ladybretagne (original) (raw)
22 November 2011 @ 12:20 am
21 November 2011 @ 07:15 pm
I am writing my letter as we speak, so please check back soon! <3
21 November 2010 @ 11:12 pm
Thank you times ten million in advance for agreeing to write something to suit my obscure whims. I'm generally fairly easy to please, but in general you should know that I prefer the serious to the comedic and nothing makes me happier than old fashioned romance. The sappier and more melodramatic the better, as embarrassing as that may be.
( The Yuletide related moderately long-winded explanations.Collapse )
26 November 2009 @ 08:00 pm
mood: accomplished
Had a really quite lovely day today. The weather is beautiful, I colored my hair, my bag finally came (!!!!!!), I got two boxes of clothes unpacked, and my adorable grandparents came over and brought us a few things that were still at their house. Considering how dreadful the past few days have been, that's a rather lovely change.
Now to go poke around on LJ.
mood: calm
I'm tactfully ignoring the Hoshigumi sayonara videos that are on YouTube right now, because I am a smart enough woman to know that watching those right before bed on a night when I have to go to work the following day would not be a wise plan. Especially since I've barely recovered from the cover of Touko's sayonara Graph.
I'm feeling a lot better than I was, thankfully. I'm still fairly tired and have been getting more sleep than usual, but I'm functional during the day and not a zombie. I also get two days off in a row again, which means I might actually get something accomplished as well as resting.
I've been watching Nana, forever and a day after people started reccing it to me, and can I just say that I have never met a more adorably dysfunctional group of characters? I'm on episode 22, and I really think Nana, Hachi and Ren just need to go off and live in a commune with the rest of BLAST and be done with it. Because I'm sorry, you cannot tell me that any of them is going to be happy unless they're basically ALL together.
And now it's time for bed. *yawn*
mood: sleepy
I slept twelve hours last night and I still kind of feel like crap. The clothes are still in boxes, the dishes aren't done, the closet isn't cleaned, and there is so no way that's getting done tonight. I did manage to get my jewelry organized and put away in some semblance of order, so that's good, but it's pretty minimal accomplishment for the entire weekend.
I really just wish I knew why I was still tired. I mean I know I was sick and all but this is getting ridiculous.
mood: annoyed
The cover of La Donna, Asuka's photobook, is so gorgeous. Oh Asuka... ;___;
I have no motivation whatsoever today, which is frustrating. I'm just so tired from being sick that I have no energy after working all week, but there's so much crap I wanted to get done, mainly finally unpacking the rest of our clothes and getting the closet organized. We'll see if I feel more up to it in a bit, but as of right now it's all I can do to not go back to bed.
mood: melancholy
Seriously thank you Hankyu for restoring a little bit of my faith in you and giving me something to look forward to
even if I was hoping for a miracle to occur and Eri-chan to have the musumeyaku lead
. She's going to be adorable and I am so excited for her!! And I'm glad that it seems that Tara-chan's lead in ParaPuri was not a total blip and they actually are going to pay attention to her and give her some credit where it's deserved.
I have to admit, for a split second I had the thought "I wonder what they're going to do with the 88ths", and then I remembered that they're upperclassmen now. Eep!
mood: excited
I started this several days ago, so forgive me if some of the answers are disjointed (or out of place since I wrote them the day of New Orleans raku).
( The 100 Question Takarazuka Survey, finally finished!Collapse )
mood: accomplished