University Libraries - UNT (original) (raw)

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Subjects, Courses and Classroom Support

Get help on a subject or for a course.

Type the name of a subject librarian, UNT department, subject or course code.

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Type a course number like 'ANTH 1200' or an instruction name as 'last, first'.

Spaces & Technology

person sitting at a computer station

Computer Labs

The UNT Student Computer Labs (SCL) website provides general information about the UNT Student Computer Labs Network, including affiliations, locations, guidelines & procedures, hours of operation, and current lab occupancy counts.

UNT Libraries: The Spark

The Spark

The UNT Libraries’ makerspace, The Spark, promotes the cooperative and creative use of technology. We provide the UNT community with access to equipment, software, and training that promotes innovative, cross-disciplinary learning.

people sitting at computer workstations

Community Workstations

The University of North Texas Libraries maintains community workstations in support of learning and research at University of North Texas.

bicycle with books

On & Off Campus Access

Learn about the technical requirements for accessing online articles, databases, and other subscription-based electronic resources via the UNT campus network, at home, or using our wireless networks. This page also notes some resources and policy-based restrictions.

photograph of computers on tables

Technology & Computing Overview

The libraries provide a number of different technology & computing related resources for you. This page describes general information about them. Web-based tools used for research, or resource discovery are not discussed here.

two people in masks holding a laptop

Check Out Laptops

The UNT Libraries offers access to a limited supply of laptops to currently enrolled UNT students. Special policies, fines rates, and other guidelines apply. See:

two students at a printer

Printing, Scanning, Photocopies

There are printers, scanners, and copiers located throughout the Libraries. This page gives you information about their locations, and other basic information.

Media Library

Contains the Libraries’ non-print, audiovisual collections and interactive, interdisciplinary spaces with strengths in film and gaming. We support the instructional and research needs of the UNT community by providing access to a variety of media formats through both our physical and digital collections.

Sycamore Library

The Sycamore Library, a branch of the UNT Libraries housed in Sycamore Hall, is home to several physical collections including maps and posters, juvenile materials, government documents, and business, political science, geography, and law materials. Our public spaces offer student computing services as well as group and individual study spaces including two study rooms. Our dedicated full-time staff members and student assistants are available to provide access services and research assistance to patrons from UNT and beyond.

Search the Sycamore Collections

Music Library

The Music Library supports the College of Music and the UNT community in providing outstanding collections of books about music, music journals, printed music, sound recordings from historic through contemporary formats, and music-related electronic databases. Special collections are a particular strength, emphasizing not only the many genres classified under Western art music and jazz, but also popular music and world music. Our dedicated full-time staff members and student assistants are available to provide access services and research assistance to patrons from UNT and beyond.

Search the UNT Music Library

Digital Collections

The Digital Collections archive and provide searchable online access to digitized text, images, sound, and video curated and selected from the Libraries, the University, and our partners around the state.

See Also: Open Access @ UNT

Search the UNT Digital Collections