Olga Silva | Universidade de Lisboa (original) (raw)

Papers by Olga Silva

Research paper thumbnail of Guiera senegalensis - a medicina dos Mouros - Botânica, usos tradicionai e actividade farmacológica

Research paper thumbnail of A review of the role of medicinal plants on Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection

European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Botanical features for identification of<i>Gymnosporia arenicola</i>dried leaf

Microscopy Research and Technique, Aug 25, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The Genus Diospyros: A Review of Novel Insights into the Biological Activity and Species of Mozambican Flora


Species of the Diospyros L. genus (Ebenaceae family) have been largely used in traditional medici... more Species of the Diospyros L. genus (Ebenaceae family) have been largely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of several diseases, especially infectious ones. To date, active major compounds such as naphthoquinones, triterpenoids, and tannins have been isolated and pharmacologically validated from Diospyros species. The present study summarizes the information available in the literature on the species described in the Flora of Mozambique. To do so, scientific databases (e.g., PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar) were searched using various keywords and Boolean connectors to gather and summarize the information. Of the 31 native and naturalized species in the Flora of Mozambique, 17 are used in different regions of Africa and were described for their traditional uses. They were reported to treat more than 20 diseases, mostly infectious, in the gastrointestinal and oral cavity compartments. This work provides an overview of the therapeutical potential of Diospy...

Research paper thumbnail of Bioguided Identification of Active Antimicrobial Compounds from Asphodelus bento-rainhae and Asphodelus macrocarpus Root Tubers


Root tubers of Asphodelus bento-rainhae subsp. bento-rainhae (AbR), a vulnerable endemic species,... more Root tubers of Asphodelus bento-rainhae subsp. bento-rainhae (AbR), a vulnerable endemic species, and Asphodelus macrocarpus subsp. macrocarpus (AmR) have traditionally been used in Portugal to treat inflammatory and infectious skin disorders. The present study aims to evaluate the in vitro antimicrobial activity of crude 70% and 96% hydroethanolic extracts of both medicinal plants, specifically against multidrug-resistant skin-related pathogens, to identify the involved marker secondary metabolites and also to assess the pre-clinical toxicity of these medicinal plant extracts. Bioguided fractionation of the 70% hydroethanolic extracts of both species using solvents of increasing polarity, namely diethyl ether (DEE: AbR-1, AmR-1), ethyl acetate (AbR-2, AmR-2) and aqueous (AbR-3, AmR-3) fractions, enabled the identification of the DEE fractions as the most active against all the tested Gram-positive microorganisms (MIC: 16 to 1000 µg/mL). Furthermore, phytochemical analyses using TLC...

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Marker Compounds and In Vitro Toxicity Evaluation of Two Portuguese Asphodelus Leaf Extracts


The leaves of Asphodelus bento-rainhae subsp. bento-rainhae, an endemic Portuguese species, and A... more The leaves of Asphodelus bento-rainhae subsp. bento-rainhae, an endemic Portuguese species, and Asphodelus macrocarpus subsp. macrocarpus have been used as food, and traditionally as medicine, for treating ulcers, urinary tract, and inflammatory disorders. The present study aims to establish the phytochemical profile of the main secondary metabolites, together with the antimicrobial, antioxidant and toxicity assessments of both Asphodelus leaf 70% ethanol extracts. Phytochemical screenings were conducted by the TLC and LC-UV/DAD-ESI/MS chromatographic technique, and quantification of the leading chemical classes was performed by spectrophotometric methods. Liquid-liquid partitions of crude extracts were obtained using ethyl ether, ethyl acetate, and water. For in vitro evaluations of antimicrobial activity, the broth microdilution method, and for the antioxidant activity, the FRAP and DPPH methods were used. Genotoxicity and cytotoxicity were assessed by Ames and MTT tests, respecti...

