Development of maize caryopses resulting from in-vitro pollination (original) (raw)


Intact maize (Zea mays L.) ovaries were excised from unpollinated ears (pistillate inflorescences of field-grown plants and placed on defined, agar-based media in Petri dishes. Application of pollen to the end of silks (styles) positioned outside the Petri dish resulted in fertilization of 46% of the ovaries. The extent of subsequent kernel (caryopsis) development varied. After 40 days some kernels had only embryo development while others had embryo and variable endosperm development. About 5% of the initial ovaries developed into normal kernels; 60% of the kernels with some endosperm germinated under laboratory conditions, and 70% of the embryos excised from the embryo-only kernels germinated on culture media.

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  1. Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota, 55108, St. Paul, MN, USA
    B. G. Gengenbach


  1. B. G. Gengenbach
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Contribution from the Department of Agromy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA. Paper no. 9641 scientific journal series, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station

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Gengenbach, B.G. Development of maize caryopses resulting from in-vitro pollination.Planta 134, 91–93 (1977).

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