Martin Schönfelder | Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie (original) (raw)
Books by Martin Schönfelder
Mémoires d’Archéologie du Grand Est 4, 2019
Ce volume correspond à la publication d’une table ronde internationale, organisée au Centre arché... more Ce volume correspond à la publication d’une table ronde internationale, organisée au Centre archéologique européen de Bibracte du 28 au 30 octobre 2015, qui a réuni une trentaine de chercheurs européens, de France, d’Allemagne, d’Autriche et de Slovaquie. Cette rencontre se voulait comme une première réunion sur la question des agglomérations ouvertes celtiques. En effet, la recherche sur les agglomérations celtiques a connu un développement important ces vingt dernières années à la fois en Europe centrale et en France. Pourtant les chercheurs des deux parties de l’Europe celtique connaissent assez mal les données extérieures à leur propre zone d’étude. La barrière de la langue constitue sans doute l’un des principaux obstacles, mais l’absence de publications ne facilite pas non plus la diffusion des informations. La publication issue de cette table ronde a pour ambition de réunir les données de l’ensemble de l’Europe celtique pour procéder à un premier état de la question. Elle permet de présenter les principaux dossiers et les directions de recherches en cours.
Mots-clefs : Agglomérations ouvertes, hiérarchie de l’habitat, artisanat, La Tène moyenne, La Tène finale, Gaule, Allemagne du sud, Europe centrale
Dieser Band stellt die Publikation eines internationalen Workshops dar, der vom 28. bis 30. Oktober 2015 am Centre Archéologique Européen in Bibracte stattfand und der eine größere Zahl von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus Frankreich, Deutschland, Österreich und der Slowakei zusammenbrachte. Diese Begegnung sollte als ein erstes Treffen zu Fragen offener Großsiedlungen der Latènekultur dienen. Die Forschungen zu diesen Großsiedlungen haben in den letzten 20 Jahren bemerkenswerte Fortschritte erzielt – sowohl in Mitteleuropa als auch in Frankreich. Jedoch sind den Kolleginnen und Kollegen in diesen beiden Bereichen des latènezeitlichen Europas die Entwicklungen in den jeweils anderen Regionen eher weniger bekannt. Die Sprachbarriere stellt dabei zweifelsohne ein Haupthindernis dar, aber auch das Fehlen von Veröffentlichungen verhindert den Austausch von Informationen. Die Publikation, die aus diesem Workshop entstanden ist, möchte Grundlagen aus dem ganzen Bereich der Latènekultur vereinen, um einen ersten Sachstand zum Thema der Großsiedlungen festzuhalten. Es werden dabei die wichtigsten Fragestellungen und die Ausrichtungen der aktuellen Forschungen präsentiert.
Schlagworte: offene Großsiedlungen, Siedlungshierarchie, Handwerk, Mittellatènezeit, Spätlatènezeit, Gallien, Süddeutschland, Mitteleuropa
Monographien RGZM 154, 2019
Markus Egg forschte und wirkte seit 1978 am Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum in Mainz, zuletzt ... more Markus Egg forschte und wirkte seit 1978 am Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum in Mainz, zuletzt als Direktor der Kompetenzbereichs Vorgeschichte. Der Leitfaden seiner Studien zum West- und Osthallstattkreis sind die kulturellen Verbindung nach Italien bzw. in das Mittelmeergebiet. Soziale Phänomene sowie technische und kulturelle Entwicklungen in der frühen Eisenzeit sind dabei die Kernfragen seiner Forschungen.
Seine Festschrift zum Ausscheiden aus dem aktiven Berufsleben im 65. Lebensjahr versammelt nun ihm zu Ehren 39 Aufsätze zum Themenkomplex der Kulturkontakte zwischen dem Mittelmeerraum und Mitteleuropa in der frühen Eisenzeit. Dem internationalen Renommee von Markus Egg ist dabei geschuldet, dass die Autorinnen und Autoren der Beiträge aus zehn Ländern Europas stammen. Thematische Blöcke behandeln dabei das Phänomen aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln: »Von der Bronzezeit zur Eisenzeit«, »Von Hallstatt in die Welt«, »Alpine und südostalpine Welten«, »Frühe Eisenzeit in Italien« sowie »Von Hallstatt nach Latène«.
