Alexander Lubotsky | Universiteit Leiden (original) (raw)
Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics by Alexander Lubotsky
Books by Alexander Lubotsky, 2023
This database contains the complete text of the R̥gveda, aligned with two translations, a German ... more This database contains the complete text of the R̥gveda, aligned with two translations, a German one by Karl Friedrich Geldner (Der Rig-Veda aus dem Sanskrit ins Deutsche übersetzt und mit einem laufenden Kommentar versehen, Cambridge (Mass.), 1951-1957) and an English one by Ralph T. H. Griffith (The hymns of the Rigveda, translated with a popular commentary, Benares, 1889-1891)., 2023
For every word form of the R̥gveda (RV), this concordance provides its frequency and the text of ... more For every word form of the R̥gveda (RV), this concordance provides its frequency and the text of all pādas in which it occurs. The concordance is primarily a tool for studying R̥gvedic metrical phenomena and R̥gvedic formulae. It can also be used for investigating syntax and semantics of the RV, but the context of one pāda is often too limited for that purpose and does not always contain sufficient syntactic and semantic information. Therefore, every pāda of the concordance provides a link to the text of the whole R̥gvedic stanza with two translations, a German one by Geldner and an English one by Griffith.
50 assignments from the Dutch Linguistic Olympics 2001-2009, with extensive solutions.
The book represents the first publication of the complete corpus of Alanic marginal notes in a 13... more The book represents the first publication of the complete corpus of Alanic marginal notes in a 13th century Byzantine manuscript from the Library of the Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg. This manuscript is a Greek Old Testament lectionary, or Prophetologion, which at one point was owned and used by an Alanic priest who had learned to read and write Greek, but felt the need to identify the feasts in the margin of his manuscript, because he could not easily find them by skimming the text. For this purpose, he wrote an abbreviated heading of his own in the margin, next to the full heading of the manuscript.
There are altogether 34 marginal notes in the manuscript (24 Alanic, 9 Greek, and 1 mixed). In this edition, every note is followed by the Greek heading, to which the note refers, its translation, and a black-and-white photograph. Then, a short outline of the liturgical context is provided, when necessary, followed by paleographic comments and an analysis of the meaning of the note and its linguistic structure.
The edition of the notes ends with a discussion of the spelling conventions and the language of the notes and with an appendix on the Alanic text in Tzetzes’ Theogonia.
The book is further provided with full-color photographs of all pages containing marginal notes.
Uitgave ter gelegenheid van het 10-jarig bestaan van de Nederlandse Taalkunde-Olympiade in 2010 C... more Uitgave ter gelegenheid van het 10-jarig bestaan van de Nederlandse Taalkunde-Olympiade in 2010 Coverontwerp: Daniël Peetermans Coverfoto: © Horst Herget/Radius Images Vormgeving: Michiel de Vaan en Alexander Lubotsky ISBN 978 90 8964 179 3 E-ISBN 978 90 4855 145 7 NUR 616 © Alexander Lubotsky en Michiel de Vaan / Amsterdam University Press, 2010 Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, mechanisch, door fotokopieën, opnamen of enige andere manier, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. Voorzover het maken van kopieën uit deze uitgave is toegestaan op grond van artikel 16B Auteurswet 1912 jº het Besluit van 20 juni 1974, Stb. 351, zoals gewijzigd bij het Besluit van 23 augustus 1985, Stb. 471 en artikel 17 Auteurswet 1912, dient men de daarvoor wettelijk verschuldigde vergoedingen te voldoen aan de Stichting Reprorecht (Postbus 3051, 2130 KB Hoofddorp). Voor het