Koraljka Golub | Linnaeus University (original) (raw)

Papers by Koraljka Golub

Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the 18th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop co-located with the 22nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries 2018 (TPDL 2018), Porto, Portugal, September 13, 2018

Proceedings of the 18th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS 2018) Workshop, P... more Proceedings of the 18th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS 2018) Workshop, Porto, Portugal, September 13, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Standard metapodataka za znanstvene podatke CERIF u implementaciji XML-a

Research paper thumbnail of Digitisation of materials

Znacenje arhivskog gradiva kao povijesnog izvora namece potrebu njegove svekolike zastite. Razvoj... more Znacenje arhivskog gradiva kao povijesnog izvora namece potrebu njegove svekolike zastite. Razvojem fotografije i njene izvedenice mikrografije otvaraju se neslucene mogucnosti za izradu preslika izvornih oblika arhivalija. Kvalitetna preslika koju je moguce dati na uporabu korisnicima arhivskog gradiva omogucava zastitu izvornika jer ga cuva od habanja, atmosferalija, otuđenja, elementarnih i drugih nepogoda koje ga mogu zadeseti u ocekivanom beskonacnom vijeku trajanja. Arhivsko gradivo, zbog svojeg specificnog oblika (pretežito dvodimenzionalni oblici u rinfuzi ili uvezu) pogodno je za snimanje koracnim (starije arhivsko gradivo) i protocnim (novije, a osobito suvremeno arhivsko gradivo) analognim, digitalnim i hibridnim kamerama sa simetricnom rasvjetom. U novije vrijeme analogni zapis na razlicitim podlogama (metal, staklo, papir, film) izložen je konkurenciji digitalnog zapisa na, jos uvijek cesto po kapacitetu, velicini i nacinu zapisa, promjenjivim medijima (FLOPPY, MO, CD, DVD ). Prednosti digitalne slike ocituju se najvise u trenutnoj mogucnosti prijenosa na daljinu i strojnoj citljivosti cime ona postaje dostupna najsirem krugu korisnika, potencijalnih ugrozitelja izvornih oblika arhivskog gradiva. Na ovaj nacin digitalna slika pruža najveci stupanj zastite kojeg je tesko nadomjestiti bilo kojim analognim oblikom. Dodajmo tome i prednosti koje se odnose na mogucnosti rekonstrukcije ostecenih slika, bilo da se radi o fizickom ostecenju (lom, deformacija, ogrebotina itd.) ili kemijskim procesima (izblijeđivanje, promjena boja itd.) uzrokovanim uvjetima cuvanja. Također, za arhivsko gradivo, zbog njegove dostupnosti izuzetno važna osobina digitalne slike jest mogucnost pridruživanja slike njezinom opisu. No, arhivska praksa namece i druge kriterije po kojima se ocjenjuje podobnost neke tehnike u zastiti arhivalija. Na danasnjem stupnju razvoja digitalna tehnika nema odgovora po pitanju standarda (ona je jos uvijek izvrgnuta cestim promjenama), a onda ni vjerodostojnosti preslika kao ni trajnosti medija na kojem se informacija pohranjuje. Sigurnost preslike koja ponekad, u slucaju da dođe do unistenja izvornika, postaje važna koliko i sam izvornik, namece potrebu daljnje uporabe analognog zapisa. S druge strane, danasnji uvjeti života kao i razvoj komunikacijskih sredstava iziskuju brz pristup informaciji koji je moguc iskljucivo uz primjenu digitalne tehnike. Pomiriti ovako razlicite potrebe moguce je jedino kompromisom, t.j. hibridnom tehnikom snimanja, bilo da se ona izvodi kamerama s hibridnom glavom ili se postojeci snimci (fotografije, mikrofilmski svitci, mikrofishevi, aperturne kartice itd.) skeniraju u namjenskim skenerima. Najvisi stupanj sigurnosti uz brz pristup informaciji kojeg pruža hibridna tehnika najvise daje, ali i traži, osobito kada su u pitanju materijalna sredstva koja nisu beznacajna u strategiji odlucivanja o nacinu zastite arhivskog gradiva. Na ideju o izradi digitalne zbirke ispitne literature (http://www.ffzg.hr/infoz/biblio/dz) studente je potakla nedostupnost i nedovoljan broj primjeraka ispitne literature. Stavljanjem na Web, svaki bi student mogao doci do tražene građe. Prvi stadij projekta sastojao se od slijedecih faza: prikupljanje relevantnih informacija o slicnim projektima u Hrvatskoj u svijetu, izrada nacrta projekta, prikupljanje i odabir tiskane i elektronicke građe za zbirku, rjesavanje problema autorskog prava, digitalizacija (skeniranje, OCR), pretvaranje obrađene građe u HTML, prebacivanje digitalizirane građe na www server Filozofskog fakultet. Drugi stadij obuhvaca: dobivanje dodatnog prostora na disku servera radi povecavanja zbirke oznacivanje dokumenata kljucnim rijecima i izrada pretraživaca. Koristene su tri metode pretvaranja građe u digitalni oblik: digitalizacija, prepisivanje tiskane građe, prikupljanje građe koja vec postoji u elektronickom obliku. Kao izlazni format koristen je HTML zbog jednostavnog svladavanja i koristenja, velikog broja dostupnih alata za rad s ovim formatom i dostupnosti najpopularnijih pretraživaca (Netscape Communicator, Internet Explorer). Problem autorskog prava rjesavali smo kontaktiranjem autora, koji su uglavnom profesori i knjižnicni strucnjaci u Hrvatskoj. Projekt se ne financira, priprema i digitalizacija građe obavljala se na vlastitoj opremi studenata, a planira se nabaviti barem jedan PC sa skenerom i vezom na Internet. Goran Zlodi (Katedra za muzeologiju, Odsjek za informacijske znanosti, Filozofski fakultet Zagreb) govorit ce o specificnostima digitalizacije muzejske građe i izložiti o radu sa studentima muzeologije na digitalizaciji pri postavljanju virtualne izložbe (http://www.ffzg.hr/infoz/muzej/zg-bastina/)

