Before You Buy Gaming Mice (General Technical Terms,Optical vs Laser,Popular Mouse Sensor,Mice Recommendation,And Many More!) (original) (raw)

Shopping for a mouse is very simple.
You find a mouse that suits your budget and personal preferences.
But why there are so many mice out there with Laser and Optical sensor? High Dpi? and use different Optical or Laser sensor such as PMW3310/3360/S9800?
And whythere's gaming mouse anyway? Can we just buy a regular mouse and use it for everything?
For casual gaming you might be fine with it but if you're a serious gamer. Especially competitive player, Then you will need a gaming mouse.
Why? Because the sensor you found on general optical mouse won't be able to keep up with your hand movement and will fail you in the end.
Many professional FPS player can move their hand at around 2-3m/sand because of this they need a sensor that can keep up with their speed and these sensors are usually found in gaming mice.
That being saiddoesn't mean you won't need a gaming mouse if you are just a casual gamer. Having a great sensor and features such as tons of buttons for macros or MMO is nice to have.

Contents :

1.General Terms

2.Optical Vs Laser Sensor

3.Mouse Dpi/Cpi

4.What Makes a Good Gaming Mouse?

5.Popular Gaming Mice Sensor (pros and cons of each sensor)

6.What To Look And What To Ignore?

7.Mice Recommendation

Before we begin I must remind you that there's no such things as a perfect mouse. Because everyone has their own preferences. You don't always have to buy the best mouse. It may have the best sensor, the best build quality and the best feature but what if it doesn't suit your hand or grip style? You'll end up feeling uncomfortable when you use it for a long periods of time. That's why people tend to find a mouse that is perfect for their hand and grip style. They often sacrifice sensor performance and features b ut only as long as the sensor is good enough for their needs. But again, everyone is different! Some people might prefer performance over comfort and vice versa. So a good mouse is a mouse that will suit your budget, your hand and general preferences. You don't always have to buy the best mouse. And I apologize if there's any grammatical mistakes because English is not my primary language. And if somehow there are some mistakes in this thread then please correct me and I will update the thread because I am no expert and people make mistakes.

1.General Terms


1.Mouse Acceleration

A mouse with acceleration will often referred as imprecise.
But what is mouse acceleration?
In short is when cursor distance increases when the mouse is move quickly.
Whether its caused by the inconsistency of the sensor in tracking at different speed or using the acceleration features itself.
Using acceleration will cause an inconsistent tracking issues because each time you whip your mouse at high speed the cursor doesn't stop at where it should be.
But there are individuals who love to use acceleration for some reason.
Some say all sensor has acceleration but its very very small to the point its not worth mentioning because most people won't be able to tell the difference. Even some manufacturer stated that their sensor has ZERO acceleration so lets just agree with them.

Precise? You meant to say accurate? No i meant to say precise, The best way to understand the difference between the two is by looking at this picture below.



2.Mouse Smoothing

Its a raw input data interpolation to prevent jerky movement in low resolution sensor (its no longer necessary as most mice on the market already has more than 800dpi)

3.Perfect Control Speed

Its how good a sensor can perform when tracking without any acceleration or other kind of interpolation/software trickery. Its measured in IPS (inches per second).

Sujoy from ESREALITY in his Mouse benchmark of 2007 define PCS as " I define Perfect Control as the top speed up to which the mouse performs exactly as it should "

4.Malfunction Speed

Its the maximum speed of a sensor when track any movement before it loses tracks measured in G Force (20G/30/50G, Etc)
When you exceed your malfunction speed anything can happen and usually the sensor will spin out.
Most human won't exceed more than 20G of acceleration (When using computer mice) which PMW3310 sensor can handle but some can. Because there are always that person with their sick 360 no scope :P

5.Polling Rate

Its the rate at which mouse sensor updates it's information regarding it's position or movement measured in Hz.

Most people say the bigger the better but its not always the case. The best way to find the best Polling rate is to try it one by one along with the combination of the DPi of your desired choice.

6.Lift Off Distance

Its how high a sensor can still track your movement when you lift the mouse from the mat. In FPS the lower the better because you don't want to mess up your aim when you are trying to re-position the mouse.
Usually anything under 2/1DVD won't mess up your aim. 1DVD=1.2mm
If you want a high lift off distance get a mouse with laser sensor

7.Spin out

Its when sensor loses track on what you are pointing at. This usually happens if you swipe the mouse sideways while coming down at an awkward angle, AKA, a Tilt Slam or when moving your mouse extremely fast. This causes the cursor to go up or down when you're trying to move left or right or vice versa.
(If you use Tilt Slam technique get a mouse with Mercury sensor, Truemove1, Hero sensor, PMW3330 or above)


Its when the sensor struggle to track a very slow movement (pixel by pixel). A perfect example is when you're trying to draw a straight line but your cursor just going up and down and fail you or it won't respond to a very slow movement at all. (the main issue of laser sensor)
Of course you wont be able to a draw a perfect straight line but the point is a good sensor will be able to pickup a very slow movement (pixel by pixel) without being too jittery or skippy.
When doing pixel by pixel test, If you draw a straight line and if the line with the pixels is closely knit together then it indicates that it is a good sensor but if there's a slight/large gap then that means the sensor is inconsistent in its tracking.
What you want to avoid is that when a mouse is able to draw a perfect straight line without enabling mouse prediction that means the sensor has inherent mouse prediction and its bad because it won't translate your muscle to cursor movement accurately.

