MASAKI MATSUNAGA | Kyushu University (original) (raw)
International Journal of Business and Management, 2018
The current research scrutinized how a leader’s communication and team value orientations interac... more The current research scrutinized how a leader’s communication and team value orientations interactively relate to employee engagement. The proposed model hypothesized that the impact of leadership on engagement would be mediated by followers’ trust toward a leader and this leadership-trust-engagement linkage would be moderated by team power distance and collectivism; in addition, employee voice behavior was examined as a behavioral manifestation of engagement. The results of multilevel structural equation modeling analyses with the data collected at a large electronics company in Japan (n = 638 members and 68 team leaders) revealed that transformational leadership was positively associated with employee trust and engagement when team power distance and collectivism were high, but not when those team values were low. Transactional leadership had negative effects on trust and engagement, regardless of team values. Finally, engagement was strongly positively associated with employee vo...
Management and Organizational Studies, 2016
Despite the rich literature on employee “voice”—an organizational behavior of speaking up with in... more Despite the rich literature on employee “voice”—an organizational behavior of speaking up with intentions toimprove one’s work processes—the underlying structure that integrates the effects of related factors has yet to beexplored. In addition, previous studies almost exclusively focus on whether organizational members speak up,leaving the issue of how they communicate their “voice” unattended. To address those limitations, this studyexamined three-wave longitudinal data collected from 539 full-timers working at 106 enterprises in Japan, usingmulti-level structural equation modeling (ML-SEM) and latent profile analyses (LPA). The ML-SEM resultsindicated that: (a) perceived cost-benefit balances and subjective norms (but not communication efficacy), as well asleader-member exchange (LMX), are associated with “voice” intentions; (b) LMX quality’s effects are partiallymediated via psychological factors; and (c) group-level LMX differentiation added to the model’s explanatory powerabove...
The current research examined communication and interpersonal relationships of the individuals wh... more The current research examined communication and interpersonal relationships of the individuals who have suffered from bullying, or persistent aggression or other forms of harm-doing enacted upon an individual in a powerless position, and their correlates. Specifically, how such bullied individuals share the information about their victimized status with others and the effectiveness of this disclosure as a coping strategy were investigated through three studies. Study 1 explored the assumption that parental misunderstanding of their children's experience of bullying marks a risk factor. The results showed that certain families are characterized by a larger child-parent discrepancy (i.e., children had experienced more bullying that their parents suspected) than others; moreover, such discrepancies were negatively associated with the children's post-bullying adjustment, providing evidence for the importance of disclosure to facilitate parental awareness of bullying. Study 2 mor...
International Journal of Psychological Research
The current article provides a guideline for conducting factor analysis, a technique used to esti... more The current article provides a guideline for conducting factor analysis, a technique used to estimate the population-level factor structure underlying the given sample data. First, the distinction between exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA) is briefly discussed; along with this discussion, the notion of principal component analysis and why it does not provide a valid substitute of factor analysis is noted. Second, a step-by-step walk-through of conducting factor analysis is illustrated; through these walk-through instructions, various decisions that need to be made in factor analysis are discussed and recommendations provided. Specifically, suggestions for how to carry out preliminary procedures, EFA, and CFA are provided with SPSS and LISREL syntax examples. Finally, some critical issues concerning the appropriate (and not-so-appropriate) use of factor analysis are discussed along with the discussion of recommended practices.
