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Avengers Trailer with Legos [May. 16th, 2012|10:24 pm]the lost tribe of the BBB
[**Tags**|avengers, movies, whedon, youtube]via whedonesqueI'm looking forward to seeing The Avengers.There's been a certain pinch me sensation recently to hearing "Joss Whedon" and "top-grossing movie" in the same sentence. I hope this success gives him the creative room to do what he wants with future projects.
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Rest in peace, Andy Hallett [Mar. 31st, 2009|08:11 pm]the lost tribe of the BBB
[Tags**|ats] [Current Mood** sadsad]I'm stunned to hear that Andy Hallett has died at the age of 33 from a lengthy battle with congestive heart failure.His portrayal turned Lorne into one of my very favorite Whedon characters. From the first time that green face edged on screen to sing to his sad exit in "Not Fade Away" I just plain loved Lorne and thought so much of the actor who played him.Damn.
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(no subject) [Mar. 3rd, 2009|02:14 pm]the lost tribe of the BBB
[**Current Mood** |nostalgicnostalgic]Hey friends, it's been a long time, so I figured I'd drop in.Spending a lot more time on LJ these days to feed my Supernatural addiction (OMG SAM. I have a thing for nerdy bad boys, even today :3), and I wanted to see just what was up with everyone.I graduate with a B.S. in Fire and Safety Engineering Technology with a concentration in Arson Investigation this spring, which is pretty exciting in and of itself, but on top of that, I have some pretty stellar news.This past September the man I'd been dating for over three years asked me to marry him (wooooooot) and we're getting married in April of '10 (Five years together). You might say that he liked it, so he put a ring on it. ;)Every once in a while I think back to the BBB and my young/early years on the internet and I remember it being such a positive experience. Even when I was so young you guys never really talked down to me, and it always felt like community. My mom came to enjoy your company too, and it was a family experience (silly as that sounds). We never really were a typical fan board and it was good, because there's only so much Spike is so hot that can be said. Granted it's a lot, and it's true, but part of why I loved the forum so much was because there were other things. So while I may spend most of my time on the Something Awful forums these days, and while the Buffy fandom has kind of faded to times past (I love it still, believe me, but I don't obsess as I once did), I look back on those times fondly, even today. I wanted to express my gratitude for helping me not turn into the typical myspacer of my generation, and for being excellent fun to talk to.So how are you guys doing? How's things? Or as they say in the great state of Kentucky (ugh can't wait to be far far from here) "How is?"
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(no subject) [Jan. 31st, 2009|02:37 pm]the lost tribe of the BBB
Happy birthday ruthless1.I hope it's very happy.freydis
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No more new LJ Basic accounts [Mar. 13th, 2008|05:24 pm]the lost tribe of the BBB
[Tags**|lj, sup] [Current Mood** saddispleased]crossposted from my LJHoly crap! As of yesterday, all new LJ accounts will have to be Paid or have ads. Pretty much no more Basic, unless you'd set up your account before Wednesday. I wonder how long it will be before LJ/SUP starts chafing at having the older free accounts around. News here.Basic AccountsBasic Account is an option available to accounts which were created before March 12, 2008. No account created after this date can be turned into a Basic Account. Basic Accounts will not have any advertising displayed on their accounts, but will have fewer benefits and features. A Basic Account includes the following:* Upload up to 6 userpics* 25 subscriptions for notification of new posts, friends, comments, or eventsBrad Fitzpatrick doesn't sound happy about it. Hmmm, wasn't he welcoming SUP as our new overlords a few months back? Indeed.
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Damon Lindelof interview [Jan. 30th, 2008|08:52 am]the lost tribe of the BBB
[**Tags**|damon lindelof, lost, tv]Maureen Ryan (Chicago Tribune) has a nice long substantive interview with LOST's Damon Lindelof directly following [scroll 1/4 down] her article about the start of season 4. Some insightful stuff from DL about dealing with spoilers and writer relationships with fandom.I've gone through periods of apathy and frustration with the show, but I can't help respect a guy who can say:"I've never purposely made a bad episode. But there are bad episodes – the show has 'jumped the shark' so many times now that the phrase has lost all meaning. But the reality is, as long as there's an engaged fan base to debate about it..."crossposted at my LJ
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writers' strike & links [Dec. 16th, 2007|02:41 am]the lost tribe of the BBB
[**Tags**|fandom, joss whedon, wga]_Posting biased in support of the WGA to follow. The views expressed are only those of the blabber-mouth insomniac doing the posting._Via a tip from no_detective, has set up a handy page where you can show support for the writers by e-mailing the AMPTP execs of your favorite shows. There's a letter ready to go but you can customize it. The pull down menu organized by shows makes it a super easy and fast way to take action. This is a case where the one who watches the most tv wins.You guys usually know about fandom stuff before I do, but here are a few quick linkies:ruthless1 reminded me about the 2 main sites to keep up with news:Deadline Hollywood Daily and United Hollywood. I believe Huffington Post has also been running some coverage.Lexigeek has graphics and iconage for fans who want to show has a thread just for photos from Mutant Enemy day. Woo hoo, Capt. Tightpants was there! Juliet Landau walked the line the whole day and SMG sent her assistant down with donuts. There's a photo of a fan and Joss hugging that gave me a bit of a lump in the throat because of what those shows have meant to me and the people I've gotten to know because of them. Wah! group hug, guys, group hug!!!Our local newspaper's TV critic said that he was getting the sense that AMPTP was surprised to be losing the PR battle. Some woman commented that she was sure the writers were paying people to support them. Erm, if the writers were getting that much compensation from the producers to throw around willy nilly they probably wouldn't be on strike in the first place. And secondly, clearly that woman has never been within spitting (or should that be Spiking) distance of fandom. The Spike ads in the trade papers? the billboard truck in front of the WB when they announced the cancellation of AtS? This really isn't surprising. Lady, if you knew fandom like I knew fandom.... No doubt this post will have to be edited more than once due to hilariously bad typage and grammarage.