overnemen van gedeelte(n) uit deze uitgave in bloemlezingen, readers en andere compilatiewerken (artikel 16 Auteurswet 1912) dient men zich tot de uitgever te wenden. De uitgeverij heeft ernaar gestreefd alle copyrights van in deze uitgave opgenomen illustraties te achterhalen. Aan hen die desondanks menen alsnog rechten te kunnen doen gelden, wordt verzocht contact op te nemen met Amsterdam University Press. De tekst van de opgaven en uitwerkingen in deze bundel is gebaseerd op de tekst zoals die door de auteurs voor de verschillende Taalkunde-Olympiades was geschreven. Om redactionele redenen hebben wij de formuleringen hier en daar gewijzigd. Deze uitgave is mogelijk gemaakt dankzij een financiële bijdrage uit het programma LAPP-Top van het ICLON Leiden. Uitgever Paulien Retèl van Amsterdam University Press ontving ons plan voor deze uitgave direct met enthousiasme, ook haar willen wij daarvoor danken. Onze collega Jeroen Wiedenhof heeft in een vergevorderd stadium van de redactie met zijn adviezen de tekst nog aanmerkelijk weten te verbeteren. Alexander Lubotsky & Michiel de Vaan Universiteit Leiden Augustus 2009 ► 2. Het Roemeens is een Romaanse taal, net als het Frans, Spaans en Italiaans. Probeer de betekenis van de Roemeense woorden te raden. Noot: Roemeens ă klinkt ongeveer als de e in Nederlands lopen. Opgaven 16 B. ZI E 9. Albanees Opgave en uitwerking: M. de Vaan, TO 2006
Papers by Alexander Lubotsky
R. Leach, O. Hellwig and Th. Zehnder (eds.), Studies in the Atharvaveda. Proceedings of the 3rd Zurich International Conference on Indian Literature and Philosophy, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 73-82. , 2025
The Paippalāda Saṃhitā, which can be viewed as a manual for the purohita, is chronologically hete... more The Paippalāda Saṃhitā, which can be viewed as a manual for the purohita, is chronologically heterogeneous: we find old mantras next to prose passages which look young, and archaic verb forms next to grammatical innovations. It seems likely that the bulk of its hymns have acquired their final shape at approximately the same time as Book X of the RV, but the text as a whole was presumably canonized only later, at the time of the Gr̥ hyasūtras.
A. Cantera, É. V. Pirart, C. Redard (eds.), at̰ hōi aōjī zaraϑuštrō paōuruuīm, ¿Habló Zaraϑuštra?, Homenaje a Jean Kellens en su 80º aniversario, Estudios Iranios y Turanios 6, 185-190., 2024
It is argued that the Sanskrit verb nabh-, which is usually glossed as ‘to burst’, rather means ‘... more It is argued that the Sanskrit verb nabh-, which is usually glossed as
‘to burst’, rather means ‘to be wet’ and can thus be connected to the Iranian forms of a similar meaning.
Indo-Iranian Journal 67(1): 1-4, 2024
Our beloved friend and colleague Werner Franz Knobl passed away on Thursday, September 28, in the... more Our beloved friend and colleague Werner Franz Knobl passed away on Thursday, September 28, in the Clinique Hartman in Paris, France, in the company of his partner Carole Fierz. Despite the cancer which weakened him the last three years, he remained active in research on Vedic texts and in teaching till the end. In July he completed his 14th year teaching Vedic, through the invitation of Alexander Lubotsky, at the Leiden University Summer School for Languages and Linguistics, a yearly event which drew many students internationally to learn from him. Werner had an unusual and varied life. He was born in
K. Kristiansen, G. Kroonen & E. Willerslev (Eds.), The Indo-European Puzzle Revisited: Integrating Archaeology, Genetics, and Linguistics. Cambridge: CUP, 263-274. , 2023
In K. Kristiansen, G. Kroonen, & E. Willerslev (Eds.), The Indo-European Puzzle Revisited: Integrating Archaeology, Genetics, and Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 257-262. , 2023