Human Resource Management
ABSTRACT Employee voice is an important organizational behavior that affects work group performan... more ABSTRACT Employee voice is an important organizational behavior that affects work group performance, and many studies have explored its mechanism; nonetheless, the existing literature narrowly defines the construct and overlooks a variety of strategic approaches employees take as they engage in voice. Based on this problematization, the current research has developed and validated a scale of employee voice strategy through four studies in Japan (total N = 1,156). Employee voice strategy is defined as a set of direct and indirect communicative approaches that organizational members utilize to share ideas with intentions to exert constructive influence to their work group. Studies 1 and 2 analyzed interview narratives to develop an initial typology, which was refined in Study 3 into a six-factor scale. Study 4 replicated it through confirmatory factor analyses. Construct validity of the scale was also examined by testing the strategy factors’ nomological network—as expected, proactive personality was positively associated with assertive strategies, while relationship maintenance goal orientation was linked to conciliatory, nonconfrontational strategies; negative emotion display showed negative associations with voice strategy use in general. These findings were discussed vis-à-vis culturally inclusive human resource management practices, as well as theoretical exploration of the employee voice phenomena from process-centered perspectives. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 2009
Most psychological research employs tables to report descriptive and inferential statistics. Unfo... more Most psychological research employs tables to report descriptive and inferential statistics. Unfortunately, those tables often misrepresent critical information on the shape and variability of the data's distribution. In addition, certain information such as the modality and score probability density is hard to report succinctly in tables and, indeed, not reported typically in published research. This paper discusses the importance of using graphical techniques not only to explore data but also to report it effectively. In so doing, the role of exploratory data analysis in detecting Type I and Type II errors is considered. A small data set resembling a Type II error is simulated to demonstrate this procedure, using a conventional parametric test. A potential analysis routine to explore data is also presented. The paper proposes that essential summary statistics and information about the shape and variability of data should be reported via graphical techniques. Exploratory data analysis (EDA), as an analytical routine, is alarmingly rare in the current normative practice of conducting research in psychology and other related
... eye-opening, for in almost every class she pointed out something that I missed in my reading.... more ... eye-opening, for in almost every class she pointed out something that I missed in my reading. Further, in retrospect, I also feel lucky to have had Tammy during my first year at Penn State. ... Walid and Tammy also helped my adjustment at Penn State by welcoming me to the ...
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 19312450802458935, Dec 2, 2008
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study pu... more and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication, 2015
Engaging Theories in Interpersonal Communication: Multiple Perspectives, 2008
Western Journal of Communication, 2008
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study pu... more and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2010
This study examined mechanisms underlying bullied individuals' self-disclosure and post-bullying ... more This study examined mechanisms underlying bullied individuals' self-disclosure and post-bullying adjustment by highlighting their culturally rooted orientations (self-construal and communication standards) and interpersonal concerns. To test the hypotheses, a structural equation mixture modeling analysis was performed using cross-cultural data collected from Japanese and US college students (n ¼ 219 and 284, respectively), who reported on their past bullying experience (recall M ¼ 1.58 years). The results suggested that: (i) self-construal and communication standard profiles help predict victims' self/ other-protection concerns; (ii) other-protection concerns drive Japanese victims' disclosure/non-disclosure patterns, whereas self-protection concerns drive those of US victims; and (iii) disclosure is generally associated with positive adjustment. The findings' theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Keywords bullying, coping, Japan-US comparison, privacy management, structural equation mixture modeling Disclosing a secret can be an onerous endeavor, particularly when it involves stigma, and revealing the information renders the discloser vulnerable (Afifi, Caughlin, & Afifi,
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2012
This four-study investigation examines the role of perceived partner uniqueness (PPU) in determin... more This four-study investigation examines the role of perceived partner uniqueness (PPU) in determining the immediate communicative and relational consequences of transgressions in romantic relationships. Study 1 reports a psychometrically sound PPU measure distinct from similar constructs. Study 2 reveals that PPU is associated with conflict responses following the discovery of infidelity, which then predict termination intentions. Study 3 involves an experimentally manipulated flirting transgression between one partner and a confederate, witnessed by the other partner, which provides a controlled examination of PPU on partners' non-verbal immediacy. Study 4 expands and refines PPU measurement, and tests PPU's ability to predict relational decisions beyond other partner-focused constructs. Results support the utility of PPU as a unique construct with communicative and relational impacts.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2010
Utilizing part of the survey data collected for a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)— funded... more Utilizing part of the survey data collected for a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)— funded project from 29 public elementary schools in Phoenix, Arizona ( N = 1,600), this study explored the underlying structure of Mexican-heritage youths’ ethnic identity and cultural/ linguistic orientation. Latent profile and transition analyses identified four distinct orientation profiles endorsed by the early adolescents and their developmental trends across four time points. Most Mexican and Mexican American adolescents endorsed bicultural profiles with developmental trends characterized by widespread stasis and transitions toward greater ethnic identity exploration. Multinominal logistic regression analyses revealed associations between profile endorsement and adolescents’ gender, socioeconomic status, parents’ birthplace, and visits outside the United States. These findings are discussed in regard to previous findings on acculturation and ethnic identity development. Individuals’ adap...