In the conference series “Early Iron Age in Central Europe” contributions on the Central Europea... more In the conference series “Early Iron Age in Central Europe” contributions on the Central European Hallstatt and Early La Tène periods are welcome, but also it was a conscious decision to select papers on the early pre-Roman Iron Age from the northern and eastern periphery, for example in Thuringia, Sachsen-Anhalt, Saxony, Silesia, Lesser Poland and Hungary.
The aim of the lectures and the subsequent publication is the promotion of an international research community, and the bilingual presentations are meant to serve this purpose. Furthermore, networking together during the excursion is considered an important priority. A further aim of the “Early Iron Age in Central Europe” conference series is the support of young, up-and-coming scientists.
2017 we had been happy to welcome to Nürnberg speakers and participants from Austria, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany. 23 lectures and 12 posters were presented, 23 articles can now be found in this volume.
Joseph Déchelette gilt als einer der Gründerväter der französischen Archäologie - er starb 1914 i... more Joseph Déchelette gilt als einer der Gründerväter der französischen Archäologie - er starb 1914 im Ersten Weltkrieg. Mit seinen Forschungen zu römischer Keramik und den keltischen Oppida setzte er Meilensteine in der archäologischen Forschung. Déchelette war dem Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum in Mainz besonders verbunden. Hier hatte er in Paul Reinecke und Karl Schumacher Partner gefunden, mit denen er eine internationale Ausrichtung der archäologischen Forschung entwickelte.
Gemeinsam mit dem Musée Déchelette in Roanne widmet das RGZM der Entstehung dieser gemeinsamen deutsch-französischen Forschungstradition eine kleine Präsentation in den Räumen der Römischen Abteilung.
Das Kolloquium der »Association Française pour l’Étude de l’Âge du Fer« 2010 in Aschaffenburg wi... more Das Kolloquium der »Association Française pour l’Étude de l’Âge du Fer« 2010 in Aschaffenburg widmete sein regionales Tagungsthema der Eisenzeit dem Gebiet zwischen der Champagne und dem Rheintal.
Bei den 15 französischen und 11 deutschen Beiträgen stehen siedlungsarchäologische Ergebnisse im Vordergrund, die durch großflächige Rettungsgrabungen der letzten Jahre besonders in Frankreich erzielt werden konnten. Weiter wurden Höhensiedlungen der Hallstatt- und Latènezeit in Ostfrankreich und Westdeutschland bearbeitet. Chronologische Fragen, regionale Identitäten und Gewässerfunde stehen ebenfalls im Blick der Forschung. Durch die Tagung und deren Publikation hoffen die Herausgeber, Verbindungen und gemeinsame Betrachtungsweisen geschaffen zu haben.
Papers by Martin Schönfelder
Archeologické Rozhledy, 2024
Migrations and mobility are key issues within archaeological research. The La Tène culture of Cen... more Migrations and mobility are key issues within archaeological research. The La Tène culture of Central Europe (450-20 BC) underwent deep transformative processes in the 4th and 3rd century BC, traditionally named as the 'Celtic migrations' and attested by written sources, and the spread of La Tène culture across Europe, which is explicitly conceived here as a phenomenon in its own right. Is it possible to corroborate one with another? In this article, I propose three models which may help to explain the main processes behind the archaeological phenomena of the 'Celtic migrations'. These explanatory models and new results are based on long-term research of the La Tène societies of the 4th/3rd century BC, which were deeply rooted in the ideals and behavioural norms of the 'princely' elites of the 5th century BC.
Archäologische Informationen, 2022
At the end of the 2nd century BC, special developmental dynamics began in the area of the La Tène... more At the end of the 2nd century BC, special developmental dynamics began in the area of the La Tène culture, which affected settlement and economy. They made the structural differences to the cultural units further north, the Jastorf and Przeworsk cultures, stand out even more clearly than before. At a conference in Mainz in November 2022, not just individual phenomena were discussed, but above all their precise chronological location in a relative and absolute chronological system, with consistent inclusion of archaeological phenomena both south and north of the low mountain ranges. Parallelisations of historically transmitted events with archaeological phenomena have been undertaken time and again in Iron Age research. Recently, reflections on the migration of the Cimbri and Teutons through Central Europe gained momentum when evidence of a Roman camp from the context of the Battle of Arausio of 105 BC was discovered in 2014.
Antiquités Nationales, 2001
The "Musée des Antiquités Nationales" (Musée de l'Archéologie Nationale) in Saint-Germain-en-Laye... more The "Musée des Antiquités Nationales" (Musée de l'Archéologie Nationale) in Saint-Germain-en-Laye has known the handle of a Celtic mirror since 1914, which is presented here in more detail. The piece itself has meanwhile disappeared. The best parallels can be found in Dorton and Great Chesterford.