Indo-Aryan -(a)u̯artanna in the Kikkuli treatise, in: H. Fellner, M. Malzahn, M. Peyrot, lyuke wmer ra. Indo-European Studies in honor of Georges-Jean Pinault, Ann Arbor, New York: Beech Stave Press, 331-336 , 2021
Young Avestan pašne and its etymology. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana 18.1, 216–225, 2022
Young Avestan pašne is attested ten times in constructions with genitive and accusative used to i... more Young Avestan pašne is attested ten times in constructions with genitive and accusative used to indicate the position of the figures at the moment of the worship of various deities. The only occurrence of the construction with the accusative in Yt 5.108 must be due to an analogy with the upa + accusative construction that occurs earlier in the text. The author argues that pašne does not mean 'in the sight of', but rather 'at the shore of' and is a loc. sg. of pašna-n. 'bank, shore, side'. This word is most likely identical with pašna-'eyelid' or 'eyelash'. Similar semantic development can be found in Skt. vártman-'track of a wheel, way' (RV+) besides 'eyelid' (AV) or Skt. vartaní-'way, wheel rim, track of a wheel' (RV+) and 'eyelashes' (ŚBr.), with the meanings 'eyelid' and 'eyelashes' being derived from the meaning 'circumference'. From the etymological point of view, Young Avestan pašna-can be compared with other Indo-Iranian words for 'side, flank', like Skt. pā́jas-n. 'side, surface', Khot. pāysa-'surface, breast', Sogd. p'z 'face', Oss. faz / fazae 'half, side; back, buttocks'. The semantic development 'side' > 'shore' is trivial, cf. English river side. These words are derived from the PIE root *peh₂ǵ-'to attach, fix' (Gk. πήγνυμι 'to fix, join, congeal', Lat. pangō 'to attach, join', etc.), PIIr. *paHȷ-(this root loses its laryngeal, when followed by a consonant, cf. Skt. pajrá-'solid, strong, firm' (RV) < PIE *peh₂ǵ-ro-). Avestan pašna-goes back to PIIr. *paȷ-na-< *paHȷ-na-, which, in theory, can reflect three PIE formations: *peh₂ǵ-no-(cf. Lat. pīgnus 'pledge, hostage'), *peh₂ǵ-mn-o-, thematicized variant of *peh₂ǵ-m(e)n-(cf. Gk. πῆγμα 'joint together, stage, scaffold') and *peh₂ǵ-(e)n-(cf. Lat. pāgina 'side, sheet of paper'). Of these options, the latter is clearly preferable.
Historische Sprachforschung 131(1): 227-235., 2021
This article discusses several groups of Sanskrit roots which are likely to contain root enlargem... more This article discusses several groups of Sanskrit roots which are likely to contain root enlargements -s and -s-d-. Except for the roots mentioned in the title, these are, in the first place, mrṣ-'to forget' and mrḍ-'to be merciful' (< *mrẓḍ-); iṣ- 'to strive after, seek' and īḍ- 'to invoke' (< *iẓḍ-).
Iran and the Caucasus, 2021
The purpose of this short note is to clarify the meaning, the original inflection and the etymolo... more The purpose of this short note is to clarify the meaning, the original inflection and the etymology of the Indo-Iranian word *mastr̥ghan-/ *mastr̥ǰhan-'brain, skull'.
In: Paul W. Kroll, Jonathan A. Silk (eds.), “At the Shores of the Sky”: Asian Studies for Albert Hoffstädt, Leiden/Boston: Brill 2020, 5-11.
Nakoleia Territoryumunda Eski Phrygce Yazıtlı Idol Şeklinde Bir Stel Öz Eskişehir İli Seyitgazi v... more Nakoleia Territoryumunda Eski Phrygce Yazıtlı Idol Şeklinde Bir Stel
Eskişehir İli Seyitgazi ve Han ilçelerinde gerçekleştirdiğimiz yüzey araştırmalarında, 2019 yılında Eskişehir İli, Seyitgazi İlçesi’nin 15 km doğusunda, Gümüşbel Köyü’nün 1 km güneydoğusundaki Eski Cami Höyük (eski adı Hüsnüabad, Ma Başı) ziyaret edilmiştir. Üzerinde İslam Dönemi’ne ait bir mezarlık bulunan höyüğün korunduğu kadarıyla çapı 180 m, yüksekliği ise 3,5 m’dir. Bu ziyaret sırasında, höyüğün üzerinde ve eteklerinde, Son Kalkolitik Çağ, İlk Tunç Çağı 2-3, Klasik Dönem ve MÖ 8. yy’a tarihlenen Demirçağ seramikleri saptanmıştır. Höyüğün güneydoğu eteğinde ise tüf taşından yapılmış, üzerinde Eski Phrygce yazıtlı idol şeklinde bir stel bulunmuştur.
