André Fortunato | National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (original) (raw)
Papers by André Fortunato
Understanding the biogeochemical buffering capacity of estuaries relative to climate change and a... more Understanding the biogeochemical buffering capacity of estuaries relative to climate change and anthropogenic inputs Report 8 Calibration and validation of the 3D hydrodynamic model of the Ria Formosa
Geophysical Research Letters
This file describes the original data that were used to generate figures 1, 2 and 3 in the manusc... more This file describes the original data that were used to generate figures 1, 2 and 3 in the manuscript by Bertin et al. to be published in Geophysical Research Letters: Bertin, X., Mendes, D., Martins, K., Fortunato, A.B. and Lavaud, L., 2019. The closure of a shallow tidal inlet promoted by infragravity waves. In revision to Geophysical Research Letters. *<strong>ADCP1_Bulkparameters_Albufeira_201810.dat</strong> This file includes the bulk parameters computed over 20' samples at the ADCP1 that were used to generate figure 2. From left to right, each column corresponds to: date (yyyy mm dd) time (HH MM SS) Free surface elevation [m/MSL] H<sub>m0,G</sub>[m] H<sub>m0,IG</sub>[m] U<sub>m</sub>[m/s] U<sub>10</sub>[m/s] U<sub>90</sub>[m/s] Q<sub>s,IGW</sub>[kg/s/m²] Q<sub>s,tide only</sub>[kg/s/m²] *<strong>ADCP1_2Hzdata_Albufeira_20181014.dat</strong> This file includes the 20' data sampled at 2Hz at the ADCP1 starting on the 14/10/2018 at 6h00. From left to right, each column corresponds to: date (yyyy mm dd) time (HH MM SS.S) water depth [m] alongstream currents [m/s] SSC [g/L]. *<strong>PT3_Albufeira_201810.dat</strong> This file includes the bulk parameters computed at PT3 based on 30' samples and used to produce figure 2. From left to right, each column corresponds to: date (yyyy mm dd) time (HH MM SS.S) free surface elevation[m/MSL] Hm0,G[m] Hm0,IG[m]. <strong>*Topo_20181013_ ETRS89_MSL.dat</strong> This file corresponds the topography measured on the 13/10/2018 and includes 3 columns: X, Y and Z. X and Y are horizontal coordinates in the datum ETRS89-PTTM06 and Z is the topography with respect to mean sea level. <strong>*Topo_20181014_ ETRS89_MSL.dat</strong> This file corresponds the topography measured on the 14/10/2018 and includes 3 columns: X, Y and Z. X and Y are horizontal coordinates in the datum ETRS89-PTTM06 and Z is the topography with respect to mean sea level. *<strong>Coord_Sensores_ ETRS89_MSL</strong>.dat This file corresponds the position of the ADCP1 and PT3 sensors used in thi [...]
Earth-Science Reviews, 2016
PLAN 1-Introduction 2-State of the knowledge of marine submersions from a disciplinary viewpoint ... more PLAN 1-Introduction 2-State of the knowledge of marine submersions from a disciplinary viewpoint 2.1-Physical processes governing storm surges and marine flooding 2.1.
Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada, 2015
Sea level rise (SLR) is increasing the risk of flooding in marginal low-lying estuarine areas. Hi... more Sea level rise (SLR) is increasing the risk of flooding in marginal low-lying estuarine areas. High water levels in estuaries are associated with the simultaneous occurrence of various phenomena ranging from high tidal levels to large freshwater discharges. The intense and diverse human occupation of some of these marginal areas increases the flood vulnerability, endangering human lives and causing heavy economic and environmental losses. This issue becomes even more relevant since the European Floods Directive establishes mandatory guidelines to all member states regarding flood risk assessment, integrating flood maps with territorial characteristics. The present study aims to assess the vulnerability to floods of a specific area in Tagus estuary, by integrating hydrodynamic modelling results with land use cartography. Results suggest that about 16.1% of the estuarine marginal fringe could be flooded for the 2050 scenario, rising up to 23.7% for the 2100 scenario. Moreover, industrial and urban areas will be the most affected sites. Considering future development scenarios planned for that site, the results point to an increasing vulnerability of urban areas and therefore to the relevance of this knowledge in future planning and management guidelines as well as measures to adapt to SLR. The uncertainties and implications of the study are also discussed, and future research topics are indicated.
