Wolfgang Fries | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (original) (raw)

Papers by Wolfgang Fries

Research paper thumbnail of Umgang mit motivationslosen Patienten

Research paper thumbnail of Gehen und Fallangst

Research paper thumbnail of Wahrnehmungsstörungen - eine Übersicht

Research paper thumbnail of Grundlagen der Wahrnehmung

Research paper thumbnail of Verhaltensstörungen nach Frontalhirnschädigung

Research paper thumbnail of Kognitive Funktionen und Selbsteinschätzung der Alltags- kompetenz in der ambulanten neurologisch-neuropsychologischen Rehabilitation

Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Bedeutung der personbezogenen Faktoren der ICF für die Nutzung in der praktischen Sozialmedizin und Rehabilitation

Das Gesundheitswesen, 2014

ABSTRACT Zusammenfassung Personbezogene Kontextfaktoren spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Konzep... more ABSTRACT Zusammenfassung Personbezogene Kontextfaktoren spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Konzeption der Internationalen Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit (ICF). Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation hat die personbezogenen Faktoren der ICF noch nicht für die weltweite Nutzung klassifiziert, obwohl auch diese Faktoren eine positive wie negative Wirkung auf die Funktionsfähigkeit eines Menschen haben können. Die Arbeitsgruppe ICF des Fachbereichs „Praktische Sozialmedizin und Rehabilitation“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP) hat 2010 einen Entwurf für eine Klassifizierung personbezogener Faktoren vorgelegt, der 72 Kategorien in 6 Kapiteln ordnet. In Ergänzung dazu verfolgt das vorliegende Positionspapier das Ziel, die Diskussion über die vierte Komponente der ICF anzuregen, zu einem breiten und gemeinsamen Verständnis des Wesens der personbezogenen Faktoren beizutragen und den Dialog hierzu mit allen in Gesundheitsberufen tätigen Personen sowie Menschen mit oder ohne Gesundheitsproblem zu vertiefen, um eine umfassende Sicht auf den Gesundheitszustand zu fördern. --------- Abstract Personal contextual factors play an essential part in the model of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). The WHO has not yet classified personal factors for global use although they impact on the func­tioning of persons positively or negatively. In 2010, the ICF working group of the German Society of Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP) presented a proposal for the classification of personal factors into 72 categories previously arranged in 6 chapters. Now a positioning paper has been added in order to stimulate a discussion about the fourth component of the ICF, to contribute towards a broader and common understanding about the nature of personal factors and to incite a dialogue among all those involved in health care as well as those people with or with­out health problems in order to gain a comprehensive perspective about a person’s condition. --------- Schlüsselwörter ICF - Kontextfaktoren - personbezogene Faktoren - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Präven­tion (DGSMP) - Positionspapier --------- Key words ICF - contextual factors - personal factors - German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP) - positioning paper

Research paper thumbnail of Plasticity and rigidity in the representation of the human visual field

Experimental Brain Research, 1987

Neuronal plasticity in the mammalian visual system has been studied with a variety of experimenta... more Neuronal plasticity in the mammalian visual system has been studied with a variety of experimental methods like induction of artificial squint and eye rotation. To investigate neuronal plasticity in the human visual system, we examined a patient with a congenital convergent squint of his left eye, who later suffered a vascular lesion in his left occipital lobe that led to an incomplete hemianopia in his right visual field. The examination revealed that the visual field representation in the striate cortex is rigidly prewired with reference to the anatomical fovea. In contrast, plasticity in the oculomotor system enables the patient to use a functional visual axis that does not correspond to the anatomical fovea. Local alterations of sensitivity within the visual field that indicate interactions among non-corresponding retinal points provide additional evidence of functional plasticity.

Research paper thumbnail of Motor responses after transcranial electrical stimulation of cerebral hemispheres with a degenerated pyramidal tract

Annals of Neurology, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of Motorische Rehabilitation

NeuroRehabilitation, 2010


Research paper thumbnail of Tracing of Neuronal Connections in the Human Brain by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in vivo

European Journal of Neuroscience, 1990

Research paper thumbnail of Motor recovery following capsular stroke

Brain, 1993

... territory of the anterior choroidal artery, lesions were restricted to white matter without a... more ... territory of the anterior choroidal artery, lesions were restricted to white matter without affecting neighbouring thalamic or basal ... acute chronic acute chronic ... 2. Quantitative assessment of functional motor skills (Lincoln and Leadbitter, 1979) performed in the chronic stage ('chronic ...