9.Mouse Prediction a.k.a Drift Control & Angle Snapping

Its a software/prediction mechanism to help draw straight line (I don't recommend enabling it in games because it can mess with your aim.) and some mice in the past has inherent Angle snapping that cannot be turned off (MX518) but that problem no longer exist with modern mouse sensor.

2.Laser Vs Optical


There are always a misunderstanding when people debated over laser vs optical.
Laser sensor is actually an optical, Its just use laser as an illumination and most people especially non techies think that laser is better because its more modern, It can achieve more Dpi/Cpi and yes it also can track on your glass window.

Well its true, Laser sensor is indeed more modern, It can achieve more Dpi/Cpi and it can track on any surfaces like glass or white surfaces or any glossy surfaces.
But just because it has more Dpi and can track on glass that doesn't mean its superior than optical.
This is because Dpi/Cpi is the measurement for sensor sensitivity and most people think the more the DPi the better it is.
Dpi has nothing to do with the mouse accuracy.

For example a mouse with high sensitivity the cursor will move further and low sensitivity will move shorter if you move the mouse at the same distance and both can have the same accuracy.
Yes your cursor will move at like 12000Dpi or 400Dpi but it doesn't always move precisely to where you move it. Sometimes it will jitter, doesn't stop at where it should be or worse spin out.
Laser sensor will struggle on tracking your mousepad especially cloth because laser sensor track deeper and reveal more details hence gives the sensor an unnecessary information to work with and all laser sensor has inconsistent tracking and acceleration issues, it is also struggle on tracking a very slow movement.

That is why Optical is superior because its more accurate, more reliable and precise as they have higher malfunction and perfect control speeds and they don't have any issues that laser sensor still has.
The only reason to buy a mouse with laser sensor is if you want to use it on any surfaces and has a good ergonomic like the Mx Master.
If you are a competitive player don't buy a mouse with laser sensor because it will fail you.
But it might be okay for MMO/MOBA/RTS gamer or other slow pace game.

Wait? are u saying that they don't track well on clothpad? what about hardpad?
Well they track well on hardpad but still inferior than an optical with a clothpad, On top of that as i mentioned above optical has higher perfect control and malfunction speed that is why all FPS mice use optical.


Proof they track deeper on clothpad " Quoted from Francois Morier who work for logitech by pc gamer "


Morier: “The laser light has a different wavelength. It is more looking into the structure of the material than the normal LED light, which is more surface illumination. It makes [the laser] more sensitive to the roughness of the surface....The LED is more staying on the top of the surface, so it’s very reproducible. On the top of the surface you have peaks, and it’s only counting the peaks.

“If you look at the cloth pads that are made out of a structure of fibers, the laser is so accurate it ... is showing you the nature of the structure. You don’t care about that. You just want to measure a distance ... The laser will really go down into the surface and then, especially at low speed, will behave very differently. This is the reason you have a big difference between low and high speed.”

Laser-illuminated sensors work extremely well on hard pads, but on soft pads with more surface depth, they’re picking up too much useless information, which leads to discrepancies in how they track at different speeds. This is what most people call “acceleration,” but Morier calls it “resolution error versus speed.” (More on that in a second).

So how much difference is there between optical and laser-illuminated sensors, ultimately? According to Morier, laser-illuminated sensors have a 5-6 percent variation in tracking at different speeds. For the best optical sensors, that number is below 1 percent.

Proof they had inconsistent tracking and acceleration issues "Quoted from Chris pate and morior from the same article"


Pate: “Acceleration as it’s understood by people on the internet, particularly as it’s applied to a certain family of laser-illuminated sensors, is actually an issue with accuracy relative to the speed that the mouse is being moved. It’s not that the mouse has an inherent amount of acceleration in a positive or negative direction. What it has is a difficulty to make the cursor travel the same distance if you move the mouse the same physical distance at different speeds. It’s real difficult to kind of parse everything that I just said, and it’s real easy to say ‘laser has acceleration.’”

François Morier calls acceleration “resolution error versus speed,” but it’s important to note that in this context, “resolution” has nothing to do with image quality (don’t be thinking 1080p vs. 4K, etc).

Morier: “Resolution to me, means the translation between your hand movement and the distance you cover on the screen. It’s just a factor of relation between, I move one inch, how many pixels I’ve covered on the screen. This is the resolution.”

It’s not that the mouse cursor or sensor is accelerating when you move the mouse different speeds. The problem is there’s a discrepancy between the data the mouse is reading at those different speeds. Describing why that happens is pretty complicated, and we’ll delve into the really technical stuff in the next myth, about DPI. But on the high level, resolution error versus speed happens due to mouse sensors picking up too much noise in their image as they scan the mousing surface. As you may remember from the last myth, this is more common in laser-illuminated mice.

More proof



You can find tons of proof on why optical is superior with that thing.



Stands for Dot per inch or Count per inch
Its the measurement for sensor sensitivity.
The higher the Dpi/Cpi the further the cursor will move on your screen when you move your mouse and vice versa.

Its the resolution of the sensor and usually you won't need more than 4000dpi unless you are using idk triple 8k monitor or something or maybe you are a really HIGH sensitivity player.
It has nothing to do with the mouse accuracy and many companies especially "GAMING" companies take advantage from this misunderstanding and often boost their mice DPi/Cpi whether by using laser sensor or software tricks, I am sure you often see a big bold statement on the box like "this mouse can achieve 12.000 DPI now buy it will ya?"
Having a ridiculously high dpi is useless as it will be bottlenecked by your monitor and I mean who use 12k dpi while gaming or in a desktop? If you do then try not get drown in the pool of your own blood in games and good luck on trying to click that icon on your desktop

4.What Makes a Good Gaming Mouse?