Human Communication Research, 2011
ABSTRACT This study examined the working mechanisms of social support for victims of bullying. St... more ABSTRACT This study examined the working mechanisms of social support for victims of bullying. Structural equation modeling analyses based on retrospective survey data (N = 448) revealed that the effects of supportive messages varied distinctively, depending on the content of the messages; emotional and esteem support enhanced, but network support impeded, positive reappraisal (the effects of informational support were not significant). Except for that which was related to network support, discrepancy between desired and received support was associated with less positive appraisal. Finally, positive appraisal was found to enhance victims' postbullying adjustment both behaviorally and psychologically. These findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical and practical implications with reference to the literature on social support and coping of bullied victims.
Human Communication Research, 2009
... Parents Don't (Always) Know Their Children Have Been Bullied: Child-Parent Discrepancy o... more ... Parents Don't (Always) Know Their Children Have Been Bullied: Child-Parent Discrepancy on Bullying and Family-Level Profile of Communication Standards. Masaki Matsunaga. Article first published online: 18 MAR 2009. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2958.2009.01345.x. ...
Howard Journal of Communications, 2007
Full terms and conditions of use: ... more Full terms and conditions of use: This article maybe used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
International Journal of Business and Management, 2018
The current research scrutinized how a leader’s communication and team value orientations interac... more The current research scrutinized how a leader’s communication and team value orientations interactively relate to employee engagement. The proposed model hypothesized that the impact of leadership on engagement would be mediated by followers’ trust toward a leader and this leadership-trust-engagement linkage would be moderated by team power distance and collectivism; in addition, employee voice behavior was examined as a behavioral manifestation of engagement. The results of multilevel structural equation modeling analyses with the data collected at a large electronics company in Japan (n = 638 members and 68 team leaders) revealed that transformational leadership was positively associated with employee trust and engagement when team power distance and collectivism were high, but not when those team values were low. Transactional leadership had negative effects on trust and engagement, regardless of team values. Finally, engagement was strongly positively associated with employee vo...
Management and Organizational Studies, 2016
Despite the rich literature on employee “voice”—an organizational behavior of speaking up with in... more Despite the rich literature on employee “voice”—an organizational behavior of speaking up with intentions toimprove one’s work processes—the underlying structure that integrates the effects of related factors has yet to beexplored. In addition, previous studies almost exclusively focus on whether organizational members speak up,leaving the issue of how they communicate their “voice” unattended. To address those limitations, this studyexamined three-wave longitudinal data collected from 539 full-timers working at 106 enterprises in Japan, usingmulti-level structural equation modeling (ML-SEM) and latent profile analyses (LPA). The ML-SEM resultsindicated that: (a) perceived cost-benefit balances and subjective norms (but not communication efficacy), as well asleader-member exchange (LMX), are associated with “voice” intentions; (b) LMX quality’s effects are partiallymediated via psychological factors; and (c) group-level LMX differentiation added to the model’s explanatory powerabove...
