Ronny Vollandt | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (original) (raw)
Books by Ronny Vollandt
Oriental Institute, 2020
This book investigates Arabic’s transformative historical phase, the passage from the pre-Islamic... more This book investigates Arabic’s transformative historical phase, the passage from the pre-Islamic to the Islamic period, through a new approach. It asks, What would Arabic’s early history look like if we wrote it based on the documentary evidence? The book frames this question through the linguistic investigation of the Damascus Psalm Fragment (PF), the longest Arabic text composed in Greek letters from the early Islamic period. It is argued that its language is a witness to the Arabic vernacular of the early Islamic period, and then moves to understand its relationship with Arabic of the pre-Islamic period, the Quranic Consonantal Text, and the first Islamic century papyri, arguing that all of this material belongs to a dialectal complex we call “Old Ḥigāzī.” The book concludes by presenting a scenario for the emergence of standard Classical Arabic as the literary language of the late eighth century and beyond.
A Comparative Study of Jewish,
Papers by Ronny Vollandt
Bulletin of the Center Papyrological Studies, 2020
الملخص: في العصور ما قبل الحدیثة عاش ما یقرب من تسعون بالمائة من الیهود تحت الحكم الإسلامي، فاست... more الملخص: في العصور ما قبل الحدیثة عاش ما یقرب من تسعون بالمائة من الیهود تحت الحكم الإسلامي،
فاستخدموا اللغة العربیة في تلك الفترة لیس فقط في التواصل الشفوي والمكتوب، بل إنهم دمجوا مفاهیم وتقنیات من
هذه البیئة الفكریة، التي عاشوا فیها مما جعل هذه العصور الأكثر تمی ا زً من حیث النشاط الأدبي في كل التاریخ
الیهودي. وعلى الرغم من أهمیة هذه الحقبة التاریخیة فإن الأدب المكتوب بالعربیة الیهودیة لم ینل حتى زمن قریب
القدر الكافي من الفحص العلمي. وهذا یرجع إلى تعذُّر الوصول إلى المصادر بالإضافة إلى تباین التقالید العلمیة
والموقف السیاسي. هذه الورقة البحثیة تساهم في استكشاف التجذُّر الفكري والثقافي بالإضافة إلى السمات الممیزة
للأدب العربي المكتوب بواسطة الیهود.
الكلمات الدالة: الأدب الیهودي العربي، الأدب العربي، الد ا رسات الیهودیة.
„Griechisch – Aramäisch – Arabisch: Drei (un)gleiche Übersetzungskontexte im Judentum“ in Kathar... more „Griechisch – Aramäisch – Arabisch: Drei (un)gleiche Übersetzungskontexte im Judentum“ in Katharina Heyden and Henrike Manuwald (eds.), Übertragungen heiliger Texte in Judentum, Christentum und Islam: Fallstudien zu Formen und Grenzen der Transposition (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019), 113-131.
For full version, email me...
Theologische Literaturzeitung , 2019
مجلة الآداب, 2018
Al-Adab Journal 125 (2018), 253-272
Studies on Arabic Christianity in Honor of Sidney H. Griffith, 2018
unedited non-final version. For published version please be in touch. (2018) „Flawed Biblical t... more unedited non-final version. For published version please be in touch.
(2018) „Flawed Biblical translations into Arabic and How to Correct Them: A Copt and a Jew study Saadiah’s Tafsīr,“ in Studies on Arabic Christianity in Honor of Sidney H. Griffith, eds. David Bertaina, Sandra T. Keating, Mark N. Swanson and Alexander Treiger (Leiden:Brill), 56-90.
Philological Encounters, 2018
Arabic translations of the Scriptures were an early vehicle for satisfying the need for versions ... more Arabic translations of the Scriptures were an early vehicle for satisfying the need for versions that the masses, as well as the more educated strata, could understand, and for adapting the biblical text to a new world at a time of profound political and cultural change. Most of the languages that had been in general use prior to this time had been supplanted by Arabic. For the majority of communities that were now under Muslim rule, the languages of religious learning became a scholastic medium that had to be acquired and preserved through instruction. This led to a multiglossic culture, in which Arabic was the daily vernacular, used alongside central religious texts in Hebrew and Aramaic (or Syriac, Greek, and Coptic for Christian communities). In this contribution I seek to demonstrate how early Jewish translations of the Bible into Arabic promoted continuing and close study of Hebrew, rather than the reverse.
“‘Israel in den Zelten Kedars‘: Juden unter islamischer Herrschaft und ihre Literatur in arabisch... more “‘Israel in den Zelten Kedars‘: Juden unter islamischer Herrschaft und ihre Literatur in arabischer Sprache,“ Eothen 8 (2018), 351-373.
I thank the Gesellschaft der Freunde islamischer Kunst und Kultur e.V. for their kind permission to publish it here.
The aim of this contribution is to review some of the major areas of current research on the Arab... more The aim of this contribution is to review some of the major areas of current research on the Arabic Bible, along with the factors and trends contributing to them. Also we present some of the tools that are currently under development in the Biblia Arabica team, Munich.