Research paper thumbnail of Hypericum foliosum Quality Botanical and Chemical Markers and In Vitro Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities


Hypericum foliosum Aiton is an endemic Azorean Hypericum species. Even though the aerial parts of... more Hypericum foliosum Aiton is an endemic Azorean Hypericum species. Even though the aerial parts of Hypericum foliosum are not described in any official pharmacopoeia, they are utilized in local traditional medicine due to their diuretic, hepatoprotective, and antihypertensive properties. This plant has previously been the subject of phytochemical characterization and has been studied for its antidepressant activity, showing significant results in animal models. The lack of a description of the main characteristics of the aerial parts, which would be necessary to properly identify this medicinal plant species, contributes to the possibility of misidentification events. We performed macroscopic and microscopic analyses that identified specific differential characteristics, such as the absence of dark glands, the dimensions of the secretory pockets in the leaf, and the presence of translucent glands in the powder. To continue our previous work on the biological activity of Hypericum fol...

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution to the Preclinical Safety Assessment of Lannea velutina and Sorindeia juglandifolia Leaves


Dried leaves of Lannea velutina A. Rich. and Sorindeia juglandifolia (A. Rich.) Planch. ex Oliv. ... more Dried leaves of Lannea velutina A. Rich. and Sorindeia juglandifolia (A. Rich.) Planch. ex Oliv. (family Anacardiaceae) are used in African traditional medicine. Although these medicinal plants have widespread use in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, there is no scientific data concerning their preclinical or clinical safety. This work aimed to investigate the phytochemical properties of the leaves of both species using HPLC-UV/DAD, as well as the in vivo oral repeated-dose toxicity of 70% hydroethanolic leaf extract of S. juglandifolia and the in vitro genotoxicity of 70% hydroethanolic leaf extracts of L. velutina and S. juglandifolia. Clinical signs of toxicity, body weight variations, and changes in food consumption, mortality, and blood biochemical parameters were monitored. Genotoxicity was assessed using the bacterial reverse mutation assay (Ames test) with and without metabolic activation, according to OECD guidelines. The obtained results showed the presence of gallic...

Research paper thumbnail of Micromorphology and Chemical Studies on Anacardium occidentale L. Stem Bark as an Herbal Medicine


The red and white types of Anacardium occidentale L. stem barks (AoB) are used in the Community o... more The red and white types of Anacardium occidentale L. stem barks (AoB) are used in the Community of Portuguese Language Countries, including Portugal, to make traditional herbal preparations for the treatment of diabetes. This work aims to obtain the macroscopic, micromorphological, chemical, and purity data necessary to use both types of AoBs as medicinal plants safely. Macroscopically, a brown inner (red AoB) or a dark-brown inner surface (white AoB) was observed. Light and scanning electron microscopy showed that sclereid cells with thin cell walls were significantly larger (p < 0.001) in red AoB than in white AoB, but calcium oxalate druses and starch grain areas were significantly larger (p < 0.001) in white AoB than in red AoB. The chromatographic profiles (thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography) of both types of AoBs were characterized by the presence of gallic and protocatechuic acids and other phenolic derivatives. The condensed tannins we...

Research paper thumbnail of The Genus Cynometra: A Review of Ethnomedicine, Chemical, and Biological Data


Cynometra L. is a Fabaceae genus that is widely distributed throughout the tropics, consisting of... more Cynometra L. is a Fabaceae genus that is widely distributed throughout the tropics, consisting of tropical forest trees with ecological and economic importance since they are used as food and herbal medicines by the populations of their natural habitats. Our goal is to provide a review of the research data concerning the potential of this botanical genus as a source of herbal medicines and secondary metabolites that are useful for human health. To that end, scientific databases, including PubMed, Science Direct, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar, were searched using the following terms: Cynometra, medicine, chemical, biological activity, toxicity, and “AND” as the Boolean connector. Eleven Cynometra species (9.7%) were reported to be used in traditional medicine to treat different ailments. A total of 185 secondary metabolites of various chemical classes, mainly flavonoids and terpenoids, were identified in eight Cynometra species (7.1%). Vitexin was the only flavonoid ...