The current research examined communication and interpersonal relationships of the individuals wh... more The current research examined communication and interpersonal relationships of the individuals who have suffered from bullying, or persistent aggression or other forms of harm-doing enacted upon an individual in a powerless position, and their correlates. Specifically, how such bullied individuals share the information about their victimized status with others and the effectiveness of this disclosure as a coping strategy were investigated through three studies. Study 1 explored the assumption that parental misunderstanding of their children's experience of bullying marks a risk factor. The results showed that certain families are characterized by a larger child-parent discrepancy (i.e., children had experienced more bullying that their parents suspected) than others; moreover, such discrepancies were negatively associated with the children's post-bullying adjustment, providing evidence for the importance of disclosure to facilitate parental awareness of bullying. Study 2 mor...
International Journal of Psychological Research
The current article provides a guideline for conducting factor analysis, a technique used to esti... more The current article provides a guideline for conducting factor analysis, a technique used to estimate the population-level factor structure underlying the given sample data. First, the distinction between exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA) is briefly discussed; along with this discussion, the notion of principal component analysis and why it does not provide a valid substitute of factor analysis is noted. Second, a step-by-step walk-through of conducting factor analysis is illustrated; through these walk-through instructions, various decisions that need to be made in factor analysis are discussed and recommendations provided. Specifically, suggestions for how to carry out preliminary procedures, EFA, and CFA are provided with SPSS and LISREL syntax examples. Finally, some critical issues concerning the appropriate (and not-so-appropriate) use of factor analysis are discussed along with the discussion of recommended practices.
Human Resource Management
ABSTRACT Employee voice is an important organizational behavior that affects work group performan... more ABSTRACT Employee voice is an important organizational behavior that affects work group performance, and many studies have explored its mechanism; nonetheless, the existing literature narrowly defines the construct and overlooks a variety of strategic approaches employees take as they engage in voice. Based on this problematization, the current research has developed and validated a scale of employee voice strategy through four studies in Japan (total N = 1,156). Employee voice strategy is defined as a set of direct and indirect communicative approaches that organizational members utilize to share ideas with intentions to exert constructive influence to their work group. Studies 1 and 2 analyzed interview narratives to develop an initial typology, which was refined in Study 3 into a six-factor scale. Study 4 replicated it through confirmatory factor analyses. Construct validity of the scale was also examined by testing the strategy factors’ nomological network—as expected, proactive personality was positively associated with assertive strategies, while relationship maintenance goal orientation was linked to conciliatory, nonconfrontational strategies; negative emotion display showed negative associations with voice strategy use in general. These findings were discussed vis-à-vis culturally inclusive human resource management practices, as well as theoretical exploration of the employee voice phenomena from process-centered perspectives. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 2009
Most psychological research employs tables to report descriptive and inferential statistics. Unfo... more Most psychological research employs tables to report descriptive and inferential statistics. Unfortunately, those tables often misrepresent critical information on the shape and variability of the data's distribution. In addition, certain information such as the modality and score probability density is hard to report succinctly in tables and, indeed, not reported typically in published research. This paper discusses the importance of using graphical techniques not only to explore data but also to report it effectively. In so doing, the role of exploratory data analysis in detecting Type I and Type II errors is considered. A small data set resembling a Type II error is simulated to demonstrate this procedure, using a conventional parametric test. A potential analysis routine to explore data is also presented. The paper proposes that essential summary statistics and information about the shape and variability of data should be reported via graphical techniques. Exploratory data analysis (EDA), as an analytical routine, is alarmingly rare in the current normative practice of conducting research in psychology and other related
... eye-opening, for in almost every class she pointed out something that I missed in my reading.... more ... eye-opening, for in almost every class she pointed out something that I missed in my reading. Further, in retrospect, I also feel lucky to have had Tammy during my first year at Penn State. ... Walid and Tammy also helped my adjustment at Penn State by welcoming me to the ...