O. Cavalier (Hrsg.), Le guerrier de Mondragon. Recherches sur une sculpture celtique de la fin de l’âge du Fer , 2018
The stone statue of Mondragon is an exceptional example of Celtic sculpture. It depicts a warrior... more The stone statue of Mondragon is an exceptional example of Celtic sculpture. It depicts a warrior quasi life-size, which differs from the otherwise usual human representations. The equipment of the statue - shield, sword, neck- and arm-ring - is very realistic - and so the image of the warrior of Mondragon is also found in many popular books.
Previously unnoticed small finds from the vicinity of the statue, which was recovered without a head in 1834, now prove the connection with an unusual burial. A treatment of the statue's equipment as part of a comprehensive publication for the Musée Calvet in Avignon has further yielded many new results.
collection NEMESIS, 2023
In: E. Hiriart / S. Krausz /A. Alcantara / C. Filet / P. Goláňová / J. Hantrais / V. Mathé (éd.)... more In: E. Hiriart / S. Krausz /A. Alcantara / C. Filet / P. Goláňová / J. Hantrais / V. Mathé (éd.), Les agglomérations dans le monde celtique et ses marges. Nouvelles approches et perspectives de recherche, Pessac, Ausonius Éditions, collection NEMESIS 1, 2023, 147-168.
In: B. Nessel / L. Nebelsick (Hrsg.), Quod erat demonstrandum - Vorgeschichtliche Studien Christopher F. E. Pare gewidmet / Studies in Prehistory dedicated to Christopher F. E. Pare. UPA 380 (Bonn 2022) 255-264., 2022
From Iron Age religious symbols to statues of gods in sanctuaries — remarks on the issue of a lon... more From Iron Age religious symbols to statues of gods in sanctuaries — remarks on the issue of a longue durée in the LaTène culture
The religion of the Celts — or more precisely, the religious ideas of the pre-Roman Iron Age in Central Europe — is a topic of public interest where archaeology often avoids a closer look. Our research must free itself from the view from the outside, that is, from the Roman written sources. Therefore, with a perspective from the longue durée, we will try to look at the religious symbols as well as the sanctuaries that slowly developed in the last centuries before Christ. The question arises whether a diverse world
of gods, as described from the Roman perspective, really existed. In addition, the dating of one of the key witnesses to Celtic polytheism, the Silver Cauldron of Gundestrup, has come under discussion.
Germania 99, 2021 (2022), 57-106, 2022
News on the so-called drinking horn fitting from Bad Dürkheim – On sheet gold work of the Early ... more News on the so-called drinking horn fitting from Bad Dürkheim – On sheet
gold work of the Early Latène Period
Within the framework of a new investigation of the gold grave goods of the Early Latène elite grave of Bad Dürkheim, a new reconstruction of the six preserved gold sheet fragments could be carried out, which until now had been addressed largely unquestioned as components of a drinking horn fitting. The stylistic and technological classification of this piece forms the starting point for an internal typology. For the present fitting, the possible
uses are to be openly explored. Due to the stylistic parallels to other fittings of the Late Hallstatt and Early Latène periods, it is not possible to maintain an unambiguous classification as a drinking horn fitting, but neither can it be rejected. Observations within the framework of the CELTIC GOLD project further revealed that early Latène work made of thin gold sheet was regularly fixed to a bronze base.
Mémoires d’Archéologie du Grand Est 4, 2019
Ce volume correspond à la publication d’une table ronde internationale, organisée au Centre arché... more Ce volume correspond à la publication d’une table ronde internationale, organisée au Centre archéologique européen de Bibracte du 28 au 30 octobre 2015, qui a réuni une trentaine de chercheurs européens, de France, d’Allemagne, d’Autriche et de Slovaquie. Cette rencontre se voulait comme une première réunion sur la question des agglomérations ouvertes celtiques. En effet, la recherche sur les agglomérations celtiques a connu un développement important ces vingt dernières années à la fois en Europe centrale et en France. Pourtant les chercheurs des deux parties de l’Europe celtique connaissent assez mal les données extérieures à leur propre zone d’étude. La barrière de la langue constitue sans doute l’un des principaux obstacles, mais l’absence de publications ne facilite pas non plus la diffusion des informations. La publication issue de cette table ronde a pour ambition de réunir les données de l’ensemble de l’Europe celtique pour procéder à un premier état de la question. Elle permet de présenter les principaux dossiers et les directions de recherches en cours.
