Livejournal Online Kendo Kai's Journal (original) (raw)

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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inLivejournal Online Kendo Kai's LiveJournal:

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Sunday, October 4th, 2009
_9:57 pm_[p_is_for_piano] TanKendo on Riga Taikai 2009 Tankendo is a Japanese art created during the Meiji and Taisho eras along with Jukendo as a way to modernize the Japanese army. It was originally based on a French system of bayonet combat, but that wasn't satisfactory to the Japanese soldiers. They added Japanese spear techniques from (most notably) "Ito Ryu" and "Hozoin Ryu Takada Ha." It trains in the fundamentals, basic and applied techniques. The Japanese Imperial army combined training in Takendo and "Jukendo" with "Gunto Soho", "Toyama Ryu Battojutsu", and "Tachigumi" (pairs training).Watch videos and photos of Tankendo during Raiga Taikai 2009The link will lead you to Kendo_lv Lj blog, feel free to join us.Technique is demostrated by:KON Yoshinobu (Kendo Renshi -6 dan,Tan-kendo Kyoshi - 7 dan)TAKEDA Ryuichi (Kendo Kyoshi -7 dan,Tan-kendo - 3 dan)Arsenin Denis (Kendo 2 dan) (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Friday, September 25th, 2009
_12:33 pm_[p_is_for_piano] YAGYU-SHINGAN-RYU. YAGYU-SHINGAN-RYU HEIHOU.Japan Culture day, Riga Taikai 2009History.This style was founded by Hayato Takenaga about four hundreds years ago (at the beginning of the Edo era). He mastered Shinto style, Shinkage style, Shuso style, Toda style and taught martial arts in a hometown. He called his style "Shingan", which means own mind's eye.One day he fought with a person of other country and tasted defeat. He realized his immaturity. Then, he went to Edo to train himself and became a disciple of Munenori Yagyu, a fencing teacher of a shogun. He trained in Yagyu Shinkage school of kendo for three years, and was initiated into the profundus teaching and skill. Munenori Yagyu commanded him to name his style "Yagyu-Singan". He returned to his hometown and taught to young neighbors and died. His teaching is to live and let live even if there can be many difficulties.He was worshiped as "Reijin" (a guardian deity believed that a high man of virtue became postmortally) by villagers.Tradition of his teachings is; Ichirouemon Yoshikawa, Kyuzaburou Itou, Samon Oyama, Token Aizawa, Gonzo Kato, Teikichi Hoshi, Seiemon Hoshi, Hikojurou Hoshi, Kunio Hoshi, and Kunio Hoshi Jr..Samon Oyama taught in Edo, and this style spread out in the whole country. Teikichi Hoshi was famous as an instructor of the art of the martial arts in the Meiji era. A person of Hoshi family acted as a representative of the style from Teikichi afterward. Nowadays, representative of our style is Kunio Hoshi Jr..Read more about this school...You can watch the photos of YAGYU-SHINGAN-RYU taken during Riga Taikai 2009 by visiting the link below. It will lead you to kendo_lv lj community. You are welcome to join us.Watch other photos...Also you are recommended to take a look at a video of YAGYU-SHINGAN-RYU school filmed during Riga Taikai 2009. Click on the picture below to see the video. (Comment on this)
Wednesday, August 12th, 2009
_2:12 am_[p_is_for_piano] Photos from the group competition between South Korea and USA at the 13th World Kendo Championship in Taipei, Taiwan.Images made by flickr user simulacre.Watch other set 1 photos.Second set is devoted to a battle between South Korea and France.Watch other set 2 photos.Also dont forget to take a look at the battle between Uchimura(red) and Shodai(white). Very energetic and interesting fight. You can watch the video by visiting this link and scrolling down to the very end of the post in kendo_lv Livejournal blog. Enjoy and visit the blog more often : ) (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Thursday, June 18th, 2009