Research paper thumbnail of Diospyros villosa Root Monographic Quality Studies


Diospyros villosa L. (De Winter) (Ebenaceae) is a shrub whose root (DVR) is used as a toothbrush ... more Diospyros villosa L. (De Winter) (Ebenaceae) is a shrub whose root (DVR) is used as a toothbrush and to treat oral infections in Mozambique. The present work aims at establishing monographic quality criteria to allow the sustainable and safe development of pharmaceutical preparations with this herbal drug. This includes setting botanical (qualitative and quantitative) and chemical identification parameters, purity tests (loss on drying and total ash), quantifying the major classes of constituents identified, and particle size characterization of the powdered drug. DVR samples are cylindrical and microscopically characterized by: a periderm, with six layers of flattened phellem cells, with slightly thickened walls and few layers of phelloderm; cortical parenchyma with brachysclereids with a short, roughly isodiametric form (13.82–442.14 μm2 × 103), surrounded by a ring of prismatic calcium oxalate crystals; uniseriate medullary rays and prominent vessels of the xylem with single or d...

Research paper thumbnail of Monographic Quality Parameters and Genotoxicity Assessment of Asphodelus bento-rainhae and Asphodelus macrocarpus Root Tubers as Herbal Medicines


Root tubers of Asphodelus bento-rainhae subsp. bento-rainhae (AbR), an endemic species with relev... more Root tubers of Asphodelus bento-rainhae subsp. bento-rainhae (AbR), an endemic species with relevant interest due to conservation concerns, and Asphodelus macrocarpus subsp. macrocarpus (AmR) have been traditionally used for culinary and medicinal purposes, mainly associated with skin infection and inflammation. The present study aims to establish the quality control criteria for the proper characterization of dried root tubers of both species as herbal substances, together with their preclinical safety assessments. Botanical identification using macroscopic and microscopic techniques and phytochemical evaluation/quantification of the main classes of marker secondary metabolites, including phenolic compounds (flavonoid, anthraquinone, condensed and hydrolysable tannin) and terpenoids were performed. Additionally, in vitro genotoxicity/mutagenicity was evaluated by Ames test. Evident morphological differences in the development of tubercles (3.5 × 1 cm in AbR and 8.7 × 1.4 cm in AmR)...

Research paper thumbnail of Anacardium occidentale Bark as an Antidiabetic Agent


Anacardium occidentale L. is used throughout the world to treat type 2 diabetes. In Portugal, a t... more Anacardium occidentale L. is used throughout the world to treat type 2 diabetes. In Portugal, a traditional herbal preparation made with stem bark of this species (AoBTHP) has been used for more than 30 years to treat this pathology. The AoBTHP was standardized on total phenolic content, and its hypoglycemic activity was assessed using db/db mice (n = 26) for 92 days. Three doses (40.2, 71.5, and 127.0 mg/kg/day, per os) were tested, and glibenclamide (5 mg/kg/day) was used as positive control. During the study, glycemia was measured under non-fasting or fasting states. In sequence, thin-layer chromatography bioautographic assays were used for the detection of possible alpha- and beta-glucosidase inhibitors. A significant hypoglycemic effect in fasting glycemia in days 31 and 57 was observed with the three tested doses. The 71.5 mg/kg and 127.0 mg/kg AoBTHPs significantly reduced non-fasting glycemia on day 24. The highest dose showed the most significant hypoglycemic effect. Gallic...

Research paper thumbnail of Hypericum Genus as a Natural Source for Biologically Active Compounds


Hypericum L. genus plants are distributed worldwide, with numerous species identified throughout ... more Hypericum L. genus plants are distributed worldwide, with numerous species identified throughout all continents, except Antarctica. These plant species are currently used in various systems of traditional medicine to treat mild depression, wounds and burns, diarrhea, pain, fevers, and their secondary metabolites previously shown, and the in vitro and/or in vivo cytotoxic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and hepatoprotective activities, as well as the acetylcholinesterase and monoamine oxidase inhibitory activities. We conducted a systematic bibliographic search according to the Cochrane Collaboration guidelines to answer the question: “What is known about plants of Hypericum genus as a source of natural products with potential clinical biological activity?” We documented 414 different natural products with confirmed in vitro/in vivo biological activities, and 58 different Hypericum plant species as sources for these natural products. Phloroglucinols...