Research paper thumbnail of TRSS Final Report

Research paper thumbnail of Searching for Swedish LGBTQI fiction: challenges and solutions

Journal of Documentation

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to investigate the needs of potential end-users of a database... more PurposeThe purpose of this study is to investigate the needs of potential end-users of a database dedicated to Swedish lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) literature (e.g. prose, poetry, drama, graphic novels/comics, and illustrated books), in order to inform the development of a database, search interface functionalities, and an LGBTQI thesaurus for fiction.Design/methodology/approachA web questionnaire was distributed in autumn 2021 to potential end-users. The questions covered people's reasons for reading LGBTQI fiction, ways of finding LGBTQI fiction, experience of searching for LGBTQI fiction, usual search elements applied, latest search for LGBTQI fiction, desired subjects to search for, and ideal search functionalities.FindingsThe 101 completed questionnaires showed that most respondents found relevant literature through social media or friends and that most obtained copies of literature from a library. Regarding desirable search functionalit...

Research paper thumbnail of 20th European NKOS workshop

Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

The workshop will explore the potential of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), such as classifi... more The workshop will explore the potential of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), such as classification systems, taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, and lexical databases, in the context of current developments and possibilities. These tools help model the underlying semantic structure of a domain for purposes of information retrieval, knowledge discovery, language engineering, etc. The workshop provides an opportunity to discuss projects, research and development activities, evaluation approaches, lessons learned, and research findings. The main theme of the workshop is Designing for Cultural Hospitality and Indigenous Knowledge in KOS.

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial of the 17th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems Workshop (NKOS 2017)

Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine B... more Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Auf sämtlichen Kopien dieses Dokuments müssen alle Urheberrechtshinweise und sonstigen Hinweise auf gesetzlichen Schutz beibehalten werden. Sie dürfen dieses Dokument nicht in irgendeiner Weise abändern, noch dürfen Sie dieses Dokument für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, aufführen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Mit der Verwendung dieses Dokuments erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen an. Terms of use: This document is made available under Deposit Licence (No Redistribution-no modifications). We grant a non-exclusive, nontransferable, individual and limited right to using this document. This document is solely intended for your personal, noncommercial use. All of the copies of this documents must retain all copyright information and other information regarding legal protection. You are not allowed to alter this document in any way, to copy it for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the document in public, to perform, distribute or otherwise use the document in public. By using this particular document, you accept the above-stated conditions of use.

