Lawn Dogs (original) (raw)

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Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded inLawn Dogs' LiveJournal:

Friday, October 2nd, 2009
_12:07 am_[dance_the_dance] 20 Devon (Lawn Dogs) icons for character20n20 more HERE at exclu_silly
Tuesday, January 17th, 2006
_8:56 am_[immensepleasure] hey every1!! omg like best movie ever!!
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
_12:25 am_[kayleighraven] Hey, another person here who caught this damn cool movie in the early hours - just last night infact! I thought I'd have a look around LJ and here I am. I wanted to make an icon from the line - where is home? home is in my hands but I couldn't find a good enough cap. Does anyone know where I can find decent stills?
Saturday, June 25th, 2005
_8:50 pm_[lil_ocelot] Hey. Lawn Dogs rocks my socks. I was really obsessed with it a while ago, but I still love it dearly. Isn't it weird that most people view the amazing movies (such as this one) late at night? I had to go to bed, but I read the information about the movie in the paper and told my brother to tape it for me. I watched it the next day and fell in love with it - somehow I knew it would be a worthwhile movie. Anyway, I'm so happy there is a community for Lawn Dogs. Rock on everybody.
Friday, June 24th, 2005
_10:19 pm_[wonderboy_frost] !!! this is so random! i love that movie, but i have never met anyone who has even heard of it!!it took me soo long to track a copy down and buy it, but i finally got it hehe..::[W]::..
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_10:43 pm_[_countingstars_] Hey!Welcome to the only lawn dogs community there is on livejournal!And woo, I'm the only member!Ha.Please somebody, join!