Mots-clefs : Agglomérations ouvertes, hiérarchie de l’habitat, artisanat, La Tène moyenne, La Tène finale, Gaule, Allemagne du sud, Europe centrale
Dieser Band stellt die Publikation eines internationalen Workshops dar, der vom 28. bis 30. Oktober 2015 am Centre Archéologique Européen in Bibracte stattfand und der eine größere Zahl von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus Frankreich, Deutschland, Österreich und der Slowakei zusammenbrachte. Diese Begegnung sollte als ein erstes Treffen zu Fragen offener Großsiedlungen der Latènekultur dienen. Die Forschungen zu diesen Großsiedlungen haben in den letzten 20 Jahren bemerkenswerte Fortschritte erzielt – sowohl in Mitteleuropa als auch in Frankreich. Jedoch sind den Kolleginnen und Kollegen in diesen beiden Bereichen des latènezeitlichen Europas die Entwicklungen in den jeweils anderen Regionen eher weniger bekannt. Die Sprachbarriere stellt dabei zweifelsohne ein Haupthindernis dar, aber auch das Fehlen von Veröffentlichungen verhindert den Austausch von Informationen. Die Publikation, die aus diesem Workshop entstanden ist, möchte Grundlagen aus dem ganzen Bereich der Latènekultur vereinen, um einen ersten Sachstand zum Thema der Großsiedlungen festzuhalten. Es werden dabei die wichtigsten Fragestellungen und die Ausrichtungen der aktuellen Forschungen präsentiert.
Schlagworte: offene Großsiedlungen, Siedlungshierarchie, Handwerk, Mittellatènezeit, Spätlatènezeit, Gallien, Süddeutschland, Mitteleuropa
Monographien RGZM 154, 2019
Markus Egg forschte und wirkte seit 1978 am Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum in Mainz, zuletzt ... more Markus Egg forschte und wirkte seit 1978 am Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum in Mainz, zuletzt als Direktor der Kompetenzbereichs Vorgeschichte. Der Leitfaden seiner Studien zum West- und Osthallstattkreis sind die kulturellen Verbindung nach Italien bzw. in das Mittelmeergebiet. Soziale Phänomene sowie technische und kulturelle Entwicklungen in der frühen Eisenzeit sind dabei die Kernfragen seiner Forschungen.
Seine Festschrift zum Ausscheiden aus dem aktiven Berufsleben im 65. Lebensjahr versammelt nun ihm zu Ehren 39 Aufsätze zum Themenkomplex der Kulturkontakte zwischen dem Mittelmeerraum und Mitteleuropa in der frühen Eisenzeit. Dem internationalen Renommee von Markus Egg ist dabei geschuldet, dass die Autorinnen und Autoren der Beiträge aus zehn Ländern Europas stammen. Thematische Blöcke behandeln dabei das Phänomen aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln: »Von der Bronzezeit zur Eisenzeit«, »Von Hallstatt in die Welt«, »Alpine und südostalpine Welten«, »Frühe Eisenzeit in Italien« sowie »Von Hallstatt nach Latène«.
In the conference series “Early Iron Age in Central Europe” contributions on the Central Europea... more In the conference series “Early Iron Age in Central Europe” contributions on the Central European Hallstatt and Early La Tène periods are welcome, but also it was a conscious decision to select papers on the early pre-Roman Iron Age from the northern and eastern periphery, for example in Thuringia, Sachsen-Anhalt, Saxony, Silesia, Lesser Poland and Hungary.
The aim of the lectures and the subsequent publication is the promotion of an international research community, and the bilingual presentations are meant to serve this purpose. Furthermore, networking together during the excursion is considered an important priority. A further aim of the “Early Iron Age in Central Europe” conference series is the support of young, up-and-coming scientists.
2017 we had been happy to welcome to Nürnberg speakers and participants from Austria, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany. 23 lectures and 12 posters were presented, 23 articles can now be found in this volume.
