José Guzmán | University of Valencia, Spain (original) (raw)
Papers by José Guzmán
Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación, Nov 21, 2022
Resumen. Este trabajo analizó los efectos de la práctica en variabilidad sobre la percepción de a... more Resumen. Este trabajo analizó los efectos de la práctica en variabilidad sobre la percepción de autoeficacia y el rendimiento en el lanzamiento a canasta en baloncesto tanto en tarea cerrada (lanzamiento de tiro libre) como en tarea abierta (lanzamiento en partido). Se utilizó un diseño unifactorial intersujeto de 2 grupos con medida pre y postest con bloqueo aleatorio. La intervención se realizó en un equipo de baloncesto de l'Alqueria del Básquet, cadete femenino (14-15 años) de primera autonómica. 6 jugadoras conformaron el grupo experimental y realizaron un trabajo de 15 sesiones de 20 minutos de lanzamiento a canasta con técnica a una mano de corta y media distancia, en variabilidad perceptiva, decisional y ejecutiva, mientras que 3 jugadoras conformaron el grupo control y realizaron durante el mismo tiempo un trabajo de bote con cambios de dirección y ritmo, también en la variabilidad indicada. En el entrenamiento manipulamos las variables: distancia a canasta, tamaño y peso del balón, movimientos y posiciones previos y durante el lanzamiento, control visual del lanzamiento, y sobrecarga física de las jugadoras generada con peso adicional o ejercicios previos. Para el tratamiento estadístico empleamos las técnicas de Wilcoxon y Chi-cuadrado. Los resultados mostraron que el grupo control empeoró la autoeficacia y mostró una tendencia a empeorar el rendimiento en el test de tiro libre. El grupo experimental mejoró el porcentaje de aciertos-errores en el tiro libre y lanzamientos de dos puntos en partido. En la discusión reflexionamos sobre la causa psicológica o perceptivo-motora de los resultados.
El presente estudio se realizo con una muestra de 72 jugadoras infantiles de equipos de balonmano... more El presente estudio se realizo con una muestra de 72 jugadoras infantiles de equipos de balonmano, de 13 y 14 anos de edad. Mediante un modelo causal se analizo el papel predictor de la percepcion de competencia y de la percepcion por la jugadora de los criterios de exito deportivo de su entrenador (PCEDE), sobre la orientacion motivacional. El analisis verifico las relaciones hipotetizadas ya que la orientacion motivacional a la tarea fue predicha positivamente por la percepcion de competencia y la PCEDE orientados a la tarea, mientras que la orientacion otivacional al ego fue predicha positivamente por la percepcion de competencia y PCEDE orientados al ego, y negativamente por la PCEDE orientados a la tarea. Los resultados se analizan en terminos motivacionales y de aplicacion practica.
European Journal of Human Movement, Nov 29, 2011
El abandono del deporte en jóvenes desde la Teoría de las metas de logro. This study examined dro... more El abandono del deporte en jóvenes desde la Teoría de las metas de logro. This study examined dropout behavior, using the conceptual framework of achievement goal theory. We hypothesized that dropout could be predicted by a high ego-oriented goal disposition in combination with a low perception of personal skill and the perception that the coach and sport peers maintained ego-oriented sport success criteria. The participants were 134 adolescent athletes involved in high-level competitive sports participation. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) supported these hypotheses. Furthermore, the variables that directly predicted sport dropout were the participant s ego orientation (positively) and perception of skill (negatively). These findings and the research prospects are discussed
European Journal of Sport Science, 2012
Games for Health Journal
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of aerobic exercise (AE), activ... more Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of aerobic exercise (AE), active videogames (AVG), and AE+AVG on cognitive flexibility, choice reaction time (CRT), and postexercise rate of perceived exertion (RPE) in a sample composed of 49 older adults, 11 men and 38 women (age M = 67.7 ± 4.7 years). Materials and Methods: An incomplete intrasubject factorial design was followed. Participants were randomly divided into three experimental groups, and each one performed two of three different sessions (A, B, or C). In session A, participants rode on a cycle ergometer for 30 minutes (AE). In session B, they rode on a cycle ergometer for 30 minutes while playing an AVG (AE+AVG). In session C, they only played an AVG. Data were analyzed with a repeated-measures general linear model. Results: Intrasubject pre-post-analysis showed that the three sessions improved CRT, although motor reaction time did not improve significantly with AE. On the contrary, intrasubjects' postanalysis showed better results of AVG compared with AE (lower % of nonperseverative errors) and AE+AVG (less failures to maintain set, although the number of correct responses decreased). AE+AVG showed benefits in RPE compared with AE. Conclusions: The practice of AE and/or AVG acutely improves CRT in older adults, but only AVG improved some variables of cognitive flexibility. Moreover, postexercise RPE was higher after AE in comparison with other conditions (AVG, AE+AVG).