Semitic Linguistics and Manuscripts : A Liber Discipulorum in Honour of Professor Geoffrey Khan, 2018
In what follows, I seek to offer a status quaestionis of research on the Arabic Bible. As a newly... more In what follows, I seek to offer a status quaestionis of research on the Arabic Bible. As a newly emerging field of academic research, it has a need to clearly define itself and to develop methodological standards. This is necessary not least to close scholarly lacunae and produce new, seminal perspectives on the field. versions in Arabic, their various text types, their Vorlagen and translation strategies, their geographical , chronological and denominational distribution, as well as to the ways they were produced, disseminated and consumed can, for the time being, only be answered tentatively. This contribution thus attempts to bring together different strands of a dynamic field, which has received considerable momentum since the turn of the new millennium.
التُراث اُلعربيّ اُلمسيحيُ-ّالمركز اُلثقافيُّ اُلفرنسيسكانيُّ JACI-CCF Issue 3 (Egypt, July 2017)... more التُراث اُلعربيّ اُلمسيحيُ-ّالمركز اُلثقافيُّ اُلفرنسيسكانيُّ
JACI-CCF Issue 3 (Egypt, July 2017), 521-546.
Textual studies have always depended on the discovery of new manuscripts. Oriental scholarship in... more Textual studies have always depended on the discovery of new manuscripts. Oriental scholarship in Germany and Denmark in the late 18 th and early 19 th century, on which this article focuses, not only actively promoted the search for new sources, but also developed new tools to describe, date and localise manuscripts in order to put them at the disposal of textual scholars. One particularly intriguing figure in this context is Jacob Georg Christian Adler (1756-1834), who studied -and actually physically examined -an unprecedented range of Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic manuscripts as a young scholar, which he consulted during his travels to the main libraries of Europe. While on this peregrinatio academica, he documented his observations in a number of notebooks, none of which have hitherto attracted attention or even been discussed. These notebooks show a scholar at work and record his thoughts on the manuscripts he consulted, particularly on the repository of texts they contained and on their physical appearance. He drew upon this preliminary work later in a number of books that he published. Adler perceived both aspects as being intrinsically connected and, indeed, inseparable, much in contrast to later research, which degraded the study of the material embodiment of texts to a mere Hilfswissenschaft (ancillary discipline).
- “The Conundrum of Scriptural Plurality: The Arabic Bible, Polyglots, and Medieval Predecessors... more - “The Conundrum of Scriptural Plurality: The Arabic Bible, Polyglots, and Medieval Predecessors of Biblical Criticism,” in Armin Lange, Andres Piquer, Pablo A. Torijano and Julio Trebolle Barrera, eds, Editing the Hebrew Bible in the Variety of its Texts and Versions (Leiden: Brill, 2016), 56-85.
The present investigation aims at a reconstruction of the mise-en-livre of four Arabic manuscript... more The present investigation aims at a reconstruction of the mise-en-livre of four Arabic
manuscript Bibles, each of them containing a complete set of biblical books, and
the workshop that crafted them. Collecting the relevant codicological details—as, for
example, the dates given in the colophons, the names of scribes and their characteristic
traits, and references to the place of production—makes it possible to distinguish the
various steps in production. The combined evidence allows for a surprisingly detailed
glimpse into the work methods of the scribes and especially the liberties they took
with regard to some aspects of transcribing. In concluding remarks, the question is
addressed as to how to explain the practice, which is uncommon in the Christian Arabic
context, of binding all biblical books together into one manuscript.
A Quarterly for Jewish Studies היהדות למדעי רבעון היהדות למדעי רבעון העניינים תוכן... more A Quarterly for Jewish Studies היהדות למדעי רבעון היהדות למדעי רבעון העניינים תוכן 5 שבועות במסכת האחרון הפרק של לתולדותיו רוזנטל יואב 51 והנוצרית היהודית הפרשנות בסבך )26-24 ד (שמ' דמים חתן פרשת קיסטר מנחם 71 רס"ג של התפסיר מסירת על הביניים? בימי קופטים הבראיסטים וולנדט רוני 87 הקהירית הגניזה קטעי פי על חטאנו פיוטי של הליטורגי מעמדם שמידמן אבי 115 הקדומה באיטליה חמתך' 'שפוך ופסוקי קללה פיוטי פרנקל אברהם 135 אלכסנדריה למוקדם אנטולי ר' של ומינויו הרמב"ם פרידמן עקיבא מרדכי 163 הרמב"ן של ביצירתו דרך אבני התורה: לפירוש תמימה' ה' 'תורת מדרשת ישראלי עודד בחיבוריו ובירורים זרוע' אור מ'ספר חדשים קטעים הנעלם', 'ספר בר-אשר אבישי 197 מדעיות ומהדורות עיון ליאון: די משה ר' של המוקדמים 331 במערכת שנתקבלו ספרים v באנגלית תקצירים ]86-71 עמ' (תשע"ה), א-ב חוברת פג, שנה היהדות, למדעי רבעון -[תרביץ רס"ג של התפסיר מסירת על הביניים? בימי קופטים הבראיסטים מאת וולנדט רוני קופטי מלומד הזמין לסה"נ) 1242 באפריל 3( להג'רה 639 בשנת אל ַ ו ַ ׁש חודש של הראשון ביום
Unlike that of other versions of the Bible, the history of those in Arabic is largely uncharted. ... more Unlike that of other versions of the Bible, the history of those in Arabic is largely uncharted. Not only is there no inventory of preserved manuscripts, but equally unavailable to date are editions or in-depth investigations as to the emergence and development of the genre. A notable exception to this unhappy state of affairs is Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF), MS Ar. 1. The codex gained prominence as the base text for the Arabic portions of the Paris Polyglot (1629–45), which was subsequently reprinted with only minor variants in the London Polyglot (1652–57). Both imprints encompass the entire Old and New Testaments. They were the product of a new erudite discipline that, following the invention of movable type in a variety of Oriental scripts, specialised in furthering the knowledge of the Bible in its original languages and translations. While the Polyglots had no impact on Oriental communities, they made available the content of BNF, MS Ar. 1 to a wide readership in early modern Europe, and on an even larger scale from the Republic of Letters onwards. It was in this form that a first complete set of biblical books in the Arabic language became widely known.