In this section i'll give you some idea on what makes a good gaming mouse based on the games genre rather than a general advice.
But first, I am not a hardcore MOBA/RTS/MMO player. I mainly play FPS mostly non competitive but i do play some competitive match sometimes so if i happen to make some mistakes on this section, Please feel free to correct me and i will update the thread.

-What makes a good FPS mouse?


I am sure most of you already know the answer and that is the sensor.
Sensor is the #1 Priority on choosing a mouse for FPS, But most gaming sensor are so overkill nowadays with 12k Cpi and 50G of acceleration in which no human on earth would be able to max out the sensor and most people can't really tell the difference between a mid-range sensor such as PMW3330 vs high end sensor such as PMW3360. Which is strange because PMW3330 is basically a cutdown version of PMW3360 and in theory it should give us half of the performance of the 3360 Sensor.

Logitech G PRO and G102/203 is the best example for this, The G PRO and G102/203 has very similar shape but use different sensor PMW3360 on the G PRO and MERCURY on the G102/203 and they perform very similar with G102/203 being 50% cheaper.
So in a nutshell as long it has a good sensor and its good enough for you then don't bother with it and prioritize more on shape,weight and button.

Next the weight, Most FPS player prefer a light mouse under 100Grams because its easier to move and aim with it.
Heavy mice will slow you down but allowing you to have more control even though you are using speed mat but of course there are individuals who are no bothered by the weight.

A good FPS mice will also has a safe shape meaning it won't force your finger position into certain places and will suits the hand of most people.

A perfect example is Zowie Mice because they don't have any sharp edges nor weird gaming lamborghini aesthetic or pinky finger rest and a good example for unsafe mice is the logitech G302/303 with it's weird diamond shape and mionix castor with it's pinky rest.
But not all mice with gaming aesthetic is uncomfortable to use, G502 and G900 for example are loved by many.

Last is the button, For FPS you usually just going to need 3 extra button that is 2 side button and 1 dpi switch.
Hey what about sniper button? its a nice to have although most people won't be using it especially for competitive games.

-What makes a good MOBA mouse?


For MOBA you don't really need tons of button but admit it that it is convenient to impose a spell without even touching the keyboard, Its not a must though more like nice to have.
And not only that the button has to be light to press and have a long lifespan because you will be clicking them a LOT, But it is also must have a good tactile feedback.
The other factor is that make sure the material the mouse is made of does not allow your palms to get sweaty and it must have a good ergonomic as well.

Although most MOBA player prefer smaller mice, I think its just a matter of personal preferences based on how big their hand are.

Last is the DPI, MOBA player will often use HIGH DPi so they don't have to move their mouse around too far. It's not a big issue because most gaming mice has more than 4000dpi anyway, Just make sure it has a good sensor that has no noticeable acceleration and can actually achieve more than 4000 dpi without nasty software interpolation because MOBA player need to perform fast and accurate click. So a good sensor is a must but it doesn't have to be a top optical any decent laser/optical would do just fine and IMO a good FPS mice is a good moba mice.

-What makes a good RTS mouse


Nothing a good FPS mice or any all around gaming mice is a good RTS mice.

-What makes a good MMO mouse


Aside from it must have plenty of button for swapping spells and skills a good MMO mouse must also have a good ergonomic because you will 100% spend a lot of time on that genre.

Usually most MMO player will a prefer larger mouse such as Roccat Nyth/Corsair Scimitar because its more comfortable to use for long gaming sessions.

Did i mentioned the button? Right, MMO mice must have a lot of button for macros and its must be well placed and easy to reach so you should be able to tell the side buttons apart without looking at them.

It is also must have a good software that would allow you to swap between profiles on the fly and offer decent number of configuration options.
And finally the sensor, For MMO you don't really need a top optical sensor even a decent laser sensor will be fine because MMO its a slow pace games.

5.Popular Gaming Mice Sensor (Pros and cons)


Just because its labeled as "GAMING" that doesn't mean its an overpriced product like any other gaming product or just act as a gimmick.

I mean sure gaming mice has it's gimmick but it also has the best, the most accurate and precise sensor.

And there are sooo many sensor out there but i am just going to cover only the most popular.

-Starting with PMW3310 sensor.

Specs :


Resolution : 5000

Speed/Acceleration : 130ips/30g

Illumination : IR LED

PMW3310 is a budget oriented sensor often found within budget entry level mice.

It has an acceleration but its so small and consistent you probably wont be able to tell the difference when using it.

It has high LOD about 2mm but its not a big issues although some mice will offer an option to adjust the LOD.

It has issues with Tilt slam and it can spin out if you manage to move the mouse extremely fast and it can get jittery too but its rarely happen and idk why.

(PMW3310 is no longer used)




Resolution : 7200cpi

Speed/Acceleration : 150ips/30g

Illumination : Integrated IR LED

Its a mid-range sensor basically a cutdown version of PMW3360

Its just have lower DPi,lower IPS and lower malfunction speed.




Resolution : 12000cpi

Speed/Acceleration : 250ips/50g

Illumination : Integrated IR LED

Its a high end sensor often found in expensive gaming mice although some mice offer PMW3360 sensor for a cheaper price such as nixeus revel. But of course they will sacrifice features and build quality.

Its the best OPTICAL sensor ever made (At the time i write this guide), It has zero acceleration,it won't jitter,it had no issues with tilt slam and it won't spin out no matter how fast you can move your mouse.

