Reindeer movement patterns in alpine summer ranges (original) (raw)


To evaluate the movement rates of semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) during the bare-ground season, we used successive GPS positions from 48 female reindeer. Data were collected during the summers of 2002 and 2003 in two Sámi reindeer herding districts in the Swedish mountains, Handölsdalen, and Sirges. The movement rates were analysed at five different time periods: over the whole season, and over the sub-seasons spring, and early summer, mid summer and early autumn. Variation in movements were analysed in relation to vegetation type, altitude, terrain ruggedness, temperature, wind speed, and proximity to hiking trails. We hypothesised that the foraging quality and different weather conditions is an important factor in determining movement rates. We found that reindeer movement rates were similar between study areas and were dependent on vegetation type and on weather conditions. Studying the circadian movements, in mid summer period when daytime oestrid activity are expected to be high, the reindeer stayed at higher altitudes where food quality was low, but moved to low altitudes at night where the food quality was higher. Therefore, we suggest that oestrid activity forces the reindeer to stay in low-quality vegetation types. Reindeer movements were linked to disturbance in areas of intermediate human activity. We found that in Handölsdalen, where hikers are abundant, the movement rates of reindeer decreased closer to the trails whereas in Sirges, where hikers are less abundant, the movement rates of reindeer increased closer to the trails.

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The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (MISTRA), through the Mountain Mistra Programme, and the Sami Fund (Samefonden) are acknowledged for their financial support of this study. The study was only made possible through the cooperation of the Sami reindeer herders in the Handölsdalen and Sirges reindeer herding districts. Thanks also to Jonathan Colman and two other anonymous referees for improving the manuscript.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Animal Nutrition and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 7024, 750 07, Uppsala, Sweden
    Anna Skarin & Öje Danell
  2. The Forestry Research Institute of Sweden, Uppsala Science Park, 751 83, Uppsala, Sweden
    Roger Bergström
  3. Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University, 901 87, Umeå, Sweden
    Jon Moen


  1. Anna Skarin
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  2. Öje Danell
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  3. Roger Bergström
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  4. Jon Moen
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Correspondence toAnna Skarin.

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Skarin, A., Danell, Ö., Bergström, R. et al. Reindeer movement patterns in alpine summer ranges.Polar Biol 33, 1263–1275 (2010).

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