Oriental Institute, 2020
This book investigates Arabic’s transformative historical phase, the passage from the pre-Islamic... more This book investigates Arabic’s transformative historical phase, the passage from the pre-Islamic to the Islamic period, through a new approach. It asks, What would Arabic’s early history look like if we wrote it based on the documentary evidence? The book frames this question through the linguistic investigation of the Damascus Psalm Fragment (PF), the longest Arabic text composed in Greek letters from the early Islamic period. It is argued that its language is a witness to the Arabic vernacular of the early Islamic period, and then moves to understand its relationship with Arabic of the pre-Islamic period, the Quranic Consonantal Text, and the first Islamic century papyri, arguing that all of this material belongs to a dialectal complex we call “Old Ḥigāzī.” The book concludes by presenting a scenario for the emergence of standard Classical Arabic as the literary language of the late eighth century and beyond.
A Comparative Study of Jewish,
Bulletin of the Center Papyrological Studies, 2020
الملخص: في العصور ما قبل الحدیثة عاش ما یقرب من تسعون بالمائة من الیهود تحت الحكم الإسلامي، فاست... more الملخص: في العصور ما قبل الحدیثة عاش ما یقرب من تسعون بالمائة من الیهود تحت الحكم الإسلامي،
فاستخدموا اللغة العربیة في تلك الفترة لیس فقط في التواصل الشفوي والمكتوب، بل إنهم دمجوا مفاهیم وتقنیات من
هذه البیئة الفكریة، التي عاشوا فیها مما جعل هذه العصور الأكثر تمی ا زً من حیث النشاط الأدبي في كل التاریخ
الیهودي. وعلى الرغم من أهمیة هذه الحقبة التاریخیة فإن الأدب المكتوب بالعربیة الیهودیة لم ینل حتى زمن قریب
القدر الكافي من الفحص العلمي. وهذا یرجع إلى تعذُّر الوصول إلى المصادر بالإضافة إلى تباین التقالید العلمیة
والموقف السیاسي. هذه الورقة البحثیة تساهم في استكشاف التجذُّر الفكري والثقافي بالإضافة إلى السمات الممیزة
للأدب العربي المكتوب بواسطة الیهود.
الكلمات الدالة: الأدب الیهودي العربي، الأدب العربي، الد ا رسات الیهودیة.
„Griechisch – Aramäisch – Arabisch: Drei (un)gleiche Übersetzungskontexte im Judentum“ in Kathar... more „Griechisch – Aramäisch – Arabisch: Drei (un)gleiche Übersetzungskontexte im Judentum“ in Katharina Heyden and Henrike Manuwald (eds.), Übertragungen heiliger Texte in Judentum, Christentum und Islam: Fallstudien zu Formen und Grenzen der Transposition (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019), 113-131.
For full version, email me...
Theologische Literaturzeitung , 2019
مجلة الآداب, 2018
Al-Adab Journal 125 (2018), 253-272
Studies on Arabic Christianity in Honor of Sidney H. Griffith, 2018
unedited non-final version. For published version please be in touch. (2018) „Flawed Biblical t... more unedited non-final version. For published version please be in touch.
(2018) „Flawed Biblical translations into Arabic and How to Correct Them: A Copt and a Jew study Saadiah’s Tafsīr,“ in Studies on Arabic Christianity in Honor of Sidney H. Griffith, eds. David Bertaina, Sandra T. Keating, Mark N. Swanson and Alexander Treiger (Leiden:Brill), 56-90.
Philological Encounters, 2018
Arabic translations of the Scriptures were an early vehicle for satisfying the need for versions ... more Arabic translations of the Scriptures were an early vehicle for satisfying the need for versions that the masses, as well as the more educated strata, could understand, and for adapting the biblical text to a new world at a time of profound political and cultural change. Most of the languages that had been in general use prior to this time had been supplanted by Arabic. For the majority of communities that were now under Muslim rule, the languages of religious learning became a scholastic medium that had to be acquired and preserved through instruction. This led to a multiglossic culture, in which Arabic was the daily vernacular, used alongside central religious texts in Hebrew and Aramaic (or Syriac, Greek, and Coptic for Christian communities). In this contribution I seek to demonstrate how early Jewish translations of the Bible into Arabic promoted continuing and close study of Hebrew, rather than the reverse.
“‘Israel in den Zelten Kedars‘: Juden unter islamischer Herrschaft und ihre Literatur in arabisch... more “‘Israel in den Zelten Kedars‘: Juden unter islamischer Herrschaft und ihre Literatur in arabischer Sprache,“ Eothen 8 (2018), 351-373.
I thank the Gesellschaft der Freunde islamischer Kunst und Kultur e.V. for their kind permission to publish it here.