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 2021
In high performance tennis, different aspects like physical-conditioning, strategy-tactic, techni... more In high performance tennis, different aspects like physical-conditioning, strategy-tactic, technical-biomechanical, psychology and skills acquisition have received large attention from the researchers. Nevertheless, the programming, periodization and planning of training sessions and competitions have not been as studied in depth. Coaches still use their experience, trial-error and subjective perceptions as methods of conducting these fundamental tasks. This article presents the design and validation of an instrument to control the technical and tactical training content on-court. The instrument was conceived by 9 experts and validated by 23 experienced coaches, who used on-court tennis exercises examples. The instrument is a useful tool for helping the coaches to improve the control of the on-court technical and tactical content and the tennis training session contents in high performance tennis players.
The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, Jan 31, 2017
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disease with symptoms that significantly limit the life of affected patien... more Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disease with symptoms that significantly limit the life of affected patients. Earlier studies have shown that the application of self-myofascial release provides benefits in variables such as fatigue, range of motion (ROM) or perceived muscle pain in a healthy population. Despite this, the self-myofascial release technique has not yet been used in people with FM. This study aimed to find out the benefits of applying a self-myofascial release programme on health-related quality of life in people with FM. 66 participants with FM were randomized into two groups, intervention (n=33) and control (n=33). The intervention group (IG) participated in the self-myofascial release programme for twenty weeks. The study assessed the impact of a self-myofascial release programme on cervical spine, shoulder and hip ROM and self-reported disease impact. Two measurements were performed, one at baseline (pre-intervention) and one post-intervention. Two-way mixed-effect (between-...
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2008
The goal was analysis of the perceptual-cognitive skills associated with sport performance in ori... more The goal was analysis of the perceptual-cognitive skills associated with sport performance in orienteering in a sample of 22 elite and 17 nonelite runners. Variables considered were memory, basic orienteering techniques, map reading, symbol knowledge, map-terrain-map identification, and spatial organisation. A computerised questionnaire was developed to measure the variables. The reliability of the test (agreement between experts) was 90%. Findings suggested that competence in performing basic orienteering techniques efficiently was a key variable differentiating between the elite and the nonelite athletes. The results are discussed in comparison with previous studies.
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 1999
Page 1. JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY 11, 83-96 (1999) Effects of Feedback on Self-Efficacy... more Page 1. JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY 11, 83-96 (1999) Effects of Feedback on Self-Efficacy, Performance, and Choice in an Athletic Task AMPARO ESCART~ AND JOSE E GUZMAN University of Vulenciu, Valencia, Spain ...
… Journal of Sport …, 1999
... Perception of Significant Others' Sport Success Criteria Questionnaire (PSOSSCQ) to meas... more ... Perception of Significant Others' Sport Success Criteria Questionnaire (PSOSSCQ) to measure the perception of significant others' criteria of achieving sport success. It was found that athletes had two goal oriented profiles, one that was high in both task and ego orientation, and ...
