la_corda_fics (original) (raw)

09 September 2015 @ 09:54 am


Hi all, it has sure been a while! Just wanted to see who's still around. As a reminder, we still have the no-pressure themes open that can be completed any time.

I don't think too many are still around to start up a contest again, but if anyone is interested, just let me know and maybe I'll start one up if there's enough interest.

Hope everyone is doing well!

EDIT to add: If anyone has completed the themes list, please let me know and I will attempt to make a banner for you!

Theme: #12 – universe/world/galaxy

Title: Observatory

Rating: M

Pairing: H. Kahoko/ Y. Azuma

Author: annalisemarie99

Beta: beyondthemoor

Summary: Star gazing on a cold winter night.

Read here or here.

The story is also on my AO3 and

Current Mood: accomplishedaccomplished

Current Music: People Like Us -- Kelly Clarkson

15 January 2012 @ 11:45 pm

Title: Allure
Author: annalisemarie99
Beta: chrissy_ellisys
Rating: G
Theme: #10: Beauty in the eye
Character: H. Kahoko
Summary: Beauty can have many a definition and form, but the one that really matters is the one that enchants you.
(She wanted to have her music defined in terms like refined, exquisite, powerful, rather than just honest and beautiful.)

( N.BCollapse )

Current Location: Home

Current Mood: sleepysleepy

12 January 2012 @ 07:15 pm

Title: Andante
Author: annalisemarie99
Beta: silverspanda
Rating: G
Theme: #15: Law of gravity
Character pairing: T. Ryoutarou & H. Kahoko
Summary: Time was something he had. Plenty of it.
(If he had to describe it in otherworldly language, he would probably say that yes, it was an unseen force had drawn him to her.)

Current Mood: accomplishedaccomplished

Current Music: Taylor Swift -- Last Kiss

07 January 2012 @ 09:43 pm

Title: Medley
Author: annalisemarie99
Rating: K+
Theme: #3 Role Model/Idol
Character/Pairing: Kazuki H. and Kahoko H.
Summary: If someone can be as happy as him, there's nothing more you need in this life.
(..And Kazuki is like the sun. Spreading happiness and warmth wherever he goes.)
A/N: Constructive critique is appreciated as always. ;D

P.S. If for some god-knows-only reason that link doesn't work try here.

Current Mood: dorkydorky

18 November 2011 @ 02:18 pm

Disclaimer: La Corda d'Oro and its characters belong to Kure Yuki**.**

Rating: PG-13.

Characters: Ryoutaro and Len.

Summary: When Ryoutaro was on the verge of tearing his hair out, unable to decide whether he should offer his help or just let Len fall from being a top rank soloist, he realized that things might not be so simple between them.

Read Part 1.

Current Mood: calmcalm

19 September 2011 @ 09:31 pm

Disclaimer: La Corda d'Oro and its characters belong to Kure Yuki**.**
Rating: PG-13.
Characters: Ryoutaro and Len.
When Ryoutaro was on the verge of tearing his hair out, unable to decide whether he should offer his help or just let Len fall from being a top rank soloist, he realized that things might not be so simple between them.

A/N: it's been a while since the last time I saw something about Corda on LJ. Oh boy, do I love this pairing so much; I missed seeing them together (in fanfiction, lol). So Iwrote this as a submission for Infantrum's 50 Sentences Challenge II. Thank you so much to A nnalisemarie99 who has wonderfully proof-read it, and also to ThinE who has spared her time to check on the first six themes.

( “Are you making excuses just to bathe together with me?” )

Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful

06 August 2011 @ 02:03 pm

Hello, everyone~! How are you doing?

The last entry for the community was back in April. D: *pokes comm* I guess with the end of the series the whole fandom has migrated somewhere else. Not that I'm any better but still... *pokes comm again* At some point this comm will probably remain inactive or on hiatus.

It's been great having everyone around here to play in the fandom. Does anyone have suggestions on how to improve activity here?

~ tyreling

Hello, everyone~! How are you all doing?

I've mentioned before in the introductory post about our no-pressure themes that anyone who finishes them all will be placed in the Hall of Fame and receive graphic goodies (banner + icon[s]) of pictures of your choice. And because someone did finish the themes, here's the (infamous) post so far:
( Hall of Fame participantsCollapse )
Thank you for participating in some way!

Maintainer/Moderator (General)

Dropping a plotbunny for adoption? That can be done here.

Need quick prompts to write something not related to the contest? How about trying these out?

Or just drabble from a previous drabble? Try out the drabble tree!

Current Mood: coldcold

Title: Mistletoe
Author: Ariadne-chan
Rating: G
Pairing : Hihara Kazuki/Hino Kahoko
Theme: #5: Diary/Notebook/Journal

( ["No! No mistletoe!"]( ""No! No mistletoe!"")Collapse )