The aim of this contribution is to review some of the major areas of current research on the Arab... more The aim of this contribution is to review some of the major areas of current research on the Arabic Bible, along with the factors and trends contributing to them. Also we present some of the tools that are currently under development in the Biblia Arabica team, Munich.
Semitic Linguistics and Manuscripts : A Liber Discipulorum in Honour of Professor Geoffrey Khan, 2018
In what follows, I seek to offer a status quaestionis of research on the Arabic Bible. As a newly... more In what follows, I seek to offer a status quaestionis of research on the Arabic Bible. As a newly emerging field of academic research, it has a need to clearly define itself and to develop methodological standards. This is necessary not least to close scholarly lacunae and produce new, seminal perspectives on the field. versions in Arabic, their various text types, their Vorlagen and translation strategies, their geographical , chronological and denominational distribution, as well as to the ways they were produced, disseminated and consumed can, for the time being, only be answered tentatively. This contribution thus attempts to bring together different strands of a dynamic field, which has received considerable momentum since the turn of the new millennium.
التُراث اُلعربيّ اُلمسيحيُ-ّالمركز اُلثقافيُّ اُلفرنسيسكانيُّ JACI-CCF Issue 3 (Egypt, July 2017)... more التُراث اُلعربيّ اُلمسيحيُ-ّالمركز اُلثقافيُّ اُلفرنسيسكانيُّ
JACI-CCF Issue 3 (Egypt, July 2017), 521-546.
Textual studies have always depended on the discovery of new manuscripts. Oriental scholarship in... more Textual studies have always depended on the discovery of new manuscripts. Oriental scholarship in Germany and Denmark in the late 18 th and early 19 th century, on which this article focuses, not only actively promoted the search for new sources, but also developed new tools to describe, date and localise manuscripts in order to put them at the disposal of textual scholars. One particularly intriguing figure in this context is Jacob Georg Christian Adler (1756-1834), who studied -and actually physically examined -an unprecedented range of Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic manuscripts as a young scholar, which he consulted during his travels to the main libraries of Europe. While on this peregrinatio academica, he documented his observations in a number of notebooks, none of which have hitherto attracted attention or even been discussed. These notebooks show a scholar at work and record his thoughts on the manuscripts he consulted, particularly on the repository of texts they contained and on their physical appearance. He drew upon this preliminary work later in a number of books that he published. Adler perceived both aspects as being intrinsically connected and, indeed, inseparable, much in contrast to later research, which degraded the study of the material embodiment of texts to a mere Hilfswissenschaft (ancillary discipline).
- “The Conundrum of Scriptural Plurality: The Arabic Bible, Polyglots, and Medieval Predecessors... more - “The Conundrum of Scriptural Plurality: The Arabic Bible, Polyglots, and Medieval Predecessors of Biblical Criticism,” in Armin Lange, Andres Piquer, Pablo A. Torijano and Julio Trebolle Barrera, eds, Editing the Hebrew Bible in the Variety of its Texts and Versions (Leiden: Brill, 2016), 56-85.
The present investigation aims at a reconstruction of the mise-en-livre of four Arabic manuscript... more The present investigation aims at a reconstruction of the mise-en-livre of four Arabic
manuscript Bibles, each of them containing a complete set of biblical books, and
the workshop that crafted them. Collecting the relevant codicological details—as, for
example, the dates given in the colophons, the names of scribes and their characteristic
traits, and references to the place of production—makes it possible to distinguish the
various steps in production. The combined evidence allows for a surprisingly detailed
glimpse into the work methods of the scribes and especially the liberties they took
with regard to some aspects of transcribing. In concluding remarks, the question is
addressed as to how to explain the practice, which is uncommon in the Christian Arabic
context, of binding all biblical books together into one manuscript.
A Quarterly for Jewish Studies היהדות למדעי רבעון היהדות למדעי רבעון העניינים תוכן... more A Quarterly for Jewish Studies היהדות למדעי רבעון היהדות למדעי רבעון העניינים תוכן 5 שבועות במסכת האחרון הפרק של לתולדותיו רוזנטל יואב 51 והנוצרית היהודית הפרשנות בסבך )26-24 ד (שמ' דמים חתן פרשת קיסטר מנחם 71 רס"ג של התפסיר מסירת על הביניים? בימי קופטים הבראיסטים וולנדט רוני 87 הקהירית הגניזה קטעי פי על חטאנו פיוטי של הליטורגי מעמדם שמידמן אבי 115 הקדומה באיטליה חמתך' 'שפוך ופסוקי קללה פיוטי פרנקל אברהם 135 אלכסנדריה למוקדם אנטולי ר' של ומינויו הרמב"ם פרידמן עקיבא מרדכי 163 הרמב"ן של ביצירתו דרך אבני התורה: לפירוש תמימה' ה' 'תורת מדרשת ישראלי עודד בחיבוריו ובירורים זרוע' אור מ'ספר חדשים קטעים הנעלם', 'ספר בר-אשר אבישי 197 מדעיות ומהדורות עיון ליאון: די משה ר' של המוקדמים 331 במערכת שנתקבלו ספרים v באנגלית תקצירים ]86-71 עמ' (תשע"ה), א-ב חוברת פג, שנה היהדות, למדעי רבעון -[תרביץ רס"ג של התפסיר מסירת על הביניים? בימי קופטים הבראיסטים מאת וולנדט רוני קופטי מלומד הזמין לסה"נ) 1242 באפריל 3( להג'רה 639 בשנת אל ַ ו ַ ׁש חודש של הראשון ביום
Unlike that of other versions of the Bible, the history of those in Arabic is largely uncharted. ... more Unlike that of other versions of the Bible, the history of those in Arabic is largely uncharted. Not only is there no inventory of preserved manuscripts, but equally unavailable to date are editions or in-depth investigations as to the emergence and development of the genre. A notable exception to this unhappy state of affairs is Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF), MS Ar. 1. The codex gained prominence as the base text for the Arabic portions of the Paris Polyglot (1629–45), which was subsequently reprinted with only minor variants in the London Polyglot (1652–57). Both imprints encompass the entire Old and New Testaments. They were the product of a new erudite discipline that, following the invention of movable type in a variety of Oriental scripts, specialised in furthering the knowledge of the Bible in its original languages and translations. While the Polyglots had no impact on Oriental communities, they made available the content of BNF, MS Ar. 1 to a wide readership in early modern Europe, and on an even larger scale from the Republic of Letters onwards. It was in this form that a first complete set of biblical books in the Arabic language became widely known.