Research paper thumbnail of Značenje I Važnost Interoperabilnosti Za Arhivske Ustanove

Morepress Books, May 22, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial for the 15th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems Workshop (NKOS 2016)

Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), in the form of classification systems, thesauri, lexical da... more Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), in the form of classification systems, thesauri, lexical databases, ontologies, and taxonomies, play a crucial role in digital information management and applications generally. Carrying semantics in a well-controlled and documented way, Knowledge Organisation Systems serve a variety of important functions: tools for representation and indexing of information and documents, knowledge-based support to information searchers, semantic road maps to domains and disciplines, communication tool by providing conceptual framework, and conceptual basis for knowledge based systems, e.g. automated classification systems. New networked KOS (NKOS) services and applications are emerging, and we have reached a stage where many KOS standards exist and the integration of linked services is no longer just a future scenario. This editorial describes the workshop outline and overview of presented papers at the 15th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems W...

Research paper thumbnail of Managing Classification in Libraries: a Methodological Outline for Evaluating Automatic Subject Indexing and Classification in Swedish Library Catalogues

Research paper thumbnail of Publication practices in the Humanities

Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies, 2021

This paper is a case study of research publication practices at the Faculty of Arts and Humanitie... more This paper is a case study of research publication practices at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Linnaeus University, a young, mid-sized university in the south-east of Sweden. Research output was measured from publications in the local institutional repository following the guidelines of local research policy as defined in university documentation. The data collection comprised 3,316 metadata records of publications self-registered by authors affiliated with the faculty during the period of 2010–2018. A statistical analysis of research output was conducted, focusing on preferred publication types, disciplinary specificity, level of co-authorship, and the language of the publication as registered in the local repository. The analysis focused on two main research questions: 1) how do the local research practices stand in relation to traditional publication patterns in the humanities? 2) how do the observed publication patterns relate to local university policy on publication and...

Research paper thumbnail of Formal analysis of similarity measures with emphasis on consistency and performance measures in indexing and retrieval : Under revision for publication to Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Formal analysis of similarity measures with emphasis on consistency and performance measures in i... more Formal analysis of similarity measures with emphasis on consistency and performance measures in indexing and retrieval : Under revision for publication to Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Research paper thumbnail of Organizing subject access to cultural heritage in Swedish online museums

Journal of Documentation, 2021

PurposeThe study aims to paint a representative picture of the current state of search interfaces... more PurposeThe study aims to paint a representative picture of the current state of search interfaces of Swedish online museum collections, focussing on search functionalities with particular reference to subject searching, as well as the use of controlled vocabularies, with the purpose of identifying which improvements of the search interfaces are needed to ensure high-quality information retrieval for the end user.Design/methodology/approachIn the first step, a set of 21 search interface criteria was identified, based on related research and current standards in the domain of cultural heritage knowledge organization. Secondly, a complete set of Swedish museums that provide online access to their collections was identified, comprising nine cross-search services and 91 individual museums' websites. These 100 websites were each evaluated against the 21 criteria, between 1 July and 31 August 2020.FindingsAlthough many standards and guidelines are in place to ensure quality-controlled ...

Research paper thumbnail of Co-operation among a school librarian and a computer science teacher

Skolski knjižnicar kao clan radnog kolektiva ima na raspolaganju znanja ostalog nastavnog osoblja... more Skolski knjižnicar kao clan radnog kolektiva ima na raspolaganju znanja ostalog nastavnog osoblja te tek u suradnji s njima osigurava najbolje knjižnicne usluge. U danasnje doba stvaranja globalne informacijske infrastrukture posebno je važna suradnja s informaticarom radi iskoristavanja brojnih mogucnosti novih tehnologija u radu knjižnice. Cilj radionice bio je sastaviti dokument sa specifikacijama nacina suradnje knjižnicara i informaticara. Zakljuceno je osam osnovnih podrucja: održavanje racunalnog sustava u knjižnici, knjižnicno poslovanje, edukacija knjižnicara i korisnika, izrada web stranice knjižnice, izrada tematskih vodica po Internetu, izrada elektronickih predmeta i organiziranje kvizova.

