Lekker_Bammetje (original) (raw)

Spread It!

[04 Nov 2007|11:36pm]
IK VIND HET DUS NIET LEUK dat lekker_bammetje niet meer actief is! dus.. posten die hap :)

3 Bammetjes - Spread It!

[10 Mar 2006|01:14pm]
Name: Tamara :]Age: Sweet sixteen.Favorite bammetje(s): Bammetje with chocolate. :9Bammetje you hate: Simple bammetje with cheese?Picture:Don't ask me why I was acting like that, I just had to. ;p**( &Here's my first bammetje.Collapse )**

4 Bammetjes - Spread It!

I'm alive! And so are my rabbit-bammetjes ^^ [16 Feb 2006|08:39pm]
This community is dead, but i'm gonna show you the two bammetjes i ate today. They weren't the most tasty ones ive ever eaten in my whole life. i think they are very sweet though.my peanutbutter-chocolatestuff rabbit bammetjemy cheese-mayonaise-sundriedtomato rabbit bammetjeand they are rabbits because my mom bought this very weird bread at the turkish bakery. it's like, normal white bread but rabbit-shaped. o_o

3 Bammetjes - Spread It!

[18 Oct 2005|01:46pm]
here's my new banner for lekker_bammetjea little bit much information on a small thingy,but it doesnt matter (:maybe lekker_bammetje will rise again better than ever.. who knows.uhuh lets just hope itim gonna make a bammetje now, im starving.there's the little fella.and here's my bammetje:( er.. huh?Collapse )

3 Bammetjes - Spread It!

[11 Sep 2005|04:03pm]
Hello lekker_bammetjesers! this community MAY NOT DIE. and my house isreally empty and all i had was a cracker an chicken curry salad, but it was danm tasty!Image hosted by TinyPic.comImage hosted by TinyPic.comthats all!oh and we need a new theme!!! maybe like what was your favorite bammetje this summer?anyway. POST TO LEKKER_BAMMETJE!!!

2 Bammetjes - Spread It!

New LJ, before _sloerie_ [03 Sep 2005|11:09am]
Oh please lekker_bammetje, don't die, don't die yet!We must again update our community!

5 Bammetjes - Spread It!

[04 Jul 2005|01:10pm]
Lekker_Bammetje raised up from a hibernate!I made a sad bear bammetje.a piece of white bread with FLUFF! i dont know if you guys know that, but it's Marshmallow paste and it's so nice! **( watch it!Collapse )**and i made eyes and a nose with honey, and a mouth of chocolate sprinkles.the reason why it's a sad bear is just because the chocolate sprinkles didn't want to do what i told them.

3 Bammetjes - Spread It!

[11 Jun 2005|12:38pm]
is lekker_bammetje dood?

6 Bammetjes - Spread It!

A dessert... [17 Apr 2005|02:16pm]
[ **mood** | satisfied ] Banana sections, coated in nutella, wrapped in spring roll wrapping, coated in butter, then pan fried.

3 Bammetjes - Spread It!

Oreo-Cake ^_^ [11 Apr 2005|09:33pm]
[ **mood** | lazy ] I am going to create the most fucking yummie cake in man's history.I will make a nice cake with pieces of Oreo-cookies in it. And maybe some "space" in it, to turn it into a Space-Oreo-Cake ^_^Anyone wanna help making it?
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