It often customized and used by gaming companies such as Logitech with their PMW3366,Roccat PMW3361,Corsair PMW3367,Steelseries TrueMove3,Etc




Resolution : 6400cpi

Speed/Acceleration : 200ips/50g

Illumination : IR LED

A high end optical sensor although from the specs it seems to be inferior than PMW3360.

But its still a popular sensor nonetheless, It used by gaming companies such as asus with their gladius,corsair with their scimitar,and razer with their deathadder 4G that is before they use customized 3989 for their Deathadder Chroma.

It has no issues with tilt slam,it can't spin out at high speed,it has no acceleration and it doesn't jitter.




Resolution : 8200

Speed/Acceleration : 150ips/30g

Illumination : LASER

The most popular Laser sensor ever made (basically 9500 with more Cpi) however it also popular for having large inconsistent acceleration that is why competitive fps player hate laser sensor.

But if you are a looking for a sensor that can track on glass for gaming (wut?) your only best option is ADNS9800 (at the time i write this guide)

The sensor can get jittery or won't respond at all if you move your mouse very slowly and it can spin out at both high speed and tilt slam.

It used by Logitech for their G500s,600 and 700s and razer for their taipan and Ouborobo and other gaming company such as a4tech,rapoo,corsair,roccat,etc

-HERO Sensor

Now AFAIK HERO is not made by pixart but i think it deserve to be mentioned.

HERO stands for High Efficient Rated Optical, Logitech claimed that it perform par with the legendary PMW3360 but its more like a better version of the PMW3330 because the sensor can spin out by tilting and slamming it although its very hard to spin out the sensor.

This sensor is used for their G603 Wireless mouse or maybe their future Wireless mice because the purpose of this sensor is to preserve battery life.

I really hope that logitech will use this HERO sensor for their future wireless mice hmmm G502 wireless with HERO sensor?


A sensor used by logitech for their G102 and G203 mouse.

I am surprised by how well this sensor perform especially for the given price.

Its basically a PMW3330 because it had no issues with tilt slam,no jitter and can't spin out at high speed.

Sadly afaik its only available on the G102/G203.


Has similar performance as MERCURY sensor and only available on the Rival 110 Mouse.

PRO TIPS : As long it has a good sensor and its good enough for you and you didn't use tilt slam technique then don't bother with the sensor because most of them are overkill. So just prioritize more on the shape,size,buttons,features and weight.

If you are an FPS player your no1 priority is the sensor and then the shape,weight and finally button.

If you are an MMO/MOBA/RTS prioritize more on the button,shape,ergonomic and finally the sensor.

6.What To Look and What To Ignore?


What to look :


2.Shape (personal preferences)

3.Weight (personal preferences)

4.Size (personal preferences)

5.Features (personal preferences)

6.Button (how many)

7.Build Quality

8.RMA Support


What to ignore :

1.Dpi/Cpi (More than 4000Dpi is unecessary)

2.Stupid unnecessary gimmick that's just going to add extra cost like Heart Rate Detector,Vibration,Oled Display,P.R.L 142 Laser gun,Whatever

3.Sponsored or affiliated Reviews

4.Boot Licking Pro Player Commenting on products

7.Mice Recommendation


The hand size is a rough guide and just because it says FPS that doesn't mean you can't use it for other games and the same goes for the grip style.

The only mice i have tried in my whole life are Razer Deathadder chroma/elite,Logitech G402/G502,Mionix Castor,MX518,G102/203,Roccat Tyon and Rival 300.

So no i don't own or have tried all mice in this suggestion section.

I gathered all the info i can get from google like the official website and put it in here.

Mouse pic is under the spoiler and prepare for a lot of spoiler inside a spoiler.




First measure your hand like this. (Get a mice that is roughly 60% of your hand size) L ÷ 100 x 60 = W ÷ 100 x 60 =



LARGE HAND (18cm L & 9cm W or above)




-Razer Lancehead TE [FPS/Palm/Fingertip]



Sensor : PMW3389

Button : 2 Side button on each side and 2 Dpi shift

Weight : 105Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS

A new ambidextrous mice from razer with top razer optical sensor and razer mechanical switches made by omron,the switch its light making it good for jitter clicking.

The shape however is unsafe.

And dont get the Wireless version because it uses laser sensor which is jittery,can spin out with tilt slam technique and high speed movement.

-Razer Deathadder Elite [FPS/MOBA/Palm/Fingertip]



Sensor : PMW3389

Button : 2 Side and 2 Dpi shift

Weight : 98Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS/MOBA

I knew what u were thinking but just because its says Razer doesnt mean its overpriced piece of garbage,Deathadder is by far the most popular large fps mice on the planet, if not the best selling mice ever and for good reason.

It uses PMW3389 sensor which perform par with PMW3360,It has good build quality,light button and good ergonomic also it only has the necessary features and button for FPS.

-Razer Basilisk [FPS/MOBA/RTS/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3389

Button : 2 Side,2 Dpi shift on top and 1 Sniper button

Weight : 109Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided


The best All around gaming mouse rivaling the G502 By Logitech with less button.

This mouse has 2 awesome gimmick that is a removable sniper button (it comes with 3 button) and Adjustable Scroll wheel tensioning system that lets you adjust the resistance of the scroll wheel from below.
Its a good FPS mouse although many FPS player prefer a mouse under 100Grams because its easier to move and aim with it,But again its all about personal preferences.
Bottom line it is a good mouse, it has a top optical sensor and good ergonomic for people with large hand but not everyone like the thumbrest so it might not suit everyone.