Bu makalede Eski Phrygce yazıtlı idol şeklindeki stel tanıtılmakla birlikte, bu stelin Phryg ikonografisi ve dilbilimi için önemi tartışılmaktadır. İdol şeklinde betimlenmiş tüf blok üzerine kazıma şeklinde yapılmış olan üç baş ve uzun gövdeler (?) Ana Tanrıça ve birlikte ona eşlik eden tanrılarla birlikte gösterilmiş olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Başlardan ikisi yan yana yapılmış ve çift sıra kazıma çizgi ile sınırlandırılmış, diğer üçüncü baş da bu iki başın tam ortasına, iki başı sınırlandıran ve ortada buluşan çift sıra çizginin kesiştiği noktaya yapılmıştır. Stel üzerinde, başların üst kısmında bir satır, başların altında ise üç satır Eski Phrygce yazıt bulunur. Yazıttan anlaşıldığı üzere idol şeklindeki stel muhtemelen bir sınır taşı olarak kullanılmıştır. Yazıtın tercümesi şu şekilde olmalıdır: “Atas. Benim anıtım bir sınır taşıdır”.
An Idol-shaped Stele with an Old Phrygian Inscription in The Territory of Nakoleia
During the archaeological surveys conducted in Seyitgazi and Han Districts of Eskişehir Province in 2019, we have visited Eski Cami Höyük (formerly known as Hüsnüabad) which is located 1 km southeast of Gümüşbel Village, 15 km east of Seyitgazi District in Eskişehir Province. The mound is under a cemetery from the Islamic Period and has a preserved diameter of 180 m with a 3.5 m height. During this visit, Iron Age ceramics were identified on the mound and its skirts, dating to the Late Chalcolithic Age, the Early Bronze Age 2-3, the Classical Period, and the 8th Century BC. On the south-eastern skirt of the mound, an idol-shaped stele with an Old Phrygian inscription was found. In this article, we describe the newly found stele and the inscription and discuss its importance for the Phrygian iconography and linguistics. Three heads and a long body (?) engraved on the idol-shaped tufa block may signify the Mother Goddess together with the gods that accompany her. Two of the heads were made right next to each other and are bordered by a double engraved line. The third head was placed between the other two, made at the point where the double engraved lines that border the two heads meet in the middle. On the stele, there is one line of an Old Phrygian inscription above the heads and three lines just under them. It follows from the inscription that the idol was probably used as a boundary stone.112
The clear part of the inscription can be translated as follows: “Atas. My monument is a boundary stone.”
C. Le Feuvre, D. Petit (eds.), Ὀνομάτων ἵστωρ, Mélanges offerts à Charles de Lamberterie, Louvain: Peeters, 2020
Epigraphica Anatolica 21: 93-98., 1993, 2023
This database contains the complete text of the R̥gveda, aligned with two translations, a German ... more This database contains the complete text of the R̥gveda, aligned with two translations, a German one by Karl Friedrich Geldner (Der Rig-Veda aus dem Sanskrit ins Deutsche übersetzt und mit einem laufenden Kommentar versehen, Cambridge (Mass.), 1951-1957) and an English one by Ralph T. H. Griffith (The hymns of the Rigveda, translated with a popular commentary, Benares, 1889-1891)., 2023
For every word form of the R̥gveda (RV), this concordance provides its frequency and the text of ... more For every word form of the R̥gveda (RV), this concordance provides its frequency and the text of all pādas in which it occurs. The concordance is primarily a tool for studying R̥gvedic metrical phenomena and R̥gvedic formulae. It can also be used for investigating syntax and semantics of the RV, but the context of one pāda is often too limited for that purpose and does not always contain sufficient syntactic and semantic information. Therefore, every pāda of the concordance provides a link to the text of the whole R̥gvedic stanza with two translations, a German one by Geldner and an English one by Griffith.
50 assignments from the Dutch Linguistic Olympics 2001-2009, with extensive solutions.
The book represents the first publication of the complete corpus of Alanic marginal notes in a 13... more The book represents the first publication of the complete corpus of Alanic marginal notes in a 13th century Byzantine manuscript from the Library of the Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg. This manuscript is a Greek Old Testament lectionary, or Prophetologion, which at one point was owned and used by an Alanic priest who had learned to read and write Greek, but felt the need to identify the feasts in the margin of his manuscript, because he could not easily find them by skimming the text. For this purpose, he wrote an abbreviated heading of his own in the margin, next to the full heading of the manuscript.
There are altogether 34 marginal notes in the manuscript (24 Alanic, 9 Greek, and 1 mixed). In this edition, every note is followed by the Greek heading, to which the note refers, its translation, and a black-and-white photograph. Then, a short outline of the liturgical context is provided, when necessary, followed by paleographic comments and an analysis of the meaning of the note and its linguistic structure.