El análisis técnico-táctico se ha convertido en una pieza clave en el rendimiento del voleibol. P... more El análisis técnico-táctico se ha convertido en una pieza clave en el rendimiento del voleibol. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue profundizar en las últimas tendencias de investigación aplicadas al análisis técnico-táctico del voleibol de alto nivel. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura siguiendo los criterios PRISMA, en el mes de febrero de 2022. Las bases de datos consultadas fueron SPORTDiscus, Web of Science y Scopus. Como resultado se obtuvieron un total de 1087 artículos, de los cuales finalmente 45 formaron parte de la revisión. Se identificaron tres tipos de variables independientes relacionadas con: el contexto social (ranking, calidad del rival y localización), el contexto personal (experiencia, género y edad) y la situación de partido (temporales o espaciales, rol, resultado y modelo de juego), y cinco tipos de variables dependientes relacionadas con: las acciones de juego (saque, recepción, ataque, colocación, ac...
Basandose en el Modelo Jerarquico de la Motivacion Intrinseca y Extrinseca (Vallerand,1997), post... more Basandose en el Modelo Jerarquico de la Motivacion Intrinseca y Extrinseca (Vallerand,1997), postulado a partir de la Teoria de la Evaluacion Cognitiva (Deci y Ryan, 1985b, 1991)el siguiente estudio pretendio verificar la capacidad predictiva de la percepcion denecesidades personales (autonomia, competencia, y calidad de las relaciones sociales) y dela motivacion (intrinseca, extrinseca y amotivacion) sobre la diversion en la practicadeportiva, La muestra estuvo compuesta por 230 sujetos en edades comprendidas entre los11 y los 18 anos pertenecientes a las modalidades deportivas de los Planes deEspecializacion Deportiva de la Generalitat Valenciana. Los resultados de los analisis deregresion lineal verificaron la capacidad predictiva de la percepcion de autonomia,percepcion de las relaciones sociales, motivacion intrinseca y amotivacion. Por otro lado, lapercepcion de competencia y la motivacion extrinseca no mostraron capacidad predictiva. Palabras clave: Teoria de la autodetermina...
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 2021
ABSTRACT Racket sports such as padel are characterised by a variety of specific displacements and... more ABSTRACT Racket sports such as padel are characterised by a variety of specific displacements and behaviours on the court with the aim to cover spaces and take an offensive advantage during the point. The aim of this study was to analyse players’ location in offensive position when opponent hits the ball in different defensive zones. The sample included nine matches from a total of three top national indoor padel tournaments. Twenty-four male padel players performed the matches. Players and ball position was registered using a computerised motion tracking video system. Results showed a significant relation between offensive players’ movements (forward, backward or sideways) according to the position of the ball in defensive zones. Heat map and statistics analysis showed that regarding players’ width positioning, when the ball is in one corner of the defensive zone, both offensive players move to that side of the court. However, regarding players’ depth positioning, if one offensive player moves close to the net, his partner moves some metres back. Such knowledge may constitute a very important factor affecting tactic and task design for padel players and coaches and could be used as an important reference for others ball-over-net sports such as doubles tennis, doubles badminton, beach tennis or volleyball.
European journal of sport science, Jan 30, 2016
The purpose of the present study was to examine the acute effects of resting, aerobic exercise pr... more The purpose of the present study was to examine the acute effects of resting, aerobic exercise practised alone, and aerobic exercise with active video games (AVG), on complex reaction time (CRT) and the post-exercise acute rate of perceived exertion (RPE) in young healthy adults. The experimental group was composed of 92 healthy young adults, 78 males and 13 females (age M = 21.9 ± 2.7 years) who completed two sessions, A and B. In session A, participants rode 30 min on an ergometer, while in session B they exercised for 30 min on an ergometer while playing an AVG on a Wii. The control group was composed of 30 young adults, 26 males and 4 females (age M = 21.4 ± 2.9 years) who rested for 30 min. In each session, a CRT task was performed before and after exercising or resting, and post-exercise global RPE was noted. Repeated measures general linear model (GLM) and Wilcoxon tests were performed. (1) Both aerobic exercise alone and aerobic exercise combined with AVG improved CRT, while...