-Razer Mamba Elite [FPS/MOBA/RTS/Palm/Claw]



Sensor : PAW3390

Button : 2 Side and 2 Dpi shift on top

Weight : 100Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided


The shape is very similar to the Deathadder but with some flair and edges all smoothed out and i think its better that way.

It uses PAW3390 sensor, Don't worry its a top optical so you won't have any issue with it.

It use Razer Mechanical Switches ( the new one not the crappy one) and the RGB is so beautiful IMO.

-Razer Mamba HyperFlux [FPS/MOBA/RTS/Palm/Claw]



Sensor : PAW3390

Button : 2 Side,2 Dpi shift on top and 1 profile switch on the left side

Weight : 97Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Wireless


Its the wireless version of the mamba elite.

It use HyperFlux technology, The mouse receive power from the mousepad that comes with it.

So without the mousepad you can't use the mouse.

The mousepad has two surface which are cloth and hard.

The problem is...this mouse is very expensive.

-Razer Naga Trinity [FPS/MOBA/RTS/Palm/Fingertip]



Sensor : PMW3389

Button : 2 Side/7/12 Modular

Weight : 118g-123Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Non Braided


A large mouse with 3 Modular button.

It use a top optical sensor and has comfortable shape for large hand.

This mouse is targeted toward MOBA/MMO player but you can use it for FPS if you don't mind the weight.



-Dream Machines DM1 FPS (FPS, MOBA & RTS)



Sensor : PMW3389

Button : 2 Side button and 1 Dpi switch at the top

Weight : 84Grams

Design : Ambidextrous but the side button are on the left

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS/All Games

Another DM1 Variants, The body is all plastic no rubberized side. Some glossy and other are matte.

The cable is braided but flexible.

The PMW3389 sensor is a high end optical sensor so performance wise its really good and it uses huano switches but its a bit hard though very sharp.

If you want a simple mice with a top optical sensor then this mouse wont disappoint.



-Logitech G502 (All games/All Grip but Palm is the most comfortable)



Sensor : PMW3366

Button : 2 Side button,2 Top button,1 Dpi switch,1 Sniper button,Scroll wheel that u can tilt L/R

Weight : 125Grams/143Grams with the added weight

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided

Games : All games

Its the best all around gaming mice with tons of feature like Infinite scroll wheel,RGB,Lots of buttons and customizable weight system,etc

It uses PMW3366 sensor,Omron switches and Rubberized grip on the side.
Its not a good FPS mouse because its too heavy and has too many button also the shape isn't the most comfortable but it is the best all around gaming mice on the market.

-Logitech G403 Wired/Wireless [FPS/MOBA/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3366

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 90Grams/106Grams wireless

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS

The best simple Wireless mice you can get under $80

It use the same PMW3366 sensor,Omron switches,Rubberized grip on the side,2 side button and 1 dpi switch in the middle and yes RGB.

The G703 is G403 with powerplay module.

-Logitech G603 [FPS/MOBA/All grip]



Sensor : HERO

Button : 2 Side and 1 DPi switch

Weight : 112g 1 battery/135g 2 batteries

Design : Right handed

Cable : Wireless

Games : FPS

We are looking at the future with HERO sensor.

It perform par with PMW3330 (yes not 3360 Logitech can flame me all they want) while being more efficient.

But if only they use built in rechargeable battery instead of AA to make this mouse lighter it would be great for FPS although u can use 1 battery and it will work just fine.

The build quality is not as solid as its bigger brother the G703 but its not a big deal.

Its a great wireless mouse for people who are concerned about battery life.

-Logitech G900/903 [All games/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3366

Button : 2 Side,2 Dpi shift and Scroll wheel that can tilt L/R

Weight : 107Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Wireless and Extra braided cable to make it wired

Games : All games

The best wireless mice you can get today

G903 is G900 with powerplay module to utilize powerplay features so if you are not going to spend extra buck for the powermat then get the G900.

It an ambidextrous mice with 2 button on the side that is modular so u can remove it and install it on both side,Rubberized side grip,Rubberized infinite scroll wheel unlike on the G502,Omron switches,Logitech mechanical Pivot Button that suppose to gives u lower actuation distance and satisfying click sound,,PMW3366 sensor and RGB.

-Logitech G402 [FPS/MOBA/All grip]



Sensor : AM010+Fusion Engine

Button : 2 Side,2 Dpi shift and 1 Sniper button

Weight : 109Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS/MOBA

I use this mouse for over 2 years you can check my review on my sig ( it has pic ;) although its only a few :/ )

TLDR is a dam good mouse if u can find a good deal for it like for $30-35USD.

But i don't recommend it if you are a serious gamer.

If you dont care about the sensor then this is a soild mouse as an alternative to the G502.



-Steelseries Rival 300 [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3310

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 103Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Non Brainded

Games : FPS

A popular mice from steelseries it use PMW3310 sensor,Rubberized grip,2 side button and 1 dpi switch,The scroll wheel is rubberized,solid build quality,light 103Grams and it has RGB.

-Steelseries Rival 310 [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : Truemove3

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 92Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

Updated version of rival 300.

Its smaller,lighter,with rubberized grip,2 side button,1 dpi switch,rubberized scroll wheel,good build quality,light button and Truemove3 optical sensor.

-Steelseries Sensei 310 [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : Truemove3

Button : 2 Side button on each side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 97Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

In a nutshell its basically an ambidextrous design of rival 310 or slightly bigger rival 110 with 2 side button on each side.