Research paper thumbnail of (Big) Data in Library and Information Science: A Brief Overview of Some Important Problem Areas

J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2017

Libraries hold a long history of a multidimensional focus on collecting, storing, organizing, pre... more Libraries hold a long history of a multidimensional focus on collecting, storing, organizing, preserving and providing access to information resources for various types of users. Data is nothing ne ...

Research paper thumbnail of Subject Indexing: The Challenge of LGBTQI Literature

Despite a growing number of digital LGBTQI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer, intersex)... more Despite a growing number of digital LGBTQI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer, intersex) history archives, and research-driven digital LGBTQI initiatives, queer perspectives have not been prominent in the digital humanities. Furthermore, investigations of LGBTQI in literary history is hampered by the fact that, to date, there are no broad scholarly inventories of such literature. Due to the absence of exhaustive bibliographies, scholars need to perform time-consuming, human reading of individual works and imprecise searches in order to locate LGBTQI motifs and themes. Research on subject indexing has also revealed that controlled vocabularies in use are too general to describe LGBTQI themes, motifs, and characters in a relevant manner. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how LGBTQI literature can be made more searchable, and more visible through the development of a quality-controlled subject specific database (QUEERLIT database) in which specialized subject indexing is...

Research paper thumbnail of The meaning of interoperability and its implications for archival institutions : Challenges and opportunities in Croatia, Finland and Sweden

Information Research, 2017

Introduction. This exploratory study aims to map the premises of developing interoperability of a... more Introduction. This exploratory study aims to map the premises of developing interoperability of archival holdings and the understanding of how interoperability is understood from an operational per ...

Research paper thumbnail of Delivering a Terminology Registry

The need for vocabularies such as ontologies, classification schemes and thesauri for information... more The need for vocabularies such as ontologies, classification schemes and thesauri for information discovery and the Semantic Web has been well recognized and established. Due to a large number of different vocabularies, related services, and a variety of potential applications and contexts, the need has appeared for terminology registries.A terminology registry lists, describes, identifies and points to sets of vocabularies available for use in information systems and services. It can cover free and publicly available, fee-based and restricted, or organisation-internal vocabularies. The registry allows discovery of suitable schemes for information or, potentially, use, by exposing rich metadata about them for navigation and retrieval. Terminology registries can hold vocabulary level information only, or comprise the member terms, concepts and relationships as well, and also list services based on terminology such as automatic classification, term expansion, disambiguation, translati...

Research paper thumbnail of Subject indexing in humanities: a comparison between a local university repository and an international bibliographic service

Journal of Documentation, 2020

PurposeAs the humanities develop in the realm of increasingly more pronounced digital scholarship... more PurposeAs the humanities develop in the realm of increasingly more pronounced digital scholarship, it is important to provide quality subject access to a vast range of heterogeneous information objects in digital services. The study aims to paint a representative picture of the current state of affairs of the use of subject index terms in humanities journal articles with particular reference to the well-established subject access needs of humanities researchers, with the purpose of identifying which improvements are needed in this context.Design/methodology/approachThe comparison of subject metadata on a sample of 649 peer-reviewed journal articles from across the humanities is conducted in a university repository, against Scopus, the former reflecting local and national policies and the latter being the most comprehensive international abstract and citation database of research output.FindingsThe study shows that established bibliographic objectives to ensure subject access for hum...

Research paper thumbnail of Digital humanities in Sweden and its infrastructure: Status quo and the sine qua non

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2019

The article offers a state-of-the-art overview of a number of Digital Humanities (DH) initiatives... more The article offers a state-of-the-art overview of a number of Digital Humanities (DH) initiatives that have emerged in Sweden over the past decade. We identify two major developments that seem to be taking place within DH, with a specific focus on the infrastructural aspects of the development: (1) a strive to open up and broaden the research output and (2) multi-disciplinary collaboration and its effects. The two major components accentuate the new infrastructural patterns that are developing and the challenges these infer on universities. While current research is at large multi-disciplinary, developing infrastructures also enable the move towards post-disciplinarity, bringing the universities closer to the surrounding society. At five universities in Sweden, individual-sited infrastructures supporting DH research have been built today. They are complemented by national and international infrastructures, thus supporting developments and tackling some of the major challenges. In th...

Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the 18th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop co-located with the 22nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries 2018 (TPDL 2018), Porto, Portugal, September 13, 2018

Proceedings of the 18th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS 2018) Workshop, P... more Proceedings of the 18th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS 2018) Workshop, Porto, Portugal, September 13, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Standard metapodataka za znanstvene podatke CERIF u implementaciji XML-a

Research paper thumbnail of Digitisation of materials

Znacenje arhivskog gradiva kao povijesnog izvora namece potrebu njegove svekolike zastite. Razvoj... more Znacenje arhivskog gradiva kao povijesnog izvora namece potrebu njegove svekolike zastite. Razvojem fotografije i njene izvedenice mikrografije otvaraju se neslucene mogucnosti za izradu preslika izvornih oblika arhivalija. Kvalitetna preslika koju je moguce dati na uporabu korisnicima arhivskog gradiva omogucava zastitu izvornika jer ga cuva od habanja, atmosferalija, otuđenja, elementarnih i drugih nepogoda koje ga mogu zadeseti u ocekivanom beskonacnom vijeku trajanja. Arhivsko gradivo, zbog svojeg specificnog oblika (pretežito dvodimenzionalni oblici u rinfuzi ili uvezu) pogodno je za snimanje koracnim (starije arhivsko gradivo) i protocnim (novije, a osobito suvremeno arhivsko gradivo) analognim, digitalnim i hibridnim kamerama sa simetricnom rasvjetom. U novije vrijeme analogni zapis na razlicitim podlogama (metal, staklo, papir, film) izložen je konkurenciji digitalnog zapisa na, jos uvijek cesto po kapacitetu, velicini i nacinu zapisa, promjenjivim medijima (FLOPPY, MO, CD, DVD ). Prednosti digitalne slike ocituju se najvise u trenutnoj mogucnosti prijenosa na daljinu i strojnoj citljivosti cime ona postaje dostupna najsirem krugu korisnika, potencijalnih ugrozitelja izvornih oblika arhivskog gradiva. Na ovaj nacin digitalna slika pruža najveci stupanj zastite kojeg je tesko nadomjestiti bilo kojim analognim oblikom. Dodajmo tome i prednosti koje se odnose na mogucnosti rekonstrukcije ostecenih slika, bilo da se radi o fizickom ostecenju (lom, deformacija, ogrebotina itd.) ili kemijskim procesima (izblijeđivanje, promjena boja itd.) uzrokovanim uvjetima cuvanja. Također, za arhivsko gradivo, zbog njegove dostupnosti izuzetno važna osobina digitalne slike jest mogucnost pridruživanja slike njezinom opisu. No, arhivska praksa namece i druge kriterije po kojima se ocjenjuje podobnost neke tehnike u zastiti arhivalija. Na danasnjem stupnju razvoja digitalna tehnika nema odgovora po pitanju standarda (ona je jos uvijek izvrgnuta cestim promjenama), a onda ni vjerodostojnosti preslika kao ni trajnosti medija na kojem se informacija pohranjuje. Sigurnost preslike koja ponekad, u slucaju da dođe do unistenja izvornika, postaje važna koliko i sam izvornik, namece potrebu daljnje uporabe analognog zapisa. S druge strane, danasnji uvjeti života kao i razvoj komunikacijskih sredstava iziskuju brz pristup informaciji koji je moguc iskljucivo uz primjenu digitalne tehnike. Pomiriti ovako razlicite potrebe moguce je jedino kompromisom, t.j. hibridnom tehnikom snimanja, bilo da se ona izvodi kamerama s hibridnom glavom ili se postojeci snimci (fotografije, mikrofilmski svitci, mikrofishevi, aperturne kartice itd.) skeniraju u namjenskim skenerima. Najvisi stupanj sigurnosti uz brz pristup informaciji kojeg pruža hibridna tehnika najvise daje, ali i traži, osobito kada su u pitanju materijalna sredstva koja nisu beznacajna u strategiji odlucivanja o nacinu zastite arhivskog gradiva. Na ideju o izradi digitalne zbirke ispitne literature (http://www.ffzg.hr/infoz/biblio/dz) studente je potakla nedostupnost i nedovoljan broj primjeraka ispitne literature. Stavljanjem na Web, svaki bi student mogao doci do tražene građe. Prvi stadij projekta sastojao se od slijedecih faza: prikupljanje relevantnih informacija o slicnim projektima u Hrvatskoj u svijetu, izrada nacrta projekta, prikupljanje i odabir tiskane i elektronicke građe za zbirku, rjesavanje problema autorskog prava, digitalizacija (skeniranje, OCR), pretvaranje obrađene građe u HTML, prebacivanje digitalizirane građe na www server Filozofskog fakultet. Drugi stadij obuhvaca: dobivanje dodatnog prostora na disku servera radi povecavanja zbirke oznacivanje dokumenata kljucnim rijecima i izrada pretraživaca. Koristene su tri metode pretvaranja građe u digitalni oblik: digitalizacija, prepisivanje tiskane građe, prikupljanje građe koja vec postoji u elektronickom obliku. Kao izlazni format koristen je HTML zbog jednostavnog svladavanja i koristenja, velikog broja dostupnih alata za rad s ovim formatom i dostupnosti najpopularnijih pretraživaca (Netscape Communicator, Internet Explorer). Problem autorskog prava rjesavali smo kontaktiranjem autora, koji su uglavnom profesori i knjižnicni strucnjaci u Hrvatskoj. Projekt se ne financira, priprema i digitalizacija građe obavljala se na vlastitoj opremi studenata, a planira se nabaviti barem jedan PC sa skenerom i vezom na Internet. Goran Zlodi (Katedra za muzeologiju, Odsjek za informacijske znanosti, Filozofski fakultet Zagreb) govorit ce o specificnostima digitalizacije muzejske građe i izložiti o radu sa studentima muzeologije na digitalizaciji pri postavljanju virtualne izložbe (http://www.ffzg.hr/infoz/muzej/zg-bastina/)