In this study 34 handball coaches were administered a questionnaire to measure their criteria of ... more In this study 34 handball coaches were administered a questionnaire to measure their criteria of sport success (POSQ) and another to measure the importance each placed on different variables of training methodology. The purpose was to analyse the predictor role of coaches' motivational orientation on given importance to determinants of training. Regression analysis results showed that task orientation corresponded with the following factors, listed in order of importance: training with specificity; grouping athletes by ability; controlling and annotating athletes progress; allowing athletes freedom to perform and choose; and considering competition as a mean but not as an objective. The self confidence of individual players positively influenced the degree of importance that players gave to a variety of exercises and communication with parents as a tool to resolve problems. Likewise, individual egos negatively influenced the liberty to allow athletes to choose and perform specif...
… European Journal of …, 2006
F acultat d e les C iències d e l'A ctivitat F ísica i l'E sp o rt. Universitat de València-EG RE... more F acultat d e les C iències d e l'A ctivitat F ísica i l'E sp o rt. Universitat de València-EG RESUMEN Los diferentes tipos de motivación constituyen un objeto de estudio tanto para los psicólogos como para los psicólogos del depo rte, siendo la m ed ida de éstos una im p ortante área de interés. L a "S port M otivatio n S cale" (S M S), (P elletier et al., 1995) fue creada para medir la motivación intrínseca, extrínseca y amotivación hacia la participación deportiva. Las propiedades psicométricas de las escalas francesa e inglesa se han analizado en diferentes colectivos, con resultados dispares. La versión española realizada hasta la fecha (López, 2000) no ha logrado validar la estructura factorial propuesta por los autores. En este estudio analizamos una nueva versión en castellano de la escala, traducida a partir del inglés, con una muestra de 477 deportistas de educación secundaria, utilizando Modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados aportaron un apoyo relativo a la fiabilidad y validez del SMS, similar a la obtenida por otros estudios de la versión inglesa (Martens y Webber, 2002). Palabras clave: Motivación intrínseca, propiedades psicométricas, análisis factorial confirmatorio.
Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación, Nov 21, 2022
Resumen. Este trabajo analizó los efectos de la práctica en variabilidad sobre la percepción de a... more Resumen. Este trabajo analizó los efectos de la práctica en variabilidad sobre la percepción de autoeficacia y el rendimiento en el lanzamiento a canasta en baloncesto tanto en tarea cerrada (lanzamiento de tiro libre) como en tarea abierta (lanzamiento en partido). Se utilizó un diseño unifactorial intersujeto de 2 grupos con medida pre y postest con bloqueo aleatorio. La intervención se realizó en un equipo de baloncesto de l'Alqueria del Básquet, cadete femenino (14-15 años) de primera autonómica. 6 jugadoras conformaron el grupo experimental y realizaron un trabajo de 15 sesiones de 20 minutos de lanzamiento a canasta con técnica a una mano de corta y media distancia, en variabilidad perceptiva, decisional y ejecutiva, mientras que 3 jugadoras conformaron el grupo control y realizaron durante el mismo tiempo un trabajo de bote con cambios de dirección y ritmo, también en la variabilidad indicada. En el entrenamiento manipulamos las variables: distancia a canasta, tamaño y peso del balón, movimientos y posiciones previos y durante el lanzamiento, control visual del lanzamiento, y sobrecarga física de las jugadoras generada con peso adicional o ejercicios previos. Para el tratamiento estadístico empleamos las técnicas de Wilcoxon y Chi-cuadrado. Los resultados mostraron que el grupo control empeoró la autoeficacia y mostró una tendencia a empeorar el rendimiento en el test de tiro libre. El grupo experimental mejoró el porcentaje de aciertos-errores en el tiro libre y lanzamientos de dos puntos en partido. En la discusión reflexionamos sobre la causa psicológica o perceptivo-motora de los resultados.
El presente estudio se realizo con una muestra de 72 jugadoras infantiles de equipos de balonmano... more El presente estudio se realizo con una muestra de 72 jugadoras infantiles de equipos de balonmano, de 13 y 14 anos de edad. Mediante un modelo causal se analizo el papel predictor de la percepcion de competencia y de la percepcion por la jugadora de los criterios de exito deportivo de su entrenador (PCEDE), sobre la orientacion motivacional. El analisis verifico las relaciones hipotetizadas ya que la orientacion motivacional a la tarea fue predicha positivamente por la percepcion de competencia y la PCEDE orientados a la tarea, mientras que la orientacion otivacional al ego fue predicha positivamente por la percepcion de competencia y PCEDE orientados al ego, y negativamente por la PCEDE orientados a la tarea. Los resultados se analizan en terminos motivacionales y de aplicacion practica.