Research paper thumbnail of Large Layer VI Neurons of Monkey Striate Cortex (Meynert Cells) Project to the Superior Colliculus

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 1983

After injections of the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the superior colliculus of macaq... more After injections of the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the superior colliculus of macaque monkeys, labelled cells in the neocortex were found to be restricted to layer V in all areas except striate visual cortex. In striate visual cortex, cortico-tectal cells were found both in layer V and in layer VI. The labelled cells in the two layers belonged to morphologically different populations: those of layer V were the common pyramidal cells and those of layer VI were identified as solitary cells of Meynert. This finding may provide new insights into the physiology of the cortico-collicular pathways. It also shows that the striate area in primates differs, with respect to cortico-tectal laminar specificity, from other neocortex.

Research paper thumbnail of Contralateral cortical projections to the superior colliculus in the macaque monkey

Experimental Brain Research, 1982

Research paper thumbnail of Bewertung von Geruchsreizen bei depressiv Erkrankten

Der Nervenarzt, 2002

Zusammenfassung Die Anhedonie als Kardinalsymptom der Depression lässt sich in neurobiologische... more Zusammenfassung Die Anhedonie als Kardinalsymptom der Depression lässt sich in neurobiologischen Modellvorstellungen als Folge einer Transmitterdysbalance vor allem des dopaminergen Verstärkungssystems verstehen. Die zugrunde liegenden frontobasal gelegenen neuroanatomischen Strukturen schließen auch Orte der zentralen Riechverarbeitung mit ein. Daraus entwickelte sich die Frage, ob sich die Anhedonie experimentell erfassen und quantifizieren lässt, indem depressiv Erkrankte Duftreize hedonisch bewerten. Die Verarbeitung von

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of levodopa in combination with physiotherapy on functional motor recovery after stroke: a prospective, randomised, double-blind study

Lancet, Jan 8, 2001

Functional disability is generally caused by hemiplegia after stroke. Physiotherapy used to be th... more Functional disability is generally caused by hemiplegia after stroke. Physiotherapy used to be the only way of improving motor function in such patients. However, administration of amphetamines in addition to exercise improves motor recovery in animals, probably by increasing the concentration of norepinephrine in the central nervous system. Our aim was to ascertain whether levodopa could enhance the efficacy of physiotherapy after hemiplegia. We did a prospective, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind study in which we enrolled 53 primary stroke patients. For the first 3 weeks patients received single doses of levodopa 100 mg or placebo daily in combination with physiotherapy. For the second 3 weeks patients had only physiotherapy. We quantitatively assessed motor function every week with Rivermead motor assessment (RMA). Six patients were excluded from analyses because of non-neurological complications. Motor recovery was significantly improved after 3 weeks of drug interve...

Research paper thumbnail of Umgang mit motivationslosen Patienten

Research paper thumbnail of Gehen und Fallangst

Research paper thumbnail of Wahrnehmungsstörungen - eine Übersicht

Research paper thumbnail of Grundlagen der Wahrnehmung

Research paper thumbnail of Verhaltensstörungen nach Frontalhirnschädigung

Research paper thumbnail of Kognitive Funktionen und Selbsteinschätzung der Alltags- kompetenz in der ambulanten neurologisch-neuropsychologischen Rehabilitation

Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Bedeutung der personbezogenen Faktoren der ICF für die Nutzung in der praktischen Sozialmedizin und Rehabilitation

Das Gesundheitswesen, 2014

ABSTRACT Zusammenfassung Personbezogene Kontextfaktoren spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Konzep... more ABSTRACT Zusammenfassung Personbezogene Kontextfaktoren spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Konzeption der Internationalen Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit (ICF). Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation hat die personbezogenen Faktoren der ICF noch nicht für die weltweite Nutzung klassifiziert, obwohl auch diese Faktoren eine positive wie negative Wirkung auf die Funktionsfähigkeit eines Menschen haben können. Die Arbeitsgruppe ICF des Fachbereichs „Praktische Sozialmedizin und Rehabilitation“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP) hat 2010 einen Entwurf für eine Klassifizierung personbezogener Faktoren vorgelegt, der 72 Kategorien in 6 Kapiteln ordnet. In Ergänzung dazu verfolgt das vorliegende Positionspapier das Ziel, die Diskussion über die vierte Komponente der ICF anzuregen, zu einem breiten und gemeinsamen Verständnis des Wesens der personbezogenen Faktoren beizutragen und den Dialog hierzu mit allen in Gesundheitsberufen tätigen Personen sowie Menschen mit oder ohne Gesundheitsproblem zu vertiefen, um eine umfassende Sicht auf den Gesundheitszustand zu fördern. --------- Abstract Personal contextual factors play an essential part in the model of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). The WHO has not yet classified personal factors for global use although they impact on the func­tioning of persons positively or negatively. In 2010, the ICF working group of the German Society of Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP) presented a proposal for the classification of personal factors into 72 categories previously arranged in 6 chapters. Now a positioning paper has been added in order to stimulate a discussion about the fourth component of the ICF, to contribute towards a broader and common understanding about the nature of personal factors and to incite a dialogue among all those involved in health care as well as those people with or with­out health problems in order to gain a comprehensive perspective about a person’s condition. --------- Schlüsselwörter ICF - Kontextfaktoren - personbezogene Faktoren - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Präven­tion (DGSMP) - Positionspapier --------- Key words ICF - contextual factors - personal factors - German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP) - positioning paper

