ニコール・キッドマンがアクションシーンを全部自分でやっているというのは本当なのか? (original) (raw)







Nicole Kidman - To Die For (Visual inspiration for Mariah Carey's #Beautiful video)

色々調べてみたら、“アクアマン”のアクション・シーンについて、わざわざジェームズ・ワン監督に、「ほんのちょっとヘルプが入ってるけど、ニコールが実際にやってるよ」と証言させていたんですよ……(笑) しかも、編集無しのワンカットだと……(笑)


[Kidman] did it, with some help. But you talked about one shot before. That is one shot. Like if I show you guys the behind the scene of that, it is messy as heck. But it literally is we built the set with the ceiling removed. And it literally was a spider-cam that just zip around the whole room just like following the action. Following Atlanna as she just takes a person out, takes another person out. And obviously, we use visual effects to help clean a lot of things up and all that. But yeah, we did a lot of that in camera, practical stunt.

こちらのスタントマンの証言は更に酷くて、「ジェイソン・モモアでさえ、トライデント(あの三叉の武器)のトレーニングに1ヶ月かかったのに、ニコールはトレーニング無しですぐにできた」というような話もしています(笑) そんなことあり得るわけないでしょう? かえって嘘くさいですよね(笑)


Nicole Kidman has a pretty intense fight scene in the beginning, too.

That one scene with Nicole Kidman in the house at the beginning of the movie, that was one shot. James Wan wanted to make that a true one-shot scene, there were no stitches or blends that put any cuts together. We shot it with the Spidercam, which is a camera on a wire system that’s computerized. So we had to coordinate the fight to the camera’s moves.

So how does someone like Kidman, who is better known for non-action movies, get ready for a fight scene?

She didn’t have much time with us because of her schedule. Like a true professional, she came in and trained to the specific choreography right away. That’s what we do a lot of the time with the A-list actors. They’ve got so many things on their plate, and we only get them for 20 or 30 minutes. We’re not the only department that gets to them.

So she comes in and trains with me and the guys and it’s “Okay, this is the choreography. We have to teach her this specifically.” As a choreographer, I like to get the actors or the stunt people, generally, for at least a few weeks or a month in advance so I can train them and see what their strengths and weaknesses are and that helps me build the choreography. And if the director wants certain things and the actor’s weak at it, you have the time to build it up for the actor. But this one, no. We knew we were getting Nicole Kidman. We had to choreograph the fight. She had a double to do the flips and everything, but we had to choreograph and get it locked in and approved by James Wan. And once it was approved, that’s all we spent time on with Nicole was that specific choreography.

And she could handle it.

Yeah. It’s hard. The trident is not a normal weapon that everybody walks around with. Even for [star] Jason [Momoa]. He had to train with the staff and the trident for months. I’ve done all kinds of martial-arts weapons and everything, but even for me, I had to train myself on the trident. I had to train the stunt guys. I had to be ahead of the game that way.

私はただの素人ですが、たぶん、プロの方が見たら、嘘だということはバレバレなんじゃないかと思うんですけど……(笑) ちなみに、私は“アクアマン”はまだ見ていません(笑)

Aquaman 2018 - Atlanna Fight Scene (Top Movie Scene HD)



Nicole Kidman vs Jennifer Aniston hula competition in 'Just Go With It' (2011)


Nicole Kidman Dances around Keith Urban As His ‘At-Home Roadie’