-Steelseries Rival 500 [All games/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 3 Top button,6 Side button,1 Dpi switch and the scroll wheel can tilt L/R.

Weight : 129Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

Its kinda share the same shape with the rival 310 except this one has TONS of buttons making it good for MMO it also equipped with PMW3360 sensor so its also good for FPS.

But the weight is around 128Grams so its a bit heavy if u are okay with it then this mouse wont disappoint.

-Steelseries Rival 600 [FPS/All grip]



Sensor :Truemove3+

Button : 3 Side button and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 97Grams/127Grams with the added weight

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS

A new mice from steelseries with the new Truemove3+ optical sensor and 1 dedicated sensor to help reduce LOD.

So whats thats all about? well the new Truemove3+ has 350IPS which is so unnecessary as PMW3330 is already overkill.

And the 0.5mm lift off distance is also just act as a gimmick cause it wont gives u any advantages in games.

LOD under 1 DVD (1.2mm) wont gives u any noticeable movement when u reposition the mice and most high end gaming mice has LOD under 1 DVD.

I mean its just 0.7mm differences its less than 1mm lol

In other word dont bother with the New sensor and LOD gimmick and prioritize more on the shape and weight for this mouse.

Hold on though just because it has gimmick this mouse is actually pretty good according to a review by RJN.

The downside is that its a bit pricey around 70-80 USD

-Steelseries Rival 700 [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 3 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 137Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS

I dont like this mouse because it has unnecessary gimmick like vibration and oled display that u can customize through software which add the extra cost and weight.

Its share the same shape and features with the Rival 310 but its smaller,heavier freakin 137grams with PMW3360 sensor.



-Zowie EC1/2 B [FPS/Palm/Claw]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side Button

Weight : 94Grams/90Grams (EC2B)

Design : Right handed

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

A simple mice from zowie with 2 side button,PMW3360 sensor,Rubberized grip and the best thing from zowie is that they always had a good build quality and ergonomic.

The EC1B is slightly bigger and heavier but both mice is under 100Grams.

-Zowie Fk1 [FPS/Claw/Palm]



Sensor : PMW3310

Button : 2 Side button on each side

Weight : 87Grams/95Grams (FK1+)

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

Ambidextrous design with 2 button on each side,Rubberized side grip and scroll wheel,PMW3310 optical sensor and weighted under 100 grams.

The FK1+ is heavier and slightly bigger.

-Zowie EC1A [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3310

Button : 2 Side button

Weight : 100Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

PMW3310 sensor,2 side button,white rubberized scroll wheel and its RGB if i am not mistaken,good build quality,light buttons and weight 98grams.

Its the Old version of EC series mice line up and zowie upgraded the mouse by releasing the ECB series.



-FinalMouse UltraLight Pro [FPS/MOBA/RTS/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side button and 1 Dpi Switch

Weight : 67Grams without cable and 71 Grams with cable

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided


Introducing the lightest gaming mouse on the planet with top optical sensor and a safe comfortable shape with no RGB/LED because this mouse is for serious gamer who does not have tyrophobia.

-Finalmouse Air58 Ninja [FPS/MOBA/RTS/All Grip]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side button and 1 Dpi Switch

Weight : 58 Grams

Design : Ambidextrous with side button on the left

Cable : Braided


Well we got another Finalmouse called Air58 NINJA!

Its the same as the ultralight but lighter.

I am not going to buy thise mouse not because its probably out of stock, But i have a tyrophobia and it cost 90andonamazon(atthetimeiwritethis)ithasgoesupto90 and on amazon (at the time i write this) it has goes up to 90andonamazon(atthetimeiwritethis)ithasgoesupto200-400USD.

Yes its more like a Limited Edition Mouse. But it is a good mouse. Just Overpriced as f (no rude word etna!!...Yes dad (._. ) )



-Flick 2 [FPS/MOBA/RTS/All Grip]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side button and 1 Dpi Switch

Weight : 105 Grams

Design : Ambidextrous with side button on the left

Cable : Non Braided


Upgraded version of the Flick G1.

It has slope going outward toward the base at the back of the body.

Rubberized side on both side with Top Optical Sensor.

-Clutch 2 [FPS/MOBA/RTS/All Grip]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side button and 1 Dpi Switch

Weight : 102 Grams

Design : Ambidextrous with side button on the left

Cable : Non Braided


Upgraded version of Clutch G1.

The shape is similar but without a slope on the back, Its almost like Zowie FK2 shell but without the slope going outward at the back.

As always rubberized side on both side and Top Optical Sensor.



-HyperX Purlsefire Surge [FPS/MOBA/RTS/All Grip]



Sensor : PMW3389

Button : 2 Side button and 1 Dpi Switch

Weight : 104 Grams

Design : Ambidextrous with side button on the left

Cable : Braided


Kingston has jump into the peripherals bandwagon and this mouse is a good one from them.

With a Top Optical Sensor, Omron Switches, Safe comfortable shape, and Sick RGB

Don't worry about the button issues as its already been fixed.



-Roccat Leadr [All games/Claw/Palm]



Sensor : PMW3361

Button : 4 Top buttons,2 Side button,1 button behind the scroll wheel that u can tilt L/R so that counts as 2,1 button on the left below thumb rest and 1 paddle.

Weight : 128Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Wireless + Extra Braided cable to make it wired

Games : All games

Its the wireless version of roccat tyon with PMW3361 Optical sensor.

