Tadeusz Jarosz | University Of La Salette (original) (raw)

Books by Tadeusz Jarosz

Research paper thumbnail of Public relations w dyplomacji Stolicy Apostolskiej

Public Relations w dyplomacji Stolicy Apostolskiej (Public Relations in diplomacy of the Holy See), 2013

Pierwsza część dysertacji została zorientowana na wypracowanie teoretycznych i metodologicznych p... more Pierwsza część dysertacji została zorientowana na wypracowanie teoretycznych i metodologicznych podstaw przystosowania public relations do dyplomatycznej działalności Stolicy Apostolskiej. W punkcie wyjścia, w świetle teorii komunikacji, zanalizowano instytucję Kościoła. Jego istota wyraża się w ściśle skorelowanych interakcjach o podwójnym charakterze: wertykalnym (łączność człowieka z Bogiem) oraz horyzontalnym (ludzi pomiędzy sobą). W perspektywie horyzontalnej, aktywność komunikacyjna poszczególnych instytucji kościelnych może być wzbogacana przez określone elementy teorii i praktyki PR. Kolejną część pracy zogniskowano na problematyce ich optymalnego wykorzystania przez instytucje organizujące dyplomację Stolicy Apostolskiej. Szczególnym przedmiotem eksploracji stały się te elementy strukturalno-proceduralne oraz kultury prawno-organizacyjnej, które rzutują na sposób adaptacji filozofii i strategii PR do dyplomatycznej działalności Stolicy Apostolskiej. Ostatnia część pracy została poświęcona na weryfikację wkładu PR w zarządzanie aktywnością kościelnej służby dyplomatycznej. Zadanie to zostało wykonane za pomocą metody studium przypadku. Analizami zostały objęte wzajemne stosunki chińsko-watykańskie (płaszczyzna bilateralna) oraz zaangażowanie przedstawicieli Stolicy Apostolskiej w przygotowanie i przebieg Kairskiej Konferencji Ludnościowej (płaszczyzna multilateralna).

Papers by Tadeusz Jarosz

Research paper thumbnail of Faith Based Organizations as Instigators  of Development: the contribution of Alfagems  Secondary School in Morogoro (Tanzania)

Chrześcijaństwo-Świat-Polityka, (26), 340-365, 2022

The study attempts to capture the impact of the religious element upon the development of a dev... more The study attempts to capture the impact of the religious element upon
the development of a developing country. Due to the range of difficulties in outlining the field of study, from the outset it was assumed that the pro-developmental
activity of Faith-Based Organizations (FBO) is carried out as an immanent part
of the socio-economic processes of development. As FBO insiders target a given developmental goal, they start to act upon the secular proponents which are
continually being reinforced from within the religious dimension. As indicated,
this leads to measurable goals (the results of state examinations)


Spoleczenstwo i polityka Society and Politics, Pismo edukacyjne nr 4 (41) 113-140, 2014

Within the institutions of religious bodies, there has appeared a number of particularly interest... more Within the institutions of religious bodies, there has appeared a number of particularly interesting areas of study around the ever widening discourse on secularization. One of these includes the intensive interactions taking place along the line sacrum – profanum which are aimed at the adjustment of ecclesiastical institutions to the rapidly changing realities of the modernised world. This article investigates the dynamism of these interactions in the light of the paradigm of desecularization which has emerged from them. In contrast to the previous secularization paradigm, this modified approach facilitates the development of a perspective which demonstrates, in a more balanced way, the two-sided relationships between the adherents of religion and the members of other segments of societal life, thus helping to redefine the concept of secularization. According to this newly developed view, religion still plays an important role as an institution which acts as a catalyst within the cultural-forming processes which determine the reality of human life within late modernity. However, in order to perform this role the Church’s institutions have to develop new ways of carrying out their mission, one of these being the missionary agency of the Roman Catholic Church based on the idea of inculturation.