Abstract In this brief contribution, I examine multiple histories of the Hebrew narrative Sefer J... more Abstract
In this brief contribution, I examine multiple histories of the Hebrew narrative Sefer Josippon, trace back its reception and impact in thirteenth-century Coptic Cairo, and
call for a renewed scholarly investigation into its Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic versions.
Sefer Josippon – Kitāb akhbār al-yahūd – Jewish-Christian relations – Judaeo-Arabic – Second Temple period – Flavius Josephus – Maccabees
From approximately the tenth to the nineteenth century the Jewish community of Old Cairo deposite... more From approximately the tenth to the nineteenth century the Jewish community of Old Cairo deposited their worn-out book and documents into the Genizah of the Ben Ezra Synagogue, a storeroom for retired texts. Countless leaves, to a large part written in Hebrew script and thus deemed too sacred for an ordinary disposal, were placed there, the remains of treasured books, personal and official letters, amulets, calendars, and all kinds of written text that a highly literate community might produce.
With the discovery of the so called “Cairo Genizah”, one hundred and twenty years ago, researchers from diverse disciplines and fields have gained access to an enormous and unprecedented collection of rare and original documents from the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, more than 200,000 pieces in Cambridge University Library alone, along with other collections scattered worldwide. This remarkable storehouse of primary sources has thrown a fresh new light on the medieval society of the Mediterranean world as a whole (including Islamic and Eastern Christian history) and particularly on Jewish history and culture from ancient to early modern times. Giving the scope, scale and diverse character of the material recovered from the Cairo storeroom, the Genizah continues to provide a seemingly inexhaustible source of primary research materials for scholars from a wide range of disciplines.
Even with the essential tools that have been established over the last few decades to facilitate Genizah studies, gaining access to this vast field with its very specialized material is still a challenge to young researchers and thus calls for special training. Our EAJS Summer Laboratory is therefore intended as a platform for advanced MA-students, PhD-candidates and Post-Docs, who are interested in the field of Genizah Studies and wish to venture further into it. Every participant will have the opportunity to present a paper on her/his topic of research. Senior scholars will present their own work and offer hands-on training, as well as provide feedback on the participants' projects.
From approximately the tenth to the nineteenth century the Jewish community of Old Cairo deposite... more From approximately the tenth to the nineteenth century the Jewish community of Old Cairo deposited their worn-out book and documents into the Genizah of the Ben Ezra Synagogue, a storeroom for retired texts. Countless leaves, to a large part written in Hebrew script and thus deemed too sacred for an ordinary disposal, were placed there, the remains of treasured books, personal and official letters, amulets, calendars, and all kinds of written text that a highly literate community might produce.
With the discovery of the so called “Cairo Genizah”, one hundred and twenty years ago, researchers from diverse disciplines and fields have gained access to an enormous and unprecedented collection of rare and original documents from the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, more than 200,000 pieces in Cambridge University Library alone, along with other collections scattered worldwide. This remarkable storehouse of primary sources has thrown a fresh new light on the medieval society of the Mediterranean world as a whole (including Islamic and Eastern Christian history) and particularly on Jewish history and culture from ancient to early modern times. Giving the scope, scale and diverse character of the material recovered from the Cairo storeroom, the Genizah continues to provide a seemingly inexhaustible source of primary research materials for scholars from a wide range of disciplines.