Joseph Déchelette gilt als einer der Gründerväter der französischen Archäologie - er starb 1914 i... more Joseph Déchelette gilt als einer der Gründerväter der französischen Archäologie - er starb 1914 im Ersten Weltkrieg. Mit seinen Forschungen zu römischer Keramik und den keltischen Oppida setzte er Meilensteine in der archäologischen Forschung. Déchelette war dem Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum in Mainz besonders verbunden. Hier hatte er in Paul Reinecke und Karl Schumacher Partner gefunden, mit denen er eine internationale Ausrichtung der archäologischen Forschung entwickelte.
Gemeinsam mit dem Musée Déchelette in Roanne widmet das RGZM der Entstehung dieser gemeinsamen deutsch-französischen Forschungstradition eine kleine Präsentation in den Räumen der Römischen Abteilung.
Das Kolloquium der »Association Française pour l’Étude de l’Âge du Fer« 2010 in Aschaffenburg wi... more Das Kolloquium der »Association Française pour l’Étude de l’Âge du Fer« 2010 in Aschaffenburg widmete sein regionales Tagungsthema der Eisenzeit dem Gebiet zwischen der Champagne und dem Rheintal.
Bei den 15 französischen und 11 deutschen Beiträgen stehen siedlungsarchäologische Ergebnisse im Vordergrund, die durch großflächige Rettungsgrabungen der letzten Jahre besonders in Frankreich erzielt werden konnten. Weiter wurden Höhensiedlungen der Hallstatt- und Latènezeit in Ostfrankreich und Westdeutschland bearbeitet. Chronologische Fragen, regionale Identitäten und Gewässerfunde stehen ebenfalls im Blick der Forschung. Durch die Tagung und deren Publikation hoffen die Herausgeber, Verbindungen und gemeinsame Betrachtungsweisen geschaffen zu haben.
Archeologické Rozhledy, 2024
Migrations and mobility are key issues within archaeological research. The La Tène culture of Cen... more Migrations and mobility are key issues within archaeological research. The La Tène culture of Central Europe (450-20 BC) underwent deep transformative processes in the 4th and 3rd century BC, traditionally named as the 'Celtic migrations' and attested by written sources, and the spread of La Tène culture across Europe, which is explicitly conceived here as a phenomenon in its own right. Is it possible to corroborate one with another? In this article, I propose three models which may help to explain the main processes behind the archaeological phenomena of the 'Celtic migrations'. These explanatory models and new results are based on long-term research of the La Tène societies of the 4th/3rd century BC, which were deeply rooted in the ideals and behavioural norms of the 'princely' elites of the 5th century BC.
Archäologische Informationen, 2022
At the end of the 2nd century BC, special developmental dynamics began in the area of the La Tène... more At the end of the 2nd century BC, special developmental dynamics began in the area of the La Tène culture, which affected settlement and economy. They made the structural differences to the cultural units further north, the Jastorf and Przeworsk cultures, stand out even more clearly than before. At a conference in Mainz in November 2022, not just individual phenomena were discussed, but above all their precise chronological location in a relative and absolute chronological system, with consistent inclusion of archaeological phenomena both south and north of the low mountain ranges. Parallelisations of historically transmitted events with archaeological phenomena have been undertaken time and again in Iron Age research. Recently, reflections on the migration of the Cimbri and Teutons through Central Europe gained momentum when evidence of a Roman camp from the context of the Battle of Arausio of 105 BC was discovered in 2014.
Antiquités Nationales, 2001
The "Musée des Antiquités Nationales" (Musée de l'Archéologie Nationale) in Saint-Germain-en-Laye... more The "Musée des Antiquités Nationales" (Musée de l'Archéologie Nationale) in Saint-Germain-en-Laye has known the handle of a Celtic mirror since 1914, which is presented here in more detail. The piece itself has meanwhile disappeared. The best parallels can be found in Dorton and Great Chesterford.
O. Cavalier (Hrsg.), Le guerrier de Mondragon. Recherches sur une sculpture celtique de la fin de l’âge du Fer , 2018
The stone statue of Mondragon is an exceptional example of Celtic sculpture. It depicts a warrior... more The stone statue of Mondragon is an exceptional example of Celtic sculpture. It depicts a warrior quasi life-size, which differs from the otherwise usual human representations. The equipment of the statue - shield, sword, neck- and arm-ring - is very realistic - and so the image of the warrior of Mondragon is also found in many popular books.