Research paper thumbnail of The Church as an Agent of Social and Economic Development

Africa Tomorrow 17/1 , 2015

The purpose of the paper is to present an objective picture of the multifaceted and intricate lin... more The purpose of the paper is to present an objective picture of the multifaceted and intricate linkages created within the community that surrounds a church. Within the framework established by means of these many-sided relationships, there evolves a process for catalysing social and economic development, a process initiated by Church institutions. The development-forming impulses find their source in the transcendental strata of religious values and norms that are inculcated during the course of subsequent stages of the self-manifestation of the Church. These values and norms constitute the content of the religious message which, due to the changing temporal and spatial circumstances, become the subject of a special transformation, a transformation that aims at translating them into credible testimony. During this process, the abilities nurtured and cultivated by the members of the community are then passed on outwards into the wider social bloodstream, flowing through the network of social relationships that link them with members of the surrounding environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Politologia eklezjalna: poszukiwanie  adekwatnej perspektywy ujmowania Kościoła  w badaniach politologicznych

Chrześcijaństwo Świat Polityka Zeszyty Społecznej Myśli Kościoła nr 23, 2016

Przeobrażenia teoretyczno-metodologicznego zaplecza nauki o polityce wyznaczają ramy refleksji n... more Przeobrażenia teoretyczno-metodologicznego zaplecza nauki o polityce
wyznaczają ramy refleksji nad stanem badań instytucjonalności Kościoła. Analizy niewystarczalności dotychczasowych ujęć potwierdzają konieczność wypracowania bardziej adekwatnej perspektywy badań jej poszczególnych aspektów. Perspektywę tę tworzą normatywne treści teologiczno-filozoficzne, definiujące zakresowy komponent pojęcia Kościoła. Z kolei empirycznie pogłębione opisy pojedynczych elementów tego pojęcia, dokonane w domenie nauk społecznych, doprecyzowują jego treściowy komponent. Umiejętne połączenie obydwu aspektów pojęcia omawianej instytucji umożliwia uzyskanie dogłębniejszego wglądu
w funkcjonowanie instytucji eklezjalnych, dzięki uwydatnieniu pierwiastka
nadprzyrodzonego jako składowej procesu społeczno-politycznego

Research paper thumbnail of Ecclesial Politology: in Search of an Adequate Perspective of Viewing the Church in Political Studies

Christianity World Politics Journal of Catholic Social Thought , 2019

Transformations in the theoretical and methodological inventory of political science define the f... more Transformations in the theoretical and methodological inventory of political science define the framework of reflections on the present state of studies on the institutionality of the Church. Analyses revealing the insufficiency of approaches proposed so far confirm the need for a more adequate perspective of research into its individual aspects. This perspective is created by the normative theological and philosophical content which defines the extent component of the concept of Church. Empirically derived descriptions of the individual elements making up this concept, on the other hand, performed within the domain of social sciences, add precision to its definition content-wise. A skillful combination of the two aspects of the concept of Church offers a more in-depth insight into the functioning of ecclesial institutions by emphasizing the supernatural element as a component of the social and political process.

Research paper thumbnail of Religijne public relations – zarządzanie siecią eklezjotwórczych relacji i więzi (Religious public relations: management of the network of creative dynamics within ecclesia-forming relationships and ties)

Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies , 2016

The range of problems of religious public relations becomes more complex. Thus, scholarly awaren... more The range of problems of religious public relations becomes more complex. Thus, scholarly awareness of constitutive elements of the Church institution as well as theory and practice of public relations are seen as more mutually linked and inter-related. All of this can be seen as a component of ecclesia-forming processes. This study reflects the public relations ecclesia-forming potential; the goals are achieved through the research on a wide range of activities, such as spreading of a religious message, acts of religious cult, and charity agency.