Research paper thumbnail of Traditional Medicine and Mediterranean Vegetation in Portuguese Community, Europe

Ethnomedicine is a way of recording traditional customs concerning the use of plants by communiti... more Ethnomedicine is a way of recording traditional customs concerning the use of plants by communities. The present study constitutes a contribution to the ethnobotanical study of the medicinal and aromatic plants used in the Idanhaa-Nova Village in Portugal. The corpus of the work is composed of 40 individuals between the ages of 45 and 100. In the methodology was applied semistructured interviews, direct observation, oral history, guided tour and photographic record. Some 60 plants were identified, with emphasis on poejo, neveda, and lemon balm, wild Malvae, seven-sangria grass, corn beards and wild life. The plants are mostly used in the form of tea, for treatments of constipation, menstrual pains, urinary infections and wound infection. The Mediterranean culture is expressive as it brings traditional knowledge closer to the local ethnomedicine. Keywords: Mediterranean culture, ethnobotany, traditional community

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnobotany in Traditional European Community

Knowledge about the use of medicinal plants is a way of recording customs and empirical managemen... more Knowledge about the use of medicinal plants is a way of recording customs and empirical management in traditional communities. The present study is a contribution to the ethnobotanical study of the medicinal plants used in the Parish of Penha Garcia, in Portugal. The corpus of the work is composed of 65 individuals between the ages of 51 and 102 years. We apply semi-structured interviews, direct observation, oral history, tour-guided and photographic record. About 105 plants were identified, with emphasis on the Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Lamiaceae families. The plants are mainly used in the form of tea, to treat diseases such as urinary infections, skin diseases, wounds, constipation, menstrual pains and personal protection, mainly. The community presents a wide knowledge and use of plants in the practice of traditional European medicine. Keywords: Ethnomedicine, mediterranean plants, empirical knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of Material Selection Guidelines for the Product Designer

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2021

The aim of this work is to analyze the importance of the selection of materials in the developmen... more The aim of this work is to analyze the importance of the selection of materials in the development of products. As such, this work can provide an important contribution to the field of development of product design.

Research paper thumbnail of Botanical characterization of Hypericum androsaemum a Portuguese medicinal plant

Research paper thumbnail of Botanical characterization of Hypericum foliosum an endemic Azorean species

Research paper thumbnail of A Comprehensive Review on the Medicinal Plants from the Genus Asphodelus

Research paper thumbnail of Guiera senegalensis - a medicina dos Mouros - Botânica, usos tradicionai e actividade farmacológica

Research paper thumbnail of A review of the role of medicinal plants on Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection

European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Botanical features for identification of<i>Gymnosporia arenicola</i>dried leaf

Microscopy Research and Technique, Aug 25, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The Genus Diospyros: A Review of Novel Insights into the Biological Activity and Species of Mozambican Flora


Species of the Diospyros L. genus (Ebenaceae family) have been largely used in traditional medici... more Species of the Diospyros L. genus (Ebenaceae family) have been largely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of several diseases, especially infectious ones. To date, active major compounds such as naphthoquinones, triterpenoids, and tannins have been isolated and pharmacologically validated from Diospyros species. The present study summarizes the information available in the literature on the species described in the Flora of Mozambique. To do so, scientific databases (e.g., PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar) were searched using various keywords and Boolean connectors to gather and summarize the information. Of the 31 native and naturalized species in the Flora of Mozambique, 17 are used in different regions of Africa and were described for their traditional uses. They were reported to treat more than 20 diseases, mostly infectious, in the gastrointestinal and oral cavity compartments. This work provides an overview of the therapeutical potential of Diospy...

Research paper thumbnail of Bioguided Identification of Active Antimicrobial Compounds from Asphodelus bento-rainhae and Asphodelus macrocarpus Root Tubers


Root tubers of Asphodelus bento-rainhae subsp. bento-rainhae (AbR), a vulnerable endemic species,... more Root tubers of Asphodelus bento-rainhae subsp. bento-rainhae (AbR), a vulnerable endemic species, and Asphodelus macrocarpus subsp. macrocarpus (AmR) have traditionally been used in Portugal to treat inflammatory and infectious skin disorders. The present study aims to evaluate the in vitro antimicrobial activity of crude 70% and 96% hydroethanolic extracts of both medicinal plants, specifically against multidrug-resistant skin-related pathogens, to identify the involved marker secondary metabolites and also to assess the pre-clinical toxicity of these medicinal plant extracts. Bioguided fractionation of the 70% hydroethanolic extracts of both species using solvents of increasing polarity, namely diethyl ether (DEE: AbR-1, AmR-1), ethyl acetate (AbR-2, AmR-2) and aqueous (AbR-3, AmR-3) fractions, enabled the identification of the DEE fractions as the most active against all the tested Gram-positive microorganisms (MIC: 16 to 1000 µg/mL). Furthermore, phytochemical analyses using TLC...