Research paper thumbnail of Plasticity and rigidity in the representation of the human visual field

Experimental Brain Research, 1987

Neuronal plasticity in the mammalian visual system has been studied with a variety of experimenta... more Neuronal plasticity in the mammalian visual system has been studied with a variety of experimental methods like induction of artificial squint and eye rotation. To investigate neuronal plasticity in the human visual system, we examined a patient with a congenital convergent squint of his left eye, who later suffered a vascular lesion in his left occipital lobe that led to an incomplete hemianopia in his right visual field. The examination revealed that the visual field representation in the striate cortex is rigidly prewired with reference to the anatomical fovea. In contrast, plasticity in the oculomotor system enables the patient to use a functional visual axis that does not correspond to the anatomical fovea. Local alterations of sensitivity within the visual field that indicate interactions among non-corresponding retinal points provide additional evidence of functional plasticity.

Research paper thumbnail of Motor responses after transcranial electrical stimulation of cerebral hemispheres with a degenerated pyramidal tract

Annals of Neurology, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of Motorische Rehabilitation

NeuroRehabilitation, 2010


Research paper thumbnail of Tracing of Neuronal Connections in the Human Brain by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in vivo

European Journal of Neuroscience, 1990

Research paper thumbnail of Motor recovery following capsular stroke

Brain, 1993

... territory of the anterior choroidal artery, lesions were restricted to white matter without a... more ... territory of the anterior choroidal artery, lesions were restricted to white matter without affecting neighbouring thalamic or basal ... acute chronic acute chronic ... 2. Quantitative assessment of functional motor skills (Lincoln and Leadbitter, 1979) performed in the chronic stage ('chronic ...

Research paper thumbnail of Large Layer VI Neurons of Monkey Striate Cortex (Meynert Cells) Project to the Superior Colliculus

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 1983

After injections of the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the superior colliculus of macaq... more After injections of the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the superior colliculus of macaque monkeys, labelled cells in the neocortex were found to be restricted to layer V in all areas except striate visual cortex. In striate visual cortex, cortico-tectal cells were found both in layer V and in layer VI. The labelled cells in the two layers belonged to morphologically different populations: those of layer V were the common pyramidal cells and those of layer VI were identified as solitary cells of Meynert. This finding may provide new insights into the physiology of the cortico-collicular pathways. It also shows that the striate area in primates differs, with respect to cortico-tectal laminar specificity, from other neocortex.

Research paper thumbnail of Contralateral cortical projections to the superior colliculus in the macaque monkey

Experimental Brain Research, 1982

Research paper thumbnail of Bewertung von Geruchsreizen bei depressiv Erkrankten

Der Nervenarzt, 2002

Zusammenfassung Die Anhedonie als Kardinalsymptom der Depression lässt sich in neurobiologische... more Zusammenfassung Die Anhedonie als Kardinalsymptom der Depression lässt sich in neurobiologischen Modellvorstellungen als Folge einer Transmitterdysbalance vor allem des dopaminergen Verstärkungssystems verstehen. Die zugrunde liegenden frontobasal gelegenen neuroanatomischen Strukturen schließen auch Orte der zentralen Riechverarbeitung mit ein. Daraus entwickelte sich die Frage, ob sich die Anhedonie experimentell erfassen und quantifizieren lässt, indem depressiv Erkrankte Duftreize hedonisch bewerten. Die Verarbeitung von

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of levodopa in combination with physiotherapy on functional motor recovery after stroke: a prospective, randomised, double-blind study

Lancet, Jan 8, 2001

Functional disability is generally caused by hemiplegia after stroke. Physiotherapy used to be th... more Functional disability is generally caused by hemiplegia after stroke. Physiotherapy used to be the only way of improving motor function in such patients. However, administration of amphetamines in addition to exercise improves motor recovery in animals, probably by increasing the concentration of norepinephrine in the central nervous system. Our aim was to ascertain whether levodopa could enhance the efficacy of physiotherapy after hemiplegia. We did a prospective, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind study in which we enrolled 53 primary stroke patients. For the first 3 weeks patients received single doses of levodopa 100 mg or placebo daily in combination with physiotherapy. For the second 3 weeks patients had only physiotherapy. We quantitatively assessed motor function every week with Rivermead motor assessment (RMA). Six patients were excluded from analyses because of non-neurological complications. Motor recovery was significantly improved after 3 weeks of drug interve...