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The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
It digitizes ABA Law Library Collection current and historical periodicals, plus 44 others previously only available to ABA section members.
HeinOnline:"A collection of philosophical books, legislative histories, government documents, and more that analyze the development of animal rights and animal-related legislation."
Each year covers activities of U.S. Congress with review and analysis of major legislation and policy for the congressional session. Arranged in thematic chapters; ability to browse by subject, decade, table of contents, policy tracker. Tables cover voting, interest group ratings and more.
It is a weekly subject-categorized index by the University of Washington School of Law's Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library that can access almost 650 legal publications
This HeinOnline database presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity.
This HeinOnline database focuses on the structure, creation, actions, and oversight of the courts both at the state and federal level.
This database provides a comprehensive expert analysis of all cases argued before the Supreme Court.
HeinOnline: "This database provides a research platform for the development, history, organization, and fundamental principles of various world religions."
HeinOnline: "An extensive and current listing of publications created by presidential advisory bodies, with linking to full-text reports, congressional hearings, and related scholarly articles and books."
It includes almost 60 current content journals related to criminal justice.
It has almost 60 current content journals related to Medicine, Science and the Law.
Hein: "This collection is devoted to the electoral process: how elections are conducted, the strategy and controversies of political campaigns, how votes are counted, and who is allowed to vote.
Hein: "This archive of casebooks published by West Academic covers all out-of-print and superseded casebooks in the American Casebook Series, University Casebook Series, Hornbook Series, and Nutshell Series, except for the two most recent editions of any title."
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