linguists - Profile (original) (raw)
on 26 December 2002 (#827339)
Linguists (NOT Grammarians)
We are linguists. Please do not confuse us with grammarians. We are not here to nitpick your language and order you about, but we may analyze it in more detail than you ever cared about.
Join and discuss linguistic study, issues, theory, or just your (linguistics) homework. Linguists of every variety and education level welcome, though reading the interests may clue you in to the preferences of your friendly maintainers.
Finally, please play nice. No flaming. Thank you. :)
community maintained by chimalis and
aave, affricates, allophones, alveolars, articulatory phonology, bilabials, canadian raising, child language acquisition, clausal functions, clauses, coarticulation, code-switching, cognitive science, coindexation, complementizers, constituent structure, coreference, deep structure, dentals, derivational morphology, dialectology, discourse analysis, ejectives, esl, fourier analysis, fricatives, generative grammar, george lakoff, glides, glottals, government and binding, great vowel shift, historical linguistics, hypercorrection, i to c movement, idiolects, implosives, inflection, islands, labiodentals, lexical diffusion, lexical semantics, linguistics, liquids, markedness theory, metaphors, minimal pairs, minimalism, morphemes, morphology, morthern cities chain shift, n-bars, n.s. trubetskoy, nasals, negative polarity items, noam chomsky, one substitution, optimality theory, palatals, peter trudgill, pharyngeals, phonemes, phones, phonetics, phonology, phrase structure rules, phrases, plosives, post-alveolars, pragmatics, predicate logic, pronouns, prosody, ray jackendoff, regularity hypothesis, retroflex, second language acquistion, semantics, sociolinguistics, southern vowel shift, spelling reform, steven pinker, stops, stress, surface structure, syntax, traces, transformational rules, trees, universal grammar, uvulars, v-bars, velars, vowel harmony, vowels, wanna contraction, wh-movement, william labov, words, x-bar theory