linnadhiel_x (original) (raw)
I thought that it was about time to do this...I need to have some place to keep all my fics...
So...have the Master list of linnadhiel_x A.K.A. me. :)
I write mainly Super Junior. I have written DBSK in the past and (if i can convince my inspiration to do so) I may be returning to it, I also plan on writing fics for F.Cuz, U-Kiss, Big Bang and BEAST, when my time becomes available.
So...have a Master List.
If you're one of my normal readers, I won't need to warn you, however, if you have just found my LJ I feel you should know that if the fic doesn't contain immense amounts of angst, psychological damage/trauma, character death and graphic violence, gore, blood and homosexual smut.....then it's not my fic :)
( Fanfiction Masterlist.Collapse )
[Archive] 35 Fic UKiss Challenge.
November 21st, 2011
Hello~ remember me?
So sorry I've been missing lately, University is draining my internet time and my inspiration from me like a leech...
Anyway...I've finally, after many tries and attempts...decided to properly dip into my 3rd fandom...
and what better way to start then how I did with Super Junior....
.35 Fic UKiss Challenge.
Date Started:
21st November 2011.
Date Finished:
Completed: 00/35
.01. Infinite [Xander/Eli]
.02. Runaway [Xander/Dongho]
.03. Erase Me [Xander/Kevin]
.04. Past Tense [Xander/Kiseop]
.05. Confessions [Xander/Soohyun]
.06. Recollections [Xander/Kibum]
.07. Drunk [Eli/Dongho]
.08. Playing Favorites [Eli/Kevin]
.09. Indiscreet [Eli/Kiseop]
.10. Nothing Better [Eli/Soohyun]
.11. Anyone Else But You [Eli/Kibum]
.12. Baby [Dongho/Kevin]
.13. In A Kingdom Far, Far Away [Dongho/Kiseop]
.14. Strobe Lights [Dongho/Soohyun]
.15. Protect Me [Dongho/Kibum]
.16. Cracked Open Ribs [Kevin/Kiseop]
.17. Bulletproof [Kevin/Soohyun]
.18. Repair [Kevin/Kibum]
.19. Rivalries [Kiseop/Soohyun]
.20. Paper Planes [Kiseop/Kibum]
.21. Exaggerations [Soohyun/Kibum]
.22. Once Upon A Time [Dongho/Dongho]
.23. Damaged [Kevin/Kevin]
.24. Time-lines [Soohyun/Soohyun]
.25. Paperclips [Kibum/Kibum]
.26. Serenity [Kiseop/Kiseop]
.27. Abracadabra [Eli/Eli]
.28. Hitchhiking [Xander/Xander]
.29. Irony [YC*]
.30. Ghosts [YC*]
.31. Instinct [YC*]
.32. Harmless Infatuations [YC*]
.33. Not Yet Rated [YC*]
.34. Disguise [YC*]
.35. Radio [YC*]
*YC = Your Choice. Do a threesome. Focus on just one member. OT7. Go crazy.
July 16th, 2011
Good evening one and all. I am alive~~
I apologise for my lack of appearance, updates or general...around-ness as of late, I seem to take an unplanned hiatus ever so often..I'm sorry.
So much has been going on lately.
Exams, slight mental breakdown, mentally unstable to go back to college, illness, volunteer work, general lack of inspiration..Then my Auntie (actually my Mum's cousin not her sister) literally dropped dead in the middle of the street, funeral, preparing for university...It goes on.
Needless to say...All this completely dried up my dry it's been in a drought and looking set to be in one for a very long time.
SO. In order to get my brain hopefully working again, I am setting up a SiHan fic request form. There has been a distinct lack of SiHan fics as of late, plus its my big OTP, and since my very dear friends and readers have been disheartened by said lack of SiHan, I thought...what better way to theme my fic request form?
You can request a One Shot fic of any rating, genre etc. However it MUST be either
SiHan or HanWon
. (Otherwise there's not much point it being a SiHan fic request form)
With a bit of persuasion I might write you a 3-some or 4-some with Siwon and Han Geng in, as long as I approve of the other 1 or 2 people involved.