Previously unnoticed small finds from the vicinity of the statue, which was recovered without a head in 1834, now prove the connection with an unusual burial. A treatment of the statue's equipment as part of a comprehensive publication for the Musée Calvet in Avignon has further yielded many new results.
collection NEMESIS, 2023
In: E. Hiriart / S. Krausz /A. Alcantara / C. Filet / P. Goláňová / J. Hantrais / V. Mathé (éd.)... more In: E. Hiriart / S. Krausz /A. Alcantara / C. Filet / P. Goláňová / J. Hantrais / V. Mathé (éd.), Les agglomérations dans le monde celtique et ses marges. Nouvelles approches et perspectives de recherche, Pessac, Ausonius Éditions, collection NEMESIS 1, 2023, 147-168.
In: B. Nessel / L. Nebelsick (Hrsg.), Quod erat demonstrandum - Vorgeschichtliche Studien Christopher F. E. Pare gewidmet / Studies in Prehistory dedicated to Christopher F. E. Pare. UPA 380 (Bonn 2022) 255-264., 2022
From Iron Age religious symbols to statues of gods in sanctuaries — remarks on the issue of a lon... more From Iron Age religious symbols to statues of gods in sanctuaries — remarks on the issue of a longue durée in the LaTène culture
The religion of the Celts — or more precisely, the religious ideas of the pre-Roman Iron Age in Central Europe — is a topic of public interest where archaeology often avoids a closer look. Our research must free itself from the view from the outside, that is, from the Roman written sources. Therefore, with a perspective from the longue durée, we will try to look at the religious symbols as well as the sanctuaries that slowly developed in the last centuries before Christ. The question arises whether a diverse world
of gods, as described from the Roman perspective, really existed. In addition, the dating of one of the key witnesses to Celtic polytheism, the Silver Cauldron of Gundestrup, has come under discussion.
Germania 99, 2021 (2022), 57-106, 2022
News on the so-called drinking horn fitting from Bad Dürkheim – On sheet gold work of the Early ... more News on the so-called drinking horn fitting from Bad Dürkheim – On sheet
gold work of the Early Latène Period
Within the framework of a new investigation of the gold grave goods of the Early Latène elite grave of Bad Dürkheim, a new reconstruction of the six preserved gold sheet fragments could be carried out, which until now had been addressed largely unquestioned as components of a drinking horn fitting. The stylistic and technological classification of this piece forms the starting point for an internal typology. For the present fitting, the possible
uses are to be openly explored. Due to the stylistic parallels to other fittings of the Late Hallstatt and Early Latène periods, it is not possible to maintain an unambiguous classification as a drinking horn fitting, but neither can it be rejected. Observations within the framework of the CELTIC GOLD project further revealed that early Latène work made of thin gold sheet was regularly fixed to a bronze base.
In: J.-M. Doyen (éd.), De l'Escaut au Nil. Bric-à-brac en hommage à Eugène Warmenbol à l’occasion de son 65e anniversaire (Treignes 2022) 429-433 , 2022
A bronze helmet, which is in fact a whole bird on the head of the person wearing the item, was fo... more A bronze helmet, which is in fact a whole bird on the head of the person wearing the item, was found in a temple deposition in south-western France. It dates to the late La Tène Iron Age and is gives a glimpse to the symbolic and ritual importance of this white water bird, known from the Bronze Age to Roman times from pictoral representations , in the late pre-roman Iron Age.
Journal of Irish Archaeology, 2022
Drawing on new finds and discussions of Continental La Tène artefacts, this paper argues that sev... more Drawing on new finds and discussions of Continental La Tène artefacts, this paper argues that several Irish Iron Age objects previously identified as spearbutts may, in fact, have been components of horse tack, specifically bits. It has long been noted that horse riding was an important aspect of Irish Iron Age society, and horse tack is the best represented group of metal artefacts known from the Irish Iron Age. This proposed identification further increases the number of items associated with horse riding from the Irish Iron Age and compliments the current evidence for pre-Roman Iron Age contacts between Ireland and Continental Europe.
