The Lady's Ramblings (original) (raw)

Since I haven't RPed in like, a month, and it's really beginning to suck like whoa. If anyone would like to do a PSL through e-mail, just let me know. I'm pretty open to most things, run an idea by me and if I don't like it I'll tell you. I just want something to write, and I can't find any comms out there that just strike my fancy at the moment.

I'll do fandom RPing as well, fandoms include but are not limited to: Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark-Hunters, Naruto, Samurai Champloo, Boondock Saints, Hairspray, Blade Trinity, Harry Potter, and ETC. You all know my fandoms.

I just want something kinna low key without update requirments and without the drama that seems to seep into every RPG. I just want something fun.

I would prefer something original though. I'd kill to do a line with zombies, gods/goddesses, demons/angels, or vampires and werecreatures.

Just some ideas, if anyone would like to do something or perhaps knows of a comm that is lower key just let me know!