Using Haxelib - Haxelib Documentation (original) (raw)

If the haxelib command is executed without any arguments, it prints an exhaustive list of all available arguments.

The following commands are available:


Also, following environment variables affect haxelib behavior if set:


haxelib install

Installs the given project. You can optionally specify a specific version to be installed. By default, latest released version will be installed.

haxelib install [project-name]

Installs latests released version of the library.

haxelib install actuate

haxelib install [project-name] [version]

Installs a specific version of the library.

haxelib install actuate 1.8.2

haxelib install all

Install all dependencies in all hxml files

haxelib install all

haxelib install [hxml-file]

Install all dependencies listed in hxml file

haxelib install build.hxml

haxelib install [library-file]

Install the project contained in the zip file.

haxelib install

haxelib update [project-name]

Update a single library to the latest version.

haxelib update minject

haxelib update

Update all the installed projects to their latest version. This command prompts a confirmation for each updating project.

haxelib update

haxelib remove

Remove a complete project or only a specified version if specified. Note: this doesn't remove the library from the registry but from the machine it is installed on.

haxelib remove [project-name]

Remove all versions of the project

haxelib remove format

haxelib remove [project-name] [version]

Remove the specified version

haxelib remove format 3.1.2

List all the installed projects and their versions, sorted alphabetically by their names.

For each project, the version surrounded by brackets is the current one.

haxelib list

List all installed projects

haxelib list

haxelib list [search]

List all projects with "ufront" in their name

haxelib list ufront

haxelib set

haxelib set [project-name] [version]
haxelib set tink_core 1.0.0-rc.8

Change the current version for a given project. If the version is not already installed, a prompt will be shown to install it.


haxelib search [word]
haxelib search tween

Get a list of all haxelib projects with the specified word in the name or description.

haxelib info

haxelib info [project-name]
haxelib info openfl

Show information about this project, including the owner, license, description, website, tags, current version, and release notes for all versions.

haxelib user

haxelib user [user-name]
haxelib user jason

Show information on a given Haxelib user and their projects.

haxelib config

haxelib config

Print the Haxelib repository path. This is where each library will be installed to. You can modify the path using haxelib [setup](#setup).

If you are in a local repository and want to print the global Haxelib repository path do haxelib [--global](#global) config.

haxelib path

haxelib path [project-name[:version]...]
haxelib path hscript
haxelib path hscript:2.0.0
haxelib path hscript erazor buddy
haxelib path hscript erazor buddy:1.0.0

Example output :

haxelib path openfl hxcpp format
--macro openfl._internal.utils.ExtraParams.include()
-D openfl=6.5.3
-D hxcpp=3.4.0
-D format=3.3.0

Prints the source paths to one or more libraries, as well as any dependencies and compiler definitions required by those libraries.

You can specify a version by appending :version to the library name. If no version is specified, the development version is used if one has been set, otherwise the set version is used.

This command is used by Haxe compiler to get required paths and flags for libraries.

haxelib libpath

haxelib libpath [project-name[:version]...]
haxelib libpath hscript
haxelib libpath hscript:2.0.0
haxelib libpath hscript erazor buddy
haxelib libpath hscript erazor buddy:1.0.0

Example output :

haxelib libpath hxcpp format hscript

Prints the root path of one or more libraries. Will output 1 path per line.

You can specify a version by appending :version to the library name. If no version is specified the set version is used.

If a development version is set it'll be used even if a version is specified.

haxelib version

haxelib version

Prints the version of Haxelib you are using.

You can change the version of haxelib you are using with haxelib --global [set](#set) haxelib version

haxelib help

haxelib help

Print the list of available arguments.


haxelib submit

haxelib submit []
haxelib submit
haxelib submit

Submits a zip package to Haxelib so other users can install it.

Alternatively you can run haxelib submit <DIRECTORY> to have Haxelib zip and submit a directory (excluding names starting with a dot). An example would be using haxelib submit . to zip and submit the local directory.

If the user name is unknown, you'll be first asked to register an account. If more the project has more than one developer, it will ask you which user you wish to submit as. If the user already exists, you will be prompted for your password.

If you want to modify the project url or description, simply modify your haxelib.json (keeping version information unchanged) and submit it again.

haxelib register

haxelib register [username] [email] [fullname] [password] [passwordconfirmation]

Register a new developer account to be used when submitting.

Missing parameters will be asked interactively.

haxelib dev

haxelib dev [project-name] [directory]
haxelib dev starling ../starling/        # Relative path to starling source.
haxelib dev starling /opt/starling/      # Absolute path to starling source.
haxelib dev starling                     # Cancel dev, use installed version.

Set a development directory for the given project. This directory should either contain a haxelib.json or the source *.hx files. This command is useful when developing a library and testing changes on a project.

If the directory is omitted the development version of the library will be deactivated.

See also: <HAXELIB%5FDEV%5FFILTER> environment variable

haxelib git

haxelib git [project-name] [git-clone-path] [branch] [subDir] [tag]
haxelib git minject         # Use HTTP git path.
haxelib git minject             # Use SSH git path.
haxelib git minject v2          # Checkout branch or tag `v2`.
haxelib git hashlink master other/haxelib/
# Checkout branch `master`, and set up a development path to `other/haxelib/` within the repository.

