kyouten - Profile (original) (raw)

on 16 October 2003 (#1395679)

Santa Clara, California, United States

Generally known as Ouvalyrin or some variation thereof. Journal is currently not friends only with a lack of focus on fandom.

In Fandom: Not so much. Hanging around DCU. Watching Supernatural and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Kissing hips with bandom.

In Real Life: Gets called mature by adults and immature by peers; not really sure what this means. No longer the quiet geeky girl who can't dress herself, now the less quiet geeky girl with an unhealthy love for fashion, shoes, and homemade herbal solutions. Not so much bisexual as pansexual. Spends as much time as possible drawing and/or writing, and as much time avoiding math. Spends a lot of time talking to friends and shopping. Is clingy and selfish and tends to want what isn't possible. Dreams of making a difference; knows that dreams don't come true by themselves. Wants to be immortal by her name; living forever has its appeal, but lazy. Either going to become famous and fabulous or live in a box somewhere on the streets; does not believe in mediums. Truly happy for the first time in years.

In Religion: Believes that God does not require people to think of him, only that they think. Ultimate creators of the universe have no right to exist and be selfish and conceited and needy.

Mood Theme Credit: frek
Layout credit: fanmedley

anime, art, books, comics, fanfiction, fashion, music, original fiction, photography, reading, slash, writing, yaoi