Why this way? (original) (raw)
Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inLoca & Sweet LDS's' LiveJournal:
Monday, May 16th, 2005
4:56 am
Well, Hello... I honestly can't believe you guys kept this community going. I mean for awhile after I removed it form my friends. I actually totally forgot I had this community. I feel so bad for leaving you guys in way, because you guys never hurt me. In fact, a lot of you I am still close with over the LJ's and well maybe I can be example of how life is after the church. Yes, I am admitting it I did leave the church. Some, of you know all the stories. I can't say my happiness has improved or decreased. I still believe the church is true. Although, I am so far from the church I am still not ready to go back. I don't have enough energy to go back into that church. Yes, since I ahve left the church I have loved my freedom, but the 4 years I was in the church the world changed so much. It's insane when I know 8 women/teenagers pregnant and none of them are married or thinking about it.
Well, I just wanted to stop by and say "hello" to ya all, and thank you for trying your hardest to keep this commmunity going. I mean, really you guys post in this community more after I had abandon you then when I was here making a lot of the posts. I promise to check back more often, and maybe we can get this more of inspirational place. So, that the one's that are barely still holding onto the gosple know that you can get inspiration right here, and know the reason why you are in the True Church of Jesus Christ!
Love Always, Tara aka President of community
Current Mood: curious
Tuesday, February 8th, 2005
7:09 am
Sunday, November 28th, 2004
3:39 pm
Wednesday, November 24th, 2004
5:44 pm
What Shouls I Do?? Hey..well its my first time writing in her...but i have a question and please answer cause im not sure what to really do...... Ok my birthday is next month and our ward is having the X-mas Dinner on my birthday. So i wasnt really planing on going untill they said that they wanted a Mary to be played my a young women. An im the Laurel Prez...so im thinking that they might want me to play her..but its the night of my birthday and i was planing on spending it with my friends and everyting. SO I dont know what to do if they ask me to play the part....what should i do??
Current Mood: confused
Saturday, October 23rd, 2004
11:30 pm
Thursday, October 7th, 2004
10:18 pm
The weirdest essay I'll ever write...
Alright, for my English Literature class that I'm talking, (grade 12 highschool level) we brainstormed a list of topics that we could write an essay about Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. I chose the comparisonn to the Old and New Testament. I really thought it was an intriguing idea so I ran with it. For those of you that know the poem about the Green Knight, then I guess you can read on. Comments are greatly appreciated. I just found it odd...
( Sir Gawain and The BibleCollapse )
Wednesday, October 6th, 2004
5:49 pm
theres nothing better than being a mormon!!! mormon power all the way man!
Tuesday, September 28th, 2004
4:20 pm
Yo. Hello there.
I am not a kick butt Mormon as required by your rules...But don't kick me out yet--bear with me for a moment.
Anyway, I come from Sydney in Australia, and if you guys have ever been here, you'd be hard pressed trying to find Mormons. Lots of Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Agnostics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Atheists, Catholics, Protestants, and heck, even the odd Satanist (however that's rare...).
I've never really met a Mormon, and basically I don't know much about the Mormon religion and I want to find out about it. I can't really ask people here, lots of people here think the religion of the Mormons is a joke and hence I can't really trust their word for it...so I thought, "Hey, why don't I ask someone who IS a Mormon?!" and then was faced with the horrid dilemma that I didn't know anyone who was.
So here I am, asking you guys about it because I want to know more about it. The only things I know about the Mormon religion is that a man by the name of Joseph Smith founded the Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints and that the place inhabited with the most Mormons is Salt Lake City...I think that's right...
But anyways, many thanks, and God bless =)
Current Mood: curious
Saturday, September 18th, 2004
2:35 am
my boyfriend is going through the temple tomorrow.
we have been dating about sixteen months.
this is the first time in that long that there was something important and life changing, that i was not allowed to be a part of.
i am trying, but this is really hard on me.
Current Mood: discontent
Wednesday, September 15th, 2004
3:38 pm
Heck yes. I'm very excited.
Reason number 1: Smallville is on tonight
Reason number 2: I'm going to lagoon on saturday for work, and I get to hang out with some friends I don't get to see very often.
Reason number 3: Nick left on his mission. I don't know why, but missionary work = overwhelming joy and excitement. I am going to miss hanging out with him though.
Reason number 4: I only have to work here for 2 more months, then I'm going on a mission.
I've been overly happy for a month or two now, it still hasn't worn off. In fact, it seems like I'm getting happier every day. I would go on about why, but nobody cares. Haha, things are great.