The generation of unstructured triangular grids for coastal applications requires extensive manua... more The generation of unstructured triangular grids for coastal applications requires extensive manual tunning, in order to improve the stability, accuracy and efficiency of the model simulations. As current grids reach 10 5-10 6 nodes, this manual tunning is no longer feasible. This paper presents a new post-processor that aims at optimizing the local distribution of nodes and elements by adding and deleting nodes and by changing the connections between nodes. The algorithms target a smooth transition between elements sizes by making the number of connections of each internal node as close to 6 as possible. An application of the post-processor to various grids shows that the grid roughness is reduced by 10-30%, while decreasing marginally the number of nodes and maintaining the global nodal distribution. To illustrate the benefits of the post-processor, a grid with 130.000 nodes of the maritime zone under Portuguese jurisdiction is used to simulate tides with a good accuracy (root mean square errors below 10 cm) and without numerical oscillations. The model results provide an extensive database of tidal elevations that can feed boundary conditions to local estuarine models.
XIIèmes Journées, Cherbourg, 2012
XIIèmes Journées, Cherbourg, 2012
A extracção de sedimentos nas zonas costeiras é uma actividade de importância e prática crescente... more A extracção de sedimentos nas zonas costeiras é uma actividade de importância e prática crescentes há já vários anos e em diversos países. A evolução de uma zona de extracção depende essencialmente do tipo de sedimento e das características hidrodinâmicas do local. No presente trabalho pretendeu-se estudar a evolução morfológica e sedimentar de uma escavação ao largo de Vale do Lobo (Algarve, Portugal) com base em 3 campanhas batimétricas realizadas entre 2006 e 2008, antes e após a extracção, assim como numericamente, através da aplicação de um modelo morfodinâmico -MORSYS2D. Os dados batimétricos foram inseridos num sistema de informação geográfica (ArcGIS), para estimar os volumes de sedimento removidos e acumulados, analisar a variação morfo-sedimentar ocorrida durante o período de estudo e prever o tempo de persistência da escavação. Da análise dos dados batimétricos verificou-se uma suavização geral da área escavada com acreção no interior e erosão nos flancos e estimou-se um tempo de persistência da perturbação da batimetria, não inferior a 24 anos. Os resultados numéricos foram analisados a partir dos fluxos sedimentares e da evolução batimétrica induzida pelas correntes geradas pelo vento, maré e agitação marítima. Os resultados mostram um grande impacto dos eventos de tempestade com altura significativa de onda superior a 2,5m e ventos fortes na evolução morfológica da escavação e nas áreas em redor. A comparação dos resultados numéricos com a análise dos levantamentos batimétricos adquiridos permitiu avaliar a boa performance do modelo. Palavras-chave: Dragagem, Impacto Morfológico, Evolução de uma Escavação, Plataforma Continental, Modelo Morfodinâmico.
Os trabalhos desenvolvidos por equipas de investigação sobre a zona costeira bem como as ferramen... more Os trabalhos desenvolvidos por equipas de investigação sobre a zona costeira bem como as ferramentas de gestão e ordenamento das regiões hidrográficas, como, por exemplo, os Planos de Gestão de Bacia Hidrográfica e os Planos de Ordenamento de Estuários, necessitam da definição de margem e de leito e, por conseguinte, do traçado da Linha de Máxima Preia-Mar de Águas Vivas Equinociais (LMPMAVE) que corresponde ao seu limite. Muito embora a definição destas áreas e respetivo limite esteja descrita na lei que estabelece a titularidade dos recursos hídricos, existe uma dificuldade prática em transpor para a realidade do terreno as conceções legais, particularmente em sistemas de transição, como os estuários. Assim, revela-se prioritário o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia abrangente e objetiva capaz de responder a este desafio.
The ongoing rise in sea level affects tidal propagation and circulation in estuaries, and these c... more The ongoing rise in sea level affects tidal propagation and circulation in estuaries, and these changes can have far reaching consequences on the sediment dynamics, water quality and extreme water levels. This study aims at anticipating the evolution of the tidal dynamics in the Tagus (Portugal) in the 21 st century, in particular due to sea level rise (SLR). The existence of a resonance mode of about 8 hours in this estuary, that selectively amplifies both semi-diurnal and quarter-diurnal tidal constituents, makes the response of the Tagus estuary to SLR unique. The study was conducted with a shallow water model, forced by present and future conditions, namely higher mean sea levels and an extrapolated bathymetry based on present sedimentation rates. Model results showed that SLR will significantly affect tidal asymmetry, in particular because the intertidal area can decrease by up to 40% by the end of the 21 st century. As a result, the strong ebb-dominance of this estuary will decrease significantly. This evolution of tidal asymmetry will be counteracted by the effect of sedimentation of the salt-marsh areas. Also, SLR will enhance the resonance in the Tagus estuary. As a consequence, extreme water levels will be higher than the sum of present levels with the SLR.
