livereviews' Journal (original) (raw)

livereviews' Journal [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded inlivereviews' LiveJournal:

Sunday, June 15th, 2003
_2:43 pm_[rockundrolla] friday june 13, the horseshoe (Toronto) tangiersanagramsome band i missed**( REVIEWCollapse )** (Comment on this)
Saturday, June 14th, 2003
_10:50 am_[rockundrolla] lou reed lou reedjune 13th 2003massey hall, toronto**( [review"]( "review"")Collapse )** (Comment on this)
Monday, June 9th, 2003
_12:47 am_[rockundrolla] wavelength 166 sunday june 8, 2003remake/remodelnounscontroller controller**( hear hereCollapse )** Current Mood: tired (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, May 28th, 2003
_12:21 pm_[rockundrolla] johnny dovercourt's 30th B-Day Bash Saturday May 24th @ Sneaky Dee's (Toronto)DJ Heavy Early (AKA Deadeye Landini)NorthBurn Rome in a Dream (AKA Holding Pattern)the MagnetarsANAGRAMI don't know the info about the other bands but it most likely can be found here( ANAGRAM BRINGS SLAMDANCING BACKCollapse ) (Comment on this)
Tuesday, May 20th, 2003
_1:07 pm_[starrdustpixie] May 19, 2002Toronto, GuvernmentAlkaline Triowith:My Chemical RomancePitch Black (not sure of website)andCloset Monstercrossposted to my own journal**( rock on?Collapse )** Current Mood: groggy (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, May 19th, 2003
_12:24 pm_[rockundrolla] wavelength 163 Sunday May 18th Sneaky Dee's (toronto) wavelength-gi joe killaz-dosh-fog( reviewCollapse ) (Comment on this)