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a heads up--LJ at it again [Dec. 2nd, 2007|10:39 am]the lost tribe of the BBB
[Tags**|fandom, lj] [Current Mood** irritatedirritated]Since LJ has come up with some new stuff about "adult content" that's opt out in terms of settings, you might want/need to check your journal settings, especially if you see strange cut tags on your f'list saying "You are about to view content that may not be appropriate for minors/may only be appropriate for adults." See LJ's half-baked explanatory posts here and here.Anything you need to change is down at the bottom under the "Adult Content Options". As I discovered after 75 exasperating minutes last night, you may also need to go into your profile and enter the year of your birth, if you never submitted that information before. You can still control how much of your birthdate information is seen and by whom with the other settings.Whatever. I've put this community's settings to:No Adult Content _(meaning there's not much to hide here in the first place, so I don't see the need to caution anyone passing by)_Do not collapse other writer's adult oriented material.Do not filter results.I can't conceive there would be anybody from the BBB coming by here who wouldn't be 18 by this time and everyone's grown-up enough to use cut tags or just mention the nature of the material. It's what people in fandom have been doing for years all along.I actually don't have a problem with people being able to flag their own content specific to age suitability; essentially everybody already does that. OTOH I have a big problem with other users being able to flag other people's journals/entries as inappropriate. But if LJ wants to waste their time going through endless flags made by the easily shocked or the easily kerfuffled, it's their purgative as Dawn might have said.Not enough coffee yet, so no idea if I'm making sense. This community will still be here, carry on, have a good day, etc. etc.edited slightly for post-caffeine clarity
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Dushku & Whedon news [Nov. 1st, 2007|11:50 am]the lost tribe of the BBB
[Tags**|whedon] [Current Mood** interested]I'm not going to get too excited yet given the unpredictabilities of TV production and scheduling, but still, this could be good. From Ausiello:Short of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reunion movie, this is just about the best news you could ask for: Eliza Dushku and Joss Whedon are reteaming for a new series! [snip]1. It's a one-hour drama produced by Twentieth Century Fox to air on Fox. The first of the seven episodes to which the network has committed could premiere as early as spring.2. It's called Dollhouse because that's the nickname of the high-tech lab where a group of human chalkboards are kept between assignments.3. Human chalkboards?! Yes! What else would you call characters like Dushku's Echo who can be given new memories, skills and even personalities, then stripped of them just as quickly, leaving them virtual children?4. Whedon is the creator, head writer and executive producer, and perhaps in part because Dushku convinced him to do the show, she's getting a producer credit. (Fellow Buffyverse alum Tim Minear is also on board.) [snip]This is scheduled for cancellation-happy Fox with only a 7 episode commitment, so even without the writers strike things aren't exactly a given. Still ... squeeee!!! edited to correct link
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Oh hi! [Aug. 18th, 2007|02:47 pm]the lost tribe of the BBB
[**Current Mood** |nostalgicnostalgic]My mother, in her infinite wisdom, sent me a link to the Stunning One 2.0's pictures (She's absolutely beautiful!) and then I realized that I haven't spoken to you guys in quite some time!First, and foremost, the four most important non family members of my life can be found (alongside some stunning pictures of moi-the redhead) at See, one of those people is an aspiring photographer and takes tons of pictures!Second, a small update in regards to, well, life. I'm an RA in a freshmen dorm here at EKU. I'm studying to become an Arson Investigator and I'm in my junior year of college! (OF COLLEGE!!!!) The man I'm dating (who can be seen in some of those pictures with me)has been with me for two and a half years and I love him to pieces still. But we've already both agreed, no marriage until I'm done with college.Third, I wanted to thank you guys, so much. You guys helped me out so, so much when I was younger by giving me a sensible, welcoming place to gush/discuss our favorite actor/show. None of the internet SPEEEKZZZ! has managed it's way into my vocabulary (unless of course I'm being ironic) thanks to you guys. You kept me sane, and smart and I really, really appreciate it. The time on the BBB was some of my best on the internet, and I was glad to bring my mom into it as well. So thank you, <3 and rock the hell on!See you in the funny papers.
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