Evidence for rapid speciation in African cichlid fishes (original) (raw)


Extremely rapid divergence among 7 species of African cichlid fishes is suggested by high estimates of allozymic similarity. Significant differences in gene frequencies among sympatric populations support reproductive isolation of these taxa.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Zoology, University of Maine, 04473, Orono, Maine, USA
    I. L. Kornfield


  1. I. L. Kornfield
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Additional information

A portion of this study was submitted in partial fulfillment of requirments for the Ph. D from the State University of New York, Stony Brook. I thank T. D. Eccles and J. Tarbit for support and expertise, R. H. Gibbs, Jr, and V. G. Springer for review of an earlier draft, and R. K. Koehn for interest in all stages of this work. Supported in part by grants GM-25343 and GB-38662 from NIH and NSF (to RKK) and a grant-in-aid from the Society of Sigma Xi.

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Kornfield, I.L. Evidence for rapid speciation in African cichlid fishes.Experientia 34, 335–336 (1978). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01923020

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