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 19312450802458935, Dec 2, 2008
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study pu... more and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication, 2015
Engaging Theories in Interpersonal Communication: Multiple Perspectives, 2008
Western Journal of Communication, 2008
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study pu... more and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2010
This study examined mechanisms underlying bullied individuals' self-disclosure and post-bullying ... more This study examined mechanisms underlying bullied individuals' self-disclosure and post-bullying adjustment by highlighting their culturally rooted orientations (self-construal and communication standards) and interpersonal concerns. To test the hypotheses, a structural equation mixture modeling analysis was performed using cross-cultural data collected from Japanese and US college students (n ¼ 219 and 284, respectively), who reported on their past bullying experience (recall M ¼ 1.58 years). The results suggested that: (i) self-construal and communication standard profiles help predict victims' self/ other-protection concerns; (ii) other-protection concerns drive Japanese victims' disclosure/non-disclosure patterns, whereas self-protection concerns drive those of US victims; and (iii) disclosure is generally associated with positive adjustment. The findings' theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Keywords bullying, coping, Japan-US comparison, privacy management, structural equation mixture modeling Disclosing a secret can be an onerous endeavor, particularly when it involves stigma, and revealing the information renders the discloser vulnerable (Afifi, Caughlin, & Afifi,
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2012
This four-study investigation examines the role of perceived partner uniqueness (PPU) in determin... more This four-study investigation examines the role of perceived partner uniqueness (PPU) in determining the immediate communicative and relational consequences of transgressions in romantic relationships. Study 1 reports a psychometrically sound PPU measure distinct from similar constructs. Study 2 reveals that PPU is associated with conflict responses following the discovery of infidelity, which then predict termination intentions. Study 3 involves an experimentally manipulated flirting transgression between one partner and a confederate, witnessed by the other partner, which provides a controlled examination of PPU on partners' non-verbal immediacy. Study 4 expands and refines PPU measurement, and tests PPU's ability to predict relational decisions beyond other partner-focused constructs. Results support the utility of PPU as a unique construct with communicative and relational impacts.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2010
Utilizing part of the survey data collected for a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)— funded... more Utilizing part of the survey data collected for a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)— funded project from 29 public elementary schools in Phoenix, Arizona ( N = 1,600), this study explored the underlying structure of Mexican-heritage youths’ ethnic identity and cultural/ linguistic orientation. Latent profile and transition analyses identified four distinct orientation profiles endorsed by the early adolescents and their developmental trends across four time points. Most Mexican and Mexican American adolescents endorsed bicultural profiles with developmental trends characterized by widespread stasis and transitions toward greater ethnic identity exploration. Multinominal logistic regression analyses revealed associations between profile endorsement and adolescents’ gender, socioeconomic status, parents’ birthplace, and visits outside the United States. These findings are discussed in regard to previous findings on acculturation and ethnic identity development. Individuals’ adap...
Human Communication Research, 2011
ABSTRACT This study examined the working mechanisms of social support for victims of bullying. St... more ABSTRACT This study examined the working mechanisms of social support for victims of bullying. Structural equation modeling analyses based on retrospective survey data (N = 448) revealed that the effects of supportive messages varied distinctively, depending on the content of the messages; emotional and esteem support enhanced, but network support impeded, positive reappraisal (the effects of informational support were not significant). Except for that which was related to network support, discrepancy between desired and received support was associated with less positive appraisal. Finally, positive appraisal was found to enhance victims' postbullying adjustment both behaviorally and psychologically. These findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical and practical implications with reference to the literature on social support and coping of bullied victims.
Human Communication Research, 2009
... Parents Don't (Always) Know Their Children Have Been Bullied: Child-Parent Discrepancy o... more ... Parents Don't (Always) Know Their Children Have Been Bullied: Child-Parent Discrepancy on Bullying and Family-Level Profile of Communication Standards. Masaki Matsunaga. Article first published online: 18 MAR 2009. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2958.2009.01345.x. ...
Howard Journal of Communications, 2007
Full terms and conditions of use: ... more Full terms and conditions of use: This article maybe used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.