Mini get-together (original) (raw)

| Noodle Dude posting in LJ get-together | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |

Hej allihopa!

I was supposed to come to the LJGT in Västervik the other month, but unfortunately couldn't make it. Now I'm trying to get a second chance to meet you people, during a small get together.

The most suitable day for nordiclania and me seems Friday the 18th, so it would be great if as many other people as possible could join us. The more the merrier!

The program I'm thinking of consists of several parts:

  1. Do something touristy (since I am one), like sightseeing, a museum, or shopping. I'm not a great walker, so 20 km hikes are not my thing, but I love strolling around city centers.
  2. Fika some time in the afternoon (15 - 16h)
  3. Dinner starting between 18h and 19h
  4. Drinks afterwards

Whoever reads this is welcome to join us in any or several of the above items.
For all parts, I'm really welcoming suggestions on what to do, where to go, etc.
So, let's hear it!

I love this idea. :) Unfortunately I work the next day, so I can't stay too long. I should try to get back at around 8-ish, 9-ish. But it's gonna be a lot of fun for sure! :D

Glad you like the idea!
Any suggestions for places to go to?
I'm relying completely on "the locals".
I don't think I'll stay until the early hours, either...

Well, I don't eat out much, but Mongolian Barbecue no. 8 is fantastic. So yeah, that would be my suggestion. ^^ I don't spend much time in Sthlm, so I don't know as much as I probably should, but there are always others who know. :)

I have work, so I could meet up at like 5pm, and since I probably have the big move/breakup on Saturday I don't want to be out too late. But hey, that means I get to eat dinner, right? ;)
Mongolian barbeque sounds nice to me... :)

Yes, you can definitely join us for dinner!

Mongolian BBQ sounds nice indeed.
On which street is that? Couldn't find "M.B. no. 8" on Google or Eniro.

Also, don't be afraid of the bad reviews on that page. Both times I've been there the service has been great and the food is delicious, and it's vargen's favorite place as well, and he's been there tons of times so ask him about it too if you like. :)

I would have loved to come along but i'm visiting Nackrufs in Örebro that day. :/

Well, I would have loved to have met both of you, but maybe next time then.
Thanks for your reply!

Oh, I wish I could come, but as da_smaskus already said it won't be possible :/ Hopefully there will be a next time!

I'd like to come to the dinner. Mongolian BBQ sounds nice.