_12:00 am_[ex_ctigmata] Ji-geiko. Image above made by flickr user simulacre.Attitudes to Ji-geiko - Part 1.Sotaro Honda PHd, University of Gloucestershire, British Squad Coach.Introduction.Ji-geiko is the core part of Keiko in Kendo. In Ji-geiko, we (Kendo-ka) can try to use Waza(techniques) in unrestricted situations. We can also learn and acquire what we need to do before we attack (Seme) or how to react to an opponents Seme (intention and attack). Through Ji-geiko, moreover, we can recognise what Waza we are, or are not good at and ones Ji-geiko can lead us to the next Kihon-geiko and Ji-geiko and what we need to work on for our technical progression. It also gives us ways to developing our skills and spirit as proper Kendo-ka.If we approach Ji-geiko in the wrong way such as focusing only on beating an opponent, we cannot expect real development as proper Kendo-ka in the future. It is important, therefore, to engage in Ji-geiko with the correct understanding.Therefore the purpose of this article (part 1) is to re-examine what Ji-geiko should be and to present some useful material for Kendo-ka in future Keiko. It starts with an examination of the relationship between Kihon-geiko, Kata-geiko and Ji-geiko followed by an examination of how Ji-geiko should be practised.Continue reading about Ji-geiko in English...P.S. You are welcome to join the new LJ Kendo community Kendo_lv (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, April 25th, 2009
_3:28 am_[uathann] :o A kendo community ! Hey there ! Is this place still read by anyone ? Come on, you know you want to revive it !So, I'm uathann, I live in Orléans, France, and I started kendo in September 2008. I started with the bogu about three months ago, and two weeks ago with the men. :D I love this sport, it's just what I need both to evacuate stress and to learn more discipline, in any aspect of life, as I'm rather disorganized and lazy. Plus it's plain classy. :DSo here I am. :D (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, December 25th, 2007
_9:33 pm_[alice_the_raven] Happy Holidays Happy Holidays and hope everyone is well.It's been a very good martial arts month - I passed my Yonkyu exam in Kendo. I've been training for almost eight months now and my biggest obstacle is footwork. On the 15th, we had our formal shiai, or tournament, and I had a four-way tie for fourth out of 20 competitors. I choked in a bout with a woman who I generally do better than. I was tense and unfocused. On the 22nd, we had an informal shiai and I was much improved. I was able to overcome a Sandan kendoist and tied for 1st in a field of 7.My kote cut was much improved and my kaeshi do was right on the money. The biggest thing I have going for me is speed.Happy New Year, everyone and happy training. (Comment on this)
Wednesday, November 7th, 2007
_1:23 am_[nuwishas_tail] Mumeishi 3's comp well, the comp went wellreally welllots of good hard clean fights for all and sundry. I was the senior member of my team, (UMKC-B) and we were in the first match of the day.Pools of three teams, three to a team. There were four pools. Top two teams (based on wins and points scored) moved onto the next round, and were shuffled, so we always fought new teams.Both UMKC teams made it through to next round, UMKC-A was knocked out after that. I ended up fighting in six matches, lost one, drew one. The draw was then re-fought (when a whole team is drawn, each choses a fighter, and they fight for a single point), I fought the same guy twice, this time, after another draw, we went to unlimited extra time, and took a good long while at that too. In the end, I got the point, and we moved on to the next round.Another couple of hard fights and i am facing off against a pal of mine, a hulking Kiwi who by all accounts is ex-Commando, and a sight to behold.We don't hold back, we know we won't cripple each other, so we let loose, 100% He did a crazy grappling thing, I declined to crush his larynx, its a good thing. AAAAAAnyway, we also drew, both teams, again, final match of the day. So straight to unlimited extra time. We dance, he and I, we danced, and in the end, it was my strike that landed best.UMKC-B took the Mumeishi trophy, and i brought home my first gold medal ever.Son, Kev Wu and I, this years Mumeishi 3's champions, good work guys!I fought in nitto, which is wacky, and very rare, two swords acting against one, very very hard work. Sensei Gazzaniga, of Mumeishi came up to me and asked me if i'd like to go and visit his club and he can give me some extra pointers on the finer points, having done it himself for a number of years, ages ago, fantastic opportunity for me to learn more, and improve on what till now has mostly been self-taught from books and internet-vids.My sensei also had one of his very rare moments of very mild praise and advice, Monday night after training which left me skipping. (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, November 2nd, 2007
