(( P O O R . O P H E L I A )) (original) (raw)

Lady Miryna
H I A T U S [Sun, October 30th, 2005 @ 8:27pm]
Sorry guys, but I'm going on a month-long hiatus. There will be absolutely no posting whatsoever, due to NaNoWriMo. If you NEEDMARINAOMG, you can try heading over to my NaNo journal, __faerytale. Or you could check my domain for updates and such. Of course, I won't be too active all month, due to NaNo... but you can try to reach me through email, MySpace, or my NaNo journal. I'll miss being a part of the LJ community, but I think NaNo is just one of those things I need to do. With all my school work, I haven't been thinking enough about ways to complete work faster and the like. I think my second year of NaNo ('05 babyyyy, yeah!) will really help me.See you in December, and have a very happy Halloween!<3MiryP.S. I will post pics of my HP costume and a review of GoF though, most likely. Teehee. I'm so bad.
Old tunes
Friends Only [Sun, March 13th, 2005 @ 10:09am]
[ **mood** | hyper ] F R I E N D S O N L Y .Yes, that's right. I've gone friends only. ^.^ Comment and I'll add you, though. I am not as mean as I may seem at times. *bears fangs*Update (07.09.05): New friends only banner coming soon! Yes, I *am* lazy. Sorry 'bout that.
Snatches ofOld tunes
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