Even with the essential tools that have been established over the last few decades to facilitate Genizah studies, gaining access to this vast field with its very specialized material is still a challenge to young researchers and thus calls for special training. Our EAJS Summer Laboratory is therefore intended as a platform for advanced MA-students, PhD-candidates and Post-Docs, who are interested in the field of Genizah Studies and wish to venture further into it. Every participant will have the opportunity to present a paper on her/his topic of research. Senior scholars will present their own work and offer hands-on training, as well as provide feedback on the participants' projects.
ew Light on Old Manuscripts: The Sinai Palimpsests and Other Advances in Palimpsest Studies, 2021
Keywords palimpsests, Cairo Genizah, Qubbat al-Khazna, Hebrew, Christian Palestinian Aramaic, reu... more Keywords palimpsests, Cairo Genizah, Qubbat al-Khazna, Hebrew, Christian Palestinian Aramaic, reuse of writing material This contribution proposes an initial step toward outlining the practice of palimpsesting in the Near East. It will concentrate on two collections, the Cairo Genizah on the one hand and the Qubbat al-Khazna on the other. These may be taken as two prominent and richly attested examples of predominantly Jewish and respectively Muslim contexts. The main approach I take here is therefore a comparative one. In the first part, I will show how the academic discovery of these two repositories is, first, intrinsically linked to palimpsests and, second, exhibits many overlapping cross-connections between the people involved and their networks with also a third famous finding spot of palimpsests: St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai. The second part will deal with the rules for the employment of palimpsests in Judaism and Islam. The third, and last, part will offer statistics for both the Cairo Genizah and Qubbat al-Khazna palimpsests. For each set, this part will give the number and percentage of fragments with each language as under-text and as upper-text, as far as they have been previously identified. Further, it will attempt to present tendencies in the relation of lower-and upper-texts, in geographic distribution, as well as the transdenominational mobility of reused writing material.
Routledge Handbook on Science in the Islamicate World, 2019
will be published in Ahmad Al-Jallad, The Damascus Psalm Fragment Middle Arabic and the Legacy of... more will be published in Ahmad Al-Jallad, The Damascus Psalm Fragment
Middle Arabic and the Legacy of Old Ḥigāzī (Chicago: University Press, 2018)
This project will recover a significant portion of the rich Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic manuscript h... more This project will recover a significant portion of the rich Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic manuscript heritage known as the Firkovitch Collection, held in the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg and available in microfilm and digital form at the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem. It is run as a collaboration between Miriam Goldstein (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and Ronny Vollandt (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich).
Our main objectives will be (1) to continue the identification and cataloguing of manuscripts related to Bible exegesis and translation in the Firkovitch collection series RNL Yevr.-Arab. I, (2) to make the metadata accessible for further research, so as to enable the integration of the findings into related fields, including Judaic studies, Islamic and Arabic studies, and the study of Eastern Christianity.
The project will focus on cataloguing the biblical exegesis and translation manuscripts in the RNL Yevr.-Arab. I series. This series contains approximately 2,700 manuscripts of Bible commentaries and translations, 889 of which have already been catalogued. Building in the existing tools and identifications, the project will catalogue the remaining 1,811 manuscripts.
The manuscripts of the Firkovitch collections, some eighteen thousand items (in which one item can include hundreds of folios) gathered by the Karaite community leader and explorer Abraham Firkovitch in the latter part of the nineteenth century, provide an extraordinary window into the intellectual and religious life of the medieval Jewish communities in Arabic lands during their “Golden Age” between the 9th and 13th centuries. These centuries were a period of flourishing scholarship and creativity in Arabic by Jews, Christians and Muslims, initially fueled by an influx of translated texts from Greek, Syriac and Pahlavi. Scholars of all religions took up new genres, and scholarly interactions, both face-to-face as well as in written form, led to far-reaching changes and innovations in each religious tradition. During these centuries of literary creativity in Judaeo-Arabic amidst a thriving multicultural and multireligious environment, Jewish scholarship underwent a revolution which shaped the tradition as we know it today – that is, even after Judaeo-Arabic had given way to Hebrew and the scholarly centers of Judaism were no longer in the Near East but rather in Europe.
Previous projects have catalogued the Arabic sections of the Firkovitch collection, but more than two thirds of its treasures remain uncatalogued and even unidentified. The situation contrasts greatly to that of the Cairo Genizah collections. The value of this collection is increased multifold by the fact that many of these manuscripts are unica, containing texts not found elsewhere. They also contain a significant number of Muslim works, some of which are not known from other sources. Together with the Jewish works, these manuscripts provide an essential source for a more detailed understanding of the interactions of Jewish and Muslim thought, the wide-reaching innovations in Judaism and Islam during this period, and for the cultural dynamics of the Middle East during the medieval period as a whole.
This project, a joint effort of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Uni... more This project, a joint effort of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, focuses on the origins and history of Karaite exegesis from its emergence in the 10th century onwards, considering in particular the diversity within the exegesis, the mutual relationship between the different geographic centers (Jerusalem and Iraq), and their differences in the interpretation of creation, history, revelation and law. Research on early Karaite exegesis has concentrated almost entirely upon the commentaries of the school of the Mourners of Zion in Jerusalem, particularly those of Yefet ben ʿEli and Salmon ben Yeruḥim, with very little attention given to the commentaries of Iraqi Karaites. Furthermore, almost no attention has been paid to investigating and understanding the diversity of exegetical concerns, techniques and styles among the Karaites of this period.
The project will provide an edition and translation of Yaʿqūb al-Qirqisānī’s commentary on the books of Genesis and Exodus from his Kitāb al-Riyāḍ wal-Ḥadāʾiq. In order to provide a contrastive perspective, the second major textual focus of the project will be the Pentateuch commentary by the Jerusalem Karaite Sahl ben Maṣliaḥ, from which we will also edit and translate the commentaries on Genesis and Exodus. Sahl ben Maṣliaḥ was one of the most important figures of the Jerusalem school, however his commentary differs greatly in content and style from the commentaries of Yefet and Salmon. An edition of Sahl’s commentary will thus broaden our knowledge and appreciation of the exegesis of the Jerusalem school and its internal dynamics. The new editions and translations will also allow us to contrast the two schools of Karaite exegesis, in Iraq and Jerusalem, and better understand the development of Karaite exegesis as a whole.