Research paper thumbnail of Public relations jako narzędzie duszpasterskiej działalności Kościoła (Public relations as a tool for the pastoral ministry of the Church)

Studia Salvatoriana Polonica 4, 99-116, 2010

Th e process of adaptation of PR to the communication needs of the Church is subject to a number... more Th e process of adaptation of PR to the communication needs of the Church
is subject to a number of conditions. Th ey are primarily defi ned by the nature of
relationships and bonds uniting various participants of ecclesial community. Th ese
relationships are of dual dimension: vertical and horizontal. Th e fi rst ones constitute
the acts of direct communication between God and man. Th ey are however each time
preceded by a horizontally oriented exchange between the members of closer and
wider environment of the Church. Within this exchange, PR methods and means
are adapted to the pastoral activity of the Church. In turn, from the PR perspective,
the discussed process is conditioned by operationalization of various elements of the
Church mission in terms of PR goals. Moreover, by selecting optimal methods and
means of communication, the process takes into consideration the conditions of the
audience. It is also conditioned by the course of PR campaigns focused on getting
feedback, on the basis of which it is possible to prepare next stages of PR process.

Conference Presentations by Tadeusz Jarosz

Research paper thumbnail of The Church as an Agent of Social and Economic Development within the Environment of the Developing World

Prosperity, Poverty and the Purpose of Business Rediscovering Integral Human Development in the Catholic Social Tradition, Book of Summary Papers, 2015

Conference Presentation on the 9th Internationa Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Busines... more Conference Presentation on the 9th Internationa Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Business Education, Prosperity, Poverty and Purpose of Business Rediscovering Integral Human Development in the Catholic Social Tradition De La Salle University—College of Saint Benilde—Ateneo de Manila University Manila, Philippines February 26-28, 2015, BOOK OF SUMMARY PAPERS

Research paper thumbnail of Conveying religious mission while delivering development: Jordan University College as a source of pro-developmental changes

Change and Adaptations towards Sustainable Development Africa in the Contemporary World Literature – Education – Religion – Politics, A. ŻUKOWSKI, D. K. GEMECHU, J. GILAROWSKI, (EDS.)., 2023

The appropriate inculcation of the religious element into secular educational activity is posited... more The appropriate inculcation of the religious element into secular educational activity is posited, at the outset of the study, as being the source of developmental incentives as they are generated within Jordan University College. The adequate description and elucidation of its empirically available religious elements become possible due to the employment of the network theory of the church by which it is assumed that, within the horizon of human relationships, there is formed a web of mutual interdependency and interaction through which suitable channels for the self-manifestation of the religious element are created. Just as this element is one of the key components of the motivation of individuals enmeshed within the networks of ecclesiastical bodies, so does it effectively influence their way of thinking and valuing that they start to act in pro-developmental modes. The study discloses the following dimensions of the transforming impact of the religious element upon secular activity: the activity aimed at ensuring the financial stability of the institution and optimizing financial outlay, the self-creation of the methods which allow the institution to compete successfully in the educational services market, the smooth transition from the fulfillment of the purely educational to the social functions. There are obtained within these areas the abilities, skills and virtues which can easily be transferred into the closer and wider environment of this organizational unit as the institution networks outwards into its surrounding environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Is homosexuality a litmus test of legitimate democracy and sustained development?  A sociological study of some key aspects of socio-political order in Tanzania

Change and Adaptations towards Sustainable Development Africa in the Contemporary World Literature – Education – Religion – Politics, ARKADIUSZ ŻUKOWSKI DEGEFE KEBEDE GEMECHU JERZY GILAROWSKI (eds.), FNCE Publishing Group Poznań, 2023