This is just to get my inspiration back, I WILL be continuing Stuck In The Middle, Ars moriendi and Glitter Stained Cage (Which i KNOW has been in DIRE need of an update)
If you ARE interested, then just fill out the following form and leave it in a comment on this post and I'll see what I can do~
Rating: (Pretty obvious, I prefer to write PG-13 and above, but I am willing to attempt less if you so wish)
Genre: (AU, Smut, Angst, Fluff, Romance, Thriller etc....Or a combination of more then one, its up to you)
Top/Bottom: (Basically, do you want SiHan or HanWon...this may only be relevant if you want a smut, or a clear dominance)
Warnings: (Character death, non-con etc. equally if you want a smut...if you want any particular kinks etc.)
Plot Information/Prompts: (Got a plot idea? or an inspirational picture you want to give as a prompt?)
Just fill in that form, and I will comment back once I've recieved your request...and once again when i've written it (unless you've been directed here from my Tumblr, then if you so wish I will notify you on there ^^)
Please try to give as much information as possible, especially for the warnings and plot information, that way I can write a fic just how you'd like.
May 9th, 2011
Well....I wrote smut....
a PWP...
be amazed XD
I rather like this...however i wrote it in one go, without checking it...and despite it being the easiest thing to write in a still might not be brilliant.
I hope you like it :) I also apologise if the end sucks :( I kind of rushed it...
I will have fic updates shortly I promise.
Don't Just Watch
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Super Junior, DBSK/JYJ
Pairing(s): SiHanJaeMin (WonMin, HanJae, SiHan, JaeMin)
Warnings: VERY Graphic sexual situations, 4-some, Brief mentions of SM related issues and drink spiking.
Summary: With a sharp groan that seems to echo through his protesting spinal muscles, Han Geng lifted Siwon's supported arm up from around his shoulders and dropped the almost unconscious male across the double bed of his current Hotel room, delighting in the almost audible connection with the mattress...
March 25th, 2011
Can I just apologise for how long this took and how long i've been MIA these past 5 or so weeks.
i seriously can't apologise enough.
I had soo much work and exams to do, then I broke my fingers and couldn't type for very long.
And then to top it all off, when I finally got my fingers back, I got a HUGE writers block which was so bad i almost considered permenantly giving up writing fics. =/
Anyway...update!!! hehehehe
hope you like this, part 12 must have been restarted about 7 times XD
So...I apologise because i still feel this is really bad, but it was letting me write so I didn't dare try to rewrite it.
Ars moriendi (The Art Of Dying)
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Super Junior (with brief mentions of SHINee and U-Kiss)
Pairing(s): ShiHan/HanWon
Warnings: Angst, AU, Character death, Blood, Graphic Scenes of Murder, Trafficking of Minors, Prostitution, Drug use, Violence, Graphic Sexual Scenes, Non-con.
Summary: Some claim death is an art form, but to newly acquired foreign Detective Han Geng there's nothing artistic about six brutal murders in the space of two weeks, the victims, all well known Pimps and corner drug dealers, except for the latest, a mere 14 year old boy with no name, and no apparent family, yet brutally bludgeoned like the rest. When the rest of The Seoul Metropolitan Police Service write it off as another drug related incident, Han Geng isn't convinced and decides to delve deeper, soon becoming swept up in the horror and danger of the underground world, where anything is done to stay alive...
Part: 12 of ?
February 9th, 2011
Erm....This is'nt an update, this is....a one shot.
I....I'm going to apologise for this now.
I haven't read it back, I never planned it....It's based incredibly loosely around a dream of mine.
It will make no sense, will be was the first thing that worked for me.
take special notice of the warnings.
also err....
Happy Birthday Geng XD
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing(s): ShiHan (Kinda Broken-ish)
Warnings: AU, Mental issues, Semi-graphic scenes/hints of violence and character death.
Summary: The Vanilla tiles are sticky beneath his bare feet as he stands in the centre of his room, swaying softly up onto the balls of his feet...
( Siwon it's time to wake up.Collapse )
January 28th, 2011
Not as quick as update as before...
I apologise, I've had exam exam, coursework, project deadlines galore lately...
However, here is an update.
It might not be any good...It's....nearly 3am here.