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Marker Compounds and In Vitro Toxicity Evaluation of Two Portuguese Asphodelus Leaf Extracts


The leaves of Asphodelus bento-rainhae subsp. bento-rainhae, an endemic Portuguese species, and A... more The leaves of Asphodelus bento-rainhae subsp. bento-rainhae, an endemic Portuguese species, and Asphodelus macrocarpus subsp. macrocarpus have been used as food, and traditionally as medicine, for treating ulcers, urinary tract, and inflammatory disorders. The present study aims to establish the phytochemical profile of the main secondary metabolites, together with the antimicrobial, antioxidant and toxicity assessments of both Asphodelus leaf 70% ethanol extracts. Phytochemical screenings were conducted by the TLC and LC-UV/DAD-ESI/MS chromatographic technique, and quantification of the leading chemical classes was performed by spectrophotometric methods. Liquid-liquid partitions of crude extracts were obtained using ethyl ether, ethyl acetate, and water. For in vitro evaluations of antimicrobial activity, the broth microdilution method, and for the antioxidant activity, the FRAP and DPPH methods were used. Genotoxicity and cytotoxicity were assessed by Ames and MTT tests, respecti...

Research paper thumbnail of Hypericum foliosum Quality Botanical and Chemical Markers and In Vitro Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities


Hypericum foliosum Aiton is an endemic Azorean Hypericum species. Even though the aerial parts of... more Hypericum foliosum Aiton is an endemic Azorean Hypericum species. Even though the aerial parts of Hypericum foliosum are not described in any official pharmacopoeia, they are utilized in local traditional medicine due to their diuretic, hepatoprotective, and antihypertensive properties. This plant has previously been the subject of phytochemical characterization and has been studied for its antidepressant activity, showing significant results in animal models. The lack of a description of the main characteristics of the aerial parts, which would be necessary to properly identify this medicinal plant species, contributes to the possibility of misidentification events. We performed macroscopic and microscopic analyses that identified specific differential characteristics, such as the absence of dark glands, the dimensions of the secretory pockets in the leaf, and the presence of translucent glands in the powder. To continue our previous work on the biological activity of Hypericum fol...

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution to the Preclinical Safety Assessment of Lannea velutina and Sorindeia juglandifolia Leaves


Dried leaves of Lannea velutina A. Rich. and Sorindeia juglandifolia (A. Rich.) Planch. ex Oliv. ... more Dried leaves of Lannea velutina A. Rich. and Sorindeia juglandifolia (A. Rich.) Planch. ex Oliv. (family Anacardiaceae) are used in African traditional medicine. Although these medicinal plants have widespread use in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, there is no scientific data concerning their preclinical or clinical safety. This work aimed to investigate the phytochemical properties of the leaves of both species using HPLC-UV/DAD, as well as the in vivo oral repeated-dose toxicity of 70% hydroethanolic leaf extract of S. juglandifolia and the in vitro genotoxicity of 70% hydroethanolic leaf extracts of L. velutina and S. juglandifolia. Clinical signs of toxicity, body weight variations, and changes in food consumption, mortality, and blood biochemical parameters were monitored. Genotoxicity was assessed using the bacterial reverse mutation assay (Ames test) with and without metabolic activation, according to OECD guidelines. The obtained results showed the presence of gallic...

