Contest! + kisses internet by Leversa on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Haha yes I'm very original with titles ^^;
Well, as the title said, I *shamelessly* decided to make another contest xD;

:bulletgreen: Subject :bulletgreen:
My OCs. Probably a lot of you don't know, but I do have some OCs ^^; (I need to draw them more often duh)
You can make a drawings/prose/pixel doll/everything else you can think of one/more of them xD

:bulletblue: References :bulletblue:
Click on the icons below to see the refrences :3
Maureen Martha Simon Maron Ganz Aegis Relena Leversa Roko

I know the references are

a bit very crappy xD; But they're quick and rushed pictures, so I can't do anything about it ^^; I don't even believe I'm able to make 7 of them in just two days xD;; (yes I'm making excuses *cough*) Oh well. At least it's better than nothing, no? xD -dodges flying tomatoes-
Sorry for my bad English too ^_^; If you got questions, feel free to ask me ^w^
Aaaand, this is the first time I talked this much about my OCs ^^' I feel very embarrassed now xD;

:bulletred: Prizes :bulletred:

1st place: One year DA Subscription from orionfantasy and a chibi of your choice from me
2nd place: Three months DA subscription from AnaChi and a chibi of your choice from me
3rd place: A chibi of your choice from me
and the first 5 entries will get a doodle from me x3
and thank you to Kaoru-Kina for the idea, I decided to give prize 2 runner ups too xD
Runner ups: Either a pixel avatar of your choice OR a doodle by me

Thank you so much for orionfantasy and AnaChi for commissioned me for the amazing prizes! :love:

:bulletblue: Deadline :bulletblue:

15th January
I don't think I'll extend the deadline, although, if the buyers for the subby are ok with it, probably yes x3; But mostly no because I want everything to be finished before I moved to Australia in February :/

:bulletpurple: :heart: Entries :heart: :bulletpurple:
This seems unclear xD; You can have as many entry as you want ^w^
X-M.A.R.T.H.A-X by ChiquitaElena by :iconchiquitaelena:
Leversa Contest by kera-chan by :iconkera-chan:
:thumb44515521: by :iconbunnyvee:
by :icondeegarr:
contest: aegis by lilmissmaya by :iconlilmissmaya:
:thumb44694962: by :iconblachound:
Under the Moonlight by haibane-no-rakka by :iconhaibane-no-rakka:
by :iconmacyphoo:
:thumb44775150: by :iconkazexhane:
Martha, 'Am I hot enough?' by geijutsutekinotenshi by :icongeijutsutekinotenshi:
Once Upon A Time by Neko-DLyn by :iconneko-dlyn:
The Big Rainbow Scarf by KinkyKadaj by :iconkinkykadaj:
:thumb44915164: by :iconmagical-chickens:
::Don't Be Late:: by AnniL by :iconannil:
:thumb45026831: by :iconblachound:
:thumb45093050: by :iconneko-dlyn:
:thumb45132356: by :iconwindcat20:
Maron's Late. AGAIN. by SapphireRaven2 by :iconsapphireraven2:
:thumb45331424: by :iconcevea:
:thumb45421139: by :iconsagani:
Leversa's OC contest by BLueCL0ver by :iconbluecl0ver:
:thumb45429177: by :iconayexist:
:thumb45453648: by :iconbluewingnara:
:thumb45470652: by :iconchikarue:
:thumb45603654: by :iconcruxis-crush:
Ganz Doll by Ryuuna by :iconryuuna:
:thumb45697392: by :iconan-asian-girl:
Ruin Explorer - contest entry by LeoAndBan by :iconleoandban:
fanart +Falling+ by Aiori by :iconaiori:
Greeny mau-chan by R14n4 by :iconr14n4:
:thumb46128295: by :iconcruxis-crush:
A New Friend by Celestialfruit by :iconcelestialfruit:
Contest-aegis by R14n4 by :iconr14n4:
:thumb46417123: by :iconhelaine:
:thumb46459427: by :iconkiraiku:
Ganz and Maron 2 by BlueMagician by :iconbluemagician:
Contest - Maron and Ganz by Tauntinghope by :icontauntinghope:
by :iconjeneko:
contest entry: Maron + Ganz by Kaoru-Kina by :iconkaoru-kina:

:bulletgreen: Miscellaneous :bulletgreen:
- This is common knowledge xD No stealy stealy please ;3
- Those characters are in their default outfit except Relena and Leversa x3 But you can give them outfits of your choice ^w^
- You can draw them with your OCs too ^o^
- You can have more than one entry
- No you don't have to draw/write/everything else about ALL of them. You can pick one of them that you like, or probably more xD
- Once you're done with your entry, please note me with the link of your entry :3 Otherwise, there's a possibility that I didn't noticed your entry ^^;
- The winners will be chosen by public voting, either by poll or vote via note x3
- The voting will be started right after the deadline, and will take 3 days. After that, the winners will be announced

:bulletred: FAQ :bulletred:
Q: Can I enter your contest?
A: Lol this is the most common question I got from my previous contest xD Of course, everyone can enter, so there's no need to ask for permission from me ^w^

Q: What's a 'Sorell'?
A: Hmm..let's say it's a race I made up for peoples with some animal features on them xD I'm really original indeed lololol :excited:

Q: What's an OC?
A: It's Original Character ;p

Q: Do you REALLY got different eye colors?
A: Hee this is one of the most common question I got too ^^; No I'm not. My persona got different eye colors because she's a revamped version of my old OC… that somehow become my persona xD; and why she got different eye colors…Let's not talk about it xD;

Q: Omg your English sucks
A: This is not even a question.. xD But yes, I'm horrible with English >:3 So if you have questions, feel free to ask me xD;

:bulletpurple: About my previous contest :bulletpurple:
Check out my previous contest! x3 Here's the complete lists of the awesome entries <3…

The winners of my previous contest :heart: :
+Under the tree+ by mori-memento :thumb31599730: :thumb31573758:
Leversa contest - it got away by code-re

:bulletred: Internet back! ;w; :bulletred:
It's back! My internet is baaaaackkkkkkkkkkkkkk *dances weirdly*
Omg I really missed internet very much xDDDDD;;;;;;

Now I'll try to answer on my messages and notes! *w* Sorry if I gave you uber late reply on everything :(

Oh, and happy new year! :D