Research paper thumbnail of TRSS Final Report

Research paper thumbnail of Searching for Swedish LGBTQI fiction: challenges and solutions

Journal of Documentation

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to investigate the needs of potential end-users of a database... more PurposeThe purpose of this study is to investigate the needs of potential end-users of a database dedicated to Swedish lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) literature (e.g. prose, poetry, drama, graphic novels/comics, and illustrated books), in order to inform the development of a database, search interface functionalities, and an LGBTQI thesaurus for fiction.Design/methodology/approachA web questionnaire was distributed in autumn 2021 to potential end-users. The questions covered people's reasons for reading LGBTQI fiction, ways of finding LGBTQI fiction, experience of searching for LGBTQI fiction, usual search elements applied, latest search for LGBTQI fiction, desired subjects to search for, and ideal search functionalities.FindingsThe 101 completed questionnaires showed that most respondents found relevant literature through social media or friends and that most obtained copies of literature from a library. Regarding desirable search functionalit...

Research paper thumbnail of 20th European NKOS workshop

Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

The workshop will explore the potential of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), such as classifi... more The workshop will explore the potential of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), such as classification systems, taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, and lexical databases, in the context of current developments and possibilities. These tools help model the underlying semantic structure of a domain for purposes of information retrieval, knowledge discovery, language engineering, etc. The workshop provides an opportunity to discuss projects, research and development activities, evaluation approaches, lessons learned, and research findings. The main theme of the workshop is Designing for Cultural Hospitality and Indigenous Knowledge in KOS.

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial of the 17th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems Workshop (NKOS 2017)

Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine B... more Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Auf sämtlichen Kopien dieses Dokuments müssen alle Urheberrechtshinweise und sonstigen Hinweise auf gesetzlichen Schutz beibehalten werden. Sie dürfen dieses Dokument nicht in irgendeiner Weise abändern, noch dürfen Sie dieses Dokument für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, aufführen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Mit der Verwendung dieses Dokuments erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen an. Terms of use: This document is made available under Deposit Licence (No Redistribution-no modifications). We grant a non-exclusive, nontransferable, individual and limited right to using this document. This document is solely intended for your personal, noncommercial use. All of the copies of this documents must retain all copyright information and other information regarding legal protection. You are not allowed to alter this document in any way, to copy it for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the document in public, to perform, distribute or otherwise use the document in public. By using this particular document, you accept the above-stated conditions of use.