Praehistorische Zeitschrift
Zusammenfassung Ein einfacher Goldfingerring mit Schlaufenzier von Nackenheim (Lkr. Mainz-Bingen)... more Zusammenfassung Ein einfacher Goldfingerring mit Schlaufenzier von Nackenheim (Lkr. Mainz-Bingen) ohne bekannten Fundkontext wird anhand typologischer und materialanalytischer Parallelen chronologisch näher eingeordnet. Dabei wird deutlich, dass es sich um eine schlichte und daher langlebige Form handelt, die im Raum zwischen Hessen und dem Schweizer Mittelland anzutreffen ist und in ähnlicher Form noch bis in die Spätlatènezeit reicht. Archäometrische Analysen ordnen das Stück in eine Gruppe mit relativ hohem Silber- und Kupfergehalt ein, wie es eigentlich erst als „gestrecktes Münzgold“ ab der Mittellatènezeit üblich wird. Ein Vergleich der Spurenelementmuster, speziell der Platin-Palladium-Verhältnisse, weist darauf hin, dass ein Rohmaterial für seine Herstellung zum Einsatz kam, welches regional bereits ab der Stufe Lt A im nördlichen Oberrheingebiet verwendet wird. Da auch die Mehrheit der stilistischen Parallelen in die Frühlatènezeit (insbesondere Lt B) datiert, spricht Viele...
Stratum Plus, 2020
V. Beliavets, M. Schönfelder A Mask from Cherevachitsy (Brest Region, Belarus): a Strange Find f... more V. Beliavets, M. Schönfelder
A Mask from Cherevachitsy (Brest Region, Belarus): a Strange Find from the Borderlands of the Worlds The article is about a small cast object made of copper alloy in the form of a human mask, found in the territory of southwestern Belarus, on the Cherevachitsy-2 settlement. Based on an analysis of the iconography, the authors believe that it can be attributed to the end of the La Tène or the beginning of Roman time and correlates with images known at that time on the border of Celtic and Roman civilizations by the population of several latènized archaeological cultures. A number of details indicate that this item was produced near the place of its detection. The find is considered in the context of relations between the population of the Zarubintsy-culture and the circle of related latènized cultures.
B. Török/A. Giumlia-Mair (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference " Archaeometallurgy in Europe ", 2021. 19-21 June 2019, Miskolc, Hungary. Monogr. Instrumentum 73 (Drémil-Lafage 2021) 417–432., 2021
hessenARCHÄOLOGIE, 2021
Sperrfrist von 2 Jahren (Stichtag: 01.12.2023)
Berichte zur Archäologie in Rheinhessen und Umgebung, 2020
A recourse to old pieces is known for grave furnishings for a long time also for the Iron Age and... more A recourse to old pieces is known for grave furnishings for a long time also for the Iron Age and the Roman Imperial Period. The reference to older monuments, such as burial mounds, in the construction of younger cemeteries or sanctuaries is also known; prehistory - and also the Roman Imperial period in Barbaricum - knew a "culture of remembrance".
With inconspicuous objects, which are found in a foreign context, the situation is not clear. For the probably early La Tène hollow sheet metal ring from the imperial grave of Malbork-Wielbark, it can only be assumed that the piece had possessed such a function. The piece is thus reminiscent of the fragments of blue Latène glass arm rings that were added to numerous Merovingian women's graves as curios or magical objects - here a certain regularity of this phenomenon leads to such a far-reaching interpretation. Perhaps a certain regularity will also arise in the case of the hollow rings and thus an interpretation in this sense will become possible.
The chronology of the Late Latène period is a long-discussed and controversial field of research;... more The chronology of the Late Latène period is a long-discussed and controversial field of research; at the same time, chronology only forms the basis for many interpretations. Numerous critical theses should be noted here: chronology is not just a mathematical model, but requires an understanding of innovations over time. The extensive excavations with stratified features rich in imports in France have confirmed the absolute chronological model used since the 1990s. Currently, LT D1a is discussed as a pre-Nauheim horizon, a two-part stage LT D1b as well as a two-part stage LT D2 in France. Whether the find material and the quality of the features throughout Europe allow these chronological steps to be reconstructed remains to be verified. Nevertheless, a synchronous step of innovation in the whole area of the closely networked Latène culture can only be assumed with extremely slight delays.