From its outset, the modern nation-state has laid claim to the principle of social legitimacy as ... more From its outset, the modern nation-state has laid claim to the principle of social legitimacy as its justification for its existence and action. The basic principle is centered on both the rightful delegation of power, from citizens to authorities, and the proper responsiveness of the ruling classes to the needs of its subjects. Along the lines drawn so far, the study springs from the conviction that the social legitimacy of Tanzanian governmental institutions can reinforce their competencies in launching development. However, a closer view reveals that, for the Tanzanian elite, this relationship is not obvious. This is evidenced, at least, within two related profiles of this system. First, from the view of the broad definition of a state, the disclosed mechanisms for the functioning of state institutions make it difficult or even impossible for politically organized citizens to influence the decision-making processes, including processes for the formation of laws. This is demonstrated by the example of homosexual people, perceived in the study as one of the potential pressure groups, whose interests lie abandoned by the legal regulations criminalizing homosexuality. Secondly, the analyses of those aspects of the system of social communication that refer to the discourse on homosexuality indicate functioning of analogous mechanisms. Namely, because of government communication policy, members of the broader society are not properly informed about the issues of homosexuality. Consequently, the overall legitimacy of the political system debases its ability to foster development. The study is based on secondary resources, including the Master Thesis of Claudia Gerard that includes a critical analysis of the public discourses on the social legitimacy of the legal status of homosexuality in Tanzania. Inside of these discourses, the analysis of the content of written press materials has been seen to be at the base of the problem.

Research paper thumbnail of The idea of the mega-metropolis as the centre of political power. An opportunity to overcome permanent crisis within the institution of an African State

Change and Adaptations towards Sustainable Development Africa in the Contemporary World Literature – Education – Religion – Politics, A. ŻUKOWSKI, D. K. GEMECHU, J. GILAROWSKI, (Eds.)., 2023

With recourse to the power relations instigated and fostered under the impact of globalization, t... more With recourse to the power relations instigated and fostered under the impact of globalization, the study aims to indicate the developmental potential associated with the deepening crisis between the traditional nation-state model and the accumulation of power by alternative centres, including the mega-metropolis. The hypothetical world order has been based, thus far, on the supremacy of the unfolding of conditions for development that could not be provided hitherto by the efforts of the nation-state. This is why it can be the case that the development taking place within Africa can accelerate together with adduced political change. In principle, the method of the study, in its descriptive layer, is drawn from a range of empirical scientific disciplines to depict the outline of the processes leading to the loss of power by the nation-state, and the gaining of power by alternative sources of authority, and to depict development and underdevelopment spreading across Africa. In turn, its explanative layer consists of political normative theory, in the main, grounded implicite in its initial phase in Marxist based thought but, together with the flow of analyses, supplemented by liberal thought and the personalism of Catholic Social Teaching, also implicite. Its interdisciplinarity method is marked by both its analytic and synthetic nature. The conducted analyses effected confirm the possibility of more effective development in Africa under the legacy of a new order. However, pointing out the possibility does not equate with its materialisation, which is why the study is indicating the necessity for further research within the field, rather than predicting any concrete turn of events or specific results.

Research paper thumbnail of Idea mega-metropolii jako centrum władzy politycznej: szansa na przezwyciężenie permanentnego kryzysu instytucji państwa afrykańskiego?

Artykuł nawiązuje do procesów power relations, które są inicjowane i rozwijane pod wpływem global... more Artykuł nawiązuje do procesów power relations, które są inicjowane i rozwijane pod wpływem globalizacji. Tradycyjny ośrodek władzy politycznej, jakim jest państwo narodowe, wydaje się tracić swoją uprzywilejowaną pozycję w sprawowaniu pełni władzy politycznej. Inne ośrodki władzy politycznej, takie jak wielonarodowe korporacje, międzynarodowe organizacje rządowe i pozarządowe oraz mega-metropolie mogą być postrzegane jako potencjalne centra nowego porządku globalnego. Innymi słowy, mogą one zastąpić państwo jako niekwestionowane centrum władzy politycznej. Czy w przypadku opróżnienia przez państwo narodowe uprzywilejowanego miejsca i zajęcia go przez światowe mega-miasta, społeczeństwa dotychczasowych państw afrykańskich mogłyby liczyć na korzystną zmianę? Kierunek naszej analizy prowadzi do wskazania możliwości wprowadzenia istotnych zmian, instrumentalnych w pokonywaniu trudności rozwojowych, z którymi afrykańskie państwo narodowe nie zdołało poradzić sobie od zarania swojego istnienia.