It has lots of button (10extra button),great build quality but has scroll rattle (not a big deal) and RGB.

This mouse is heavy around 128Grams

-Roccat Nyth [MMO/RTS/MOBA/All grip]



Sensor : PTE Laser

Button : 12 Side button,1 button behind the scroll that u can tilt L/R and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 123Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided


Its a BIG heavy mouse with laser sensor.

The side button is modular and the right grip is also modular so u can replace it with another grip that comes with it that has a ring finger rest and its support 3D printing too.

-Roccat Kone EMP [FPS/MOBA/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3361

Button : 2 Side Button and 2 Dpi Shift

Weight : 117Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS/MOBA

A new kone lineup from roccat and imo it has the best RGB implementation.

-Roccat Kone Pure Owl Eye [FPS/MOBA/Claw/Palm]



Sensor : PMW3361

Button : 2 Side Button and 2 Dpi Shift

Weight : 88Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS/MOBA

Upgraded version of the Roccat Kone Pure, Its not lighter, Smaller and Has better sensor.



-Cooler Master Mastermouse Pro L



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side Button on both side and 1 Dpi Shift

Weight : 107Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS/MOBA

A very simple mouse from CM with a very safe shape and top optical sensor. This mouse also came with 2 removable side panel, Its plastic but has different coating and if you are into 3D Printing then you can make your own side panel for this mouse. The price however its a bit much so if you can find this mouse for say $50-55 USD then buy it if you can't then there are tons of other alternative like the Deathadder.



-Corsair Scimitar Pro RGB [All games/Claw/Palm]



Sensor : PMW3367

Button : 12 Side button and 2 Dpi shift

Weight : 120Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided

Games : All games

If u want an MMO mice with Tons of buttons but u also play some casual fps then this mouse will be great for you.

It has 12 side button,Its adjustable you can slide it to adjust the position and lock it in place by screwing it from below,it also has 2 dpi shift in the middle,rubberized scroll wheel,rubberized side on the left,braided cable,PMW3367 optical sensor and RGB lightning.

-Corsair M65 Pro RGB [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side button,1 Sniper button and 2 Dpi shift

Weight : 115Grams/135Grams with added weight

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS

PMW3360 sensor,2 side button,1 sniper button,2 dpi shift,aluminium build,good buttons,braided cable and its a heavy mice around 115grams without the added weight if i am not mistaken.

Its a popular FPS mice but not everyone love the shape.

-Corsair Glaive [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3367

Button : 2 Side button and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 120Grams and the aluminum version is 6Grams heavier

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS

Finally a mice with standard shape from corsair with modular thumbrest area.

The only problem with this mouse is that the side button is too far from each other so u'll have to adjust your thumb and get used to it.

-Corsair Sabre RGB [MOBA/Palm grip]



Sensor : PMW3988

Button : 2 Side button, 2 top button and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 96Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided

Games : MOBA

A good mouse with a good build quality and sensor, This mouse however is lean toward MOBA although you can use it for FPS if you don't mind the wings.



-Gigabyte XM300 [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3988

Button : 2 Side and 2 Dpi shift

Weight : 102Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

An alternative for the deathadder equip with PMW3988 sensor its on par with 3360,2 side button and 2 dpi shift,both side grip is rubberized,the scroll is also rubberized and it has RGB.

This mouse has a build quality issues starting with the button,scroll and sensor rattle.

Its a wild card but a good mice nonetheless especially for the given price.

SMALL-MEDIUM HAND (15cm-17cm L & 6.5cm-8cm W)




-Logitech G Pro [FPS/Claw/Palm]



Sensor : PMW3366

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 85Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS

Its a verrrryy simple mice with good button and amazing sensor.

-Logitech G Pro Wireless [FPS/MOBA/RTS/Claw]



Sensor : HERO

Button : 2 Side button on both side (modular)

Weight : 80Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Wireless


Its the wireless version of the G PRO with HERO sensor but the shell/body is very different.

The material is plastic all over, It has modular side button that you can put on both side and it also support Logitech Powerplay feature.

So whats good about this mouse? everything except for the price. Its a $130+ Mouse.

-Logitech G305 [FPS/MOBA/RTS/All grip]



Sensor : HERO

Button : 2 Side button on both side (modular)

Weight : 80Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Wireless


Now this is the Wireless version of G102/203/G PRO.

Its the exact same mouse but with HERO sensor and no RGB.

It uses AA Battery and Logitech claimed that it can last up to 250 Hours.

-Logitech G102/203 [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : MERCURY

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 85Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

Budget mice that is suprisingly good.

The mercury sensor perform too good for the price.

It is similar to PMW3330 sensor which cannot spin out with tilt slam,has zero acceleration,no jitter and cant spin out at high speed.

It share the same shape,weight and feature of the G pro.

So its basically G pro with half of the price.

G102 and 203 is the same mouse they are just sold in different region.

-Logitech G303 [FPS/MOBA/Fingertip]



Sensor : PMW3366

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 90Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS/Moba

A rather unique mice from logitech with diamond shape which some people dislike it for some reason.

Its the same as the G302 but with PMW3360 sensor and RGB.

It has 2 side button and 1 dpi shift,braided cable,omron switches,rubberized scroll wheel and the weight is around 84Grams.



-Cooler Master Mastermouse S [FPS/Claw/Palm]



Sensor : PMW3330

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 93Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

PMW3330 sensor,Omron switches,94Grams,rubberized scroll wheel,RGB,2 side button and 1 Dpi switch.

This mouse sensor perform extremely good even for competitive player.



