Can depend on game sochave to try, but in-game is good when it works. For sp games it's fine if they offer it. If you use vrr and fpa doesn't flactuate within huge range it's fine. For online you can cap at general lowest you tend to get or up to Hz for vrr if you want. Otherwise for competitive check uncapped and see what general stavle fps you can keep and can cap there. Now if a game is broken and has stutter issues nothing can fix that. Aside from fps game post-processing settings is good to have disabled for the most part, depending what setting in each game. So certain effecta and AA for example.
Yeah I'd always put OS on best SSD I have, mainly for random read IOPS for it. So the new one may help, though opening your browser and stuff really will also mostly come from rest of the PC specs like CPU and RAM speed. It depends on workloads, the pro drives are more focused in general to be the best but also mainly sustained long writes where DRAM helps. Benchmarks can give general picture but also good to look at specific workloads to see how different SSDs compare. Though just regular reads you're fine, also rest PC specs matter.
Depending on game should be able to edit cfg file for desired res.
At this point not going OLED is a waste, especially at higher end build and price for monitor. There are number of those that used it for longer time by now, for whole day, without issues even with desktop work.
Kinda depends, the IOPS can help at say certain reads. The DRAM can help yeah but depends on workload and type of files the drive works with at the time. Also those are small files I would not worry much Note any drive HDD or SSD will lose it's near max performance when getting near full, it's just nature of storage and available free space they have to work with. Same like if you were in near full room and try to organize stuff. I have 990 Pro though I tend to transfer 100GB's at times so I wouldn't worry much for smaller occasional tranfers.
You're still on 60Hz like what.. I'd say get new monitor, though can rather get better PC and monitor a bit later. Maybe after CES check OLEDs as they're getting quite cheap. Or if if you still want to save get any decent monitor.
Can upgrade to X3D and GPU too. If he would want way more performance for newer gamea and res can go AM5 new build.
I meant stores like online at your region as sales can be found around this time. Though yeah I'd assume with ABS having sweaty hands can become somewhat slippery, still depends on shape too. I also don't like physical patterns but sure especially for custom shell and such then I'd just get the regular grip sheet to cut.
Welp, I had the game so I booted it and I'm getting like 10fps or so constant, makes no sense, game ran fine a while back. It's like it's using iGPU but I checked in graphics driver and Windows settings and forced dGPU still same issue. It seems I have even worse issue. So great, they still can't fix this game.
Yeah, well going AM5 you will be set on a new platform and even from get go have a very good upgrade with whatever CPU though.
Disable any programs overlays if you have. They can have issues. Can try disabling SMT and maybe C-states in bios and try.
So depends, doesn't happen to me with Freesync but DSC can be the issue, it's well known. Many use DSC too. Also, depends on games implementation of fullscreen options. I don't use borderless only exclusive fullscreen when available.
Really I'd look for sales at your available stores there.
Looks good. Can check if certain game play a lot may benefit from X3D chip more but overall for new platform solid.