Research paper thumbnail of Public relations w dyplomacji Stolicy Apostolskiej

Public Relations w dyplomacji Stolicy Apostolskiej (Public Relations in diplomacy of the Holy See), 2013

Pierwsza część dysertacji została zorientowana na wypracowanie teoretycznych i metodologicznych p... more Pierwsza część dysertacji została zorientowana na wypracowanie teoretycznych i metodologicznych podstaw przystosowania public relations do dyplomatycznej działalności Stolicy Apostolskiej. W punkcie wyjścia, w świetle teorii komunikacji, zanalizowano instytucję Kościoła. Jego istota wyraża się w ściśle skorelowanych interakcjach o podwójnym charakterze: wertykalnym (łączność człowieka z Bogiem) oraz horyzontalnym (ludzi pomiędzy sobą). W perspektywie horyzontalnej, aktywność komunikacyjna poszczególnych instytucji kościelnych może być wzbogacana przez określone elementy teorii i praktyki PR. Kolejną część pracy zogniskowano na problematyce ich optymalnego wykorzystania przez instytucje organizujące dyplomację Stolicy Apostolskiej. Szczególnym przedmiotem eksploracji stały się te elementy strukturalno-proceduralne oraz kultury prawno-organizacyjnej, które rzutują na sposób adaptacji filozofii i strategii PR do dyplomatycznej działalności Stolicy Apostolskiej. Ostatnia część pracy została poświęcona na weryfikację wkładu PR w zarządzanie aktywnością kościelnej służby dyplomatycznej. Zadanie to zostało wykonane za pomocą metody studium przypadku. Analizami zostały objęte wzajemne stosunki chińsko-watykańskie (płaszczyzna bilateralna) oraz zaangażowanie przedstawicieli Stolicy Apostolskiej w przygotowanie i przebieg Kairskiej Konferencji Ludnościowej (płaszczyzna multilateralna).

Research paper thumbnail of Faith Based Organizations as Instigators  of Development: the contribution of Alfagems  Secondary School in Morogoro (Tanzania)

Chrześcijaństwo-Świat-Polityka, (26), 340-365, 2022

The study attempts to capture the impact of the religious element upon the development of a dev... more The study attempts to capture the impact of the religious element upon
the development of a developing country. Due to the range of difficulties in outlining the field of study, from the outset it was assumed that the pro-developmental
activity of Faith-Based Organizations (FBO) is carried out as an immanent part
of the socio-economic processes of development. As FBO insiders target a given developmental goal, they start to act upon the secular proponents which are
continually being reinforced from within the religious dimension. As indicated,
this leads to measurable goals (the results of state examinations)


Spoleczenstwo i polityka Society and Politics, Pismo edukacyjne nr 4 (41) 113-140, 2014

Within the institutions of religious bodies, there has appeared a number of particularly interest... more Within the institutions of religious bodies, there has appeared a number of particularly interesting areas of study around the ever widening discourse on secularization. One of these includes the intensive interactions taking place along the line sacrum – profanum which are aimed at the adjustment of ecclesiastical institutions to the rapidly changing realities of the modernised world. This article investigates the dynamism of these interactions in the light of the paradigm of desecularization which has emerged from them. In contrast to the previous secularization paradigm, this modified approach facilitates the development of a perspective which demonstrates, in a more balanced way, the two-sided relationships between the adherents of religion and the members of other segments of societal life, thus helping to redefine the concept of secularization. According to this newly developed view, religion still plays an important role as an institution which acts as a catalyst within the cultural-forming processes which determine the reality of human life within late modernity. However, in order to perform this role the Church’s institutions have to develop new ways of carrying out their mission, one of these being the missionary agency of the Roman Catholic Church based on the idea of inculturation.