The second major objective of the project is to carry out a comparative analysis. That analysis will involve examining points such as the nature of the exegetical issues that concern each author, their various techniques for resolving these exegetical questions, the technical and conceptual vocabulary that they employ, and how each of them views the nature of the biblical text (for example, whether they concentrate on the individual verse or look instead at the larger context). We will consider the organizing principles of each author in his writing, as well as each author’s writing style. Furthermore, we will investigate how each author deals with the theological issues that arise from the biblical text and how these ideas are incorporated into the exegesis. This analytic comparison is an approach that has not yet been attempted in this field of research, and working on the basis of our edited texts, the analysis will add a new and important dimension to the study of Karaite exegesis. In addition, it will provide a deeper understanding of the two schools of Karaite exegesis, in Iraq and in Jerusalem, and, in turn, a fuller understanding of the overall development of Karaite exegesis.
Biblia Arabica Blog
0 by Vevian Zaki n the month of Ramaḍān 253 AH (September/October 867 CE), Bishr ibn al-Sirrī f... more 0 by Vevian Zaki n the month of Ramaḍān 253 AH (September/October 867 CE), Bishr ibn al-Sirrī finalized in Damascus his work on translating the Pauline Epistles from Syriac into Arabic, annotating and transcribing them into a manuscript. On a di�erent occasion, he prepared another manuscript where he did the same for the Acts of the Apostles and the Catholic Epistles. These two manuscripts circulated separately for a while, yet at some point they were restored by replacing lost leaves and combined to form what is now known as MS Sinai, Arabic 151 (S151), currently housed in St. Catherineʼs Monastery, Sinai, Egypt.[1] Reflecting the Syriac tradition, the Pauline Epistles represent a single corpus divided into 55 chapters. Similarly, Acts and the Catholic Epistles form one unit that is divided into 32 chapters. ABOUT US BOOK SERIES BIBLIOGRAPHY RESEARCHERS CONTACT US COLLABORATORS
0 by Joseph Faragalla he book of Psalms plays a significant role in both Judaism and Christiani... more 0 by Joseph Faragalla he book of Psalms plays a significant role in both Judaism and Christianity. The psalms are used in prayer, both in public worship and in the believerʼs devotional life. The Jewish morning prayer, the פ ְ ס וּ ק ֵ י ְדּ ִז מ ְ ָר א , and the Christian liturgy of hours consist mainly of psalms. Among the di�erent denominations of the Christian church, and especially in monastic orders, monks have to pray the psalms every day. In the Catholic rite, the entire book of Psalms is read in a month, in the Byzantine rite in a week, and in the Coptic rite in a day. The psalms are well suited to their task due to the variety of subjects covered, almost every aspect of life. There are, for example, psalms for thanksgiving, for safety in traveling, for the sick, for the broken-hearted, and many others. Believers use the psalms not only in liturgical prayer, but also on a personal level. They recite or write those psalms that fit their current situation. It is most probably through this that the psalms began to be used in superstitious practices. Believers used the psalms to seek help and to find solutions for their problems. They used them for protection from plague, disease, and the like. They did this either by reciting the psalms orally or by writing them down (later in the form of amulets). The Jewish work Sefer Shimmush Tehillim provides a manual on the magical use of the psalms and assigns to each psalm a specific magical purpose together with an indication of how to use it. There are psalms against diseases, robbers, and miscarriage, among other misfortunes, and others that can be used to avoid the actions of enemies and imprisonment, for example. Unfortunately, there have been few studies on this topic, although the edition of the Sefer Shimmush Tehillim by Rebiger is a commendable achievement, and has made available to us what is perhaps the source of similar traditions in Arabic, Syriac, and Ethiopic. Rebiger himself has pointed out that there is a Judeo-Arabic translation of the Aramaic text, from which only two fragments have been published.[1] Leave a Reply Comment Submit Comment This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Name * Email (will not be published) * Website
Biblia Arabica blog
Home › Blog › 'Hastening a�er the Gli ... 'Hastening after the Glimmer of Dawn': A Personal Judae... more Home › Blog › 'Hastening a�er the Gli ... 'Hastening after the Glimmer of Dawn': A Personal Judaeo-Arabic Translation of Ecclesiastes 0 by Estara J Arrant he intellectually rich, culturally vibrant, and linguistically diverse world reflected in the Cairo Genizah fostered the translation of the Hebrew Bible into Arabic. Most well-known are the translation works of great intellectuals such as Sa'adya Gaon and Yefet b. 'Eli, who contributed to the clear understanding of the Hebrew Bible in an accessible Arabic language. However, 'popularʼ translations were also frequently written.[1] Such a translation of Ecclesiastes has recently been discovered in Cambridgeʼs Taylor-Schechter and Lewis-Gibson Genizah collections. Its rare and unique features open the windows into how an everyday translation of a biblical text looked and sounded in 12 century Egypt.