Current Mood: delicious
Monday, September 13th, 2004
12:15 am
X-Posted Everywhere, ok? I've never posted in here, so..... Hi.
I met President Monson and Elder Wirthlin today at Regional Conference.
President Monson wiggled his ears in his talk.
It was frickin rad.
Sunday, September 5th, 2004
2:10 am
Melodramtic post, watch out! What would be a reason to stay in the church? I believe it's true, but I also believe the perfect fondation has been destoryed. Please, give me some reasons...
The reason why this community hasn't been so active is well, because of me. I know... Sorry, guys for the disappointment in this community, but I haven't had the LDS Spirit to keep it updated. I do, though want to keep this community up, and running even if I leave the church...
Thank you all; for joining, and having "Some" priticiation in this community.
Saturday, September 4th, 2004
1:44 pm
new hey guys i just joined and let me ay thank you. i have been going through some rough stuff spiritualy and cant really talk religion with friends and i have no member friends i am close to. so thanks foor being here.
i have a question? how do you feel about dating nonmormons? good? bad? questionable?
thanks elizabeth
Current Mood: extremly confused
Saturday, August 28th, 2004
10:45 am
Hey, I just joined this commununity and I immediately thought of a question I had... I hope its not too 'heavy' or makes anyone mad, but I just wanted to know what people thought.
Why do guys say they want girls to be modest and then turn around and ask immodest girls to homecoming? A few of my LDS guy friends are asking non-lds girls to homecoming and people don't attack me here because my problem is not with them asking people who are members. But it just seems sad to me that all the lds guys are asking girls who don't have high standards (and don't get me wrong, because i have known these guys most of my life and they do have high standards in other areas... so this is really confusing to me) And the girls who do have high standards are not getting asked. It just seems strange to me... I have a lot of beautiful, fun friends who don't have dates for Homecoming because all their friends are asking immodest girls.
Saturday, August 21st, 2004
12:23 pm
Hola! Hey everyone... I joined this community a while back but haven't had time to post or anything like that for a while. So yeah, introducing myself now. My name's Sabrina, I just graduated High School this last June (yay for that), I'm from Southern California and I've been a member all my life but it took various trials within the past 2-3 years to get me to really commit myself to the church. Um... Oh! I just went to EFY in Utah a week or so ago. That was cool... Oh, and I love singing, dancing, listening to music, and hanging with my friends... Yeah... that's about it... anything else you want to know, just ask! I hope to get to know you all soon! :o)
Current Mood: happy
Wednesday, August 4th, 2004
10:03 pm
Looking for a freelance artist... Does anyone happen to know someone who is LDS who can draw in an anime/manga/cartoon style who would want to do some freelance work...hopefully inexpensively?
I have someone lined up to create the image I want...but since it's for an LDS audience, I'm being encouraged by others to hire a Mormon instead to create the picture for me. But I have no idea how to first find a Mormon who does freelance work, and second who can do anime/mange style artwork.
So if you can, or know someone who can email me at eclectic-dreams@hotpop.com.
x-posted to lj-community indie_lds
Friday, July 23rd, 2004
1:22 am
Hey All i was lookin for a good new place to join, i hopethis works. but time for introductions. hi! im stephanie. i live in a suburb of Seattle and absolutely love the church. ive been a member all my life but really feel like i converted about 2 years ago when i was 14. my dad just joined last year and we'll all be sealed as a family in september. i go to utah ever so often to my cabin in park city. my sister goes to byu with a boyfriend...its all good times. i love dancing, singign, and going crazy. hope more people start using this community! peace
Current Mood: relaxed
Saturday, July 10th, 2004
8:39 am
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am going on a mission. I haven't yet gotten my call, but I should be going to the stake pres. this week. So hopefully in the next week or so I should get my call! I am excited I'll keep everyone posted! Rollie Pollie
Current Mood: excited
Saturday, June 26th, 2004
2:09 am
It's a dating thing... Question: What do you guys all think about a mormon dating a non-member that occassionaly drinks and smokes (Like once every 6 months), and isn't a virgin?
Friday, June 18th, 2004
10:10 pm
An interesting idea x-posted in ldsfriends
From http://www.wilwheaton.net/mt/archives/001639.php
WWdN reader Drew sent me the following note earlier today:
I will send you an invitation for the hard to get Gmail if you post something on your site telling others to give their invites to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. See, Google gives 1 gig of email space, perfect for movies and pictures from home, but it's invite only. When you get an account you will get invites too, and if you could pass them along to those who need em that would rule.
As someone who just got a gmail account (no invitations to give out yet), I personally find it to be wonderful to use. I also agree that this would be a great way to help our soldiers overseas.