Research paper thumbnail of Značenje I Važnost Interoperabilnosti Za Arhivske Ustanove

Morepress Books, May 22, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial for the 15th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems Workshop (NKOS 2016)

Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), in the form of classification systems, thesauri, lexical da... more Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), in the form of classification systems, thesauri, lexical databases, ontologies, and taxonomies, play a crucial role in digital information management and applications generally. Carrying semantics in a well-controlled and documented way, Knowledge Organisation Systems serve a variety of important functions: tools for representation and indexing of information and documents, knowledge-based support to information searchers, semantic road maps to domains and disciplines, communication tool by providing conceptual framework, and conceptual basis for knowledge based systems, e.g. automated classification systems. New networked KOS (NKOS) services and applications are emerging, and we have reached a stage where many KOS standards exist and the integration of linked services is no longer just a future scenario. This editorial describes the workshop outline and overview of presented papers at the 15th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems W...

Research paper thumbnail of Managing Classification in Libraries: a Methodological Outline for Evaluating Automatic Subject Indexing and Classification in Swedish Library Catalogues

Research paper thumbnail of Publication practices in the Humanities

Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies, 2021

This paper is a case study of research publication practices at the Faculty of Arts and Humanitie... more This paper is a case study of research publication practices at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Linnaeus University, a young, mid-sized university in the south-east of Sweden. Research output was measured from publications in the local institutional repository following the guidelines of local research policy as defined in university documentation. The data collection comprised 3,316 metadata records of publications self-registered by authors affiliated with the faculty during the period of 2010–2018. A statistical analysis of research output was conducted, focusing on preferred publication types, disciplinary specificity, level of co-authorship, and the language of the publication as registered in the local repository. The analysis focused on two main research questions: 1) how do the local research practices stand in relation to traditional publication patterns in the humanities? 2) how do the observed publication patterns relate to local university policy on publication and...

Research paper thumbnail of Formal analysis of similarity measures with emphasis on consistency and performance measures in indexing and retrieval : Under revision for publication to Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Formal analysis of similarity measures with emphasis on consistency and performance measures in i... more Formal analysis of similarity measures with emphasis on consistency and performance measures in indexing and retrieval : Under revision for publication to Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Research paper thumbnail of Organizing subject access to cultural heritage in Swedish online museums

Journal of Documentation, 2021

PurposeThe study aims to paint a representative picture of the current state of search interfaces... more PurposeThe study aims to paint a representative picture of the current state of search interfaces of Swedish online museum collections, focussing on search functionalities with particular reference to subject searching, as well as the use of controlled vocabularies, with the purpose of identifying which improvements of the search interfaces are needed to ensure high-quality information retrieval for the end user.Design/methodology/approachIn the first step, a set of 21 search interface criteria was identified, based on related research and current standards in the domain of cultural heritage knowledge organization. Secondly, a complete set of Swedish museums that provide online access to their collections was identified, comprising nine cross-search services and 91 individual museums' websites. These 100 websites were each evaluated against the 21 criteria, between 1 July and 31 August 2020.FindingsAlthough many standards and guidelines are in place to ensure quality-controlled ...

Research paper thumbnail of Co-operation among a school librarian and a computer science teacher

Skolski knjižnicar kao clan radnog kolektiva ima na raspolaganju znanja ostalog nastavnog osoblja... more Skolski knjižnicar kao clan radnog kolektiva ima na raspolaganju znanja ostalog nastavnog osoblja te tek u suradnji s njima osigurava najbolje knjižnicne usluge. U danasnje doba stvaranja globalne informacijske infrastrukture posebno je važna suradnja s informaticarom radi iskoristavanja brojnih mogucnosti novih tehnologija u radu knjižnice. Cilj radionice bio je sastaviti dokument sa specifikacijama nacina suradnje knjižnicara i informaticara. Zakljuceno je osam osnovnih podrucja: održavanje racunalnog sustava u knjižnici, knjižnicno poslovanje, edukacija knjižnicara i korisnika, izrada web stranice knjižnice, izrada tematskih vodica po Internetu, izrada elektronickih predmeta i organiziranje kvizova.

