Elijah_Wood_pictures' Journal (original) (raw)

[06 Jul 2004|04:47pm]
so i was bored and redid my whole journal..i loved the FO banner i made so much i decided to share..you can check out my journal too if you like and if you need any help with graphics and what not dont be afraid to ask.. so take, comment, credit, and enjoy..wooha.. (x-posted like whoa you know)( ahhh its so purdyCollapse )
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[03 Jul 2004|03:11pm]
so i was really bored and playing with psp and made this umm whatever it is..the point is it's elijah so enjoy, take it comment and credit if you use it on a journal or website or whatnot..( humm it's just hawt!Collapse )
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[28 Jun 2004|04:33pm]
hello i'm new here just wanted to share these that i made, just 1 icon and a matching friends only banner.. take comment credit and enjoy..wooo (x-posted weee)( hotness!Collapse )
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Forever+Forever=How long it's been since I've posted [07 Jun 2004|06:16pm]
[ mood** | chipper ] AHHH It's been forever since I've posted, and I've been getting my fixs of Elijah from those of you who post ^_^ so thanks. I promise I'll be posting more often!! Well here is the begining of my Elijah Frenzy:( Wetting my AppetiteCollapse )**By the By I have to thank www.Elijahfan.com because without that glorious site I would be pictureless!! And I owe my entire Elijah picture folder on my compy to that site ^_^ Thanks for providing all of us with beloved Elijah pictures :D X-posted ♥
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[26 Apr 2004|03:12am]
sorry, this will be cross posted!!i haven't posted any entries or comments recently, but I've been reading all the entries.i just want to thank you for posting great stuff here!!!thanks for sharing Elijah hotness!!!!!hope everyone is happy!!Elijah rocks!You rock!♥
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