European Journal of Human Movement, Nov 29, 2011
El abandono del deporte en jóvenes desde la Teoría de las metas de logro. This study examined dro... more El abandono del deporte en jóvenes desde la Teoría de las metas de logro. This study examined dropout behavior, using the conceptual framework of achievement goal theory. We hypothesized that dropout could be predicted by a high ego-oriented goal disposition in combination with a low perception of personal skill and the perception that the coach and sport peers maintained ego-oriented sport success criteria. The participants were 134 adolescent athletes involved in high-level competitive sports participation. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) supported these hypotheses. Furthermore, the variables that directly predicted sport dropout were the participant s ego orientation (positively) and perception of skill (negatively). These findings and the research prospects are discussed
European Journal of Sport Science, 2012
Games for Health Journal
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of aerobic exercise (AE), activ... more Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of aerobic exercise (AE), active videogames (AVG), and AE+AVG on cognitive flexibility, choice reaction time (CRT), and postexercise rate of perceived exertion (RPE) in a sample composed of 49 older adults, 11 men and 38 women (age M = 67.7 ± 4.7 years). Materials and Methods: An incomplete intrasubject factorial design was followed. Participants were randomly divided into three experimental groups, and each one performed two of three different sessions (A, B, or C). In session A, participants rode on a cycle ergometer for 30 minutes (AE). In session B, they rode on a cycle ergometer for 30 minutes while playing an AVG (AE+AVG). In session C, they only played an AVG. Data were analyzed with a repeated-measures general linear model. Results: Intrasubject pre-post-analysis showed that the three sessions improved CRT, although motor reaction time did not improve significantly with AE. On the contrary, intrasubjects' postanalysis showed better results of AVG compared with AE (lower % of nonperseverative errors) and AE+AVG (less failures to maintain set, although the number of correct responses decreased). AE+AVG showed benefits in RPE compared with AE. Conclusions: The practice of AE and/or AVG acutely improves CRT in older adults, but only AVG improved some variables of cognitive flexibility. Moreover, postexercise RPE was higher after AE in comparison with other conditions (AVG, AE+AVG).
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 2021
In high performance tennis, different aspects like physical-conditioning, strategy-tactic, techni... more In high performance tennis, different aspects like physical-conditioning, strategy-tactic, technical-biomechanical, psychology and skills acquisition have received large attention from the researchers. Nevertheless, the programming, periodization and planning of training sessions and competitions have not been as studied in depth. Coaches still use their experience, trial-error and subjective perceptions as methods of conducting these fundamental tasks. This article presents the design and validation of an instrument to control the technical and tactical training content on-court. The instrument was conceived by 9 experts and validated by 23 experienced coaches, who used on-court tennis exercises examples. The instrument is a useful tool for helping the coaches to improve the control of the on-court technical and tactical content and the tennis training session contents in high performance tennis players.
The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, Jan 31, 2017
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disease with symptoms that significantly limit the life of affected patien... more Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disease with symptoms that significantly limit the life of affected patients. Earlier studies have shown that the application of self-myofascial release provides benefits in variables such as fatigue, range of motion (ROM) or perceived muscle pain in a healthy population. Despite this, the self-myofascial release technique has not yet been used in people with FM. This study aimed to find out the benefits of applying a self-myofascial release programme on health-related quality of life in people with FM. 66 participants with FM were randomized into two groups, intervention (n=33) and control (n=33). The intervention group (IG) participated in the self-myofascial release programme for twenty weeks. The study assessed the impact of a self-myofascial release programme on cervical spine, shoulder and hip ROM and self-reported disease impact. Two measurements were performed, one at baseline (pre-intervention) and one post-intervention. Two-way mixed-effect (between-...