_6:50 pm_[nuwishas_tail] Kendo competition: Mumeishi Threes! In case any of you are at a loose end, and were interested, i'll be competing tomorrow . . . fighting in Nitto , (a fairly obscure, two-sword technique,) competition should run for a good few hours, and if i am very lucky, i might get a few matches.Details are below . . . .MUMEISHI THREESKENDO CLUBS CHAMPIONSHIPS 2007Date: Sunday November 4th 2007Venue: Cardinia Life Sports and Aquatic CentreOlympic Way (Off Princes Highway)Pakenham, Victoria.Melways Ref. Page 215 J5All Kendo Clubs affiliated to the Australian Kendo Renmei are invited to compete in this year's Mumeishi Three's Kendo Clubs Championships.Doors open for registration/warm-up 9amFirst match will commence at 10amClubs may register two teams, teams must be comprised of three kendoka with at leased 1 Kyu grade.The Mumeishi 3's Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the dojo who wins the championships. Individual medals will be awarded to each team member of 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed teams. (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, October 31st, 2007
_2:40 pm_[earwaxandtoejam] I've really been enjoying watching this series. There're only 3 episodes out, but I found it quite funny (as anyone who knows even a little about Kendo might find it). It is all about Kendo (I hope -- like I said, I've only watched 3 episodes as that's all that's available translated so far). If this is not an appropriate post, please delete it. Anyway, follow the link for part of the first episode. (My icon's a pic of all 5 girls on the team ;) (6 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, October 4th, 2007
_6:01 pm_[mimaru] Newbie here... I'm Finnish, a woman, and have been doing kendo since last January, so I'm still fairly new to the sport(is it a "sport"?). I'm even more new to this whole LiveJournal thing. Just thought I'd introduce myself to the community. (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, September 5th, 2007
_12:33 am_[herozs] Started Kendo Hello. Started Kendo I love it. I practice 5 hours a week. Getting my basics done I have problem with "do" Sempai told me I have to keep the cut on the center of the body and my kiai has to be longer. I like doing Waza alot I know up to Kihon #6(right now number 4 is my favorite) Suburi tires me we do like to 200 cuts. I have a short question for jogeburi I dont have to stretch my arms at the end of the cut right ? I also need to learn the vocabulary. (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, August 31st, 2007
_8:52 pm_[kiwi_lady] Where to buy Shinai bags? Hey : )! I started Kendo about 2 weeks ago, and I'm completely in love with it! I just got my shinai this weekend and.. I realized I really need a bag for it! I went to sites such as E-bogu and eguchi, but I was wondering if there were other places I can get one from? Thanks! (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, August 19th, 2007
_11:43 pm_[alice_the_raven] Rokkyu Test We, along with seven other students, passed our Royyu test, the first of a long journey. It involved Rei - (respect, bowing), Chakso (wearing of the gi and hakama), ashi sabaki, ken sabaki, men uchi 2 and 3 kyo do, sayumen, sayudo, zenshin kotai mukai sakai, and haya suburi.I'm getting my licks in on the higher students from time to time. My strongest ooji waza is the kaeshi do. I got a muscle cramp in my left calf though and am have to soak in hot tubs. :P Current Mood: accomplished (Comment on this)
Monday, July 30th, 2007
_9:26 pm_[alice_the_raven] Rokkyu Test I am up for my Rokkyu test in a couple of weeks. I was told that it was not too difficult and was focused mostly on Rei and wearing of the gi and hakama.The learning curve has been pretty steep in the last month. I was taught the Nuki Waza, Suriage Waza, Kaeshi Waza, and now, the Hiki Waza. My kote suriage men looks pretty raw, but I'm coming along. One of my biggest challenges now is to not telegraph my attacks.I'm also trying to build more stamina and resistance to the heat. In our last "Death by Kirikaeshi" I was about to fall over. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Friday, July 6th, 2007