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Маска из Черевачиц (Брестская обл., Беларусь): странная находка c пограничья миров / Ed. Michel M. Kazanski // Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology. – Saint Petersburg–Kishinev-Odessa-Bucharest. – 2020, No. 4. – C. 47–61., 2020
Hallstatt und Italien. Festschrift für Markus Egg. Monographien RGZM 154 (Mainz 2019), 2019
Greek Gold Earrings – a Celtic Armlet? On the Gold Objects of Grave 115 from Mannersdorf on the L... more Greek Gold Earrings – a Celtic Armlet? On the Gold Objects of Grave 115 from Mannersdorf on the Leitha (Bez. Bruck a. d. Leitha / A)
Celtic pillages in Greece are an often cited topos of La Tène archaeology, but material culture gives close to no evidence to this. The cemetery of Mannersdorf stands out in this respect, since it already contains a penannular needle from a warrior grave which came from West Greece or Bosnia and Herzegovina. This essay discusses a pair of gold earrings made of real pearl wire and peripheral simple wire as well as a decorative area with loop decoration and a large granule which has thus far been interpreted as an armlet. This gold object clearly goes back to Macedonian models and may present us with a variant of such Taenia earrings. In Lower Austria, the pair was given a different use as a armlet. A corresponding pair was produced of simple wave shaped and welded gold wire. This pair of earrings thus furnishes proof for personal contact of Celtic people from Lower Austria with Greece, a contact which can be put in historical context.
Autopsie d’une tombe gauloise: La tombe à char de La Gorge-Meillet à Somme-Tourbe (Marne), 2016
La tombe de La Gorge-Meillet ne peut plus aujourd'hui être considérée sans réserves comme un asse... more La tombe de La Gorge-Meillet ne peut plus aujourd'hui être considérée sans réserves comme un assemblage funéraire absolument fiable. L'attribution des pièces du mobilier funéraire à l'inhumation principale ou à la seconde inhumation n'est pas garantie par la seule documentation du fouilleur. On doit y ajouter d'autres réflexions, en particulier celles qu'on peut fonder sur le caractère plausible de la présence de telle ou telle pièce parmi le mobilier funéraire d'après le classement chronologique externe du matériel. Le mobilier caractéristique de La Tène A doit être attribué à l'inhumation principale, celui de La Tène B à l'inhumation postérieure ; un tel raisonnement ne fait pas apparaître de grosses difficultés et laisse supposer un délai suffisant entre l'établissement des deux inhumations.
The topic of slavery had not been considered while reconstructing the society in the Iron Age. Bu... more The topic of slavery had not been considered while reconstructing the society in the Iron Age. But especially the oppida procured us with quite a big number of irons slave shackles. Their number is very much rising, if the new interpretation of S-shaped keys with bit pointing to the outside, as keys for the locks on iron handcuffs is accepted. The Late La Tène elite used the trade with prisoners of war and slaves as an important source of income, as for the first time they possessed a real equivalent value for trade goods,
such as wine from the Mediterranean. Slave hunting and trade had been some of the starting points for the formation of the Late La Tène society and its elite.
Joseph Déchelette European Archaeology Prize, 2024
CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 1 MARCH 2024 The internationally renowned archaeologist Joseph Dé... more CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 1 MARCH 2024
The internationally renowned archaeologist Joseph Déchelette (1862-1914) was one of the founders of European protohistoric archaeology. The Association Joseph Déchelette, founded in 2010 by his great nephew Édouard Déchelette (†) , would like to keep the memory of this great scholar
alive and promote this discipline. It has therefore teamed up with various partners to establish the Prix Joseph Déchelette with a view to promoting the PhD research of a young archaeologist. This prize, created in 2016, is intended to be awarded every two years.
The prize is open to the wider European archaeological community. The award criteria include the values which were Joseph Déchelette’s trademark: open-mindedness, intellectual rigour, practicality and international experience.
Fritz Thyssen-Stiftung, 2022
Experimentation in Archaeology brings together two threads: Experimentation and Experimental Arch... more Experimentation in Archaeology brings together two threads:
Experimentation and Experimental Archaeology. The first can be defined as the action of experimenting, that is, ‘trying, and learning from the experience’, otherwise called ‘learning by doing’. The second is a scientific approach aimed at resolving problems posed by archaeological data through an experimental approach.
The aim of this conference is to question these approaches and their intersections, in the field of research and of interpretation, as well as their links with other disciplines, notably Ethnography. This workshop subscribes to a firmly diachronic and cross-disciplinary perspective as experimentation can be useful to those working in all areas of archaeological research: the archaeology of manufacture (metal, glass, stone, ceramics, organic materials, etc), the archaeology of death, zooarchaeology, archaeobotany, etc.
Early Iron Age in Central Europe, 2024
Dear colleagues, It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 5 th "Early Iron Age in Central Eu... more Dear colleagues, It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 5 th "Early Iron Age in Central Europe" international conference which is organised in cooperation with the society Orbis Ferrorum (AT) and the OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH (AT) and will be hosted in Linz.
Colloque CORPUS, 2023
Université de Caen