Long-Term Care/Rehab Nursing (original) (raw)

Long-Term Care/Rehab Nursing [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded inA Place for Long-Term Nurses To Come Together's LiveJournal:

Friday, June 30th, 2006
_10:57 am_[cbtwitchy] EDITED hey guys! i'm a rising senior in high school and i want to be a nurse. hooray! and i need to start applying to schools, so i was wondering if y'all had any suggestions for good nursing programs in new england? so far my list is:Simmons College (top choice)Quinnipiac UniversityNortheastern UniverstiyUMASS AmherstBoston CollegeUCONNwhat do you know about the programs at other state schools in new england like URI, UVM, UNH. any good? I'm looking for a small/medium size (at least 1500-2000ish students- more if in a secluded area) residential school. YES i know that some schools on my list are much bigger than that- they are not my top choices but i still think i'd be happy there, size is not my biggest concern. please comment if you have any suggestions. thankies!x-posted to lots of nursing communities (Comment on this)
Thursday, March 9th, 2006
_6:44 pm_[lindyflash] Hello all! I don't know if this kind of post is allowed, but I will delete it if needed! :)I am a R/Nursing Student who is graduating in May. I am very interested in working at a Rehabilitation Institute, and actually have a bit of an interview in 2 weeks. I am currently getting my ACLS, taking an online ASL class, and hopefully, my time working in an ER will make me more attractive (since I'll be a new grad) I'll also be taking a critical care class starting in May.My question is, I suddenly became interested working at a Rehab unit quite suddenly, and would love feedback from Rns who work in this field. What made you choose this unit? Is it as rewarding as you hoped, and Any suggestion on more classes I can take to prepare myself. I appreciate this, I have done some soul searching lately, and I think this is the place for me. Thanks in advance,Ashley Current Mood: curious (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, October 10th, 2005
_5:08 pm_[fairouz] It's official! Psst! You guys! (Why do I feel like Eric Cartman?) I'm officially becoming an LTC nurse as of November 7. I accepted a position with a combination nursing and rehab center -- quite a large one, actually -- and I'll be working 3-11 and every other weekend. I'm excited about this job for many reasons... the staff and the DON seem really genuinely warm and happy to be there, there are GREAT tuition reimbursement benefits and advancement potential, and it's about 5 miles from my new house. Plus I'll be working 8s for the first time in years. I'll have a medication aide on my shift, I think, and besides that I know bubkus about what is going on. My home unit will be a 40 bed long term one. I've never worked LTC before, so I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions once I start, and I hope this community can become more active. ~Beck (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, September 16th, 2005
_1:14 pm_[fairouz] Intro and some LTC questions 1. My name is Rebecca (Becky) and I'm an RN.2. Um, this is sort of what my question is about. Right now I'm working in a pediatric rehab facility, but on the neurobehavioral side. I'm moving, though, and looking into an LTC job which is how I ended up here. My *current* schedule is weekend option (7a - 7p). I'll be on nocs if I take the LTC position. 3. I've been a nurse for 2 years and I've worked in adult med/surg/onc and pediatric behavioral health. Here's my question. I'm moving from Baltimore to the eastern shore of Maryland and looking into a position at a state facility (chronic hospital and LTC). I suppose I'm just looking for some general information about LTC, your challenges there, what you like/don't like about it, anything you want to share. My only experience in LTC was a clinical rotation there in nursing school (which was horrid, but it was our first one). The pay and benefits there are really attractive to me, and I'd be working a compressed schedule (7p to 7a, 3x per week). I see this is a new community and not very active, but hopefully somebody will have something to say. Look forward to discussing this! (6 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, August 27th, 2005
_12:44 am_[siren_of_psych] Thought you might get a kick out of this.... I figured you would get a kick out of this one: I work as a charge RN in a nursing home. That's all the background you need to know as long as you know anything about long-term care. We closed on our second home on Thursday at 2:00, rushing through so I could get to work by 2:45. I had initialed the last form and was on my way to work by 2:33. My husband stayed behind for some final things I didn't have to be there for. The closing was supposed to be at 11:00 that morning and we were all there at 11:00, but all the necessary paperwork was not, forcing an adjustment in scheduling. The realtor, trying desperately to be as helpful as possible and, I'm sure wanting to appease both parties, (we sat at the title company for a good half-hour to 45 minutes waiting for paperwork that didn't come) asked me when I had to work and if it would be possible, when all the paperwork came through, for them to all meet me at work and do the closing at my place of employment! I know she had no idea of knowing, but I nearly died laughing at that suggestion! Anyway, long story short, we closed on the "new" house and our house in Ashland, WI is still on the market. So, if you know anyone who wants a gorgeous, large Victorian 8 blocks from the shore of Lake Superior..... ;-) x-posted to nursing (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Monday, August 15th, 2005
_11:45 pm_[siren_of_psych] Question: I know we are still a fledgling community (don't be afraid to get out there and promote!) but I wanted to ask the very few of us to tell each other what has been the most wonderful experience they s/he has had as a nurse in long-term care and what has been your most difficult/frightening/frustrating experience? Don't worry. I WILL give my answer, but right now I'm asleep at the wheel!!Noelle (Comment on this)
Sunday, August 14th, 2005
_1:31 am_[siren_of_psych] Need your interpretation, please I got into a conversation with one of my superiors (not the DON, but a nurse-manager) about why overtime pay hasn't been showing up on my checks even though I am at work for longer than 8 hours ever shift AND I rarely take my full half-hour lunch if at all. She said that nurses need to work ten hours and six minutes (wha???) before overtime kicks in. At that point, though, it goes back to the eighth hour you worked and gives you over time for all the time after that point. But I KNEW I had read somewhere that after 8 hours you get overtime. So, I wondered what you all thought of this excerpt from the Personnel Policies brochure they gave me when I was hired before I approached the next higher up. _Overtime is paid at the rate of one-and one-half time the regular rate for time worked in excess of 8 hours per work day and/or 80 hours in a two week period. A work day begins with the start of the night shift and ends with the close of the evening shift 24 hours later. Overtime shall be granted if an employee is asked to work in excess of 8 hours and such hours overlap over 2 work days. A two week pay period begins with the start of the night shift prior to the first day of the pay period and ends with the close of the evening shift fourteen days later. There are two work weeks within a pay period. Overtime shall be paid to an employee who works in an excess of 7 consecutive days, except in the following instances; an employee participates in an approved schedule trade during the consecutive day period, .... (the rest doesn't pertain to me.)_So, if I come onto my shift at 2:45 like I do and my shift officially ends at 11:15 (the night shift officially begins at 11:00) and I stay until midnight doing charting am I owed 45 minutes of overtime???Thanks so much for your input? Current Mood: confused (2 Comments |Comment on this)