Research paper thumbnail of (Big) Data in Library and Information Science: A Brief Overview of Some Important Problem Areas

J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2017

Libraries hold a long history of a multidimensional focus on collecting, storing, organizing, pre... more Libraries hold a long history of a multidimensional focus on collecting, storing, organizing, preserving and providing access to information resources for various types of users. Data is nothing ne ...

Research paper thumbnail of Subject Indexing: The Challenge of LGBTQI Literature

Despite a growing number of digital LGBTQI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer, intersex)... more Despite a growing number of digital LGBTQI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer, intersex) history archives, and research-driven digital LGBTQI initiatives, queer perspectives have not been prominent in the digital humanities. Furthermore, investigations of LGBTQI in literary history is hampered by the fact that, to date, there are no broad scholarly inventories of such literature. Due to the absence of exhaustive bibliographies, scholars need to perform time-consuming, human reading of individual works and imprecise searches in order to locate LGBTQI motifs and themes. Research on subject indexing has also revealed that controlled vocabularies in use are too general to describe LGBTQI themes, motifs, and characters in a relevant manner. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how LGBTQI literature can be made more searchable, and more visible through the development of a quality-controlled subject specific database (QUEERLIT database) in which specialized subject indexing is...

Research paper thumbnail of The meaning of interoperability and its implications for archival institutions : Challenges and opportunities in Croatia, Finland and Sweden

Information Research, 2017

Introduction. This exploratory study aims to map the premises of developing interoperability of a... more Introduction. This exploratory study aims to map the premises of developing interoperability of archival holdings and the understanding of how interoperability is understood from an operational per ...

Research paper thumbnail of Delivering a Terminology Registry

The need for vocabularies such as ontologies, classification schemes and thesauri for information... more The need for vocabularies such as ontologies, classification schemes and thesauri for information discovery and the Semantic Web has been well recognized and established. Due to a large number of different vocabularies, related services, and a variety of potential applications and contexts, the need has appeared for terminology registries.A terminology registry lists, describes, identifies and points to sets of vocabularies available for use in information systems and services. It can cover free and publicly available, fee-based and restricted, or organisation-internal vocabularies. The registry allows discovery of suitable schemes for information or, potentially, use, by exposing rich metadata about them for navigation and retrieval. Terminology registries can hold vocabulary level information only, or comprise the member terms, concepts and relationships as well, and also list services based on terminology such as automatic classification, term expansion, disambiguation, translati...

Research paper thumbnail of Subject indexing in humanities: a comparison between a local university repository and an international bibliographic service

Journal of Documentation, 2020

PurposeAs the humanities develop in the realm of increasingly more pronounced digital scholarship... more PurposeAs the humanities develop in the realm of increasingly more pronounced digital scholarship, it is important to provide quality subject access to a vast range of heterogeneous information objects in digital services. The study aims to paint a representative picture of the current state of affairs of the use of subject index terms in humanities journal articles with particular reference to the well-established subject access needs of humanities researchers, with the purpose of identifying which improvements are needed in this context.Design/methodology/approachThe comparison of subject metadata on a sample of 649 peer-reviewed journal articles from across the humanities is conducted in a university repository, against Scopus, the former reflecting local and national policies and the latter being the most comprehensive international abstract and citation database of research output.FindingsThe study shows that established bibliographic objectives to ensure subject access for hum...

Research paper thumbnail of Digital humanities in Sweden and its infrastructure: Status quo and the sine qua non

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2019

The article offers a state-of-the-art overview of a number of Digital Humanities (DH) initiatives... more The article offers a state-of-the-art overview of a number of Digital Humanities (DH) initiatives that have emerged in Sweden over the past decade. We identify two major developments that seem to be taking place within DH, with a specific focus on the infrastructural aspects of the development: (1) a strive to open up and broaden the research output and (2) multi-disciplinary collaboration and its effects. The two major components accentuate the new infrastructural patterns that are developing and the challenges these infer on universities. While current research is at large multi-disciplinary, developing infrastructures also enable the move towards post-disciplinarity, bringing the universities closer to the surrounding society. At five universities in Sweden, individual-sited infrastructures supporting DH research have been built today. They are complemented by national and international infrastructures, thus supporting developments and tackling some of the major challenges. In th...