a cute little dead girl's Journal (original) (raw)

Lenore Doll for Sale [14 Apr 2009|11:10am]
Hello there,I am moving and trying to pare down my possessions. I am selling my toy lenore doll, complete with her little dead cat. I've been happy to have her, but I am moving and must find someone to adopt her. I would like to sell her for $10. Photo to come
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Tapping The Vein New Album Out Now! [25 Feb 2009|07:19pm]
Tapping The Vein Releases Second Full Length Album on Dancing Ferret Discs! Amazing bled of hard rock, goth, and alternative music with powerful yet beautiful female vocals - Garbage meets Stabbing Westward with an aftertaste of T'Pau. Original and compelling. Get it now at www.isotank.com!
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[28 Dec 2008|08:22pm]
Θ 3 icons Neve CampbellΘ 6 icons Emily BluntΘ 5 icons Shannyn SossamonΘ 32 Dark iconsΘ 8 icons The L WordΘ 8 icons Naomi WattsΘ 8 icons Buffy**_24.gif image by tribades 16.gif image by tribades 20.gif image by tribades_** ( ...I'm a mess... )
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[05 May 2008|08:06am]
Θ 6 icons Ellen PageΘ 3 icons Loving AnnabelleΘ 9 icons Kristen StewartΘ 4 icons Selma BlairΘ 28 Dark iconsΘ 12 icons BuffyΘ 6 icons Mischa BartonΘ 6 icons Olivia WildeΘ 7 icons Buffy 9.gif image by _tribades_ 54.gif image by _tribades_ 21.gif image by _tribades_ ****( ...A high school confidential... )**
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[24 Feb 2008|03:18pm]
Θ 3 icons Julia RobertsΘ 5 icons Maca-EstherΘ 3 icons Show me LoveΘ 22 Dark Icons/StockΘ 6 icons The L WordΘ 12 icons Buffy 29-1.jpg image by _tribades_ 35.gif 32.gif image by _tribades_
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Curious... [30 Dec 2007|03:12pm]
[ **mood** | curious ] Newbie here to the community. I've been a Lenore fan for a while and it has been resparked by a christmas present of the first two collectors books.I've been browsing through the community and I was wondering who had Lenore tattoo's and what they looked like. I am getting my first Lenore, but 6th tattoo, on Thursday and I was curious what people had.
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[23 Nov 2007|10:19pm]
Θ 9 icons South of NowhereΘ 10 icons Kristen StewartΘ 13 Dark iconsΘ 10 Icons BuffyΘ +2 banner (SON and Kris Stewart) 181.gif image by _tribades_ 14-1.gif image by _tribades_ 163.gif image by _tribades_
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[30 May 2007|01:25pm]
Does anyone have a picture of Malakai? I've been googling it and having no success whatsoever. :/
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[02 Dec 2006|12:53am]
i'm sorry to ask this, but i've just recently started using linux and i'm looking for cute lenore icons. does anyone have any or know where i can get them? much obliged. *curtsey*
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Icons! [19 Aug 2006|12:23am]
[x] Random Text - 10[x] Bunny - 3[x] Piano Squall (At Llamacon) - 1[x] Princess Tutu - 1[x] Invader Zim - 1[x] Angry Beavers - 2[x] Bleach - 1[x] CCS - 3[x] Death Note - 7[x] Fake - 2[x] Gorillaz - 1[x] Gravitation - 20[x] Green Day - 14[x] Inuyasha - 3[x] Kerri's Big Invention - 5[x] Lenore - 14[x] Loveless - 4[x] Mac Hall - 7[x] Mitch Hedberg - 5[x] Pokemon - 1[x] Rocko's Modern Life - 4[x] Sukisho! - 10[x] VG Cats - 1[x] Yu-Gi-Oh! - 2[x] Yu Yu Hakusho - 13[x] Zettai Kareshi - 4All Here
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