The edition of the notes ends with a discussion of the spelling conventions and the language of the notes and with an appendix on the Alanic text in Tzetzes’ Theogonia.
The book is further provided with full-color photographs of all pages containing marginal notes.
Uitgave ter gelegenheid van het 10-jarig bestaan van de Nederlandse Taalkunde-Olympiade in 2010 C... more Uitgave ter gelegenheid van het 10-jarig bestaan van de Nederlandse Taalkunde-Olympiade in 2010 Coverontwerp: Daniël Peetermans Coverfoto: © Horst Herget/Radius Images Vormgeving: Michiel de Vaan en Alexander Lubotsky ISBN 978 90 8964 179 3 E-ISBN 978 90 4855 145 7 NUR 616 © Alexander Lubotsky en Michiel de Vaan / Amsterdam University Press, 2010 Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, mechanisch, door fotokopieën, opnamen of enige andere manier, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. Voorzover het maken van kopieën uit deze uitgave is toegestaan op grond van artikel 16B Auteurswet 1912 jº het Besluit van 20 juni 1974, Stb. 351, zoals gewijzigd bij het Besluit van 23 augustus 1985, Stb. 471 en artikel 17 Auteurswet 1912, dient men de daarvoor wettelijk verschuldigde vergoedingen te voldoen aan de Stichting Reprorecht (Postbus 3051, 2130 KB Hoofddorp). Voor het overnemen van gedeelte(n) uit deze uitgave in bloemlezingen, readers en andere compilatiewerken (artikel 16 Auteurswet 1912) dient men zich tot de uitgever te wenden. De uitgeverij heeft ernaar gestreefd alle copyrights van in deze uitgave opgenomen illustraties te achterhalen. Aan hen die desondanks menen alsnog rechten te kunnen doen gelden, wordt verzocht contact op te nemen met Amsterdam University Press. De tekst van de opgaven en uitwerkingen in deze bundel is gebaseerd op de tekst zoals die door de auteurs voor de verschillende Taalkunde-Olympiades was geschreven. Om redactionele redenen hebben wij de formuleringen hier en daar gewijzigd. Deze uitgave is mogelijk gemaakt dankzij een financiële bijdrage uit het programma LAPP-Top van het ICLON Leiden. Uitgever Paulien Retèl van Amsterdam University Press ontving ons plan voor deze uitgave direct met enthousiasme, ook haar willen wij daarvoor danken. Onze collega Jeroen Wiedenhof heeft in een vergevorderd stadium van de redactie met zijn adviezen de tekst nog aanmerkelijk weten te verbeteren. Alexander Lubotsky & Michiel de Vaan Universiteit Leiden Augustus 2009 ► 2. Het Roemeens is een Romaanse taal, net als het Frans, Spaans en Italiaans. Probeer de betekenis van de Roemeense woorden te raden. Noot: Roemeens ă klinkt ongeveer als de e in Nederlands lopen. Opgaven 16 B. ZI E 9. Albanees Opgave en uitwerking: M. de Vaan, TO 2006
R. Leach, O. Hellwig and Th. Zehnder (eds.), Studies in the Atharvaveda. Proceedings of the 3rd Zurich International Conference on Indian Literature and Philosophy, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 73-82. , 2025
The Paippalāda Saṃhitā, which can be viewed as a manual for the purohita, is chronologically hete... more The Paippalāda Saṃhitā, which can be viewed as a manual for the purohita, is chronologically heterogeneous: we find old mantras next to prose passages which look young, and archaic verb forms next to grammatical innovations. It seems likely that the bulk of its hymns have acquired their final shape at approximately the same time as Book X of the RV, but the text as a whole was presumably canonized only later, at the time of the Gr̥ hyasūtras.
A. Cantera, É. V. Pirart, C. Redard (eds.), at̰ hōi aōjī zaraϑuštrō paōuruuīm, ¿Habló Zaraϑuštra?, Homenaje a Jean Kellens en su 80º aniversario, Estudios Iranios y Turanios 6, 185-190., 2024
It is argued that the Sanskrit verb nabh-, which is usually glossed as ‘to burst’, rather means ‘... more It is argued that the Sanskrit verb nabh-, which is usually glossed as
‘to burst’, rather means ‘to be wet’ and can thus be connected to the Iranian forms of a similar meaning.