Understanding the biogeochemical buffering capacity of estuaries relative to climate change and a... more Understanding the biogeochemical buffering capacity of estuaries relative to climate change and anthropogenic inputs Report 8 Calibration and validation of the 3D hydrodynamic model of the Ria Formosa
Geophysical Research Letters
This file describes the original data that were used to generate figures 1, 2 and 3 in the manusc... more This file describes the original data that were used to generate figures 1, 2 and 3 in the manuscript by Bertin et al. to be published in Geophysical Research Letters: Bertin, X., Mendes, D., Martins, K., Fortunato, A.B. and Lavaud, L., 2019. The closure of a shallow tidal inlet promoted by infragravity waves. In revision to Geophysical Research Letters. *<strong>ADCP1_Bulkparameters_Albufeira_201810.dat</strong> This file includes the bulk parameters computed over 20' samples at the ADCP1 that were used to generate figure 2. From left to right, each column corresponds to: date (yyyy mm dd) time (HH MM SS) Free surface elevation [m/MSL] H<sub>m0,G</sub>[m] H<sub>m0,IG</sub>[m] U<sub>m</sub>[m/s] U<sub>10</sub>[m/s] U<sub>90</sub>[m/s] Q<sub>s,IGW</sub>[kg/s/m²] Q<sub>s,tide only</sub>[kg/s/m²] *<strong>ADCP1_2Hzdata_Albufeira_20181014.dat</strong> This file includes the 20' data sampled at 2Hz at the ADCP1 starting on the 14/10/2018 at 6h00. From left to right, each column corresponds to: date (yyyy mm dd) time (HH MM SS.S) water depth [m] alongstream currents [m/s] SSC [g/L]. *<strong>PT3_Albufeira_201810.dat</strong> This file includes the bulk parameters computed at PT3 based on 30' samples and used to produce figure 2. From left to right, each column corresponds to: date (yyyy mm dd) time (HH MM SS.S) free surface elevation[m/MSL] Hm0,G[m] Hm0,IG[m]. <strong>*Topo_20181013_ ETRS89_MSL.dat</strong> This file corresponds the topography measured on the 13/10/2018 and includes 3 columns: X, Y and Z. X and Y are horizontal coordinates in the datum ETRS89-PTTM06 and Z is the topography with respect to mean sea level. <strong>*Topo_20181014_ ETRS89_MSL.dat</strong> This file corresponds the topography measured on the 14/10/2018 and includes 3 columns: X, Y and Z. X and Y are horizontal coordinates in the datum ETRS89-PTTM06 and Z is the topography with respect to mean sea level. *<strong>Coord_Sensores_ ETRS89_MSL</strong>.dat This file corresponds the position of the ADCP1 and PT3 sensors used in thi [...]
Earth-Science Reviews, 2016
PLAN 1-Introduction 2-State of the knowledge of marine submersions from a disciplinary viewpoint ... more PLAN 1-Introduction 2-State of the knowledge of marine submersions from a disciplinary viewpoint 2.1-Physical processes governing storm surges and marine flooding 2.1.
Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada, 2015
Sea level rise (SLR) is increasing the risk of flooding in marginal low-lying estuarine areas. Hi... more Sea level rise (SLR) is increasing the risk of flooding in marginal low-lying estuarine areas. High water levels in estuaries are associated with the simultaneous occurrence of various phenomena ranging from high tidal levels to large freshwater discharges. The intense and diverse human occupation of some of these marginal areas increases the flood vulnerability, endangering human lives and causing heavy economic and environmental losses. This issue becomes even more relevant since the European Floods Directive establishes mandatory guidelines to all member states regarding flood risk assessment, integrating flood maps with territorial characteristics. The present study aims to assess the vulnerability to floods of a specific area in Tagus estuary, by integrating hydrodynamic modelling results with land use cartography. Results suggest that about 16.1% of the estuarine marginal fringe could be flooded for the 2050 scenario, rising up to 23.7% for the 2100 scenario. Moreover, industrial and urban areas will be the most affected sites. Considering future development scenarios planned for that site, the results point to an increasing vulnerability of urban areas and therefore to the relevance of this knowledge in future planning and management guidelines as well as measures to adapt to SLR. The uncertainties and implications of the study are also discussed, and future research topics are indicated.