Research paper thumbnail of Micromorphology and Chemical Studies on Anacardium occidentale L. Stem Bark as an Herbal Medicine


The red and white types of Anacardium occidentale L. stem barks (AoB) are used in the Community o... more The red and white types of Anacardium occidentale L. stem barks (AoB) are used in the Community of Portuguese Language Countries, including Portugal, to make traditional herbal preparations for the treatment of diabetes. This work aims to obtain the macroscopic, micromorphological, chemical, and purity data necessary to use both types of AoBs as medicinal plants safely. Macroscopically, a brown inner (red AoB) or a dark-brown inner surface (white AoB) was observed. Light and scanning electron microscopy showed that sclereid cells with thin cell walls were significantly larger (p < 0.001) in red AoB than in white AoB, but calcium oxalate druses and starch grain areas were significantly larger (p < 0.001) in white AoB than in red AoB. The chromatographic profiles (thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography) of both types of AoBs were characterized by the presence of gallic and protocatechuic acids and other phenolic derivatives. The condensed tannins we...

Research paper thumbnail of The Genus Cynometra: A Review of Ethnomedicine, Chemical, and Biological Data


Cynometra L. is a Fabaceae genus that is widely distributed throughout the tropics, consisting of... more Cynometra L. is a Fabaceae genus that is widely distributed throughout the tropics, consisting of tropical forest trees with ecological and economic importance since they are used as food and herbal medicines by the populations of their natural habitats. Our goal is to provide a review of the research data concerning the potential of this botanical genus as a source of herbal medicines and secondary metabolites that are useful for human health. To that end, scientific databases, including PubMed, Science Direct, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar, were searched using the following terms: Cynometra, medicine, chemical, biological activity, toxicity, and “AND” as the Boolean connector. Eleven Cynometra species (9.7%) were reported to be used in traditional medicine to treat different ailments. A total of 185 secondary metabolites of various chemical classes, mainly flavonoids and terpenoids, were identified in eight Cynometra species (7.1%). Vitexin was the only flavonoid ...

Research paper thumbnail of Diospyros villosa Root Monographic Quality Studies


Diospyros villosa L. (De Winter) (Ebenaceae) is a shrub whose root (DVR) is used as a toothbrush ... more Diospyros villosa L. (De Winter) (Ebenaceae) is a shrub whose root (DVR) is used as a toothbrush and to treat oral infections in Mozambique. The present work aims at establishing monographic quality criteria to allow the sustainable and safe development of pharmaceutical preparations with this herbal drug. This includes setting botanical (qualitative and quantitative) and chemical identification parameters, purity tests (loss on drying and total ash), quantifying the major classes of constituents identified, and particle size characterization of the powdered drug. DVR samples are cylindrical and microscopically characterized by: a periderm, with six layers of flattened phellem cells, with slightly thickened walls and few layers of phelloderm; cortical parenchyma with brachysclereids with a short, roughly isodiametric form (13.82–442.14 μm2 × 103), surrounded by a ring of prismatic calcium oxalate crystals; uniseriate medullary rays and prominent vessels of the xylem with single or d...

Research paper thumbnail of Monographic Quality Parameters and Genotoxicity Assessment of Asphodelus bento-rainhae and Asphodelus macrocarpus Root Tubers as Herbal Medicines


Root tubers of Asphodelus bento-rainhae subsp. bento-rainhae (AbR), an endemic species with relev... more Root tubers of Asphodelus bento-rainhae subsp. bento-rainhae (AbR), an endemic species with relevant interest due to conservation concerns, and Asphodelus macrocarpus subsp. macrocarpus (AmR) have been traditionally used for culinary and medicinal purposes, mainly associated with skin infection and inflammation. The present study aims to establish the quality control criteria for the proper characterization of dried root tubers of both species as herbal substances, together with their preclinical safety assessments. Botanical identification using macroscopic and microscopic techniques and phytochemical evaluation/quantification of the main classes of marker secondary metabolites, including phenolic compounds (flavonoid, anthraquinone, condensed and hydrolysable tannin) and terpenoids were performed. Additionally, in vitro genotoxicity/mutagenicity was evaluated by Ames test. Evident morphological differences in the development of tubercles (3.5 × 1 cm in AbR and 8.7 × 1.4 cm in AmR)...