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2008
The goal was analysis of the perceptual-cognitive skills associated with sport performance in ori... more The goal was analysis of the perceptual-cognitive skills associated with sport performance in orienteering in a sample of 22 elite and 17 nonelite runners. Variables considered were memory, basic orienteering techniques, map reading, symbol knowledge, map-terrain-map identification, and spatial organisation. A computerised questionnaire was developed to measure the variables. The reliability of the test (agreement between experts) was 90%. Findings suggested that competence in performing basic orienteering techniques efficiently was a key variable differentiating between the elite and the nonelite athletes. The results are discussed in comparison with previous studies.
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 1999
Page 1. JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY 11, 83-96 (1999) Effects of Feedback on Self-Efficacy... more Page 1. JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY 11, 83-96 (1999) Effects of Feedback on Self-Efficacy, Performance, and Choice in an Athletic Task AMPARO ESCART~ AND JOSE E GUZMAN University of Vulenciu, Valencia, Spain ...
… Journal of Sport …, 1999
... Perception of Significant Others' Sport Success Criteria Questionnaire (PSOSSCQ) to meas... more ... Perception of Significant Others' Sport Success Criteria Questionnaire (PSOSSCQ) to measure the perception of significant others' criteria of achieving sport success. It was found that athletes had two goal oriented profiles, one that was high in both task and ego orientation, and ...
El análisis técnico-táctico se ha convertido en una pieza clave en el rendimiento del voleibol. P... more El análisis técnico-táctico se ha convertido en una pieza clave en el rendimiento del voleibol. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue profundizar en las últimas tendencias de investigación aplicadas al análisis técnico-táctico del voleibol de alto nivel. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura siguiendo los criterios PRISMA, en el mes de febrero de 2022. Las bases de datos consultadas fueron SPORTDiscus, Web of Science y Scopus. Como resultado se obtuvieron un total de 1087 artículos, de los cuales finalmente 45 formaron parte de la revisión. Se identificaron tres tipos de variables independientes relacionadas con: el contexto social (ranking, calidad del rival y localización), el contexto personal (experiencia, género y edad) y la situación de partido (temporales o espaciales, rol, resultado y modelo de juego), y cinco tipos de variables dependientes relacionadas con: las acciones de juego (saque, recepción, ataque, colocación, ac...
Basandose en el Modelo Jerarquico de la Motivacion Intrinseca y Extrinseca (Vallerand,1997), post... more Basandose en el Modelo Jerarquico de la Motivacion Intrinseca y Extrinseca (Vallerand,1997), postulado a partir de la Teoria de la Evaluacion Cognitiva (Deci y Ryan, 1985b, 1991)el siguiente estudio pretendio verificar la capacidad predictiva de la percepcion denecesidades personales (autonomia, competencia, y calidad de las relaciones sociales) y dela motivacion (intrinseca, extrinseca y amotivacion) sobre la diversion en la practicadeportiva, La muestra estuvo compuesta por 230 sujetos en edades comprendidas entre los11 y los 18 anos pertenecientes a las modalidades deportivas de los Planes deEspecializacion Deportiva de la Generalitat Valenciana. Los resultados de los analisis deregresion lineal verificaron la capacidad predictiva de la percepcion de autonomia,percepcion de las relaciones sociales, motivacion intrinseca y amotivacion. Por otro lado, lapercepcion de competencia y la motivacion extrinseca no mostraron capacidad predictiva. Palabras clave: Teoria de la autodetermina...
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 2021
ABSTRACT Racket sports such as padel are characterised by a variety of specific displacements and... more ABSTRACT Racket sports such as padel are characterised by a variety of specific displacements and behaviours on the court with the aim to cover spaces and take an offensive advantage during the point. The aim of this study was to analyse players’ location in offensive position when opponent hits the ball in different defensive zones. The sample included nine matches from a total of three top national indoor padel tournaments. Twenty-four male padel players performed the matches. Players and ball position was registered using a computerised motion tracking video system. Results showed a significant relation between offensive players’ movements (forward, backward or sideways) according to the position of the ball in defensive zones. Heat map and statistics analysis showed that regarding players’ width positioning, when the ball is in one corner of the defensive zone, both offensive players move to that side of the court. However, regarding players’ depth positioning, if one offensive player moves close to the net, his partner moves some metres back. Such knowledge may constitute a very important factor affecting tactic and task design for padel players and coaches and could be used as an important reference for others ball-over-net sports such as doubles tennis, doubles badminton, beach tennis or volleyball.
