...'Cause we're all better off in NY (original) (raw)

Job Posting [14 Sep 2007|05:57pm]
My office, Time Out New York, is hiring a new weekend receptionist. The hours are 8a-5pm on Sat and 9am-5pm on Sun. It's really early, but you can come in hungover and wear whatever you want and just sit at the computer doing homework all day. The office is massive and really nice; you will not be sitting in a cave. Pays $11/hr. In addition, this is a REALLY good way to get your foot in the door, so to speak, in the world of magazine journalism. Here is the official description:We are looking for a responsible person to handle the Weekend Receptionist position. As part of the Administration team, you will be responsible for maintaining office security, light reception duties and basic administrative functions.Successful candidate must be able to work independently, possess excellent interpersonal/communication skills (verbal and written), computer savvy, extremely organized and able to handle minor problems as necessary. Hours are Saturdays 8AM – 5PM. Sundays 9AM – 5PM.If interested, please fax cover letter and resume to 646.432.3010 or e-mail hr@timeoutny.com. Visit our website: www.timeout.com/newyork. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.
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[15 Sep 2006|10:21pm]
Hello...My name is Dan, Im from Los Angeles. Im thinking about going to school at Lang/New School. I've been doing quite a bit of research, but the web site is not doing it for me. So I have some questions.1.On the application,the second essay topic baffles me. How do i go about executing an essay with out sounding like a crazy liberal. What did some of you do?2.Im a theatre majore, both behind the scenes and on stage. Im a make up artist/writer/costumer/actor/director. and i have plenty of experience. Im dedicated, but i dont want to waste my time if the program isnt good. What are some of their teaching methods, what are the professors like, how big is the student body in this discipline?3.Whats it like moving from your home town to New York?4.Are there any student clubs. Like a GSA or Theatre guilds...where can i find info?thanks for your cooperation. i hope to join you by Fall 07
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Housing? [21 Apr 2006|02:09am]
[ **mood** | cranky ] So! Anyone choose their dorm housing today/yesterday?I ended up in Williams St 6F2, does anyone know who's in there? My number was one of the last, haha, so I got the short end of the deal. And I have to go ALL the way uptown to 40th St for class next year...Where's everyone else living?(x-posted in parsons)
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[31 Mar 2006|01:55pm]
Please add Vera List Center to your friends to receive information regarding New School events right on your friends page.The Vera List Center for Art and Politics at the New School, founded in 1992 with the generous support of philanthropist Vera List, is the University's vehicle for debate, discussion, research and reflection concerning the complex and vital relationship between politics and the arts. Committed to insuring the future of democratic culture, the Center serves as a forum for those seeking an open analysis of relevant issues in order to fully inform all aspects of art-related decision-making (e.g., federal and local policy making, art education curricula, museum practices, arts-related media coverage).**More information regarding VLC can be found on our official website.**To be receive updates via e-mail, please send mail to VLCintern@newschool.edu with your full name and the word "add" in the subject line or click here.
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[30 Nov 2005|12:08pm]
HELP.In immediate need of Mac genius. My iBook is acting up, and I'm getting the 'localized string not found' error in Safari. I found a fix, but I'm too nervous to tackle it alone, since I only started using macs this July. I don't want to further fuck up my computer. Here are the steps... not difficult, but again, I'm in fear of killing my laptop.1. Download the latest version of Safari from Apple. Found here. This step cannot be ignored.2. Locate the webkit files and trash them. This folder is located in System/Library/Frameworks/webkit.framworks.3. Install Safari from your download.4. Restart the computer.5. Launch Disk Utility and run Repair Permissions.6. That’s it. You won’t see the words “localized string not found” appear in your Contextual Menus anymore.I'm on the 7th floor of Loeb, and I'll.. uh.. bake cupcakes for you? I'm sure we can negotiate something.Please! My back and forward buttons aren't working, and it's driving me nuts.-rachaelfaithAIM = jerseyinthecity
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[29 Nov 2005|09:45pm]
you know you want to join my facebook group:"Yes I Have a Livejournal and No, I'm Not a Whiny Emo Bitch".yes, yes you do.
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PARSONS! [20 Oct 2005|10:18pm]
[ **mood** | cheerful ] Who else here is from Parsons? (Anyone?!)What about Marlton, lol?Just curious. :D
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[11 Oct 2005|05:49pm]
**BICYCLE RACK in LOEB?**Dear Loeb People!It is NOT against the rules to have a bike in Loeb Hall. But alas - it is inconvenient! Many students have have / ride bikes, or would like to, and don't / can't because of the absence of anywhere to store a bike, except in your kitchen, where it becomes a serious deadly fire hazard (see 11D for proof).A bike rack would be used not only by this year's residents, but by the residents of years to come, as many college students rely almost exclusively on bikes to get around - even in NYC, where the public transportation system is effective but expensive as well!Tonight is the HALL COUNCIL MEETING, downstairs at 8:30pm (with free food and drink!). Come down and let's see about making Loeb Hall more bicycle-friendly. We pay good money to be here, and a bike rack is a relatively inexpensive and unobtrusive improvement, for which we could probably even raise the money ourselves if need be, as the bicycle community in NYC is strong and would no doubt be supportive.Come to the meeting! Seriously! This is the kind of thing they want to hear about, so let's make it loud and clear!
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[08 Sep 2005|09:56pm]
Random question.Does anyone know if local pharmacies [Duane Reade, CVS, Rite Aid] require paper prescriptions to fill meds, or if you can just bring in the bottle to refill?I have a couple that kind of need to be refilled quite soon. Thanks...
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[11 Aug 2005|11:31pm]
so, if we can verify that we read the code of conduct / sexual harassment stuff, we don't have to do the seminar thing on campus.so how is this done? there doesn't seem to be any kind of certificate on the website...
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[11 Aug 2005|09:07pm]
there are too many classes here, and i don't know which writing i have, hm?LFYW 1000 New York City UG First Year Writing, Level 1 4.000 LNGC 1000 New York City UG First Year Workshop 2.000 LNGC 1105 New York City UG NYC:Religious Geography of NY 2.000 LNGC 1315 New York City UG N&N: Lit. of Social Movements 2.000 LREL 1000 New York City UG The Spiritual Autobiography 4.000 ULEC 2060 New York City UG Censorship & The Public Sphere 0.000 ULEC 2061 New York City UG Cencorship & Public Sphere:Dis 3.000
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assignment? [10 Aug 2005|02:32pm]
[ **mood** | confused ] I'm a bit confused about the assignment/55 pg LONG packet we had recieved awhile ago. I guess I kind of skimmed over the letter that came with it. So basically we have to write a reflection on each article along with the reflection of our academic goals? Wow they really got us working early
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[09 Aug 2005|05:41pm]
Metric is playing at the Bowery on October 5th? Anyone interested?On a completely different topic: does anyone know if hangers come in the closets?
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[08 Aug 2005|09:12am]
Has anyone gotten a book list yet, and if not, does anyone know when we'll be getting them?Thanks!
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[04 Aug 2005|11:36pm]
the answers might be really obvious here...is there only the one first-year writing class (at 8am), or is it possible to switch to another at a more godly hour?and speaking of switching, can i do so at this point? i realized that i'd registered exactly the wrong course as my preference and completely failed to list the one i actually wanted. fuck.thanks.
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