_10:47 pm_[5tearsofblood5] Strangely proud. Tee-hee, I got my first real kendo injury tonight. All the blisters and muscle aches are just something you have to deal with. But this ... is real and kinda hard-core. At least, it is to the klutz that has somehow never seriously injured herself. So this guy in my class (really kind of an idiot, but that's beside the point) managed to stab me in the thumb with a men. I dont't really know what happened exactly, but my hand ended up pinned against the upper corner of my dogu. I don't think he actually realized he did it, because I continued fighting and he told me I was too slow and spiritless, to which I replied "Okay, stop. My thumb is killing me." Just a fun story I thought I'd share with you guys. My nail is coming off, there's a large bruise, and it's swollen. I'm icing it right now. Any other tips on how to treat it? (6 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, July 4th, 2007
_8:43 pm_[alice_the_raven] Greetings It seems like it's been a while since any post so I thought I'd say hello.I started Kendo with the Kaifukan Dojo at the beginning of April (having switched over from Aikido) and am having a great time learning. I was given permission to wear my bogu recently and just received it from ebogu. My biggest issue is that it is extremely hot, especially with the double-knit keikogi. I soaked in in the vinager solution and succeeded in getting indigo everywhere. I'm currently working on my kirikaeshi along with the three main strikes. My Do needs much more work. I'm coming along with the kata and have gotten up to Yonhonme.I'm having to sand my Shinai often as it seems to splinter every few weeks. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. (11 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, May 11th, 2007
_8:00 pm_[masterninja66] The first major shiai of the school year is coming up, and I've finally managed to get my students organized well enough to get a team together. Yay me!Sadly, the school where I'm currently working hasn't had a real kendo club for a long time, and as a result we have no regular place to practice. I managed to get some practice time in the gym, but there's no markings for a kendo ring. In my admittedly cursory online searches, I've found most of the regulation dimensions, but I've yet to see any references to how far apart the starting lines on either side of the X in the center are supposed to be. Does anyone out there know, or should I just eyeball it? (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, April 23rd, 2007
_11:55 pm_[ladymare] wheelchair kendo I just thought that with everyone's interest in my brother being in a wheelchair and doing kendo they would like to see a video. There was a tournament this past weekend in Dallas in which he got his first point ever!! Although, he didn't win either of his matches he was still ecstatic about his point! He says he really could have done better if they had let him use the one hand method (forgive me! I don't know terms!) but they'd only let him use the two handed method which makes it harder for him to turn and be on point...If you'd like the direct you tube link: for looking!Current Mood: happy (7 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, April 4th, 2007
_3:02 pm_[5tearsofblood5] Hello! I'm a young chickadee in SoCal that absolutely loves kendo. I've been doing it for roughly a year now. I don't have my armor yet, but my sensei says that I'm very close. It's been challenging, but I've had a lot of fun with it, and I don't plan to quit any time soon. I'm so glad to find a community of kendo-lovers. I look forward to some good conversation and friends. Right now, I'm having a bit of problem with shinai maintenance. My shinai handle looks really gross, and it's all matted and smoothe, so it's harder to get a good grip on it. So far I've tried scrubbing it with a toothbrush and a bit of water, like a friend of mine suggested, but it doesn't seem to be working. Any tips? (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007
_4:56 pm_[kaeshidou] Hey All Hey all - I'm a kendoka from Norhern California who's been practicing Kendo for just over 4 years now, and iaido for a year. It's a pleasure to see some other kendoka on LJ. Take care. (10 Comments |Comment on this)

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