-Corsair Harpoon [FPS/MOBA/Palm/Claw]



Sensor : PMW3320

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 83Grams

Design : Right Handed

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS/MOBA

Corsair budget friendly mouse with a decent sensor and great buld quality however the shape is unsafe for people with large hand, You might accidently press the DPi button and just doesn't feel comfortable to use.
The sensor can also spin out with both high speed and tilt slam test.



-Dream Machines Dm1 Pro S [FPS/Palm/Claw]


Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 85Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS

Based on the DM1 Pro with superior sensor PMW3360.

Its a quite small but not too small.

It has a very comfortable safe shape especially for palm and claw grip.

It has 2 side button,braided cable,1 dpi shift,rubberized scroll wheel and around 85Grams.

-Dream Machines DM3 Mini [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 77Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS

The smaller version of the DM1 PRO S without the side button, It has good build quality with rubber coating on the shell, top optical sensor and a safe shape.
Its a good mouse overall but the cable its stiff and the mouse feet didn't glide too well.



-Nixeus Revel [FPS/Palm/Claw]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi Switch

Weight : 85Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

There's not much to say about this mouse its basically Dm1 Pro S with nixeus Logo on it.

But unlike the DM1 pro this mouse has rattle issues but its the scroll wheel not the sensor so its not a big deal.

And this mouse is way cheaper than the DM1 pro s

Because the DM1 Pro has availibility/stock issues.



-Ninox Venator [FPS/Palm/Fingertip]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 80Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

A great budget PMW3360 mouse.

However the build quality is lacking.



-Zowie FK2 [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3310

Button : 2 Side button on each side

Weight : 85Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

The smaller version of the FK1

-Zowie ZA12/13 [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3310

Button : 2 Side button on each side

Weight : 85Grams/80Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

There are 3 ZA mouse.

The ZA11 being the largest.

Is an ambidextrous mice with 2 side button on each side,no dpi shift,rubberized scroll wheel,rubberized side and the weight its under 85grams.

-Zowie S1 & S2 Divina [FPS/MOBA/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side button on each side and 1 Dpi switch at the bottom

Weight : 92Grams S1 & 86Grams S2

Design : Ambidextrous with side button on the left

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

A smaller version of the FK series with better PMW3360 sensor.

Look at adorable.



-Razer Abyssus V2 [FPS/Claw/Palm]



Sensor : PMW3325/29

Button : 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 84Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

I recommend not getting this mouse because a lot of people had issues with the original but not sure about the V2 though.

Anyway V2 use PMW3325/29 sensor,braided cable,rubberized side grip and scroll wheel,1 dpi shift,and it has no freakin side button *sigh razer

-Razer Atheris [FPS/MOBA/RTS/Palm/Claw]



Sensor : PWM3329?

Button : 2 Side button and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 111Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Non Braided


A compact version of razer lancehead with only 2 side button on the left side.

This is supposed to be a razer own version of the MX ANYWHERE but it also can game because it has a good optical sensor, I can't find any single information about the sensor but it seems to be a custom PMW3330 because it has 7.2k Dpi.

This is a heavy mice, Too heavy for it's size and it isn't the most comfortable either especially for aiming in FPS.
As i said this mouse is not a gaming mouse, More like a mouse for people who need something small to go along with their laptop and they love razer for some reason because u can get the MX ANYWHERE and its more comfortable than this. But again its all about personal preferences.



-Mionix Avior 7000 [FPS/Claw/Palm]



Sensor : PMW3310

Button : 2 Side button on each side and 2 Dpi shift

Weight : 102Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS

Ambidextrous mice with 2 side button on each side,PMW3310 sensor,Omron switches,2 dpi shift in the middle,rubberized grip and scroll wheel but its kinda heavy around 102grams.

-Mionix Castor [FPS/Claw/Palm]



Sensor : PMW3310

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 95Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS

My current daily driver.

PMW3310 sensor,Rubberized scroll wheel and side grip,2 side button,RGB,Omron switches,1 dpi shift and the weight is 95grams.

The shape is unsafe though because it has a pinky rest on the right so it kinda force your finger position but i am okay with it.



-Steelseries Rival 110 [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : Truemove1

Button : 2 Side button and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 91Grams

Design : Ambidextrous

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

Cheapest Rival mice lineup with Truvemove1 optical sensor which according to a review its suprisingly good for the price.

It doesnt spin out with tilt slam,it doesnt jitter and cant spin out at high speed.

It has similar design with the sensei but its an ambidextrous mice with only 2 side button on the left.

Its the updated version of rival 100.



-Cougar Minos X5 [FPS/Claw/Palm]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 90Grams
Design : Right handed wut?

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

Updated version of X3

-Cougar Revenger S [FPS/All grip]



Sensor : PMW3360

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 95Grams

Design : Right handed

Cable : Non Braided

Games : FPS

Share the same specs with the X5 but the shape is longer making it suited for palm grip.

And updated version of Revenger.



-Fnatic Flick G1



Sensor : PMW3310

Button : 2 Side and 1 Dpi switch

Weight : 95Grams

Design : Ambidexrous

Cable : Braided

Games : FPS

Flick G1 is a popular mouse and apparently the price has goes down.

It uses PMW3310 and Omron switches.

If u have medium hand then this mouse will be perfect for you and it has a safe shape.

There you have it.

Feel free to ask me anything about this guide and if if happen to miss something, Let me know!

I am Etna and thank you for...uhhhh Reading my Guide i guess? Yep.

Edited November 10, 2020 by wkdpaul
UPDATED 11/10/2020