Research paper thumbnail of The Church as an Agent of Social and Economic Development

Africa Tomorrow 17/1 , 2015

The purpose of the paper is to present an objective picture of the multifaceted and intricate lin... more The purpose of the paper is to present an objective picture of the multifaceted and intricate linkages created within the community that surrounds a church. Within the framework established by means of these many-sided relationships, there evolves a process for catalysing social and economic development, a process initiated by Church institutions. The development-forming impulses find their source in the transcendental strata of religious values and norms that are inculcated during the course of subsequent stages of the self-manifestation of the Church. These values and norms constitute the content of the religious message which, due to the changing temporal and spatial circumstances, become the subject of a special transformation, a transformation that aims at translating them into credible testimony. During this process, the abilities nurtured and cultivated by the members of the community are then passed on outwards into the wider social bloodstream, flowing through the network of social relationships that link them with members of the surrounding environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Politologia eklezjalna: poszukiwanie  adekwatnej perspektywy ujmowania Kościoła  w badaniach politologicznych

Chrześcijaństwo Świat Polityka Zeszyty Społecznej Myśli Kościoła nr 23, 2016

Przeobrażenia teoretyczno-metodologicznego zaplecza nauki o polityce wyznaczają ramy refleksji n... more Przeobrażenia teoretyczno-metodologicznego zaplecza nauki o polityce
wyznaczają ramy refleksji nad stanem badań instytucjonalności Kościoła. Analizy niewystarczalności dotychczasowych ujęć potwierdzają konieczność wypracowania bardziej adekwatnej perspektywy badań jej poszczególnych aspektów. Perspektywę tę tworzą normatywne treści teologiczno-filozoficzne, definiujące zakresowy komponent pojęcia Kościoła. Z kolei empirycznie pogłębione opisy pojedynczych elementów tego pojęcia, dokonane w domenie nauk społecznych, doprecyzowują jego treściowy komponent. Umiejętne połączenie obydwu aspektów pojęcia omawianej instytucji umożliwia uzyskanie dogłębniejszego wglądu
w funkcjonowanie instytucji eklezjalnych, dzięki uwydatnieniu pierwiastka
nadprzyrodzonego jako składowej procesu społeczno-politycznego

Research paper thumbnail of Ecclesial Politology: in Search of an Adequate Perspective of Viewing the Church in Political Studies

Christianity World Politics Journal of Catholic Social Thought , 2019

Transformations in the theoretical and methodological inventory of political science define the f... more Transformations in the theoretical and methodological inventory of political science define the framework of reflections on the present state of studies on the institutionality of the Church. Analyses revealing the insufficiency of approaches proposed so far confirm the need for a more adequate perspective of research into its individual aspects. This perspective is created by the normative theological and philosophical content which defines the extent component of the concept of Church. Empirically derived descriptions of the individual elements making up this concept, on the other hand, performed within the domain of social sciences, add precision to its definition content-wise. A skillful combination of the two aspects of the concept of Church offers a more in-depth insight into the functioning of ecclesial institutions by emphasizing the supernatural element as a component of the social and political process.

Research paper thumbnail of Religijne public relations – zarządzanie siecią eklezjotwórczych relacji i więzi (Religious public relations: management of the network of creative dynamics within ecclesia-forming relationships and ties)

Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies , 2016

The range of problems of religious public relations becomes more complex. Thus, scholarly awaren... more The range of problems of religious public relations becomes more complex. Thus, scholarly awareness of constitutive elements of the Church institution as well as theory and practice of public relations are seen as more mutually linked and inter-related. All of this can be seen as a component of ecclesia-forming processes. This study reflects the public relations ecclesia-forming potential; the goals are achieved through the research on a wide range of activities, such as spreading of a religious message, acts of religious cult, and charity agency.