Indo-Iranian Journal 67(1): 1-4, 2024
Our beloved friend and colleague Werner Franz Knobl passed away on Thursday, September 28, in the... more Our beloved friend and colleague Werner Franz Knobl passed away on Thursday, September 28, in the Clinique Hartman in Paris, France, in the company of his partner Carole Fierz. Despite the cancer which weakened him the last three years, he remained active in research on Vedic texts and in teaching till the end. In July he completed his 14th year teaching Vedic, through the invitation of Alexander Lubotsky, at the Leiden University Summer School for Languages and Linguistics, a yearly event which drew many students internationally to learn from him. Werner had an unusual and varied life. He was born in
K. Kristiansen, G. Kroonen & E. Willerslev (Eds.), The Indo-European Puzzle Revisited: Integrating Archaeology, Genetics, and Linguistics. Cambridge: CUP, 263-274. , 2023
In K. Kristiansen, G. Kroonen, & E. Willerslev (Eds.), The Indo-European Puzzle Revisited: Integrating Archaeology, Genetics, and Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 257-262. , 2023
Indo-Aryan -(a)u̯artanna in the Kikkuli treatise, in: H. Fellner, M. Malzahn, M. Peyrot, lyuke wmer ra. Indo-European Studies in honor of Georges-Jean Pinault, Ann Arbor, New York: Beech Stave Press, 331-336 , 2021
Young Avestan pašne and its etymology. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana 18.1, 216–225, 2022
Young Avestan pašne is attested ten times in constructions with genitive and accusative used to i... more Young Avestan pašne is attested ten times in constructions with genitive and accusative used to indicate the position of the figures at the moment of the worship of various deities. The only occurrence of the construction with the accusative in Yt 5.108 must be due to an analogy with the upa + accusative construction that occurs earlier in the text. The author argues that pašne does not mean 'in the sight of', but rather 'at the shore of' and is a loc. sg. of pašna-n. 'bank, shore, side'. This word is most likely identical with pašna-'eyelid' or 'eyelash'. Similar semantic development can be found in Skt. vártman-'track of a wheel, way' (RV+) besides 'eyelid' (AV) or Skt. vartaní-'way, wheel rim, track of a wheel' (RV+) and 'eyelashes' (ŚBr.), with the meanings 'eyelid' and 'eyelashes' being derived from the meaning 'circumference'. From the etymological point of view, Young Avestan pašna-can be compared with other Indo-Iranian words for 'side, flank', like Skt. pā́jas-n. 'side, surface', Khot. pāysa-'surface, breast', Sogd. p'z 'face', Oss. faz / fazae 'half, side; back, buttocks'. The semantic development 'side' > 'shore' is trivial, cf. English river side. These words are derived from the PIE root *peh₂ǵ-'to attach, fix' (Gk. πήγνυμι 'to fix, join, congeal', Lat. pangō 'to attach, join', etc.), PIIr. *paHȷ-(this root loses its laryngeal, when followed by a consonant, cf. Skt. pajrá-'solid, strong, firm' (RV) < PIE *peh₂ǵ-ro-). Avestan pašna-goes back to PIIr. *paȷ-na-< *paHȷ-na-, which, in theory, can reflect three PIE formations: *peh₂ǵ-no-(cf. Lat. pīgnus 'pledge, hostage'), *peh₂ǵ-mn-o-, thematicized variant of *peh₂ǵ-m(e)n-(cf. Gk. πῆγμα 'joint together, stage, scaffold') and *peh₂ǵ-(e)n-(cf. Lat. pāgina 'side, sheet of paper'). Of these options, the latter is clearly preferable.
Historische Sprachforschung 131(1): 227-235., 2021
This article discusses several groups of Sanskrit roots which are likely to contain root enlargem... more This article discusses several groups of Sanskrit roots which are likely to contain root enlargements -s and -s-d-. Except for the roots mentioned in the title, these are, in the first place, mrṣ-'to forget' and mrḍ-'to be merciful' (< *mrẓḍ-); iṣ- 'to strive after, seek' and īḍ- 'to invoke' (< *iẓḍ-).