European journal of sport science, Jan 30, 2016
The purpose of the present study was to examine the acute effects of resting, aerobic exercise pr... more The purpose of the present study was to examine the acute effects of resting, aerobic exercise practised alone, and aerobic exercise with active video games (AVG), on complex reaction time (CRT) and the post-exercise acute rate of perceived exertion (RPE) in young healthy adults. The experimental group was composed of 92 healthy young adults, 78 males and 13 females (age M = 21.9 ± 2.7 years) who completed two sessions, A and B. In session A, participants rode 30 min on an ergometer, while in session B they exercised for 30 min on an ergometer while playing an AVG on a Wii. The control group was composed of 30 young adults, 26 males and 4 females (age M = 21.4 ± 2.9 years) who rested for 30 min. In each session, a CRT task was performed before and after exercising or resting, and post-exercise global RPE was noted. Repeated measures general linear model (GLM) and Wilcoxon tests were performed. (1) Both aerobic exercise alone and aerobic exercise combined with AVG improved CRT, while...
In this study 34 handball coaches were administered a questionnaire to measure their criteria of ... more In this study 34 handball coaches were administered a questionnaire to measure their criteria of sport success (POSQ) and another to measure the importance each placed on different variables of training methodology. The purpose was to analyse the predictor role of coaches' motivational orientation on given importance to determinants of training. Regression analysis results showed that task orientation corresponded with the following factors, listed in order of importance: training with specificity; grouping athletes by ability; controlling and annotating athletes progress; allowing athletes freedom to perform and choose; and considering competition as a mean but not as an objective. The self confidence of individual players positively influenced the degree of importance that players gave to a variety of exercises and communication with parents as a tool to resolve problems. Likewise, individual egos negatively influenced the liberty to allow athletes to choose and perform specif...
… European Journal of …, 2006
F acultat d e les C iències d e l'A ctivitat F ísica i l'E sp o rt. Universitat de València-EG RE... more F acultat d e les C iències d e l'A ctivitat F ísica i l'E sp o rt. Universitat de València-EG RESUMEN Los diferentes tipos de motivación constituyen un objeto de estudio tanto para los psicólogos como para los psicólogos del depo rte, siendo la m ed ida de éstos una im p ortante área de interés. L a "S port M otivatio n S cale" (S M S), (P elletier et al., 1995) fue creada para medir la motivación intrínseca, extrínseca y amotivación hacia la participación deportiva. Las propiedades psicométricas de las escalas francesa e inglesa se han analizado en diferentes colectivos, con resultados dispares. La versión española realizada hasta la fecha (López, 2000) no ha logrado validar la estructura factorial propuesta por los autores. En este estudio analizamos una nueva versión en castellano de la escala, traducida a partir del inglés, con una muestra de 477 deportistas de educación secundaria, utilizando Modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados aportaron un apoyo relativo a la fiabilidad y validez del SMS, similar a la obtenida por otros estudios de la versión inglesa (Martens y Webber, 2002). Palabras clave: Motivación intrínseca, propiedades psicométricas, análisis factorial confirmatorio.
The Procedural Model of Stress is proposed as a reference framework of the study and, on the othe... more The Procedural Model of Stress is proposed as a reference framework of the study and, on the other, is based on the predictive capability of balanced and obsessive passion about stress-facing techniques in the field of formal dance. A sample of 184 people. A selective method with a retrospective ex-post factum design was used. As instruments, scales whose psychometric properties are validated were adapted to dance. The statistics used were Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests to analyze the normality of variables, general descriptive analysis, bivariate correlations, multiple linear regression to determine predictability and interpersonal multivariate MLG. Supporting literature, it can be confirmed that the bifactorial structure from the predictive variable (balanced and obsessive passion) was a significant predictor concerning the strategies on facing stress. Also, new evidences are provided concerning the suitability of the stress-facing analysis scale in dancing.