Human and Mammalian Cytogenetics (original) (raw)



  1. T. C. Hsu
    1. Section of Cell Biology, M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute Texas Medical Center, The University of Texas System Cancer Center, Houston, USA

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About this book

The history of science is mostly written retrospec­ tively, a generation or two after the actual events being discussed. Science historians are now analyzing and evaluating the origins of evolutionary and genetical theory in the nineteenth century and a sort of "Darwin industry" seems to have grown up. A history of mammalian cytogenetics by one of the main participants is, hence, a very welcome change, since it has a vividness, an immediacy and a personal flavor which these scholarly tomes and the official biog­ raphies of scientists mostly lack. The life of the author, Chinese-born, T. C. Hsu, has been a romantic and color­ ful one, and he is himself a unique personality, so that his book is a very unusual blend of reminiscences, history of his special field (which has transformed human genetics) and wise comments on the mistakes made along the way. The best qualities of a very fine Chinese mind have contributed to Dr. Hsu's career, including this book. Those qualities (which seem to me especially Chinese) include a kind of transparent honesty, a very direct em­ pirical approach to problems and superb technical ability.

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Table of contents (24 chapters)

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T. C. Hsu

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