Iran and the Caucasus, 2021
The purpose of this short note is to clarify the meaning, the original inflection and the etymolo... more The purpose of this short note is to clarify the meaning, the original inflection and the etymology of the Indo-Iranian word *mastr̥ghan-/ *mastr̥ǰhan-'brain, skull'.
In: Paul W. Kroll, Jonathan A. Silk (eds.), “At the Shores of the Sky”: Asian Studies for Albert Hoffstädt, Leiden/Boston: Brill 2020, 5-11.
Nakoleia Territoryumunda Eski Phrygce Yazıtlı Idol Şeklinde Bir Stel Öz Eskişehir İli Seyitgazi v... more Nakoleia Territoryumunda Eski Phrygce Yazıtlı Idol Şeklinde Bir Stel
Eskişehir İli Seyitgazi ve Han ilçelerinde gerçekleştirdiğimiz yüzey araştırmalarında, 2019 yılında Eskişehir İli, Seyitgazi İlçesi’nin 15 km doğusunda, Gümüşbel Köyü’nün 1 km güneydoğusundaki Eski Cami Höyük (eski adı Hüsnüabad, Ma Başı) ziyaret edilmiştir. Üzerinde İslam Dönemi’ne ait bir mezarlık bulunan höyüğün korunduğu kadarıyla çapı 180 m, yüksekliği ise 3,5 m’dir. Bu ziyaret sırasında, höyüğün üzerinde ve eteklerinde, Son Kalkolitik Çağ, İlk Tunç Çağı 2-3, Klasik Dönem ve MÖ 8. yy’a tarihlenen Demirçağ seramikleri saptanmıştır. Höyüğün güneydoğu eteğinde ise tüf taşından yapılmış, üzerinde Eski Phrygce yazıtlı idol şeklinde bir stel bulunmuştur.
Bu makalede Eski Phrygce yazıtlı idol şeklindeki stel tanıtılmakla birlikte, bu stelin Phryg ikonografisi ve dilbilimi için önemi tartışılmaktadır. İdol şeklinde betimlenmiş tüf blok üzerine kazıma şeklinde yapılmış olan üç baş ve uzun gövdeler (?) Ana Tanrıça ve birlikte ona eşlik eden tanrılarla birlikte gösterilmiş olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Başlardan ikisi yan yana yapılmış ve çift sıra kazıma çizgi ile sınırlandırılmış, diğer üçüncü baş da bu iki başın tam ortasına, iki başı sınırlandıran ve ortada buluşan çift sıra çizginin kesiştiği noktaya yapılmıştır. Stel üzerinde, başların üst kısmında bir satır, başların altında ise üç satır Eski Phrygce yazıt bulunur. Yazıttan anlaşıldığı üzere idol şeklindeki stel muhtemelen bir sınır taşı olarak kullanılmıştır. Yazıtın tercümesi şu şekilde olmalıdır: “Atas. Benim anıtım bir sınır taşıdır”.
An Idol-shaped Stele with an Old Phrygian Inscription in The Territory of Nakoleia
During the archaeological surveys conducted in Seyitgazi and Han Districts of Eskişehir Province in 2019, we have visited Eski Cami Höyük (formerly known as Hüsnüabad) which is located 1 km southeast of Gümüşbel Village, 15 km east of Seyitgazi District in Eskişehir Province. The mound is under a cemetery from the Islamic Period and has a preserved diameter of 180 m with a 3.5 m height. During this visit, Iron Age ceramics were identified on the mound and its skirts, dating to the Late Chalcolithic Age, the Early Bronze Age 2-3, the Classical Period, and the 8th Century BC. On the south-eastern skirt of the mound, an idol-shaped stele with an Old Phrygian inscription was found. In this article, we describe the newly found stele and the inscription and discuss its importance for the Phrygian iconography and linguistics. Three heads and a long body (?) engraved on the idol-shaped tufa block may signify the Mother Goddess together with the gods that accompany her. Two of the heads were made right next to each other and are bordered by a double engraved line. The third head was placed between the other two, made at the point where the double engraved lines that border the two heads meet in the middle. On the stele, there is one line of an Old Phrygian inscription above the heads and three lines just under them. It follows from the inscription that the idol was probably used as a boundary stone.112
The clear part of the inscription can be translated as follows: “Atas. My monument is a boundary stone.”
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