The works and days of hands (original) (raw)

Antonia East [userpic]

Sticky Post: Master List of Antonia East's Fanfiction

February 25th, 2027 (04:40 pm)
Today at the tarn I felt: accomplished

This is, I think, a list of pretty much everything I've written which is public, bar a couple of birthday presents for people. Be warned that I'm prouder of some of these stories than I am of others, and that some of them are fairly old. If any of the links don't work or if anyone has any questions/comments, then please leave a note here or email me.

Antonia xx

****( One ShotCollapse )**

****( FicletCollapse )**

****( DrabbleCollapse )**

****( ChapteredCollapse )**

Antonia East [userpic]

Fic Dump

October 20th, 2008 (10:24 am)

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Antonia East [userpic]

At Bottom Bridge

October 20th, 2008 (10:21 am)

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Title: At Bottom Bridge
Characters: George/Luna
Word Count: 1,800
Summary: Following the final battle, George finds part of what he’s lost at Bottom Bridge.

( At Bottom BridgeCollapse )

Antonia East [userpic]

Golden Apples of the Sun

October 20th, 2008 (10:11 am)

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Title: Golden Apples of the Sun (stolen from Yeats)
Word count: 2,500
Characters: Dumbledore, Grindelwald
Summary: He will remember, as he dies, that for two months he knew that he was loved.
Note: Abuse of tense and person
( Golden Apples of the SunCollapse )

Antonia East [userpic]

Pro Familia 2/2

October 20th, 2008 (09:50 am)

Antonia East [userpic]

Pro Familia1/2

October 20th, 2008 (09:45 am)

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Title: Pro Familia
Word Count: 12,110
Rating: PG
Characters: Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Draco Malfoy
Draco sniggered … a child’s diary; there would be no demons here.
Note: Written for hp_summergen in 2007, and is therefore not DH compliant.

( Pro FamiliaCollapse )

Antonia East [userpic]

One shot: Nothing Like The Moon

May 17th, 2007 (10:03 pm)


Today at the tarn I felt: good

Title: Nothing Like The Moon
Word Count: 7,413
Rating: PG
Characters: Luna, Harry/Ginny
Summary: No one – not even she – knew that Luna was one of the most observant people at Hogwarts.
Note: Written for the hpgw_otp Rewrite It! challenge. I took the chapter heading 'Luna Lovegood'.

( Nothing Like The MoonCollapse )

Antonia East [userpic]

One Shot: Release

May 16th, 2007 (07:42 am)


Today at the tarn I felt: curious

Title: Release
Word Count: 8,752
Rating: PG
Characters: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Draco. Gen
Summary: ‘Release’ implies freedom and being somewhere better than you were before. Harry doesn’t see how this can be better because Ron and Hermione need him, and he needs them. Harry finds it hard to cope when Ron and Hermione are sent to live in the Muggle world.
Notes: This was written for simons_flower for Springtime Gen.

( ReleaseCollapse )

Antonia East [userpic]

One shot: Fleurs du Mal

February 21st, 2007 (09:14 pm)

Title: Fleurs du Mal
Word Count: 1338
Summary: A birth, an awakening and a mother's love.
Notes: Apologies to Baudelaire for the title.

( Fleurs du MalCollapse )

Antonia East [userpic]

Chasing Clouds Part 2

February 10th, 2007 (07:21 pm)