Research paper thumbnail of Public relations jako narzędzie duszpasterskiej działalności Kościoła (Public relations as a tool for the pastoral ministry of the Church)

Studia Salvatoriana Polonica 4, 99-116, 2010

Th e process of adaptation of PR to the communication needs of the Church is subject to a number... more Th e process of adaptation of PR to the communication needs of the Church
is subject to a number of conditions. Th ey are primarily defi ned by the nature of
relationships and bonds uniting various participants of ecclesial community. Th ese
relationships are of dual dimension: vertical and horizontal. Th e fi rst ones constitute
the acts of direct communication between God and man. Th ey are however each time
preceded by a horizontally oriented exchange between the members of closer and
wider environment of the Church. Within this exchange, PR methods and means
are adapted to the pastoral activity of the Church. In turn, from the PR perspective,
the discussed process is conditioned by operationalization of various elements of the
Church mission in terms of PR goals. Moreover, by selecting optimal methods and
means of communication, the process takes into consideration the conditions of the
audience. It is also conditioned by the course of PR campaigns focused on getting
feedback, on the basis of which it is possible to prepare next stages of PR process.

Research paper thumbnail of The Church as an Agent of Social and Economic Development within the Environment of the Developing World

Prosperity, Poverty and the Purpose of Business Rediscovering Integral Human Development in the Catholic Social Tradition, Book of Summary Papers, 2015

Conference Presentation on the 9th Internationa Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Busines... more Conference Presentation on the 9th Internationa Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Business Education, Prosperity, Poverty and Purpose of Business Rediscovering Integral Human Development in the Catholic Social Tradition De La Salle University—College of Saint Benilde—Ateneo de Manila University Manila, Philippines February 26-28, 2015, BOOK OF SUMMARY PAPERS

Research paper thumbnail of Conveying religious mission while delivering development: Jordan University College as a source of pro-developmental changes

Change and Adaptations towards Sustainable Development Africa in the Contemporary World Literature – Education – Religion – Politics, A. ŻUKOWSKI, D. K. GEMECHU, J. GILAROWSKI, (EDS.)., 2023

The appropriate inculcation of the religious element into secular educational activity is posited... more The appropriate inculcation of the religious element into secular educational activity is posited, at the outset of the study, as being the source of developmental incentives as they are generated within Jordan University College. The adequate description and elucidation of its empirically available religious elements become possible due to the employment of the network theory of the church by which it is assumed that, within the horizon of human relationships, there is formed a web of mutual interdependency and interaction through which suitable channels for the self-manifestation of the religious element are created. Just as this element is one of the key components of the motivation of individuals enmeshed within the networks of ecclesiastical bodies, so does it effectively influence their way of thinking and valuing that they start to act in pro-developmental modes. The study discloses the following dimensions of the transforming impact of the religious element upon secular activity: the activity aimed at ensuring the financial stability of the institution and optimizing financial outlay, the self-creation of the methods which allow the institution to compete successfully in the educational services market, the smooth transition from the fulfillment of the purely educational to the social functions. There are obtained within these areas the abilities, skills and virtues which can easily be transferred into the closer and wider environment of this organizational unit as the institution networks outwards into its surrounding environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Is homosexuality a litmus test of legitimate democracy and sustained development?  A sociological study of some key aspects of socio-political order in Tanzania

Change and Adaptations towards Sustainable Development Africa in the Contemporary World Literature – Education – Religion – Politics, ARKADIUSZ ŻUKOWSKI DEGEFE KEBEDE GEMECHU JERZY GILAROWSKI (eds.), FNCE Publishing Group Poznań, 2023