Research paper thumbnail of Anacardium occidentale Bark as an Antidiabetic Agent


Anacardium occidentale L. is used throughout the world to treat type 2 diabetes. In Portugal, a t... more Anacardium occidentale L. is used throughout the world to treat type 2 diabetes. In Portugal, a traditional herbal preparation made with stem bark of this species (AoBTHP) has been used for more than 30 years to treat this pathology. The AoBTHP was standardized on total phenolic content, and its hypoglycemic activity was assessed using db/db mice (n = 26) for 92 days. Three doses (40.2, 71.5, and 127.0 mg/kg/day, per os) were tested, and glibenclamide (5 mg/kg/day) was used as positive control. During the study, glycemia was measured under non-fasting or fasting states. In sequence, thin-layer chromatography bioautographic assays were used for the detection of possible alpha- and beta-glucosidase inhibitors. A significant hypoglycemic effect in fasting glycemia in days 31 and 57 was observed with the three tested doses. The 71.5 mg/kg and 127.0 mg/kg AoBTHPs significantly reduced non-fasting glycemia on day 24. The highest dose showed the most significant hypoglycemic effect. Gallic...

Research paper thumbnail of Hypericum Genus as a Natural Source for Biologically Active Compounds


Hypericum L. genus plants are distributed worldwide, with numerous species identified throughout ... more Hypericum L. genus plants are distributed worldwide, with numerous species identified throughout all continents, except Antarctica. These plant species are currently used in various systems of traditional medicine to treat mild depression, wounds and burns, diarrhea, pain, fevers, and their secondary metabolites previously shown, and the in vitro and/or in vivo cytotoxic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and hepatoprotective activities, as well as the acetylcholinesterase and monoamine oxidase inhibitory activities. We conducted a systematic bibliographic search according to the Cochrane Collaboration guidelines to answer the question: “What is known about plants of Hypericum genus as a source of natural products with potential clinical biological activity?” We documented 414 different natural products with confirmed in vitro/in vivo biological activities, and 58 different Hypericum plant species as sources for these natural products. Phloroglucinols...

Research paper thumbnail of Traditional Medicine and Mediterranean Vegetation in Portuguese Community, Europe

Ethnomedicine is a way of recording traditional customs concerning the use of plants by communiti... more Ethnomedicine is a way of recording traditional customs concerning the use of plants by communities. The present study constitutes a contribution to the ethnobotanical study of the medicinal and aromatic plants used in the Idanhaa-Nova Village in Portugal. The corpus of the work is composed of 40 individuals between the ages of 45 and 100. In the methodology was applied semistructured interviews, direct observation, oral history, guided tour and photographic record. Some 60 plants were identified, with emphasis on poejo, neveda, and lemon balm, wild Malvae, seven-sangria grass, corn beards and wild life. The plants are mostly used in the form of tea, for treatments of constipation, menstrual pains, urinary infections and wound infection. The Mediterranean culture is expressive as it brings traditional knowledge closer to the local ethnomedicine. Keywords: Mediterranean culture, ethnobotany, traditional community

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnobotany in Traditional European Community

Knowledge about the use of medicinal plants is a way of recording customs and empirical managemen... more Knowledge about the use of medicinal plants is a way of recording customs and empirical management in traditional communities. The present study is a contribution to the ethnobotanical study of the medicinal plants used in the Parish of Penha Garcia, in Portugal. The corpus of the work is composed of 65 individuals between the ages of 51 and 102 years. We apply semi-structured interviews, direct observation, oral history, tour-guided and photographic record. About 105 plants were identified, with emphasis on the Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Lamiaceae families. The plants are mainly used in the form of tea, to treat diseases such as urinary infections, skin diseases, wounds, constipation, menstrual pains and personal protection, mainly. The community presents a wide knowledge and use of plants in the practice of traditional European medicine. Keywords: Ethnomedicine, mediterranean plants, empirical knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of Material Selection Guidelines for the Product Designer

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2021

The aim of this work is to analyze the importance of the selection of materials in the developmen... more The aim of this work is to analyze the importance of the selection of materials in the development of products. As such, this work can provide an important contribution to the field of development of product design.

Research paper thumbnail of Botanical characterization of Hypericum androsaemum a Portuguese medicinal plant

Research paper thumbnail of Botanical characterization of Hypericum foliosum an endemic Azorean species

Research paper thumbnail of A Comprehensive Review on the Medicinal Plants from the Genus Asphodelus