Biblia Arabica blog
Home › Blog › "…for the Benefit of the p ... "…for the Benefit of the poor Christians of the East... more Home › Blog › "…for the Benefit of the p ... "…for the Benefit of the poor Christians of the Eastern Nations…"-Printing the Psalter and New Testament in Arabic in Eighteenth-Century London 0 by Paula Manstetten n the 1720s, an Anglican society in London printed a staggering 6,000 Psalters and 10,000 New Testaments in Arabic with the aim of distributing them among the Christians of the Middle East. The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) had been founded in 1699 to promote Protestant missions, support persecuted Protestants abroad, and spread Christian education. Over the years, it became involved in numerous endeavours to print religious texts in foreign languages. Among these were translations of the New Testament or the whole Bible into Welsh, Modern Greek, and Tamil. This 'obsessionʼ with Bible translations had its origins in the Protestant belief that everyone should be able to read the scripture in their own language in order to have direct access to the word of God.[1] "A Work of great Charity" The proposal to print the New Testament in Arabic was first brought before the SPCK in the spring of 1720 (the idea to print the Psalter was added later). The Society asked a range of individuals to give their views on the benefits and viability of the project, among them several former chaplains of the Levant Company and the East India Company. To raise funds, the SPCK published several of their letters, which provide some insights into how the Society chose to present its motivations to potential donors.
Biblia Arabic blog
Home › Blog › Reading and Writing the Book o ... Reading and Writing the Book of Samuel in Spoken... more Home › Blog › Reading and Writing the Book o ... Reading and Writing the Book of Samuel in Spoken Egyptian Arabic 0 by Nick Posegay ome of the most important tools for medieval Bible translators were translation glossaries. These texts are short lexicographical works, more specialised than complete lexica, that give translations for individual words in a particular Biblical text. Many are extant in Cairo Genizah manuscripts, including Hebrew-Aramaic and Hebrew-Arabic glossaries. Medieval readers could reference these glossaries while studying the Bible, allowing them to quickly identify specific Arabic glosses for uncommon Hebrew words or check which words a particular translator rendered with their Arabic vocabulary. Some of these glossaries correspond to wellknown translations produced by professional translators, but others are more personal notes produced by individuals while reading the Bible. Some were probably also used in pedagogical settings to teach young readers. These glossaries are valuable evidence for analysing how medieval Jewish translators understood the Hebrew of their source texts. The individual personal usage of translation glossaries sometimes preserves dialectal details that are not normally present in standard written Arabic. One glossary in which this occurs is the manuscript fragment known as T-S Ar.5.58, held at the Cambridge University Library.[1] This fragment comes from the Cairo Genizah, a repository of tens of thousands of medieval manuscripts that the Jewish community of Cairoʼs Ben Ezra Synagogue stored away when they were no longer fit for use. European scholars procured most of these manuscripts in the late nineteenth century, and the majority now reside in Cambridge.[2] ABOUT US BOOK SERIES BIBLIOGRAPHY RESEARCHERS CONTACT US COLLABORATORS Reading and Writing the Book of Samuel in Spoken Egyptian Arabic-...
Don’t Alter a Word: Thoughts on Robert Alter’s “The Art of Bible Translation” (Princeton University Press: Princeton & Oxford, 2019) in the Wider Context of Hebrew Bible Translation, 2021
This volume aims at placing the large set of multilingual documents and codices from the Damascen... more This volume aims at placing the large set of multilingual documents and codices from the Damascene “Qubbat al-khazna” on the map of Middle Eastern history as a corpus. So far, these texts have played a very minor role in Middle Eastern history and if they have been noticed at all this was generally done within specific subfields such as biblical studies, Armenian studies, or Jewish studies, and there has hardly ever been a vision of these artefacts as one corpus with a shared history. Until the early twentieth century, this corpus was housed in a dome in the courtyard of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus. This Qubbat al-khazna and its contents became known to scholarship from the late nineteenth century, having been “discovered” at around the same time as its famous sibling, the Geniza of the Ben Ezra Synagogue in Cairo. Both the Qubba and the Geniza served as depositories of worn-out books and disused documents, but there is one major difference that sets these two depositories apart, and this is also the main rationale for this volume: while the scholarly discovery of the Geniza has gradually generated a fully fledged field of research over the course of the last century, the Qubba has so far remained marginal in the field of Middle Eastern history.
The seventeen articles in this volume deal with the history of the Qubbat al-khazna (including its pre-19th century history, the role of European consuls and the agency of Ottoman stakeholders) as well as with specific sub-corpora (including Jewish texts, block-printed amulets, Christian Arabic texts as well as texts in Syriac, Greek, Latin, Old French and Armenian). These sub-corpora contain material spanning from the Late Antique period to the Middle Period and give a unique insight into the diverse linguistic, religious and scriptural traditions of its surrounding society.
manuscript cultures, 2024
Saadiah Gaon and the Transmission of his Tafsīr
Routledge handbook on the sciences in Islamicate societies: Practices from the 2nd/8th to the 13th/19th centuries, 2023
This chapter traces cross-communal interactions in the fields of medicine, mathematics and what t... more This chapter traces cross-communal interactions in the fields of medicine, mathematics and what the historical actors called the natural sciences. It discusses various modern interpretations of those interactions and engages with a number of historical problems researchers face when studying the extant sources. After a substantive survey of the current state of research, the chapter addresses four areas which offer fascinating evidence for interactions between scholars adhering to different faith communities: textual practices; teaching; patronage; workplaces. The chapter ends by suggesting future research directions.