Use a git repository as library.

This is useful for using a more up-to-date development version, a fork of the original project, or for having a private library that you do not wish to post to Haxelib.

When you use haxelib update any libraries that are installed using GIT will automatically pull the latest version.

If a parameter is passed in for subDir, then once the repository is cloned, a dev path will be set up to the sub directory inside the repository.

haxelib hg

haxelib hg [project-name] [mercurial-clone-path] [branch] [subDir] [revision]

Use a mercurial repository as library.

Usage is identical to haxelib [git](#git).


haxelib setup

haxelib setup [path]

Set the Haxelib repository path. To print current path use haxelib [config](#config).

Missing parameter will be asked interactively.

haxelib newrepo

haxelib newrepo

Create a local repository in the current directory, to remove it use haxelib [deleterepo](#deleterepo).

Basic commands will only use the libraries stored in the local repository when you are located in this directory.

To access the global repository add the [--global](#global) flag.

haxelib deleterepo

haxelib deleterepo

Remove a local repository created with haxelib [newrepo](#newrepo) from the current directory.

This will remove all libraries contained in it.

haxelib convertxml

haxelib convertxml

Convert the file haxelib.xml from the current directory in the Haxelib 2 xml specification into a file named haxelib.json which can be used by the current Haxelib.

haxelib run

haxelib run [project-name[:version]] [parameters]
haxelib run openfl
haxelib run openfl:2.6.0
haxelib run openfl setup
haxelib run openfl create DisplayingABitmap

Libraries with either a run.n helper, a Run.hx module, or another main class defined in haxelib.json, can be executed using haxelib run.

You can specify the version to run by appending :version. If no version is specified, the development version is used if one has been set, otherwise the set version is used. NOTE: Before Haxelib 5.0.0, due to a bug, development versions will always take priority over a version specified this way.

The environment within which the library is run will have the HAXELIB_RUN environment variable set to "1", and HAXELIB_RUN_NAME set to the name of the library.

When running a library script, the current working directory is set to the library directory (eg. /usr/share/haxe/lib/somelib/1,0,0/). The actual current working directory where haxelib run was called can be retrieved as the final command line argument to the library script.

haxelib proxy

haxelib proxy [host port [username password]]

Configure Haxelib to use a HTTP proxy.

Missing parameters will be asked interactively.

Rerun with an empty host to deactivate the current proxy.


Warning: when using the run command you need to specify the flags before run, otherwise they'll be passed as arguments to the library.

From Haxelib 5.0.0, all flags can be used with either one or two dashes (e.g., -debug or --debug). However, with older versions, the -notimeout flag is only recognized when one dash is used.

haxelib --flat

haxelib --flat

When installing a library via git, do not add the --recursive flag when cloning its repository.

haxelib --always

haxelib --always

Answer all questions with yes, cannot be used at the same time as --never.

haxelib --system

haxelib --system

Use the version of Haxelib installed with Haxe in the system instead of the one currently set.

Useful if your Haxelib update was broken.

haxelib --debug

haxelib --debug

Display debug information during the execution, cannot be used at the same time as --quiet.

haxelib --quiet

haxelib --quiet

Display less messages during the execution, cannot be used at the same time as --debug.

haxelib --never

haxelib --never

Answer all questions with no, cannot be used at the same time as --always.

haxelib --global

haxelib --global

Force the usage of the global repository even if inside a local repository created with haxelib [newrepo](#newrepo).

haxelib --skip-dependencies

haxelib --skip-dependencies

When installing or updating a library, the dependencies are ignored.

haxelib -notimeout

haxelib -notimeout
haxelib --no-timeout # alias available from Haxelib 5.0.0

Remove timeout when connecting to the Haxelib server, downloading or submitting a library.

NOTE: In Haxelib versions older than 5.0.0, --notimeout is not recognized so only -notimeout can be used. This is a bug affects this flag as well as -cwd


Warning: when using the run command you need to specify the parameters before run, otherwise they'll be passed as arguments to the library.

From Haxelib 5.0.0, all parameters can be used with either one or two dashes (e.g., -cwd or --cwd), with the exception of single character aliases like -R. However, with older versions, the -cwd parameter is only recognized when one dash is used.

haxelib -cwd

haxelib -cwd [dir]
haxelib --cwd [dir] # also recognized from Haxelib 5.0.0

Act like the Haxelib command was run from another repository. Affect all commands that use the "current directory".

NOTE: In Haxelib versions older than 5.0.0, --cwd is not recognized so only -cwd can be used. This is a bug affects this parameter as well as -notimeout

haxelib -R

haxelib -R [host:port[/dir]]
haxelib --remote [host:port[/dir]] # alias available from Haxelib 5.0.0

Allow the usage of a custom Haxelib server instead of

Environment Variables


If HAXELIB_NO_SSL is set to 1 or true, then haxelib client will use http instead of https.


HAXELIB_REMOTE may contain a url to a custom Haxelib server instead of However, if the -R command line argument is provided, then HAXELIB_REMOTE is ignored.


HAXELIB_DEV_FILTER can be set to a directory, or multiple directories separated by semicolons (;). Unless a library has a development path within any of these directories, the development path is ignored.