The generation of unstructured triangular grids for coastal applications requires extensive manua... more The generation of unstructured triangular grids for coastal applications requires extensive manual tunning, in order to improve the stability, accuracy and efficiency of the model simulations. As current grids reach 10 5-10 6 nodes, this manual tunning is no longer feasible. This paper presents a new post-processor that aims at optimizing the local distribution of nodes and elements by adding and deleting nodes and by changing the connections between nodes. The algorithms target a smooth transition between elements sizes by making the number of connections of each internal node as close to 6 as possible. An application of the post-processor to various grids shows that the grid roughness is reduced by 10-30%, while decreasing marginally the number of nodes and maintaining the global nodal distribution. To illustrate the benefits of the post-processor, a grid with 130.000 nodes of the maritime zone under Portuguese jurisdiction is used to simulate tides with a good accuracy (root mean square errors below 10 cm) and without numerical oscillations. The model results provide an extensive database of tidal elevations that can feed boundary conditions to local estuarine models.
XIIèmes Journées, Cherbourg, 2012
XIIèmes Journées, Cherbourg, 2012
A extracção de sedimentos nas zonas costeiras é uma actividade de importância e prática crescente... more A extracção de sedimentos nas zonas costeiras é uma actividade de importância e prática crescentes há já vários anos e em diversos países. A evolução de uma zona de extracção depende essencialmente do tipo de sedimento e das características hidrodinâmicas do local. No presente trabalho pretendeu-se estudar a evolução morfológica e sedimentar de uma escavação ao largo de Vale do Lobo (Algarve, Portugal) com base em 3 campanhas batimétricas realizadas entre 2006 e 2008, antes e após a extracção, assim como numericamente, através da aplicação de um modelo morfodinâmico -MORSYS2D. Os dados batimétricos foram inseridos num sistema de informação geográfica (ArcGIS), para estimar os volumes de sedimento removidos e acumulados, analisar a variação morfo-sedimentar ocorrida durante o período de estudo e prever o tempo de persistência da escavação. Da análise dos dados batimétricos verificou-se uma suavização geral da área escavada com acreção no interior e erosão nos flancos e estimou-se um tempo de persistência da perturbação da batimetria, não inferior a 24 anos. Os resultados numéricos foram analisados a partir dos fluxos sedimentares e da evolução batimétrica induzida pelas correntes geradas pelo vento, maré e agitação marítima. Os resultados mostram um grande impacto dos eventos de tempestade com altura significativa de onda superior a 2,5m e ventos fortes na evolução morfológica da escavação e nas áreas em redor. A comparação dos resultados numéricos com a análise dos levantamentos batimétricos adquiridos permitiu avaliar a boa performance do modelo. Palavras-chave: Dragagem, Impacto Morfológico, Evolução de uma Escavação, Plataforma Continental, Modelo Morfodinâmico.
Os trabalhos desenvolvidos por equipas de investigação sobre a zona costeira bem como as ferramen... more Os trabalhos desenvolvidos por equipas de investigação sobre a zona costeira bem como as ferramentas de gestão e ordenamento das regiões hidrográficas, como, por exemplo, os Planos de Gestão de Bacia Hidrográfica e os Planos de Ordenamento de Estuários, necessitam da definição de margem e de leito e, por conseguinte, do traçado da Linha de Máxima Preia-Mar de Águas Vivas Equinociais (LMPMAVE) que corresponde ao seu limite. Muito embora a definição destas áreas e respetivo limite esteja descrita na lei que estabelece a titularidade dos recursos hídricos, existe uma dificuldade prática em transpor para a realidade do terreno as conceções legais, particularmente em sistemas de transição, como os estuários. Assim, revela-se prioritário o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia abrangente e objetiva capaz de responder a este desafio.
The ongoing rise in sea level affects tidal propagation and circulation in estuaries, and these c... more The ongoing rise in sea level affects tidal propagation and circulation in estuaries, and these changes can have far reaching consequences on the sediment dynamics, water quality and extreme water levels. This study aims at anticipating the evolution of the tidal dynamics in the Tagus (Portugal) in the 21 st century, in particular due to sea level rise (SLR). The existence of a resonance mode of about 8 hours in this estuary, that selectively amplifies both semi-diurnal and quarter-diurnal tidal constituents, makes the response of the Tagus estuary to SLR unique. The study was conducted with a shallow water model, forced by present and future conditions, namely higher mean sea levels and an extrapolated bathymetry based on present sedimentation rates. Model results showed that SLR will significantly affect tidal asymmetry, in particular because the intertidal area can decrease by up to 40% by the end of the 21 st century. As a result, the strong ebb-dominance of this estuary will decrease significantly. This evolution of tidal asymmetry will be counteracted by the effect of sedimentation of the salt-marsh areas. Also, SLR will enhance the resonance in the Tagus estuary. As a consequence, extreme water levels will be higher than the sum of present levels with the SLR.