From its outset, the modern nation-state has laid claim to the principle of social legitimacy as ... more From its outset, the modern nation-state has laid claim to the principle of social legitimacy as its justification for its existence and action. The basic principle is centered on both the rightful delegation of power, from citizens to authorities, and the proper responsiveness of the ruling classes to the needs of its subjects. Along the lines drawn so far, the study springs from the conviction that the social legitimacy of Tanzanian governmental institutions can reinforce their competencies in launching development. However, a closer view reveals that, for the Tanzanian elite, this relationship is not obvious. This is evidenced, at least, within two related profiles of this system. First, from the view of the broad definition of a state, the disclosed mechanisms for the functioning of state institutions make it difficult or even impossible for politically organized citizens to influence the decision-making processes, including processes for the formation of laws. This is demonstrated by the example of homosexual people, perceived in the study as one of the potential pressure groups, whose interests lie abandoned by the legal regulations criminalizing homosexuality. Secondly, the analyses of those aspects of the system of social communication that refer to the discourse on homosexuality indicate functioning of analogous mechanisms. Namely, because of government communication policy, members of the broader society are not properly informed about the issues of homosexuality. Consequently, the overall legitimacy of the political system debases its ability to foster development. The study is based on secondary resources, including the Master Thesis of Claudia Gerard that includes a critical analysis of the public discourses on the social legitimacy of the legal status of homosexuality in Tanzania. Inside of these discourses, the analysis of the content of written press materials has been seen to be at the base of the problem.

Research paper thumbnail of The idea of the mega-metropolis as the centre of political power. An opportunity to overcome permanent crisis within the institution of an African State

Change and Adaptations towards Sustainable Development Africa in the Contemporary World Literature – Education – Religion – Politics, A. ŻUKOWSKI, D. K. GEMECHU, J. GILAROWSKI, (Eds.)., 2023

With recourse to the power relations instigated and fostered under the impact of globalization, t... more With recourse to the power relations instigated and fostered under the impact of globalization, the study aims to indicate the developmental potential associated with the deepening crisis between the traditional nation-state model and the accumulation of power by alternative centres, including the mega-metropolis. The hypothetical world order has been based, thus far, on the supremacy of the unfolding of conditions for development that could not be provided hitherto by the efforts of the nation-state. This is why it can be the case that the development taking place within Africa can accelerate together with adduced political change. In principle, the method of the study, in its descriptive layer, is drawn from a range of empirical scientific disciplines to depict the outline of the processes leading to the loss of power by the nation-state, and the gaining of power by alternative sources of authority, and to depict development and underdevelopment spreading across Africa. In turn, its explanative layer consists of political normative theory, in the main, grounded implicite in its initial phase in Marxist based thought but, together with the flow of analyses, supplemented by liberal thought and the personalism of Catholic Social Teaching, also implicite. Its interdisciplinarity method is marked by both its analytic and synthetic nature. The conducted analyses effected confirm the possibility of more effective development in Africa under the legacy of a new order. However, pointing out the possibility does not equate with its materialisation, which is why the study is indicating the necessity for further research within the field, rather than predicting any concrete turn of events or specific results.

Research paper thumbnail of Idea mega-metropolii jako centrum władzy politycznej: szansa na przezwyciężenie permanentnego kryzysu instytucji państwa afrykańskiego?

Artykuł nawiązuje do procesów power relations, które są inicjowane i rozwijane pod wpływem global... more Artykuł nawiązuje do procesów power relations, które są inicjowane i rozwijane pod wpływem globalizacji. Tradycyjny ośrodek władzy politycznej, jakim jest państwo narodowe, wydaje się tracić swoją uprzywilejowaną pozycję w sprawowaniu pełni władzy politycznej. Inne ośrodki władzy politycznej, takie jak wielonarodowe korporacje, międzynarodowe organizacje rządowe i pozarządowe oraz mega-metropolie mogą być postrzegane jako potencjalne centra nowego porządku globalnego. Innymi słowy, mogą one zastąpić państwo jako niekwestionowane centrum władzy politycznej. Czy w przypadku opróżnienia przez państwo narodowe uprzywilejowanego miejsca i zajęcia go przez światowe mega-miasta, społeczeństwa dotychczasowych państw afrykańskich mogłyby liczyć na korzystną zmianę? Kierunek naszej analizy prowadzi do wskazania możliwości wprowadzenia istotnych zmian, instrumentalnych w pokonywaniu trudności rozwojowych, z którymi afrykańskie państwo narodowe nie zdołało poradzić sobie od zarania swojego istnienia.