluids to effectively transfer Pb and Rb. Enrichment of large-ion lithophile elements such as Pb and
Rb in arc basalts relative to mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) has been attributed to mantle source fertilization by
aqueous fluids from dehydrating oceanic plates. Such aqueous fluids are likely to contain Cl, although the amount
remains to be quantified.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kumagai, Y., Kawamoto, T., Yamamoto, J., Evolution of carbon dioxide bearing saline fluids in the mantle wedge beneath the northeast Japan arc, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 168, 1056 (2014)

Lherzolite xenoliths containing fluid inclusions from the Ichinomegata volcano, located on the r... more Lherzolite xenoliths containing fluid inclusions
from the Ichinomegata volcano, located on the rear-arc side
of the Northeast Japan arc, may be considered as samples
of the uppermost mantle above the melting region in the
mantle wedge. Thus, these fluid inclusions provide valuable
information on the nature of fluids present in the subarc
mantle. The inclusions in the Ichinomegata amphibolebearing
spinel–plagioclase lherzolite xenoliths were found
to be composed mainly of CO2–H2O–Cl–S fluids. At equilibrium
temperature of 920 °C, the fluid inclusions preserve
pressures of 0.66–0.78 GPa, which correspond to depths
of 23–28 km. The molar fraction of H2O and the salinity
of fluid inclusions are 0.18–0.35 and 3.71 ± 0.78 wt%
NaCl equivalent, respectively. These fluid inclusions are
not believed to be fluids derived directly from the subducting
slab, but rather fluids exsolved from sub-arc basaltic magmas that are formed through partial melting of mantle
wedge triggered by slab-derived fluids.

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