The Consequences of Being Honest (original) (raw)
(no subject) | [Apr. 14th, 2013|12:29 pm]lord_daffodil |
[Current Music |Ice MC - It's a Rainy Day ]So AltCon yesterday was fun. Had been debating whether or not to go, but I think the selling point for me was the panel on Jack T. Chick's religious comics. The guy who runs the Terror of Tallahassee apparently collects them and was presenting a panel on them. Was interesting learning about Jack Chick and his somewhat whacko conspiracy theories. Spent most of the time wandering around the vendor room and playing Munchkin with strangers. Also ran into Ann Vandermeer, wife of novelist Jeff Vandermeer and former editor of Weird Tales. Bought two back issues of Weird Tales from her, including their 2010 steampunk issue that features interviews with Jesse Bullington and Cherie Priest. Also ended up striking up a brief conversation with Ann Vandermeer about Jeff Vandermeer's upcoming novel series, Annihilation. I've been a big fan of Mr. Vandermeer's previous work so I'm definitely picking up this next one. Went to the con by myself but met up with my friend Logan for a short while and ran into a lot of people I knew from around town. A decent time over all. Now I just need to head over to Stroz and finish writing my paper that's due this week, maybe also study for my Chinese quiz tomorrow get a head start on studying for my test that I have the week after. I appear to be getting As in all my classes (except Comparative Government, where I'm currently running at a B) but I think the semester will turn out well over all. | |
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(no subject) | [Apr. 8th, 2013|10:32 pm]lord_daffodil |
FreeCon was super fun this year. Attended some cool panels, got to hear Tiffany Grant speak about convention horror stories, and came away having spent my money on a DVD of Legend of Lemnear, the DVDs of the complete series of A.D. Police, the manga of M.D. Geist, and a Sword Art Online poster. Very grateful the event exists, as it's some of the most fun that anime fans in the Tally area can have.Also looking super forward to AltCon this weekend, even if that's geared a little more towards fans of Star Wars/Firefly/Walking Dead/Dr. Who/Other fandoms I don't really care about. Still, nice excuse to wear my starfleet uniform in public. | |
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GAME OF FUCKING THRONES!!!! | [Mar. 31st, 2013|11:07 pm]lord_daffodil |
Just saw the Game of Thrones season premiere on campus at the SLC. It was amazing and definitely did not disappoint. :D | |
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(no subject) | [Mar. 12th, 2013|02:21 pm]lord_daffodil |
Class registration is up! Not a big fan of the new registration system's layout, but it does have some neat features, like the shopping cart for example.For Summer, gonna take:*COMPARATIVE CONFLICT IN EAST ASIA (assuming I do well in the prereq Intro to Comparative Government class, which has been one of my easiest classes this semester, so that shouldn't be a problem) *ADVANCED TOPICS IN TERRORISM (been a few semesters since I took INTRO, but I remember the basic stuff like Social Network Theory and the 4 stages of Emergency Management so I should be fine) And an INR DIS if I can get it departmentally approved. I know what topic I want to research. I've already done some prelim research and I've already e-mailed a prof whose research interests align with what I want to work on. And for my Final (Fall) semester:*CHINESE GRAMMAR/COMP.*EMERGING DEMOCRACIES OF NE ASIA: KOREA, TAIWAN, JAPAN (flipping a coin between this and JAPANESE RELIGIONS, which meets at the same time)*MODERN MIDDLE EAST*POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY Still planning on doing TEFL training over the summer. Submitted the application but haven't heard back. I might try to speak with the person who runs it to see if they received my application.Decided to pass up the opportunity to go for FSU's Emergency Management and Homeland Security certificate as part of my degree. I can always pursue the graduate version of the certificate as a non-degree seeking student at some point after I've graduated. Kind of wish that program would do what they've been talking about for a while and expand their certificate offerings, maybe offer a stand-alone certificate in Homeland Security or Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Studies (which could be an asset and would nicely complement a degree in International Affairs). I'm interested in issues of terrorism and national security policy but not so much in natural disasters. I also want to do an internship for class credit but that would probably require me to relocate, since I can think of few IA-relevant internships in town. Looks like I've missed the opportunity to do the State Department's Virtual Student Foreign Service internship, which is their big distance internship program. Of course I could always apply again when the application for it rolls around. Theoretically you need to be a student for the full school year to manage it but their website FAQ includes a question about that which says they take applicants on a case by case basis. I'm just going to apply and see what happens. | |
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(no subject) | [Mar. 3rd, 2013|05:05 pm]lord_daffodil |
[Current Music |Kavinsky - Suburbia ]Had a pleasant day. Met up with my classmates from Chinese Reading/Conversation for a celebration we were invited to at our teacher's house. She cooked food for us, calamari and meatballs in stew cooked Chinese style. Then we played never have I ever and two truths and a lie. Now at home just chillin', listening to Kavinsky, plotting out the future, academically and career-wise. Career-wise, I'm concerned about my lack of previous experience. I have a very good idea of where I want to work in the future: I know I want to work for the Peace Corps and the Department of State (at some point) as well as teach classes. Academically, I definitely know what I want to do, and the path is slightly clearer. Course lookup available. Thinking of adding a Certificate in Emergency Management and Homeland Security to my degree on top of finishing up my History concentration in International Affairs and studying for my TEFL certification over the summer. Might take me an extra semester to do everything I want to do, but I'm fine with that. The programs I want to get into at UPenn and UofO respectively aren't taking applications 'til next Fall, anyway.Long paper to revise, short paper to write, novel to read, quiz tomorrow, midterm Friday. Week before Spring break is kind of hectic but Spring break plans are simply to go out, drink and chill. It will be a nice reprieve. | |
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(no subject) | [Feb. 17th, 2013|12:07 am]lord_daffodil |
Just found out there's a science fiction convention in Tally, like, a week after FreeCon.April is gonna be great. :D | |
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(no subject) | [Feb. 4th, 2013|09:22 am]lord_daffodil |
Found good time to take the GRE. Halfway through FSU's application for a Master's program, just need those letters of recommendation and GRE scores. Oh, and to make super grades this semester. FSU isn't the best/favorite choice, but does have a few profs I wouldn't mind working under. All counting my chickens before they're hatched, of course, but still. | |
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(no subject) | [Feb. 4th, 2013|09:17 am]lord_daffodil |
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(no subject) | [Feb. 2nd, 2013|12:23 pm]lord_daffodil |
It's always funny thinking about how there's an entire period of your life that you never tell anyone about: a secret history, if you will, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. It's funny thinking about how that point in life shaped who you are, even made you who you are, and remnants of it resurface in your dreams even though you go about your daily life pretending like it never happened. | |
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(no subject) | [Jan. 24th, 2013|07:14 pm]lord_daffodil |
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