Trunk O'Junk (original) (raw)







imagine if doorways grew back like scabbed over with fresh drywall and you had to keep carving them back out with a jabsaw to keep the doorway clear etc

Imagine if the membranes recoiled in pain every time you did this. Imagine if over time, some doorways became accustomed sensation. Imagine that very rarely, some even seemed to enjoy it.

*sleepover host voice* imagine if you two went to sleep

Oh for gods sake kids it’s like piercing an ear - that’s why you put a doorframe in - you don’t hang a door in drywall, you gremlins. You frame the door. It’s like those gauges that people put in their ears - the hole stays. It won’t scab over with a doorframe in it. You’ve lived around doors you whole life, you little clowns. Lights out


Oh my goodness what an honor to be Calvin’s dad




you cannot be a queer person whose whole aesthetic is “in a freak the government warned you about” and then get squicked out and clutch pearls over kink, especially lukewarm furry kink.

sometimes I genuinely do think it’s folks adopting the “freak” label do it in an attempt to be different but get up in arms over something as milquetoast as plush kink/objectum stuff.

to be queer is to respect sexuality and kink as a part of our community

I will gladly shake the hand(or paw) and befriend a leather pup-play fag than be around assimillist who adopt freak labels as an aesthetic.




My friends and I used to do this thing where we’d dress up on a theme and go do something totally normal.

We dressed up as pirates and went bowling.

We dressed as vikings and went to the grocery store. The security guard told us we had to move our longship because it was illegally parked.

We dressed as Romans and went to Blockbuster. The staff chanted, “toga! Toga! Toga!” at us.

We dressed up all steampunk and went to the museum. Tourists kept taking our picture.

I used to do historical reenactment when I was at University. I would go to class before session as a Norman knight, and when the session was over me and some of my buddies I did it with would get the bus home in the same kit. Stop at the Tesco’s in full armour for beer and supper and ice cream, then get together at Irish’s place for a LAN party.

It’s enrichment for all involved.

I remember being told I was 900 years late for the battle, and asking the bus driver where the horses were.

I genuinely think the world would be a much better place if more people felt comfortable dressing a bit silly out in public.




People never seem to want to hang out at animal habitats. If they can’t see something immediately, they just leave. If you’re patient enough to stay, sometimes incredibly magical experiences happen. Like this one.


Those are California condors. Biggest wingspan in North America, incredibly endangered, and the only species with approval from USDA for emergency use of the poultry avian flu vaccine.

Towards the end of the day, once things got quiet, I sat down near where one was foraging and just hung out. Then… they noticed me.

I can only upload one video so I’m going with the one where I was showing them my glasses, since they kept trying to peck at my shoelaces and fingers and I wondered what else they’d be interested in.

They stayed there with me for at least five minutes, given the duration of video I took. Just chilling, watching me, interacting a little. It was just us - nobody else approached. Until eventually they chose to go do their own thing, and I sat there in awe for a while.

It’s worth it to wait, when you can.

Official nature post

They have such gentle yet silly faces. I love these creatures.



cannot recommend more putting secrets and hints in your creative work that you dont expect anyone to figure out

act like youve got a ravenous fanbase of a million people poring over every detail, cuz then if nobody figures it out you feel cool n smug knowing something nobody else does, and if someone does figure it out then its like theyve joined a secret society


I feel like you should see this


im not a venom fan but im sure someone here wants their pussy ate like that

never forget your roots




  • before they removed the NC-17 stories
  • going to at all
  • going to in the fallout of the great “purge”
  • figuring out that ain’t nobody actually monitoring NC-17 stories there anyway so just rate it “M”
  • “please R&R! concrit appreciated!”
  • warning: lemon
  • though it may be more on the limey side of lemon
  • “summary sux just read it”
  • replying to reviews in the author’s notes
  • author’s notes in which the characters talk to each other and the author