But...I'm not going to complain as i get told off for complaining too much ;_;
Ars moriendi (The Art Of Dying)
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Super Junior (with brief mentions of SHINee and U-Kiss)
Pairing(s): ShiHan/HanWon
Warnings: Angst, AU, Character death, Blood, Graphic Scenes of Murder, Trafficking of Minors, Prostitution, Drug use, Violence, Graphic Sexual Scenes, Non-con.
Summary: Some claim death is an art form, but to newly acquired foreign Detective Han Geng there's nothing artistic about six brutal murders in the space of two weeks, the victims, all well known Pimps and corner drug dealers, except for the latest, a mere 14 year old boy with no name, and no apparent family, yet brutally bludgeoned like the rest. When the rest of The Seoul Metropolitan Police Service write it off as another drug related incident, Han Geng isn't convinced and decides to delve deeper, soon becoming swept up in the horror and danger of the underground world, where anything is done to stay alive...
Part: 11 of ?
Part 11.
January 20th, 2011
Well..this update was quicker then the last one ah?
Just as one thing gets sorted another goes wrong....
but hey ho...what can ya do?
Getting reduced to tears by my Literature teacher's bullying and belittling on the first day of the week wasn't expected...
but oh well. Not long left till I can leave for good.
....anyway. Have an update.
No know the drill, apologies and all that XD
Ars moriendi (The Art Of Dying)
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Super Junior (with brief mentions of SHINee and U-Kiss)
Pairing(s): ShiHan/HanWon
Warnings: Angst, AU, Character death, Blood, Graphic Scenes of Murder, Trafficking of Minors, Prostitution, Drug use, Violence, Graphic Sexual Scenes, Non-con.
Summary: Some claim death is an art form, but to newly acquired foreign Detective Han Geng there's nothing artistic about six brutal murders in the space of two weeks, the victims, all well known Pimps and corner drug dealers, except for the latest, a mere 14 year old boy with no name, and no apparent family, yet brutally bludgeoned like the rest. When the rest of The Seoul Metropolitan Police Service write it off as another drug related incident, Han Geng isn't convinced and decides to delve deeper, soon becoming swept up in the horror and danger of the underground world, where anything is done to stay alive...
Part: 10 of ?
January 17th, 2011
I'm so sorry for how long this took!!!
I can't believe it seriously took this long!!!
I've been writing one shots for....well...ever since my last post....
but none of them are finished.... OTL.
Then i got ill, burnt myself in an accident, and got stressed and depressed and overloaded.....
I'm so sorry...
I apologise if its not any's gone 2am here.
Ars moriendi (The Art Of Dying)
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Super Junior (with brief mentions of SHINee and U-Kiss)
Pairing(s): ShiHan/HanWon
Warnings: Angst, AU, Character death, Blood, Graphic Scenes of Murder, Trafficking of Minors, Prostitution, Drug use, Violence, Graphic Sexual Scenes, Non-con.
Summary: Some claim death is an art form, but to newly acquired foreign Detective Han Geng there's nothing artistic about six brutal murders in the space of two weeks, the victims, all well known Pimps and corner drug dealers, except for the latest, a mere 14 year old boy with no name, and no apparent family, yet brutally bludgeoned like the rest. When the rest of The Seoul Metropolitan Police Service write it off as another drug related incident, Han Geng isn't convinced and decides to delve deeper, soon becoming swept up in the horror and danger of the underground world, where anything is done to stay alive...
Part: 9 of ?
November 29th, 2010
Well...I didn't realise this had been so long in updating XD
I'm sorry.
Don't hate me.
I've been really ill again (story of my life that is)
On a plus's snowing here in England....earliest snowfall we've had in centuries...
It's covered my doorstep XD
I hope i can get out to college tomorrow.
also.....please don't hate me for this part XD
I hope it's alright...I don't particularly like it...but thats just me...i never do.
plus i don't want you all to hunt me for whats in this bit.
*runs and hides again*
Title: Stuck In The Middle
Rating: R-ish mainly, NC-17 at some point
Super Junior
Pairing(s): Shihan, Kangteuk, Yewook, Kihae (If you squint)
Violence and blood to a certain extent, AU, Vampires, Werewolves, Character Death.
Summary: Hankyung is a transfer student in Korea for his final year of High School, after his roommate Siwon introduces him to his friends, and he befriends people of his own, he soon finds himself stuck in the middle of a conflict between two races that have been at each others throats for centuries.
Part: 27 of ?